The queen is so fierce

Chapter 154 Heaven's Way Ends

Chapter 154 Heaven's Way Ends
"This deity is the leader of the end."


Xu Shoujing's brain fell into a brief downtime.

It's not that he didn't think about the scene where he would meet the black hands behind the scenes of Yan Yanjiao... But like now, he didn't do anything, inexplicably ran into his face... I really didn't think about it.

As early as the first time Xu Shoujing learned of the existence of the Zhanyan Religion from Qiu Ji's mouth, he was constantly investigating the Zhanyan Religion.

Although the progress is very slow, all the clues surfaced with the 'name, organization, composition', and he is getting closer and closer to the truth.

In Xu Shoujing's expectation, the existence of such a final big boss must stay behind the scenes and never show up until he gathers all the clues.

Just like those games in the previous life where you practiced and leveled up, if you were only level [-] and put a full-level BOSS on your face, it would not be an extremely poor game experience, but a 'plot kill' that was sure to die.

In the novel, those behind the scenes do not like to show up until the end. Obviously, as long as the protagonist grows up, there are not so many things to deal with him.

But as if they had agreed, watching the protagonist become stronger little by little, and sending a few men to deliver equipment from time to time, it was extremely considerate.

Reality is not a novel, nor a game. Xu Shoujing was worried at first that the Church of the End would not directly send a few more people like Jiuxiao to kill him in the cradle.

However, Xu Shoujing soon dispelled this concern, because he seemed to be quite useful to the final teaching, which is why he cut down Su He with a sword without any scruples.

Even if there is a bishop or a law protector who really doesn't like him and wants to cut him off, Xu Shoujing can use the reasons for letting him go a few times before to make a fool of himself.

But the situation is different now. The person who has the most say in the entire teaching of the end is here, bluffing has no meaning at all, killing or burying is a matter of her words.

This was the first time Xu Shoujing felt a deep sense of powerlessness since he was reincarnated into this world.

In the face of a truly powerful existence, his cleverness can't play any role, and his life and death are completely controlled by others.

Before this time, Xu Shoujing had no real feeling for the word 'ants', and even thought that those were nothing more than exaggerations in the novel, forcibly describing the strength of the two sides.

But now Xu Shoujing is very clear that the real difference in strength is not because the opponent can kill you with a single thought.But in front of her, you can't even commit suicide.

If you want to live, you need her to agree; if you want to die, you need her to agree.

"Are you afraid of the deity?" Dong Huangli maintained the queen's seated position, raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed to see through Xu Shoujing's hidden mood under his calm face.

Xu Shoujing didn't answer, but he was complaining in his heart: No matter how brave people are, they wouldn't dare to say that they are not afraid at all in the face of this situation, right?

"Don't worry, if the deity wanted to kill you, you would not be alive today. The deity just used the subordinate's technique to possess his subordinate, just to see you."

Dong Huangli looked indifferent, stretched out his five fingers and looked at his fingernails—then realized that this was not his hand, and put it aside in disgust.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's because of your attitude that I can't feel at ease!
Can you be serious, or simply write a few hundred thousand words essay on my importance.

That way you can somehow make me realize that I'm really useful, instead of just making me feel like I'm irrelevant and ready to be thrown away...

No matter how powerful Dong Huangli is, it is impossible to know that the small theater in Xu Shoujing's mind at this moment is so colorful.

She glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was trying to calm herself, and said indifferently:

"This deity is not good at explaining. If you have any questions, just say it directly. There is never a time limit for the deity's techniques. We have time."


Another bad news.

Xu Shoujing took a long sigh, thought for a while, and decided to start with the most basic question:
"You... what is the purpose of teaching in the end?"

"Didn't you already know this?" Dong Huang said indifferently.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then tentatively asked, "Transcendence?"

"That's right." Dong Huangli maintained the posture of leaning on the beauty, stretched out his plain hand and snapped his fingers.


In a short moment, the pitch-black space has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The endless abyss under Xu Shoujing's feet became the top of a snow-capped mountain. The biting chill penetrated through his boots and penetrated into his leather watch, making it impossible to doubt the reality of this scene.

Soon, the snow-white blizzard changed and was covered by the endless yellow sand desert.

The scorching sun burned every grain of yellow sand, the air was steaming, the scene was hazy, and there was a mirage like a dream in the distance.

After a while, the clothes behind Xu Shoujing were soaked with sweat, and the desert that could not see the edge also dissipated.

The vast grasslands, the lush green forests, the sea level where the sunset matches, the bustling city with no one...

Countless scenes are shown in front of Xu Shoujing, but they all have one thing in common - they are all real.

Xu Shoujing had come into contact with illusionists as strong as Qiu Ji, so he knew very well that what Dong Huangli showed him were all real things, and that kind of feeling was difficult to imitate with illusions.

"You show me these...what do you mean?" Xu Shoujing murmured.

Dong Huangli didn't answer Xu Shoujing's question, he straightened up, put his head on one hand, and said in a low voice:

"Just now is the way of the deity's space, as long as the deity wants, I can put it in front of you anywhere in Jiuzhou.

Including the space where you are now, it is not the Changhe Su Clan, it is just a temporary space created by the deity, so it is impossible for those little girls around you to find this place. "

"..." Xu Shoujing was silent, not understanding the meaning of Dong Huangli's words.

"But... the space outside Jiuzhou." Dong Huangli paused slightly, "Even the deity tried every means, but he couldn't move a bit."

"What... what do you mean?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, a little stunned.

Space outside Kyushu?What does this big guy want to do...

"Haven't you thought about it? Jiuzhou... From the age of the gods, to the age of Tianzhu, or to the Jiuyu and Jiuzhou as you say, but no matter how it changes, the whole world has just so little space..."

Before he knew it, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized that he was actually at a height of [-] feet, and there seemed to be a platform invisible to the naked eye. The territory of Jiuzhou was displayed in an unexpected form.

"Aren't you curious, is there any other world outside of Jiuzhou?"

With a voice without emotional fluctuations around his ears, Xu Shoujing looked up at Dong Huangli and said nothing.

Is there any other world besides Kyushu?

The answer is yes, and definitely yes.

Didn't he himself come from a world that had neither magic nor immortality?
In the previous life, the male protagonists in the film and television comic novels always thought about how to go back.

But Xu Shoujing didn't understand at all, what is worth remembering in that kind of world.

Now holding Sister Rong Yue with her left hand and Aunt Chu with her right hand, isn't it better than going back and being an orphan?

Dong Huangli saw Xu Shoujing distracted and thought he was thinking about his own problems, so he continued:

"Since I can remember, this deity has always had a question in my heart... Will there be other worlds outside this world? What do other worlds look like?
Therefore, the deity will practice the way of space, so that one day, he will be able to see the elegance of other realms. "

Xu Shoujing couldn't help but said: "Since that's the case, it's fine to concentrate on research, why do you want to create an organization like the Ultimate Teaching?"

"Concentrate on your research?" Dong Huangli glanced at him and sneered: "You know, why does this deity want to transcend the way of heaven?"

"Why?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

Donghuang Li said with an expressionless face: "Because the 'Tao of Heaven' has pressed the limit of all races to the Xuanye Realm, although the Xuanye Realm has almost eternal life, it is impossible to escape from Jiuzhou...

The Tao of Heaven has no self-awareness, and it cannot be seen or touched. It is only a manifestation of world consciousness. It is hard to say whether it exists or not... But its laws actually affect Jiuzhou. "

Having said that, Dong Huangli tilted his head and glanced at Xu Shoujing, and said solemnly:

"Can you imagine? From the moment you were born, everything about you has been set by the Tao of Heaven. Your whole life is under the supervision of the Tao of Heaven, and everything you do is within the laws of the Tao of Heaven."

Xu Shoujing was silent. Originally, he didn't feel anything, but now listening to Dong Huangli's talk, it was as if a thorn was stuck in the flesh. It was obviously helpless, but he always felt very uncomfortable.

"This is... brainwashing me?" Xu Shoujing couldn't understand.

At this point, Dong Huangli's words are far from finished.

"Your current history should only record the Tianzhu era."

"Ah... um." Xu Shoujing replied casually.

There was no surprise in Dong Huangli's eyes, she raised her legs again, and said coldly:

"The Era of Tianzhu has a history of nearly 10 years from now, but in fact, as early as 80 years ago, there was an extinct civilization in the world, known as the Age of Gods.

In the age of the gods, whether it is the human race, the demon race, the demon race, or all races in the world, it is much stronger than Jiuzhou. Now the so-called nirvana bone washing is only the entry point for the cultivation of immortals in the era of the gods. "


What hell age?
"Fortunately, I was reincarnated in Jiuzhou. Otherwise, I might have been killed by the aftermath of the fight as soon as I went out." Xu Shoujing thought to himself.

"Although the deity is not from that era, through space magic, ancient books that recorded the era of the gods were found in many space faults, which is enough to prove the existence of that era."

Dong Huangli spoke without a single pause, like a history teacher who was popularizing science for ignorant students.

Xu Shoujing heard that something was wrong:
"Since the monks at that time were so powerful, how could they become extinct?"

"Because in that era, there was no such thing as the highest level of cultivation." Dong Huang said loudly. "Xuan Yejing is just a realm on the way to their cultivation. After that, there are countless realms waiting for them, and those who have broken through Xuan Yejing are no longer bound by this world, and have never heard of it."

Donghuangli paused, and then said: "I don't know how the gods were completely extinct, but the No. 11 realm beyond the ten realms of the immortal way must exist, but the will of heaven forced all the monks to stagnate in the mysterious place. It's just nighttime."

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened. Hearing this, he suddenly had a conjecture in his heart. Maybe...


Dong Huangli seemed to understand Xu Shoujing's heart, and directly affirmed his thoughts:
"Heavenly Dao has no consciousness, it is just the incarnation of the world, and while maintaining the law, it corrects the unstable factors... The gods broke through the Xuanye realm and left, leaving the entire Jiuzhou in an unbalanced situation.

Tiandao can't tolerate this, so after that, Tiandao will stagnate the monk's realm in the Xuanye realm, and even erase the fact that the gods exist, in order to maintain the stability of the world. "

When the words fell, Dong Huangli stood up and looked down at Xu Shoujing from a high position. He still looked cold, but his tone was much more relaxed:

"Xu Shoujing, I have never been a cult, but gathered together in order to fight against this unfair way of heaven. In essence, it's just a sect with greater pursuits.

The Jiuxiao and Qiu Ji you met... each had a different purpose, but they were all to get rid of the Heavenly Dao that took away their freedom. This deity believes that you are not someone who is willing to be imprisoned. "

This time it was not Su He's 'Do you have a dream' warning, but a sincere invitation from a person in power at the highest level of an organization.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and a nameless fire suddenly erupted in his heart. He even forgot the current situation he was in, and sneered:

"It's not a cult? Hundreds of thousands of mortals in Dali were turned into demons for no reason, and Venerable Su had no grievances with you, and was brutally killed in front of his wife...

Now it seems that the Millennium Demon Tribulation, the Immortal Tribulation, and even the extermination of the Demon Race are all inseparable from you, so why don't you say it's not a cult? "

Dong Huangli didn't have any psychological burden on this, as if what Xu Shoujing said were irrelevant things.She waved her hand and said indifferently:
"Those who achieve great things don't care about the details. The few you mentioned are indeed part of my Holy Religion, but that's just for the ultimate goal, some trivial sacrifices."

Seeing that Xu Shoujing still wanted to speak, Donghuang squinted at him and said coldly:
"It's okay for you to scold the deity, but don't you realize it yourself? It doesn't matter who dies except for the things you care about.

This deity will not kill you, nor will you kill the little girls around you. Even if you kill the whole world, you will not touch a single hair of them. Are you satisfied? "

Xu Shoujing opened his mouth and was speechless.

He admits that he has no mentality to sacrifice himself and others, and his original desire to be a hero was just a feeling and a longing for the plot of the novel in his previous life.

When he was actually doing it, he realized that he couldn't weigh his loved ones on the same scale as others.

The truth is such a truth, and Dong Huangli just said it in a more direct way.

But Xu Shoujing always felt uncomfortable in his heart and didn't want to agree with Dong Huangli's point of view, but he couldn't find anything to refute.

As long as you and your family are alive...does it matter to everyone else?
Xu Shoujing's clenched hands just now hung down weakly, not even noticing that the restraint on his body was removed.

Unconsciously, the surrounding environment returned to the hill in the southwest of Sudu, and the shadows of the ancient trees in the sky covered Xu Shoujing's body, forming a sharp contrast with the sunny meadow.

"This deity is willing to wait for you because you are very special, don't waste my patience. If you think about it, you can come to this deity at any time.

If you still don't want to... There is still a lot of time before the deity's plan, so you should try your best to pray that the cultivation base can get close to me. "

Su He's figure disappeared along with Dong Huangli's voice. Xu Shoujing was unaware of it. He stood there in a daze, his already clear heart was once again lost in confusion.

what do I do?
On this day, Xu Shoujing suddenly understood the meaning of the first two words of 'End Yanjiao' - the end of Heaven.
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(End of this chapter)

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