The queen is so fierce

Chapter 153 Unexpected debut

Chapter 153 Unexpected debut

After two weeks.

The light rain is as crisp, and the touch is silent.

After a few days of buffering, the commotion caused by the Changhe Su Clan some time ago has finally subsided.

Having said that, it was just that they didn't continue to block the streets. Basically, as long as they saw the person at the center of the topic, Xu Shoujing, the disciples of the Changhe Su Clan would still look shocked and ran to say hello.

Walking down the street, Xu Shoujing didn't know how many strangers who passed by and came to say hello after a glance, put away his face that was about to laugh, and sighed silently.

Is this the price of being a celebrity?


Approaching footsteps were heard from both sides at the same time, Xu Shoujing thought it was another disciple who came to 'Look at the real person' and was about to put on a business smile.

Turning his head to look, he found that it was two familiar shadows who had caught up with him unknowingly.

Su Huanqing supported Jiang Rongyue who was limping, and saw Xu Shoujing standing in a daze from a distance, Meifeng frowned slightly, and said in an unpleasant tone:
"Didn't you say you want to go down the mountain in advance to buy some herbs, why are you still here?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Who made too many enthusiastic fans, they greeted them with smiles, and they gave medicine pills and smelting materials...

He can't always say with a straight face: Put things down, you can go!
Xu Shoujing smiled awkwardly, did not answer the question, turned his head, looked at Jiang Rongyue with concern, and said softly:
"Sister Rong Yue, how are you feeling now?"

How about it?are dying...

Jiang Rongyue didn't know what she was thinking, her face flushed, and she gently pinched the beautiful legs wrapped in the snow blue long skirt, but she didn't expect this subconscious action to make her eyebrows stand up, and she took a breath:

Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, took Jiang Rongyue from Su Huanqing's hand, gently supported her hand, and apologized softly:
"My fault... it's all my fault, I shouldn't have worked so hard..."

"You still said it!" Jiang Rongyue spat lightly, staring at her bad brother angrily.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything!" Xu Shoujing quickly surrendered, while saying good things, he continued to pester Sister Rong Yue, who was a new wife, and went down the mountain little by little.

Su Huanqing, who followed the two, felt very strange.

The same is to meditate and enter the meditation, and change to a peak monk. One entry is a three-digit start.

This has only been sitting cross-legged for two decades, how can the legs become so numb?

Could it be that... there are also influences of different people's different physiques in this regard?

Thinking of this, Su Huanqing looked down at Jiang Rongyue's gorgeous snow-blue long skirt. The skirt was covered with layers of tulle, and the spring light inside could not be seen, but it gave off a hazy mystery.

But these are not important. Su Huanqing has seen many skirts like this. She is more concerned about the knee part of the skirt, which is obviously a different color from the other parts of the fabric.

To be precise, there are very obvious signs of wear and tear.

"Will the cross-legs also grind to the knees?" Su Huanqing was puzzled.

In addition, there is another place that puzzled her.

After cultivating in the Qi Refining Tower this time, I always felt that Jiang Rongyue seemed to have changed a lot from before entering.

To say that the cultivation base has indeed improved a lot, but Su Huanqing is very clear that the kind of subtle changes are not what this is.

If I had to describe it... Jiang Rongyue before was more like a little girl with no human resources. She pretended to be her sister even though she didn't understand anything, and she was quite cute.

And now... Jiang Rongyue doesn't need to 'pretend to be a sister', her frown and frown, the slight movement of pulling her hair behind her ear, a meaningful smile...everything, naturally makes people feel that she is ' elder sister'.

"Xiao Jing, do you like boys or girls?"

"'s too early to talk about this now."

"...It's also true that my sister is too impatient. Come here and give you a kiss."


Xu Shoujing's thoughtfulness seemed to be more meticulous than ever, and Jiang Rongyue also looked happy, enjoying his tenderness with peace of mind.

If it was before, I would probably say: I am an elder sister, how can I let my younger brother take care of me?
Now I am used to being taken care of by my younger brother, so there is no psychological pressure?

Su Huanqing looked at the two flirting and flirting in front of her, and always felt that they had something to hide from him.
Drunken House.

As the only restaurant in Sudu that purchases goods from the outside world, the business of Zuixianlou has always been booming.

Whether it's a disciple of the Changhe Su Clan who came back from a training trip, or an ordinary resident of Sudu, even if they don't have any idea about wine, they would always pick up a small pot when passing by.

tah... tah... tah
A monk dressed in a black robe with a hood walked down the stairs on the second floor step by step.

His steps were heavy, smashing the wooden stairs with a squeak every time.

If it was early in the morning, the guests living in the wing would have long gone out to complain, but it is noon now, and the noise of the drinkers downstairs has already covered up all this.

The man in black robe didn't attract anyone's attention, he blended into the crowd like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, he walked to the door of Zuixianlou.

"How do you plan to explain to Master later? You said that I was going out to practice, but my sister was 'eaten' by you~"

"Let's be honest, it's not a shameful thing, maybe Aunt Chu has already guessed it."

"Hmm~ you just wait for the master to sour you to death."

A group of people with outstanding appearance came towards them. The people in black robes hurriedly lowered their hoods and hid in the crowd to wipe their feet.

At the same time, there was hardly any pause, the shoulder of the man in black robe collided with the woman in the green skirt at the blind spot.

The woman in the green skirt staggered forward, and Xu Shoujing who was in front quickly reflected, and quickly put a hand around her shoulder.

"Thank you." Su Huanqing broke away from his hand very calmly, and thanked him silently.


Xu Shoujing replied absentmindedly, staring at Su Huanqing's back, only to find that there were no other figures there except for a few passers-by.

But he just saw a dark shadow... It can't be a hallucination, can it?

The essence of cultivating immortals is to transform the power of heaven and earth for one's own use, and they must know more about what happens in the space than mortals.

The 'seeing' of such a situation, as long as the illusion spell was not applied, must have been seen with one's own eyes.

Xu Shoujing remembered the black-robed man who Jiang Rongyue described to himself before entering the Qi Refining Tower in terms of atmosphere that resembled Su He.

If the shadow just now was really him, then why did he come to hit Su Huanqing?Did he intentionally appear in front of him?
Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, thought for a while, and felt that it would be better to just follow up and ask questions like this now.

Thinking of this, he gently squeezed Jiang Rongyue's little hand and said softly:
"Sister Rongyue, you go to Aunt Chu first. I suddenly remembered something. I'll come back later."

Jiang Rongyue knew Xu Shoujing well, and now after 20 days of "double cultivation" regardless of day and night, there is a tacit sense of two people being one.

She was keenly aware that her younger brother might be doing something dangerous again, and she didn't want to worry herself, so she didn't say it clearly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Rongyue sighed lightly and forced a reluctant smile:

"Be careful, I'll go up first."


Xu Shoujing didn't dare to delay any more time, and gently stuffed Sister Rong Yue to Su Huanqing's care, turned over and ran up to the roof of the Zuixian Building, and disappeared between the eaves in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Rongyue watched Xu Shoujing leave, and Xing's eyes were full of worry and reluctance.She shook her head to stop herself from thinking about the mess, but inadvertently saw Su Huanqing standing there in a daze.

"Huan Qing, what's wrong?" she asked quietly.

Su Huanqing suddenly came back to her senses, her eyes drooped slightly, and her eyes glanced to the other side:
"Nothing... What did Xu Shoujing do?"

"He..." Jiang Rongyue sighed faintly, using her spiritual power to relieve the stiffness and pain between her beautiful legs, she walked upstairs without a pause with a brisk pace that was completely opposite to the limping just now, mumbling: "What else can I do, do the things that make me worry."

Seeing this scene, Su Huanqing was stunned:

"Miss are..."

Jiang Rongyue looked back at her and pursed her lips: "Well... don't you think that Xiaojing cares more about me when I'm in that state? That's why I didn't cure it on purpose."

In fact, Su Huanqing didn't think that any treatment was needed for cross-legged, so she couldn't deny Jiang Rongyue's remarks.

"Rong Yue, are you back?"

A familiar voice came from upstairs. Jiang Rongyue looked up and found Chu Shuwan, who was wearing a dark green dress, lying on the second floor railing and waving at her:
"Come up quickly, I have something to say to you for the teacher."

With a serious tone and serious eyes, she was completely different from the previous Chu Shuwan.

Jiang Rongyue had a sudden cardiac arrest, and there was only one thought in her heart: Was this discovered by Master?Too bad... Master won't blame me for stealing her man... eh?

No, Xiaojing is also my man, what am I afraid of?
Jiang Rongyue blinked and recalled it with hindsight. Without the psychological burden, she raised her feet and planned to go upstairs.

"Miss Jiang, since you're all right, I'll leave first." Su Huanqing said suddenly.

"Ah... oh, then you walk slowly..." Jiang Rongyue felt a little inexplicable.

In fact, Su Huanqing didn't have to follow him down the mountain. Now he followed step by step, why did he suddenly want to go back?
Thinking so, Jiang Rongyue didn't delve into the reason. After all, everyone is capricious. Maybe there is something urgent to deal with?

For Jiang Rongyue's understanding, Su Huanqing nodded lightly, and then deceived herself and exited the Zuixianlou.

Da da da……

The drizzle silently slapped her cheeks lightly, which was somewhat comfortable and cool, but for Su Huanqing at the moment, it stinged like silver needles.

Su Huanqing walked briskly for a while, suddenly pulled out the silver sword, jumped lightly, stepped on the silver sword, turned into a light and shadow, and flew away into the sky.

Su Du does not allow Yu Jian, but now Su Huanqing has completely ignored those dead rules.

Her mind is now full of the words he whispered in her ear when she collided with the man in black robe:
"Su Jin's life is not long, if you don't believe it, just go and confront him to find out."


The sea of ​​clouds was cut open by a sharp sword, and Su Huanqing was bathed in the 'humming' of the breaking wind in her ears. The calm state of mind in the past seemed to be affected by the wind and waves, causing waves of waves.
Sudu is surrounded by three big rivers, only the southwest direction is a mountain that towers into the clouds.

The ancient tree in the sky that Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing saw together last time was stationed here.


The black robe fluttered, but the hood was as motionless as it was welded to the head; the man in black robe landed on the rain-soaked grass and walked slowly towards the ancient tree in the sky.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

There was an unexpected chatter from behind, the man in black robe paused, and subconsciously jumped forward a few steps, and his figure fell beside the ancient tree that ten people could not play around.

"You just... did you bump into Huan Qing on purpose? What's your purpose?"

Xu Shoujing put one hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, and did not continue to move forward. While talking to the man in black robe, he kept looking around, trying to see if there was any ambush.

The man in black robe was silent, his arms under the cloak slowly wriggled, as if he wanted to touch the Qiongyu Pavilion hidden under the cloth.

Xu Shoujing saw that he was trying to get some props or something to get away, so he secretly said that he would not be able to make a sound. He paused for a while, and said loudly:
"You are He Su, right?"

The black-robed man trembled and stopped the movement of his hands.After a moment of silence, he raised his palm and slowly lowered the hood that was shining on his head, revealing a scholarly face.

It's just... His pupils showed a completely different color from the human race - purple.

That is a purple meaning that has been hidden for a long time... It seems that everyone is suppressed, only that purple meaning breaks free from all the shackles in the world and releases the desire from the depths of the heart.

"Sure enough, it's you." Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and the painting boat smoked half an inch out of its sheath.

Seeing his actions, Su He waved his hand, his posture was much more relaxed than before:
"Xu Shoujing, I didn't come to fight with you."

"Well, you are here to be repaired by me." Xu Shoujing said casually, but took the saber back into its scabbard.

This is not like letting him go, a dead man who has been repaired with a knife, standing in front of you, and it is not the kind of puppet that demonizes.

... If you don't ask about it, you're wasting a great source of intelligence.

"Introduce yourself." Su He ignored Xu Shoujing's trash talk and said solemnly, "My name is Su He, He Su is just my pseudonym."

Xu Shoujing is not surprised at all, no one has a trumpet anymore.

Su He spread out his palm, "As you can see, I'm back to life... I'm complete, my soul is even closer than before."

"Oh." Xu Shoujing looked like 'I will watch your performance quietly'.

"..." Su He said that it was the first time he had met such an uncooperative person.

If you don't make fun of it, how can he continue talking?

There is no way, the boss has set the target, even if it is a one-man show, it will continue to be performed.

Su He paused for a moment, choreographed the words in his heart, forcibly restrained his shyness, and said aloud:
"Xu Shoujing! Do you have a dream? Do you want to stand on the top of Jiuzhou? Do you want to break free from all the constraints of the world and become a free person?"

Xu Shoujing looked confused, and after a while, he said in a strange tone:
"Are you putting it here for MLM?"

Su He doesn't understand what 'MLM' means, but as long as he finishes saying the following sentence, he doesn't need to continue reading these shameful lines.

Thinking of this, Su He let out a long sigh of relief. With the ancient trees in the sky as the background, he said in a loud voice:

"Xu Shoujing! Don't be surprised, you are the key that unlocks everything! The Holy Religion is where you belong!"


At the moment when Su He's voice fell, his purple pupils dimmed and returned to the black that the human race should have.

However, there was a rootless white fire burning in those bright black eyes. It was clearly a fire, but it gave people the feeling of being bathed in the snow.

With the appearance of rootless white fire, the atmosphere of Su He also changed suddenly. His appearance was still that scholar-like son, but his eyes gave people the vicissitudes of life that spanned the ages.

"First meeting, Xu Shoujing, this deity has always wanted to talk to you face to face."

His tone was indifferent, his expression was as cold as frost, and with Su He's rather noble voice, he sounded like the arrogant son of a certain company.

But Xu Shoujing had no reason to think... This is a woman, and maybe she is the same generation as her own Yaoyao.

That kind of contempt for the world, the coercion that everything is ants... Xu Shoujing has only felt it when he met Zhao Fuyao for the first time so far.

'Su He' waved his left hand gently, and the entire space fell into darkness in a blink of an eye, and Xu Shoujing also froze in place, unable to move.

Xu Shoujing clearly felt that his contact with the outside world was all cut off. At this moment, he was like an ant being kneaded by him. Even if he wanted to resist, he might not even be able to do the ripples in the water.

This kind of power to change the world, among all the people Xu Shoujing knew, except Zhao Fuyao's 'Extreme Night', it seemed that no one could do it.

Fortunately, I didn't bring Sister Rongyue and the others here... Xu Shoujing let out a sigh of relief. At the same time, he forced himself to stabilize his mind. In order not to let 'Su He' see his panic, he asked a question casually:

"You... who are you, and are you also taught in the end?"


'Su He' glanced at him, and there was no emotion in his eyes burning with rootless white fire, as if he was looking at an unimportant person.

Please... do I really matter to them?Why does it feel like it doesn't matter if this eldest sister kills me at any time...

Xu Shoujing swallowed a mouthful of saliva silently. Although he couldn't move his entire body, luckily his speech was not restricted, and he could use this to divert his attention.

At this time, if you show a look of fear, you will really become a marionette...

"I dare to ask, what position are you in the sect of the end of the world... Dharma protector, or bishop?"

The purpose of Xu Shoujing's words was to show that he had actually found a lot of things, so as to surprise 'Su He' and buy himself some buffer time.

However, after listening to Xu Shoujing's speech, 'Su He' did not show any unexpected expression, as if he had long expected that he would find out this step.

"What do you think it is?"

Xu Shoujing did not answer, and if he answered incorrectly, he would be even more nervous.

'Su He' saw Xu Shoujing's actions in his eyes, and with a wave of his big hand, he transformed into a chair shrouded in thick smoke, and then sat on it very like a queen.

She folded her legs, her head tilted slightly on the back of her hands, and she looked down at Xu Shoujing below coldly. After a long while, she said calmly:

"This deity is the leader of the end."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: It's a headache to write. I've been tiring to organize the plot in the past two days... Don't say 'Wugen Baihuo was a man before, but how can he become a woman now', it's not a bug, I'll explain in the next chapter, these two are not alone ...

I have written 70 words here, and the plot of this book is halfway through. It's not easy to get to this day, it's been a long time...

(End of this chapter)

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