The queen is so fierce

Chapter 150 Father and Daughter

Chapter 150 Father and Daughter

"As you should have guessed, my deadline is coming."

While Su Jin said these words, the middle-aged face seemed extraordinarily calm. It was obviously a speech that was not surprising, but his tone was like "Hello, thank you, Xiaolongbao, goodbye". nature.

As if... he had already accepted this fact, and all he did now was to narrate it to the person in front of him.

Xu Shoujing's face was bewildered, and he was really shocked at first, but after the taste gradually eased, he felt very doubtful in his heart.

The point of doubt mainly lies in the word 'big limit'.

There is no need to talk about the lifespan of this thing, as long as the body is safe, especially the monks who have tempered six bones in the Nirvana Realm, the lifespan of the immaculate body is essentially close to the 'eternal life' described in the Supreme Dao. .

Some people here are going to ask: Since they are almost immortal, why do they continue to cultivate?

The answer is actually very simple, the lifespan of the body is not difficult to increase, but the soul... that is, the lifespan of the soul, every year is particularly precious.

To give the simplest example, Qiu Xuanji's father is known as Qiu Shang, the emperor of Dali Wudi.

Qiu Shang was born a pure martial artist, but because he has no talent for cultivation, he has never touched the cultivation method. Despite this, his body has always maintained a youthful appearance.

The reason is actually very simple, and it is not a secret that is not passed on.

In order to ensure that his martial arts will not decline so that he can fight in all directions, Qiu Shang took a lot of life-enhancing pills in the early years, so even in his 90s, he can maintain his body and appearance when he is less than 30 years old .

This set of 'medicine jar therapy' is quite effective for the mortal body, but the spirit will not eat you.

The word "soul" sounds mysterious and catchy, but it is still the most mysterious existence in the consensus of cultivators.

So far, no medicine pill master has been able to concoct a medicine that increases the lifespan of your soul. No matter how long your physical lifespan is, if your soul reaches its limit, you will still die.

This phenomenon, for monks who have never taken drugs to increase the lifespan of the body, will directly feed back to the changes in the body.

For example, Yuan Qing, he and Su Jin were the same generation, and Su Jin still looked like a middle-aged man, but Yuan Qing had gray hair and seemed to die at any time.

Ling Fuyu is several hundred years older than Su Jin, and because of her powerful spirit, no one who looks at her will think that she is a Taoist nun who has been single for 300 years and no one wants her.

As mentioned above, Su Jin's current appearance does not look like the performance of his soul to the limit at all. He will suddenly face the limit, which means that he may have encountered the same problem as Ling Fuyu - the soul has been irreparably damaged.

For a cultivator of Su Jin's realm, it is difficult to evolve into 'irreversible' damage to the soul, such as mistakes in training, being hacked by lightning, or cutting off his arm.

To give a chestnut, it's like wearing a defensive armor and running to let the soldier stab a knife. Even if there is a little blood, the wound can still recover after applying some wound medicine.

It will evolve into 'irreversible damage', and there is only one possibility - wearing a god costume and being pierced through the heart.

The person who can beat Su Jin to such a state of embarrassment... Does Tiannanzhou really exist?
After thinking about all this, Xu Shoujing looked at Su Jin's kind smile as if nothing had happened, hesitated, and asked aloud:

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Su Jin had planned to tell Xu Shoujing everything, but there was no pause at this moment, Wei Shi sighed, and said:

"It's a long story, but Qing'er is still waiting for you, so I'll keep it short."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I see your posture, why is it so like a storyteller's opening remarks?
Su Jin paused for a moment, his eyes seemed to recall:

"Didn't I tell you just now that I only came back in recent years to preside over the overall situation of the Changhe Su Clan?

In fact, it is because I feel that I will not live long, and I want to use the last time to make up for Qinger, but Qinger doesn't buy my account...

On the day when I just found out that my death was not far away, and came back disheartened... I just happened to meet Qing'er as soon as I walked in the door.

I haven't seen Qing'er for more than ten years, but she is my flesh and blood after all. I recognized her at a glance, but the first thing she said to me was: 'Who are you? '"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his eyes were strange: "Is this attacking you?"

"No, she really doesn't know me." Su Jin slowly shook her head, with a bit of bitterness on her face: "It's my fault, I didn't like cultivation when I was young, I thought it was too bitter, and I didn't want to be punished. Trapped in the Changhe Su Clan all my life, I want to see the scenery outside.

... So I ran outside without telling my father to swim in the mountains and waters, that is, at that time, I strengthened Qinger's mother. "

At this point, Su Jin's eyes climbed with a touch of tenderness:

"That was the most relaxing and comfortable time for me. She was just a mortal, but I was also just a cultivator of the Dragon Gate realm that can be seen everywhere."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Do you guys like Versailles so much?

"I concealed my identity and lived with her in a small remote village. It was very inconvenient when I couldn't use spells, but I didn't feel it was hard at all. As long as she was here, even if there was no competition in the world, it didn't matter if I abandoned the prosperity of the world. ."

Speaking of this, Su Jin's expression softened, and his eyes became dim.

"In the second year we were with her, we had Ren'er, and when Ren'er was six years old, we gave birth to Qing'er.

That is, from that time on, I taught Ren'er some of the Changhe Su Clan's exercises from time to time.

Later, because of a certain opportunity, my wife noticed that I was unusual. She asked me once if I was hiding something from her, but I didn't want to give up that kind of life at that time, so I made a fool of myself.

She was very understanding and didn't get into it... I didn't expect that it was the wrong start. I really should have brought them back to the Changhe Su Clan early. "

Su Jin's eyes froze, and his voice took on a cold tone:
"On the day Qing'er was just full moon, I took Ren'er to the next town to buy furniture and wanted to improve the living environment.

When I came back, I saw a lot of people in black robes I didn't know occupied my house and threatened me with my wife and Qinger. "

Xu Shoujing's eyes were stunned, how could this plot be so familiar.

Su Jin took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes:

"I was too young at that time, and although I didn't like cultivation, I thought that the cultivation of the Dragon Gate realm had no rivals among my peers in Tiannanzhou.

I didn't hear a word of what they asked me, I just wanted to save Qing'er mother and daughter... I had already calculated the distance at the time, and at my speed, I could save Qing'er before he killed his mother. they……"

Having said that, Xu Shoujing knew what the result was without further listening.

"I couldn't save it." Su Jin's face showed pain. "They set the trap long before I went back.

I didn't listen to their warning and wanted to use my hard power to save them, but I wasted a lot of time because of the trap. I desperately ran towards Qinger's mother, and in the end there was only a distance of less than ten feet... but it was still too late. one step. "

Su Jin looked up at the sky and laughed at himself: "There is only a distance of less than ten meters left, if I am a little stronger, I can catch up...

I saw with my own eyes that man in black robe pierced his wife's heart, but couldn't do anything.

Even so, she didn't blame me, and even before she died, she gave me the mouth shape to let me run away with Qing'er and Ren'er..."

"You ran away?" Xu Shoujing couldn't help asking.

"Of course I didn't run." Su Jin's eyes flashed fiercely, and his tone was gloomy: "I killed them all like crazy, watching them lose their life activities, I still cut them off tirelessly. Their hands, feet, and necks use this to vent...

But no matter what, my wife will never come back. In that environment, with my cultivation level, no matter what I do, I can't save the wife of a mortal man. I will give her the only medicine left in my body without money. But she never opened her eyes again..."

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned, and he didn't feel that what Su Jin had done was exaggerated at all.

If it was him, and his own woman died in front of him, as long as she could be rescued, she might be able to do anything.

At the moment when this thought occurred, Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up, and he suddenly found that his thinking at this moment was actually no different from Jiuxiao.

Humans and dragons are selfish after all, and the lives of others may really be inferior to those around them.

Su Jin didn't notice Xu Shoujing's short stupor, and his story has a follow-up:
"After burying my wife, I didn't have time to guard the tomb, because those people clearly came after me, showing that they knew my identity.

For the safety of Ren'er and Qing'er, and for myself to concentrate on the investigation, I sent them to the Changhe Su Clan, and went to trace the identities of those people alone, for the purpose of revenge.

Those people didn't have anything to prove their identities. Just looking at the exercises, they didn't even come from the same continent.

I can only go to every continent to find the source of the practice according to the characteristics of their practice. I have been to the East Wasteland, where there are wild beasts, and Yun Ao, where human beings and monsters are harmonious, and I have also visited Nanmingzhou, which is composed of archipelagos... I've traveled almost every continent. "

Xu Shoujing was suddenly curious and asked:
"Have you been to Yuliang, Venerable?"

Su Jin was stunned when he heard the words, and then paused for a moment: "Uh...that's not true, the main Jade Liang is an intercontinental dominated by mortal dynasties, the cultivation of immortals is not prosperous, and the realm of monks is mostly below the ocean...

And the exercises I got were obviously prepared for the cultivators of Canghai and even Longmen, and it's unlikely that it was Yuliang..."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

That's really sorry.

"In short, I went to many places..." Su Jin continued. "At first, the sects where the exercises came from were not willing to cooperate, but as my strength became stronger and stronger, the right to speak became heavier.

Over time, I found out the identities of the masters of the exercises. Most of them had tragic experiences, or they suddenly left the sect due to great changes in their homes, or they were suffering from incurable diseases, and all methods could not help them.

They left their original places for various reasons, and somehow got together and fought for the same purpose. "

Xu Shoujing frowned, how could it sound so familiar, the more he listened, the more like...

"They all belong to the same organization."

Su Jin paused, narrowed his eyes, and said word by word:
"Teaching the end."
"Huan Qing, why do you hate Venerable Su so much?"

Walking on the streets of Changhe Su Clan, Jiang Rongyue suddenly asked in a soft voice.

Because a lot of people went to Su Mansion to join in the fun, and lost the busyness of the past, the streets seemed extraordinarily deserted.

Su Huanqing tilted her head and glanced at her, her tone was neither salty nor light:

"I didn't hate him, I just felt that since he never cared about me, I would only feel annoyed if he suddenly appeared to ask me for help."

Jiang Rongyue thought about it for a while, and then pointedly said: "I think Venerable Su still cares about you...although the method is a bit too much."

"Caring? If he cared about me, he wouldn't have seen me since I was born." Su Huanqing said disapprovingly.

Jiang Rongyue sighed, her eyes revealing a hint of helplessness: "Don't say that, maybe, what's the trouble with Venerable Su?"

Su Huanqing was silent for a moment, then suddenly quickened her pace:

"Maybe, but I don't care about that."

If you really didn't care, it wouldn't be this reaction...

Jiang Rongyue shook her head with a wry smile, and followed quickly. She peeked at Su Huanqing's expressionless profile, hesitated, and whispered:
"Before I met Master, I was actually just an ordinary little girl from a farm family. The family was very poor, but my parents loved me very much. It was also because of this reason that I was a little overwhelmed at that time, and I often fought against them."

Su Huanqing paused slightly, then tilted her head to look at Jiang Rongyue, her eyes slightly surprised:


"Can't you see it?" Jiang Rongyue smiled softly, and shook a small pink fist towards Su Huanqing: "I was very naughty when I was a child! I don't have all the manners and etiquette that a girl's family should have...

But thinking about it now, I regret it very much, if I had treated them better at that time, maybe the ending would have changed..."

Jiang Rongyue was silent for a moment, then forced a smile:
"Mortals are really vulnerable, because a sudden natural disaster or a trivial disease will easily take their lives away...

Until the end, I couldn't even thank them for their fertility grace. "

Jiang Rongyue didn't say any more, turned around and looked at her quite seriously:
"Huan Qing, I want to tell you... Even a cultivator doesn't have as much time as you think. Those things that you take for granted in your daily life may suddenly cease to exist one day.

Just pass by once, maybe we will never see each other again..."

Su Huanqing was silent, as if she was thinking carefully about the meaning of Jiang Rongyue's words. After a long while, she pondered:
"I will remember."

Only then did Jiang Rongyue show a smile, she held Su Huanqing's soft cat like a 'good sister':

"That's all I have to say. These are your business. In the end, you still have to think for yourself."

Su Huanqing subconsciously wanted to break free from Jiang Rongyue's hand. After hearing Jiang Rongyue's words, she pursed her lips, stopped, and only whispered "um".

After walking two steps, Jiang Rongyue seemed to remember something again. She paused and said softly:
"Huanqing, I remember I'm two years older than you, right? If you don't mind, you can call me sister like Xiaojing."

As she said that, Jiang Rongyue looked at her with bright apricot eyes, and there was a hint of anticipation in her eyes.

The elder sister doesn't have to be the same righteous elder sister as Xiaojing, so what... 'first-come-first-sister', isn't it a kind of elder sister~
Su Huanqing glanced at Jiang Rongyue, and returned to her former cold appearance:

"That's not necessary."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a collection, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: This chapter mainly depicts the character design of some characters, because the idea is not very clear when adjusting the outline, I dare not write it in depth, it is estimated that it is a little watery in your opinion...

The outline of the second half of this volume has to be revised. I found that the progress of this volume is too slow. I thought about rushing it a little bit, otherwise it would be too procrastinating. The number of updated words in these days may be less, please understand.

(End of this chapter)

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