The queen is so fierce

Chapter 151 The phantom that surfaced

Chapter 151 The phantom that surfaced

After the rain, the weather is fine and the air is fresh.

On the neat and tidy official road of the Changhe Su Clan, two women with similar ages walked together.

The woman on the left is wearing a snow-blue ru skirt, her long hair is lightly folded in dark clouds, a bird is like a beautiful bird, her apricot eyes are like water, and her soft face always has a gentle chuckle.

As for the woman she was holding, a light blue skirt was dragged to her ankles. She had a slender figure, clear eyes, and her skin was as white as the wind.

However, she was somewhat uncomfortable with the intimate behavior of her two-year-old sister beside her, and her usually cold pretty face had an unnatural look on her face.

In normal times, such two beautiful women walking on the street, even a cultivator who is ready to break through, can't help but want to take a few more glances.

It will cause no one to care about it now... mainly because there is no one on the street at all.

As for the reason...

"Ginger... Miss Jiang."

"Call me Sister Rongyue, or Sister Jiang, if you really can't, you can just call me Rongyue. Miss Jiang is too raw."

Su Huanqing hesitated for a while, but still couldn't convince herself to regard Jiang Rongyue as her sister. She lightly frowned at Liu Ye's eyebrows and looked back at the direction the two came from:

"Miss Jiang, Su Jin must be making things difficult for Xu Shoujing, why don't you go back and take a look."

Jiang Rongyue shook her head and said with a smile:

"Xiaojing and uncle should not be talking about what you think. Before leaving, Xiaojing gave me a hint that they should have something important to discuss."

"Is it important? Can Su Jin have something important." Su Huanqing frowned, not believing Jiang Rongyue's words too much.

"I don't know about that." Jiang Rongyue pursed her small mouth, "But don't worry, my uncle should have no ill will towards Xiaojing. We'll just go to the Qi Refining Tower and wait."

While the two were talking, a third footstep sounded suddenly on the empty street.

The footsteps were heavy and leisurely, as if he was thinking about something and didn't pay much attention to the road conditions ahead.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Jiang Rongyue's apricot eyes froze for a moment, and she didn't look back, she just smiled at Su Huanqing:

"Look, isn't this coming?"

Su Huanqing turned around suspiciously and took a closer look.

Sure enough, at the end of the line of sight, the handsome sword immortal wearing a black robe with gold borders, holding his chin in one hand, walked towards him absent-mindedly.

"You...perceived?" Su Huanqing asked in a daze.

Jiang Rongyue raised the white minibus a little proudly, but Xing Xing's eyes were full of tenderness:
"I've been with my family for a long time, and I don't need any magic or spiritual sense to perceive, even if it's just a slight footstep, a trivial movement... You can know it's him."

Su Huanqing was silent for a while when she heard the words, and after a long while, she opened her mouth and said:

"I've never felt this way before, and I've been away from each other more with Master."

"It doesn't matter, there will always be a time to know."

Jiang Rongyue comforted her softly, released Su Huanqing's arm, and greeted her with a smile.

Xu Shoujing also noticed that his sister was coming to his side. He tilted his head and glanced at Su Huanqing in the distance, and smiled unexpectedly:
"Why do you have such a good relationship with her all of a sudden?"

"What's the matter? Do you suspect that your elder sister is having bad intentions?" Jiang Rongyue glanced at him with a half-smile, and hugged Xu Shoujing's arm quite naturally, and then she thought of something, and sighed:
"I just think that as a child, there is nothing that can't get along with your parents. Maybe Su Venerable has some difficulties?"

"Well, there are difficulties." Xu Shoujing said absently.

"Ah?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned, looked up at Xu Shoujing's profile, and found that he was in deep thought, and couldn't help asking:

"What did Venerable Su tell you just now?"

The question was asked, but there was no answer.

Jiang Rongyue was a little stunned. It was the first time she was ignored by Xu Shoujing, and she subconsciously shook his arm:
"Xiaojing? Xiaojing, are you listening?"

"Ah... I'm listening." Xu Shoujing suddenly returned to his senses, and quickly responded with a smile to Jiang Rongyue.

Jiang Rongyue pouted and stared at him for a while, then sighed, putting on a spoiled look of 'sister can't do anything to you', and said casually:

"I asked you just now, what did Venerable Su tell you?"

With that said, the two cuddled up and took another step forward.

Xu Shoujing stretched out his index finger and scratched his cheeks, and said perfunctorily, "Well... Anyway, I just said a lot of things."

"Huh?" Jiang Rongyue keenly sensed that Xu Shoujing was wrong, and snorted softly, "What? Did you say something that even my sister couldn't tell?

Or is it that you discussed the wedding date with Huan Qing, afraid that I would be jealous if I found out?Am I the kind of vexatious woman? "

At the end of the story, Jiang Rongyue became angrier the more she thought about it, she stretched out her hand and gently twisted Xu Shoujing's waist - she didn't dare to force it too hard, it was her who really hurt her.

"—" Xu Shoujing was speechless.

Aren't you getting jealous already? ——
Time returned to before Xu Shoujing left Su Mansion.

After hearing the familiar name in Su Jin's mouth, Xu Shoujing's brain fell into a brief shutdown.

After a while, he took a deep breath and calmed down, without showing too much surprise, and said in a low voice:

"What is the origin of this final teaching?"

"I don't know either." Su Jin shook his head, seeing Xu Shoujing's surprised look, he hesitated for a moment, and continued:

"I really don't know their origins, but after so many years of investigation, I also understand a lot of things."

"I would like to hear the details." Xu Shoujing sat up.

Su Jin pondered: "The Cult of the End is scattered all over Jiuzhou, but they don't have any specific religious facilities.

And because the members come from different regions, they usually hide their identities. If you want to find them, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and there is no way to start. "

"However, it's not completely impossible." Having said this, Su Jin changed his words, "Although they are as specific gathering places as sects, their ranks are very distinct, from the bottom members, to the protectors... bishops, and In control of everything, the founders behind the teaching of the end."

"Gulu..." Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, and with his nervousness, he even felt his heart beating constantly rising.

"The founder of the End Yan Cult is..." Su Jin glanced at Xu Shoujing, and the breath he lifted abruptly let go. He spread out his palms and shook his head helplessly: "I don't know either."


Xu Shoujing sat back in the chair paralyzed, and was almost carried away with anger.

Seeing his reaction, Su Jin naturally shook his head again and again. After a short pause, he said again:

"Actually, not only I don't know, even the bishops of the sect of the end do not know who their sect leader is. Most of the members have never seen the sect leader for many years, not even a summons card. "

"Then how did they convey the order?" Xu Shoujing asked with a frown.

"Rely on the bishop." Su Jin pondered. "Each member will be under the command of the bishops in various places and fully obey the bishop's command, and those bishops have more or less contact with the bishop."

Su Jin raised his hand to cover his chest, and said in a difficult tone:
"My soul will be broken, it is the damage of fighting a bishop, he is very strong, I was only one step away from Xuanyang mark, but he was almost equal to me, even at the cost of death. My soul has been severely wounded, and I can't heal..."

Xu Shoujing half sat up and wanted to help Su Jin, but he raised his hand to stop him.

"Is there no other way?" Xu Shoujing couldn't help asking.

Su Jin shook his head: "No, the broken soul is irreversible... In a sense, Immortal Venerable Fuyu is much lighter than me, but it's a pity that the immortal grass that Qing'er brought back half a year ago can only slow down the injury at best, there is no way cure."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You may not believe it when you say it, but in fact, Master just 'eats' me. According to the ancient books that your daughter didn't know where to look up, my 'medicinal properties' are very strong.

Seeing Su Jin's look of pity, Xu Shoujing was too embarrassed to say such words, and hesitated a little:

"Aren't you going to tell Huan Qing?"

"Whether I tell her, Qing'er will know sooner or later." Seeing Xu Shoujing's worried expression, Su Jin shook his head with a wry smile: "Don't worry, I won't be able to die in a short time... However, I will do it for the future. I plan, that's why I changed my mind after seeing your strength."

"What do you mean?" Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback.

Su Jin pondered for a moment, then sighed: "Since a period of time after killing that bishop, the people of the sect of the end of the world seem to have evaporated from the world, and I have never met one again.

But I can feel that they are not afraid of me, but they are waiting for me to run out of oil before attacking me.

I consider myself capable of protecting Qing'er and the Changhe Su Clan now... But if I die, the huge Su Du will no longer have any barriers to speak of. "

Seeing Xu Shoujing stunned, Su Jin turned his head and said seriously:
"Xu Shoujing, from the first moment I saw you, I knew that you had great potential. This is the unique magical power of my Su clan... Younger disciples may not understand it, but I know that you In the future, he will definitely be a character who will soar to the sky.”

"—" Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, it was such a compliment... that he was embarrassed.

Su Jin ignored Xu Shoujing's pretentious hypocrisy, his expression remained serious, and continued:
"Because of this, at the beginning, I wanted to win you over by accepting apprentices and bind you to the Changhe Su Clan.

Later, I found out about your relationship with Qing'er... I was really angry at first, and even wanted to kick you out just like the other people. "

Xu Shoujing's hand froze as he touched the back of his head.

Su Jin glanced at him and said solemnly:
"However, I finally changed my mind, not only because of Qing'er, but also because I wanted to gamble on you. In the end, you did not disappoint me, and even greatly exceeded my expectations...

Although I don't know where you learned that move, I dare to say that no one in the entire Jiuzhou and your peers can take that sword. "

Xu Shoujing put down his hand, pondered a little, and said:

"What do you think... where is the limit of that sword?"

Su Jinwei was stunned for a moment. After carefully considering this question for a while, she replied:
"Longmen has not been cast below the immortal weapon of life, and the sword is dead; the unprepared person within Nirvana will be seriously injured with a sword."

Xu Shoujing suddenly realized what he meant. Before the Dragon Gate Realm was cast into the Immortal Artifact of Life, the sword was a second. If there was no defense in the Nirvana Realm, Yuan Qing would end the game.

Although 'Clear Water Shocks Autumn' is a move created by Xu Shoujing in accordance with 'Ji Ye', but after all, it is too restrictive, and its destructive power is far less than Ji Ye.

It seems that this sword can only be used as an ultimate move for the time being. If more people know about it, it will be difficult to deal with Nirvana in the future.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. In the future, when I'm gone, you can look at Qing'er's sake and take care of my Changhe Su Clan. I'll be satisfied."

Su Jin interrupted Xu Shoujing's thoughts. He said so many things and it took a certain amount of time to digest them. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:
"I've finished talking about my business, it's time to talk about you, boy. What did you want to ask me about you just now by taking the initiative to stay?"

Xu Shoujing sighed, put aside those trivial thoughts temporarily, and asked his first purpose:

"It's nothing, it's just that I've been looking for a relic recently called Gu Yaoxian Palace. It is said that this place is located in Tiannan Continent... You are a local, have you heard of it?"

"Gu Yao Immortal Palace?" Su Jin was stunned for a moment, then casually lowered his head and fell into contemplation. After a long while, he shook his head: "Never heard of it."

Xu Shoujing was immediately a little disappointed. He had never even heard of Su Zun Su, who had been stationed in the local area for so many years, and even traveled all over the world. Where is Gu Yao's Immortal Palace?
"Gu Yao Xiangong has never heard of it...but there is a 'Heavenly Palace'." Su Jin added when he saw Xu Shoujing's disappointment.

Heavenly Palace?This place sounds like an ancient immortal clan. Didn't Xiaoxiao say that Gu Yao's immortal palace was the immortal clan's palace?

Xu Shoujing asked quickly, "Where is the Tiangong?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly." Su Jin took a sip of tea calmly, "Actually, Tiannanzhou is a continent that fell behind the ancient fairyland, and Tiangong is a relic in the peninsula on the east side of Tiannanzhou."

The more Xu Shoujing listened, the more he felt that this was the 'Gu Yao Xian Palace', just changing the vest, who wouldn't.

He Xu Shoujing also has a trumpet called 'Xu Que', and Su Bu is also called Ganyucheng by many people?This is nothing unusual.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's urgent look, Su Jin shook his head: "But... you can't go now."

"Why?" Xu Shoujing was puzzled.

"Because the ruins of the Tiangong were banned by the ancient powers, they only appear once every four years, and monks above the Dragon Gate realm cannot enter." Su Jin explained.

"Four years?" Xu Shoujing was stunned, "When is the next time?"

"Two months later." Su Jin paused, then added: "There are countless treasures of heaven, earth, and immortals in the Tiangong, and there are also many risks that the Dragon Gate realm cannot handle. Until now, it is worthy of exploration. front end.

Nonetheless, the major sects still want a piece of the pie. Since the discovery of the ruins of the Tiangong, a sect competition has been held every four years, and it has been claimed to 'strengthen the communication between the disciples of the Tiannan immortals'. Relic Qualifications. "

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, and said, "So as long as I win that sect competition, I can go to the ruins of the Tiangong?"

"Of course." Su Jin nodded, and seemed to remember something again, reminding: "This time, the sect competition requires a team of two.

...Because it was Tuxian Pavilion as the organizer, in order to make money for the tickets, they made a new trick every time. It's a one-on-one ring match. "

This is because I am afraid that the audience will get tired of watching it, right? There is still a lot of life - Xu Shoujing is speechless.

"Anyway." Su Jin coughed softly and said shamelessly: "If you plan to compete in the Zongmen Grand Competition, you can compete with Qing'er, and I can give you the name of the Changhe Su Clan."


Xu Shoujing knew what Su Jin was thinking without using his head. If this were to replace the Changhe Su Clan, he would definitely be regarded as the Changhe Su Clan, and he would be in trouble in the future.

To say whether he is willing to help a group of Changhe Su Clan, Xu Shoujing is definitely willing... But being forced to bind and spontaneous help are two different things.

Xu Shoujing doesn't like restraining PLAY.

"No, I have a sect." Xu Shoujing waved his hand.

Su Jinwei was stunned for a moment. He didn't remember that Immortal Fuyu belonged to a sect?Involuntarily asked:

"What Daozong?"

Xu Shoujing smiled and answered with great certainty:
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(End of this chapter)

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