The queen is so fierce

Chapter 152 The first attempt to melt the spirit

Chapter 152 The First Attempt to Melt Spirit

The walls stacked with dark stone bricks are engraved with simple and simple magic circles.

The dark blue light emitted by each magic circle is fed back to the beams and pillars in the center of the secret room; the beams and pillars are not in contact with the top, but are like a tray bursting open, above which a huge blue light is quietly suspended. color crystal.

The surrounding air was hazy and blurry, like the heat steaming from the desert desert sea.

It's just that the 'white gas' tumbling here is not caused by overheating.

If I had to say it... it was cold, every trace of spiritual energy seemed to have been washed from an ice hole.

If you include too much at one time... you may even freeze the circulating meridians directly, and it doesn't look like a suitable place for cultivation.

"The top floor of the Qi Refining that here?"

After reaching the top of the Qi Refining Tower, Xu Shoujing looked at the confined space as narrow as the Tianyu Heavenly Prison, and the whole person fell into contemplation.

If Xu Shoujing remembers correctly, when Ji Yan was arguing with an unknown monk in the morning, they mentioned that there is something on the No. 12th floor... a quilt made of thousand-year-old ice silk, and a practice bed made of Huangji Xuanwu ice.

And no matter how shaken it makes no sound!

As the top floor above the No.12 floor... there is only one room, and this can be explained by 'not enough space', but this facility...why is it not as good as Dali's town prison?

"Anyway, give me a bed!" Xu Shoujing did not forget the most fundamental purpose of today.

Su Huanqing noticed the change in Xu Shoujing's expression, she shook her head gently, and said indifferently:

"The Qi Refining Pagoda originally exists for meditation practice. In recent years, the newly installed facilities in the lower floors have deceived the minds of the disciples, but will affect the process of cultivation."

"—" Xu Shoujing was suddenly stunned.

That's right, just like the previous life, if a person is locked in a space full of PC game comics PS5, and then connected to the Internet, who would have the heart to study the book of sages?

"And..." Su Huanqing turned his head, looked at the blue crystal on the central beam, and said:

"As long as that person is there, nothing can stay in this space for a long time. After a period of 'pure spiritual energy' washing, it will soon disappear."

After a slight pause, Su Huanqing withdrew his gaze, tilted his head to look at Xu Shoujing, and said in a low voice:

"This is also the reason why ordinary disciples are not allowed to come here. Without the 'extremely cold bloodline' of Su Mansion, it is difficult for them to withstand the coldness of 'pure spiritual energy'."

"Wait... That's not right, then you still let Ji Yan and Sister Rong Yue come?"

Xu Shoujing finally reacted, turned his head and found that Jiang Rongyue was in a state of drowsiness, shaking twice, and the whole person fell into his arms.

"Ji Yan is a distant relative of the Su Mansion. He has some extremely cold blood in his body, and he is fat."

Su Huanqing paused, glanced at Jiang Rongyue, whose face was slightly pale, and pursed her lips:
"Didn't you find that you have nothing at all? Your physique is inherently resistant to everything in the world. As long as you cultivate with Jiang... Sister Jiang, she should be able to refine pure spiritual energy normally."

This sentence, Su Huanqing said quite calmly, she was clearly talking about serious double cultivation, either pushing back or pushing palms.

However, there was a ghost in someone's heart. The moment he heard Su Huanqing's words, he was shocked, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart——

"I'm exposed!!"

To be honest, the current relationship between Xu Shoujing and Jiang Rongyue's 'sister and brother couple' has been quite stable, and it is time to move on to the next stage, but there is a lack of opportunity.

That's why Xu Shoujing had to pull Jiang Rongyue to the Qi Tower. In addition to trying the 'Rongling' technique he obtained from the Immortal King's ruins, he just wanted to achieve a positive result with his sister Rongyue.

To say that the mind is not pure... that is true.

However, after actually reaching the top of the gas refining tower, he gave up this plan.

"Who would have thought at that time that there wasn't even a single room here." Xu Shoujing had been secretly depressed ever since he first entered the tower.

As for now...

After hearing Su Huanqing's very 'enlightened' words, Xu Shoujing hugged Jiang Rongyue's delicate body tightly and asked for no reason:
"you do not mind?"

Su Huanqing frowned slightly and felt very strange: "Why should I mind?"

"This is in front of you!" Xu Shoujing was even more shocked.

"What about in front of me, double cultivation is... that's it..." Su Huanqing finally came to his senses, her indifferent expression stagnated, her ears were slightly red, and she spat lightly: "I'm not talking about that kind of double cultivation!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

How can you blame me, if you hadn't shouted every day for me and Master to double-cultivation, I wouldn't think about it casually...

"Anyway, hurry up with Jiang... Sister Jiang, and don't let her meridians get blocked."

Su Huanqing turned her face away and instructed.

Xu Shoujing shrugged and planned to do as Su Huanqing said.

"Xiao Jing..."

A very weak voice suddenly came from his arms, Xu Shoujing looked down and found Jiang Rongyue huddled in his arms with a tired face.

That gentle and jade-like face no longer held out the majesty of "I'm an older sister" as usual, but was soft like a sick kitten, which was really cute.

Xu Shoujing thought that Jiang Rongyue was feeling a little cold, so he hugged him a little, and transferred his spiritual power to her body.

"What's the matter, Sister Rong Yue?"

Jiang Rongyue forced a smile, stretched out her hand to wrap Xu Shoujing's neck, and said weakly:

"Take me to the other side of the pillar."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, looked up and looked around. The secret room on the top floor of the entire gas refining tower can be described as 'empty'. As for the pillars, there is only the one with the blue crystal in the middle. .

Speaking of the opposite of the pillar... Xu Shoujing glanced at Su Huanqing, who was sitting cross-legged, and her position happened to be blocked by the entire beam and pillar.

"Sister Rongyue... don't you think so?" Xu Shoujing was a little stunned. When did his sister Rongyue become so bold?

Jiang Rongyue buried her head on Xu Shoujing's shoulder, shrugged her head slightly, and seemed to nod her head:
"Take me there, so that Huanqing won't be able to see..."

"No." Xu Shoujing refused without even thinking about it. If it were normal times, he wouldn't be unacceptable to this kind of super expansion, but now that Sister Rong Yue's body is so weak that she is tortured by pure spiritual energy, how could he be so ignorant? How about being a beast with conscience?

"Absolutely not." Xu Shoujing said nothing.

He lightly stroked Jiang Rongyue's side face, the skin that used to be delicate to the touch was now a little cold, and he sighed softly:

"Sister Rongyue, be good, be obedient, we can do that kind of thing at any time, and now it's enough to double-cultivate it for the time being."

Jiang Rongyue shook her head, pulled the corner of her mouth with difficulty, and said with a smile:

"Where can I tell my sister... Be good, Xiaojing, I'm serious... If I miss this opportunity, next time... I might... be afraid again."

Hearing his sister's tired tone, Xu Shoujing's expression was very tangled. He tilted his head and glanced at Jiang Rongyue, and found that her water-like apricot eyes showed a firmness that was the opposite of her appearance.

Xu Shoujing paused for a long time, sighed as if giving up, bent down and hugged Jiang Rongyue:
"I see... But if you feel any discomfort, tell me anytime, and I'll stop right away."

Jiang Rongyue was so happy like a little girl who was rewarded with candy, she shrank in Xu Shoujing's arms, covered her mouth and chuckled:
"If you want to stop, you will stop... Aren't you going to get caught up and down?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's broken, his sister Rongyue is broken, how can she even understand this kind of thing?
Jiang Rongyue seemed to have read Xu Shoujing's thoughts, a blush on her cheeks, and said shyly:
"Before... When I was cleaning up your room for you, I accidentally discovered those... books about villains fighting that you hid under the bed."

"—" Xu Shoujing stumbled and fell forward. He hurriedly took a few steps to stabilize his body, and he didn't even care that his ankle had just been stabbed, and said in astonishment:
"You... did you see it?"

"No... I closed it as soon as I opened it, and just took a peek at it." Jiang Rongyue said this sentence with a blushing face, burying her little head in Xu Shoujing's chest as if fleeing, 'woohoo'. Humming, unable to say a word shyly.

Xu Shoujing suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but it was okay, his interest was almost exposed in all aspects.

After all, this thing is still relatively private, otherwise there would not be so many people's obsession after death that they did not format their computers.

"However, I heard Master say..." Jiang Rongyue exposed her head and gently rubbed Xu Shoujing's chin.

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, but he became interested and said curiously:

"What did the master say?"

"That's it...that's it..." Jiang Rongyue hesitated for a long time, clenched her silver teeth lightly, and lay down beside Xu Shoujing's ear, speaking like a mosquito:
"Master are amazing, she can't stand it alone..."


Xu Shoujing's breathing became a little heavier, and he was indeed provoked by this sentence.

However, in addition to this, there are also some surprises about the contrast of my sister.

The usual Jiang Rongyue always maintains the image of a gentle big sister, worrying about this or that, and often forcibly pretends to be a 'stern sister', but because there is no deterrence, it is even more cute.

And now... Sister Rong Yue, who has been caught in the dual chaos of mind and body, can't hide her words, and in a sense, she is much more courageous than usual.

This made Xu Shoujing really agitated a little bit. He just didn't care about Sister Rong Yue's body, but now he just wants to round and flatten the beauty in his arms.

Even so, after walking behind Liangzhu, Xu Shoujing still suppressed his anger, placed Jiang Rongyue's upright cross-legged knees, and crossed his knees to be opposite her.

Under the current circumstances, Xu Shoujing could not convince his conscience to engage in sports.

So he planned to do double cultivation seriously for a while, wait for Sister Rongyue's body to recover, and then start the 'irregular double cultivation'.

In a sense, this seems to be the best of both worlds. After all, they have to stay in the gas refining tower for a long time, and they are not in a hurry.

"Sister Rongyue, let go and accept me." Xu Shoujing said softly, pointing his right hand into a sword, pointing at Jiang Rongyue's eyebrows.

Jiang Rongyue gave a soft "um" and closed her eyes obediently.

To be honest, Xu Shoujing has never seen such an obedient 'sister'. In addition to being curious, he also wants to tease, but he is afraid that if it drags on for too long, Sister Rongyue will not be able to stand the environment of the Qi Refining Tower. Or quickly entered the state of meditation.

Rongling sounds like a simple word, but in fact the risk factor is no less than 'burning spirit sea'.

Of course, this kind of danger is mainly reflected on the practitioners of the exercises, and it will not affect the provider of spiritual power, otherwise Xu Shoujing will not let his sister take risks with him casually.

When transforming into the water realm, the aura in the cultivator's dantian has not been 'processed'. Those auras are rampant, and every time they are mobilized, it takes a lot of effort.

And because the aura itself is composed of the spirits of the five elements, in the case of directly using the aura, only one-fifth of the part that can be used is actually used, and most of the rest are discharged directly along the spell after the spell is cast.

Why is it said that the transformation of the water into the sea is a qualitative change?Because Canghaijing no longer uses the spiritual energy of heaven and earth directly, but extracts the part of the spiritual energy that belongs to it alone, the utilization rate will naturally be much larger.

This is just one of the benefits of spiritual energy being transformed into spiritual energy. In fact, the power of suitable spiritual energy is far more than that.

The spiritual power that matches one's own five elements is like blood that matches the blood type. It naturally flows in the body, doing whatever one wants. The bigger the spiritual sea, the more spiritual power that can be mobilized.

Cultivation in the sea level is essentially a process of expanding the spiritual sea, in order to lay the foundation for the moment of jumping over the dragon gate...

In other words, Linghai is the life of a monk.

Such an important thing... What Xu Shoujing has to do now is to fuse the spiritual seas of two people with completely different attributes, and maintain a good balance between them.

Once the balance is destroyed, it is very likely that one's spiritual sea will usher in spiritual power that does not belong to him at all, and they do not match each other. The worst result is that the spiritual sea may explode.

On top of these difficult conditions, Xu Shoujing's physical characteristic of "repelling all things" must be added.

What hell difficulty is this?
Xu Shoujing secretly complained, pointing to the fingertips between Jiang Rongyue's brows and suddenly felt a warm aura, and a purple spiritual power climbed up her dantian.

The purple spiritual power passed through the flat belly, crossed the turbulent snow peaks and canyons, swam in the white swan neck, and finally converged on Jiang Rongyue's eyebrows.

Xu Shoujing felt that the purple spiritual power of the thunder attribute smoothly integrated into his fingertips, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The first pass is passed.

Next, as long as Sister Rongyue's purple spiritual power is transported to Linghai, and the exercises are kept in balance while running the exercises, the 'Rong Lingzhu' mentioned in the book should be able to be born.

Rong Lingzhu is the foundation of the foundation of the cultivation method of the Immortal King Ruins.

In fact, both in terms of the laws of heaven and the compatibility of the spiritual sea, the fusion of two completely different spiritual powers is theoretically impossible.

To make an analogy, it's like you put an iceberg in a volcano and persuade them to get along well, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't feel right.

In the same way, even if it is a combination with good compatibility, such as a male monk with water attribute and a female monk with wood attribute, it is unclear whether it can promote each other's cultivation by forcing the two to merge with each other, but 'water' will definitely be destroyed by 'wood'. 'Squeeze dry.

Maybe the 'water' will dry up in the end, but the 'wood' will become more and more moist.

At this point, someone is about to raise their hands: So what exactly does it take to 'melt spirit' in theory?
Or to say that the wisdom of the ancients is amazing, in fact, the answer itself is very simple, but most people do not think in that direction.

Since the original Linghai was 'incorrect size', wouldn't it be over to 'build' a Linghai with a matching model?

Rong Lingzhu is the brand new Linghai.

In theory, as long as the Rongling Orb is present, it is equivalent to 'twice the practice'. While his own spiritual power is running around the sky, another part of the Rongling Orb is also expanding the spiritual sea.

This is why when Xu Shoujing saw this exercise, he thought it was an opportunity to break through the current status quo.

His own ink-colored spiritual power would not be able to run Zhou Tian without Zhao Fuyao's help.

But once you have the Rong Lingzhu, you can start another kind of cultivation without using the ink-colored spiritual power, including breaking the mirror and various spells.

In order to achieve this condition, it is obviously hopeless to directly integrate with his ink-colored spiritual power, after all, the ink-colored spiritual power repels all the five elements.

While thunder belongs to metal, it is also an extremely overbearing derivative spiritual power, but if it comes into direct contact with ink-colored spiritual power, it is likely to be wiped out on the spot.

At this time, it is necessary to use the 'pure spiritual power' of the Qi Refining Tower.

The pure spiritual power has been tempered by the Qi Refining Tower, and the impurities in the aura of the weather have been removed. To describe it, it is colorless and odorless water, which can be dyed into any color.

Using pure spiritual power as a bridge for Jiang Rongyue to blend with her own spiritual power may be able to buffer the initial force of repelling.

When Xu Shoujing listened to Su Huanqing's introduction to the origin of the gas refining tower, he thought of this method. It is difficult to say whether it was successful or not, but it is worth a try.

After guiding Jiang Rongyue's purple spiritual power into his body, Xu Shoujing did not pause, immediately raised his free hand, and absorbed the pure spiritual power around him.

After doing all this, Xu Shoujing closed his eyes and began to look inside his spiritual sea.

Linghai was like a huge ink-washing pool. It was pitch black and could not see the low end. A red sunset fell on the sea level of Linghai, dyeing half of the sky red, but it failed to stir up any ripples in the ink sea.

Xu Shoujing knew that that round of 'Red Sun' was the core of the exercises given to him by his new master, so he didn't bother much, and his eyes stayed on the scenery on the other side.

boom -

The purple cloud was like an aggressor's cloud ship, parked in the sky above the sea of ​​ink, the thunder rolled and the electricity surged, but after a while, a purple drizzle started to fall.

As Xu Shoujing expected, those purple rainwater, at the moment when it touched the ink sea, did not even stir up a little ripple, made a "Zizzi" sound, turned into a little purple smoke, and returned to the purple cloud.

The little man with the appearance of Xu Shoujing stood on the shore, sighed lightly, and waved his hand in the third direction——


The transparent and colorless flood poured into the sea of ​​ink, and it was dyed the same color in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shoujing did not dare to waste it, and controlled the pure spiritual power to gather in the middle of the cloud and the spiritual sea, forming a thin water film.

The moment the purple rain hits the water film, the rich purple is smeared, and the same is true for the ink that rises on the other side.

"Success or failure is here..."

Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth and made a gesture of folded hands in midair. The water film reversed and moved, and even the ink-colored spiritual power and the purple spiritual power fell into a vortex.

The vortex is spinning faster and faster, and how does it look... It seems like a front-loading washing machine?
With the acceleration of the speed, the originally calm sea of ​​ink set off violent waves, and the ink-colored tsunami began to continuously slap the shore, and each impact produced a roar of shaking the ground.

It's a pity that Xu Shoujing was busy with the 'roller', so he couldn't devote his energy to stop it.

I don't know how long it took...


"Xiao Jing!"

Jiang Rongyue suddenly opened her eyes and saw Xu Shoujing spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, she quickly got up to support him, and said angrily:

"Why is it so messed up?"

Xu Shoujing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and forced a smile:
"Sister Rong Yue, look inside, is there something more?"

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes and felt it carefully.

There was no change in her spirit sea... There seemed to be an invisible ribbon that bridged the gap between her and Xiao Jing.

Going forward along this invisible bridge, at the end is an ink-colored ocean. The brilliance of the setting sun reflects on the ink ocean. In the air, you can see a bead intertwined with purple and black, spinning quietly, and it is also is the end of the invisible road.

"Success!" Jiang Rongyue opened her eyes and said excitedly.

Xu Shoujing nodded with a smile, and was about to say something, but found that Sister Rong Yue looked at him shyly, and couldn't help asking:
"What's wrong? Shouldn't you be happy if you succeeded?"

"Well... I'm very happy." Jiang Rongyue glanced at Su Huanqing not far away, hesitated for a moment, her face blushed a lot, she reached out and untied Xu Shoujing's Qiongyu belt, and gently leaned up...
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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