Chapter 155
The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and a few residual clouds floated in the night sky, illuminating the long corridor outside Su Mansion.

In the quiet study room, Su Jin sat in front of the desk and pondered. He gently picked up the white porcelain teacup in his hand, held it up in the air, but stopped again. With this back and forth, outsiders could not understand what he was doing.

Only half a day had passed since the conversation with Xu Shoujing, but Su Jin always felt a little unfinished.

Not in the strange sense of being unfinished... but, he felt as if he had missed some detail.

For example, the word 'Gu Yaoxian Palace' in Xu Shoujing's mouth is so specific that it is obviously impossible to make up the location.

Of course, the problem wasn't the name, the real point was... He had never heard of a place like 'Gu Yao Xian Palace', but he felt it was inexplicably familiar.

When you reach the realm of Su Jin, things that you usually pass by at a glance, as long as you have the heart to carefully pursue them with your spiritual sense, you can always hear the original scene.

So he felt that he hadn't heard it. It wasn't that he forgot or something, but he really hadn't heard it.

If I had to say that...where did this weird familiarity come from?
It seems that there is something in the blood that wants to surrender to the name 'Gu Yao'...

"Huh?" Su Jin suddenly came back to his senses and seemed to realize something. He frowned and muttered to himself, "Just now... why did I think that 'Gu Yao' is a personal name?"

clap clap-

There was a sound of hurried footsteps in the corridor outside the house. Judging from the size of the sound, it could be heard that there was hardly any pause on the floor, and then he raised his foot.

And the direction of the owner of the footsteps is undoubtedly the main entrance of the study.

It's obviously impossible for someone who can run into Su's residence at night to be an assassin or the like. If there are sneaky people approaching, they will be stopped by the big formation as early as outside the Changhe Su family.

So Su Jin did not vigilantly use his spiritual sense to perceive who the person was, and quietly waited for the other party's next move.

However, Su Jin's idea was still in vain.

The owner of the sound of footsteps, clearly showed her impatient mood from beginning to end, but when she actually walked to the door of the study, she surprisingly stayed in place and did not move.

Su Jin frowned slightly, unable to understand what the outsider was thinking, so he tapped on the armrest a few times, with a strong voice:
"Come in."


The other door was pushed open, and Qian Ying, carrying the bright white moonlight on her back, walked in stiffly.

Su Jin was holding the white porcelain teacup to his mouth, just about to take a sip, when he saw the real face of the person who came, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and said in surprise:
"Qing'er, why are you?"

As soon as she said the words, she was not treated as indifferently as before, and Su Jin was suddenly 'flattered'.

Su Huanqing stood there with no expression on her face, her hands tightly holding the corners of her skirt, her thin lips pursed a little white, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

After hearing that the man in black robe conveyed that Su Jin's death was approaching, Su Huanqing didn't stop for a moment, even violating Su's rule that Yujian was not allowed, and rushed directly to the Changhe Su Clan.

Well, it turned out to be stopped by the large air defense formation.

The disciples in the night watch class outside were all alarmed, thinking that the Su Clan's rare air strike in the Changhe Su Clan was coming.

In order to prove that the usual drills are not in vain, they gathered a large number of disciples and ran to meet them... Anything that plays spells, swords, guns, and even those who are good at healing, and nothing to be beaten. All are called in the past, highlighting a comprehensive.

But when they arrived at the scene of the incident, everyone was stunned when they saw that it was the familiar Senior Sister Huanqing.

How could someone attack their own family?
Su Huanqing didn't explain much to them, and didn't even want to delay for a minute, so he flew to Su's mansion after getting off the flying sword.

Along the way, she passed by Abo, the eldest brother Su Ren, and cousin Su Ling, who was the steward of the Su residence. She didn't even have time to say hello, or she was not in the mood to say hello.

She only wanted to find Su Jin and ask if 'that thing' was true.

But when he really arrived at the door of Su Jin's study, his mood suddenly cooled down.

He was so eager when he came, and when he arrived, he didn't even have the courage to open the door.

If Su Jin hadn't spoken, Su Huanqing had no doubt that he would have stood outside the door all night.

Su Huanqing was just thinking, in the past, she and Su Jin had no father-daughter relationship at all, so why did it become what he is now because of his possible 'leave'?

She no longer regards Su Jin as her father, isn't she slapping herself in the face now?

To put it another way, in the past 20 years or so, Su Jin has never fulfilled his father's obligation once, and he has never given Su Huanqing half of his love. The two of them are like familiar strangers.

In this case, is what the black-robed man said true, and what can be done?

Mingming doesn't care anymore, so what does it have to do with me whether he 'leaves' or not?
"Su Jin."

In the silent darkness, a crystal lamp alone emits a faint light.

Su Huanqing's voice tried her best to keep her voice from trembling, confused, helpless, annoyed, resentful... All kinds of complex emotions were mixed together, and it sounded so suppressed that it made people gasp for breath.

Su Jin has long been used to her daughter calling her by her first name. Out of the guilt of 'it's all my fault', she never said anything more.

He was more concerned about Su Huanqing's unusual reasons than those insignificant matters.

"What's wrong? Is that kid Xu Shoujing bullying you?"

Su Huanqing shook her head and was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and looked directly into Su Jin's eyes, pursing her thin lips:
"Su Jin, you... are you dying?"

As soon as these words came out, the already quiet and silent study room became even more deadly.

This is a very disrespectful sentence as a child. In a family that pays special attention to etiquette, it may be necessary to serve the family.

Su Jin was naturally very angry, but he wasn't angry that his daughter was so disrespectful to him... Anyway, Su Huanqing never respected him.

He was angry—Xu Shoujing, that stinky boy, didn't believe what he said, he just told him 'don't tell Qing'er' this morning, and Qing'er had already come to the door before even a day had passed.

Of course, anger turned into anger, but Su Jin was not surprised.

In his eyes, the reason Xu Shoujing would do this is simply to repair the relationship between their father and daughter. The starting point was good, but he didn't take his own position into consideration.

That's why, although Su Jin was angry, he didn't blame Xu Shoujing for making such an opinion.

Xu Shoujing said, I'm not, I don't, don't wrong people.

"You already know... I won't hide it from you anymore." After being silent for a long time, Su Jin sighed lightly and said seriously: "My soul is broken, in a sense, more than your master— Immortal Venerable Fuyu is even more serious, and now it is just lingering, maybe it won't be long..."

Su Jin didn't finish his words, but no one would understand what he wanted to express.

Su Huanqing looked down at the toes of her embroidered shoes, slowly closed her eyes, and murmured:
"When did this happen?"

"It's the year I just came back."

Su Jin was not sure which step 'Xu Shoujing' had revealed to Su Huanqing. He glanced at Su Huanqing's reaction and asked aloud:

"What do you know?"

"I don't know anything." Su Huanqing shook his head.

Su Jin pondered for a while, sighed deeply, and said solemnly:

"It's just that I suffered a secret loss when I was fighting with others. If... if it wasn't like this, I might not come back."

Su Jin's voice just fell, and Su Huanqing, who had been silent for a while, trembled slightly, raised her head and gave him a deep look, and then rushed out the door.

crunch... crunch...

Su Jin watched Su Huanqing leave, and looked at the door swaying back and forth under the bright white moonlight. After a long time, he sighed for some reason.

Since I can't accompany you in the end, it's better to keep your hatred, so that when I 'leave', it may not be so sad.

"Gu Guji?"

The clouds and mists above the sky are hazy, and the bright moon, which is as round as a jade plate, hangs in the air.

When the time came, the streets of the Changhe Su Clan were dark, most of the shops turned off the lights, and after walking for a long time, few pedestrians were not seen.

In the whole street, only the first floor of the Zuixian Building was left with the lights on, but judging from the situation at the scene, it was not their volition.

The moonlight was long, and Bai Ning's crystal lamps hung on both sides of the gate. A warm woman in a long snow-blue dress stood under the steps, looking at the bridge deck of the arch bridge in the distance, her fingers crossed and her fists clenched in front of her chest. hope.

The shimmer of the crystal lamp and the moonlight rubbed together, and lightly sprinkled on her delicate skin, which was astonishingly white. The boy appeared in the field of vision.

The shop assistant, dressed in plain clothes, stood by the side with a sad face:
"Guest officer, there's really something going on at my little house. The shift change hasn't come today... I beg you to do well today, go in and rest early. I'll lock the door, so I won't delay you..."

Jiang Rongyue kept her eyes fixed on the wide bridge at the end of the street, and shook her head:

"Didn't I say it? Someone hasn't come back..."

"This...this..." The shop boy's face was tangled, and he didn't know what to do.

Seeing his appearance, Jiang Rongyue thought for a moment and suggested:

"Why don't you give me the key, and I'll lock the door for you when someone comes back."

"This is against the rules... If the shopkeeper finds out, the young ones will lose their jobs."

"I didn't tell him."


While speaking, a figure in a black robe suddenly appeared on the wide bridge that was somewhat whitened by the moonlight in the distance.

He has a handsome face like a fairy, his black hair is tied with a headband, his sword eyebrows are thick ink, and his eyes are like peach blossoms; the black robe on his body is restrained and luxurious, with an outgoing atmosphere. Like a passing knight.

It's just that the black-robed youth's face was neither sad nor happy, his expression was a little dazed, he couldn't tell whether he was lost or depressed, every step was heavy, and his body exuded a sense of bewilderment.

This is the first time Jiang Rongyue has seen her younger brother who looks like this. As usual, Xu Shoujing is either teasing her or teasing her master. How could she look like this?

Jiang Rongyue didn't know what happened in this short afternoon, but she felt badly distressed. She said to the shop assistant next to her, "The person I'm waiting for is back," and trotted over with her skirt.


Xingyue Bridge.

Su is a city of water, with no less than [-] arch bridges, large and small, Xingyue Bridge is one of the ten largest stone bridges.

The Xingyue Bridge is so wide that it can allow ten carriages to pass at the same time. The white stone railings on both sides were built by Yu Jian, a disciple of the Changhe Su Clan. The bottom end depicts a lot of flood control formations. Pretty solid.

The moonlight shone on the long, calm river, and from time to time, a spirit fish jumped out of the shimmering river, but it was quickly eaten away by passing white jade birds.

Xu Shoujing stopped abruptly after walking to the top of Xingyue Bridge, looking at the natural scene in front of him, his whole person was a little dazed.

"Xiao Jing?"

The familiar gentle voice sounded, Xu Shoujing slowly turned his head and saw that it was Jiang Rongyue with a worried face, he quickly sorted out his mood and forced a smile:
"What's the matter? It's so late and you haven't gone to bed yet?"

Jiang Rongyue stared at his face for a while, then pursed her thin lips:

"You are, why are you coming back now?"

Xu Shoujing's eyes dodged a little, and he covered his neck with his right hand, and said absently:
"It's nothing, it's just turning around..."

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Rongyue sighed helplessly, stepped forward and tapped Xu Shoujing's chest:
"Xiaojing, has anyone ever told you that you like to cover the back of your head or neck when you lie, and then look around for something to change the subject?"


Xu Shoujing's body stiffened, he glanced at his elbow, put down his right hand mechanically, and sighed.

"What happened?" Jiang Rongyue's face softened a bit, and she gently wrapped her arms around her younger brother Qing's waist.

Xu Shoujing hesitated for a while, not knowing where to start: " do I say..."

Jiang Rongyue put her head on Xu Shoujing's chest, quietly listening to his gradually accelerating heartbeat, and said softly:
"It's okay, you speak slowly, I will listen slowly."

"I... I have made up my mind before. As long as I can protect you, I don't care if other people live or die." Xu Shoujing thought for a long time before saying.

"Well, then what?"

"Then... I'm a little unsure now. I know very well that I am a selfish person. If I have to choose between you and the people, I will definitely choose you...

But if you can all survive, Jiuzhou will be destroyed because I sit by and watch... My choice will not change, but I don't know if I am right... Or, I don't know if I should So choose. "

Once the gate is opened, many unspeakable things will naturally be revealed.

Jiang Rongyue did not say a word, and quietly listened to Xu Shoujing talk about his heart. He said a lot, which he would not usually tell him...such as the matter of the leader of the end Yan, the matter of Venerable Su, the matter of the master , Ling Fuyu's matter...even Zhao Fuyao's matter.

In the past, in order to keep herself from worrying, Xiaojing would always perfunctory these things with a very relaxed word or two when she asked.

But now Xu Shoujing did not choose to hide it, which only shows that he was really at a loss and confused, and it was the first time that he did not choose to take responsibility for himself, but chose to ask her for help.

"Xiaojing." After Xu Shoujing finished talking, Jiang Rongyue broke free from his embrace and looked at him softly, "What do you want to do?"

I... what do I want to do?
To be a true hero, to fight against an enemy that is completely incompetent, like the leader of the end of the world?
Or is it really like what she said, as long as the people around you are okay, let Jiuzhou destroy the world?

Xu Shoujing looked down at the river and slowly shook his head: "I don't know."

Jiang Rongyue let out a long sigh of relief, as if to cheer herself up, she lightly clenched her little pink fist and smashed it lightly on Xu Shoujing's chest.

"...What's the matter?" Xu Shoujing looked confused.

"This punch is for revenge on you... So many things are hidden from my sister." Jiang Rongyue held her face for a long time, then smiled, and turned her head to look at the night scene of Changhe Su Clan, "Xiaojing, my sister can't do it for you. You decide."

Xu Shoujing was silent.

"But...sister can support your decision." Jiang Rongyue turned around and looked at him seriously, "Whether you choose to be stable or resist, elder sister will unconditionally support the answer you choose."

"Sister Rongyue..." Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled.

Jiang Rongyue smiled sweetly and gently held Xu Shoujing's big hand, her apricot eyes seemed to contain thousands of tenderness:

"Those people in the world...or how to destroy the way of heaven in the end, I actually have no idea, but I know it's not good to watch innocent people die, and I also understand that I want our family to be together safely and securely. There's nothing wrong with that.

So, Xiaojing, I want to tell you...if you choose to fight against the End Yanjiao, my sister has no regrets and will always be by your side, help you, and accompany you..."

At this point, Jiang Rongyue changed her words and tapped her white chin with her scallion finger:

"However, if you think it's too difficult to fight against the teaching of the end of the world, there is no hope... then let's find a place outside the world to live in seclusion, and my sister fully agrees.

It doesn’t need to be as prosperous as Sudu and Zi Mo, it only needs a house and a field. We can practice together, eat together, and… we can have… give birth to children. You teach them how to practice, and I’ll teach them. etiquette. "

"Sister Rongyue..." Xu Shoujing's voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were rarely red, but he forbeared that the liquid didn't turn into tears and fell from the corners of his eyes.

Jiang Rongyue smiled sweetly and looked at him tenderly, "What do I want to say... Xiaojing, you don't have to think too much about your burden.

In fact, there is no such thing as right or wrong at all, and it is human nature to feel confused.

Don't be afraid of regrets, because no matter which path you choose, I, Master and the others will always be with you..."

"Yeah." Xu Shoujing choked and nodded.

"What's more..." Jiang Rongyue held Xu Shoujing's head and gently combed his hair while washing the face cream, "It's too early to think about this now, we still have time to improve our strength, before that , just think about it slowly."


"Besides, isn't he a leader of the end of the mysterious night realm? My brother's talent, given a few years, must have surpassed her already!"


"Even if you can't surpass, don't you still have Master and the others? If you really can't beat it, why don't we all go up together? She won't kill you, and if you lose, find a place to live in seclusion..."


The moonlight is quiet, and the brothers and sisters on the bridge depend on each other.

The two grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and it was only at this time that they were truly enchanted by the gentleness of their elder sister comforting her younger brother.

Looking at this scene... The shop assistant at the entrance of Zuixianlou was about to cry.

Big night... too much! ——
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(End of this chapter)

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