The queen is so fierce

Chapter 156 Before leaving

Chapter 156 Before leaving

In the early morning, the night is fading.

The waning moon was still hanging in the clouds and did not disappear. The drizzle finally stopped. The edges and corners of the cornices and tiles were piled with small water beaches, which flowed along the grooves for a while, and turned into droplets of water that hit the ground and stained them.

tah... tah... tah
The sound of water droplets hitting the wooden floor corridor was exchanged rhythmically, and the twilight of the morning and evening filtered through the window paper and sprinkled on the edge of the bed in the wing room.


Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth, as if being chilled by the cold wind in the morning, he lifted the quilt like a dream, and wrapped himself tightly.

But he just grabbed the quilt, but he felt a slight pulling force coming from the other end of the quilt in the opposite direction.

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and he slowly opened his slightly confused peach blossom eyes.

The first thing that catches the eye is the familiar sandalwood ceiling, the milky and sweet scent lingers on the tip of the nose, the left arm buried in the quilt, Xu Shoujing's ethereal pupils regain focus, and the hazy vision gradually becomes clear.

He blinked his dry eyes, turned his head instinctively, and as expected, saw a soft and beautiful face in deep sleep.


Jiang Rongyue's body rose and fell with the sound of even breathing, and the gentle and powerful heartbeat was clearly fed back through Xu Shoujing's arm.

Feeling the warm breath hitting her face, Xu Shoujing smiled softly, and did not wake her up, but quietly looked at Jiang Rongyue's sleeping face like a kitten.

But for a long time, Xu Shi saw some terrible scene in his dream, Jiang Rongyue frowned, and pursed her thin lips as if struggling:


Xu Shoujing was slightly startled, then smoothed the corner of her brow with his thumb, and said softly:

"I'm here, Sister Rong Yue."

With the words out of his mouth, Xu Shoujing sighed lightly. Even in a dream, Jiang Rongyue was worried about herself all the time. I'm afraid it was another dream that he was involved in something dangerous.

"Well...Xiaojing..." Jiang Rongyue's tightly wrinkled eyebrows eased down, but for some reason, her face suddenly turned red, her teeth were biting her lower lip, and her expression seemed very shameful.

"Behind? No... Absolutely not, my sister isn't ready yet..."


Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and even the thumb that touched Jiang Rongyue's eyebrows stopped moving.

My sister Rongyue, what are you thinking about every day...

Although she didn't want to disturb Sister Rongyue's sleep, Xu Shoujing was afraid that it would go on like this, and Jiang Rongyue could even say, "Why don't my sister still use...mouth", which would destroy her innocent image.

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Shoujing gently shook his head Jiang Rongyue's shoulder, leaned into her ear, and said softly:

"Sister Rongyue, get up, do you want something to eat, I'll buy it for you..."

Jiang Rongyue's eyelids twitched, and she murmured sleepily:

" go to sleep, my sister goes to buy..."

The voice just fell, Jiang Rongyue was in a trance for a while, and suddenly her eyes widened, but there was still a bit of confusion in her eyes.

She looked at Xu Shoujing next to her, and subconsciously covered her back, blushing, and hesitantly said:
"You...I...don't want to! Xiaojing, absolutely not!"


Xu Shoujing naturally knew that Jiang Rongyue said 'no' at this time, and definitely not 'don't let him buy breakfast'.

In order to avoid the embarrassment of Sister Rongyue, Xu Shoujing put on a confused look very understanding and tilted his head:

"What can't you do? Sister Rongyue, go to sleep. I just had an activity. The soy milk next door is delicious. I'll buy it for you."

"Ah... soy milk?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, and her face turned even redder.

"—" Xu Shoujing was speechless.

Can the point be less weird?
Jiang Rongyue found that her younger brother was looking at her with a strange look. After thinking for a while, Xuan suddenly realized, and smiled stiffly:

"Oh...soymilk, then...then I'll trouble you."

"What's the trouble with that."

Xu Shoujing put on her robes, looked down at Sister Rong Yue who was huddled under the quilt and didn't want to see anyone, she felt amused, leaned over and kissed her forehead lightly, then waved her hands and walked out.

"Then I'll go first, Sister Rongyue, then you rest."


The door slammed shut, and the light in the room became brighter.

Jiang Rongyue stayed on the bed for a while, stretched out her plain hand and fetched the Qiongyu ring at the head of the bed, got up and got out of the bed, and carefully changed into a snow-blue gauze skirt in front of the bronze mirror.

Blush was applied to the cheeks, soft shadows were applied to the eyelids, and the crescent eyebrows were very clearly drawn. Finally, the light pink rouge was sipped. Finally, the long hair that fell on the shoulders was coiled up and a warm hosta was inserted.

After doing all this, Jiang Rongyue pinched the corner of her skirt lightly, turned left and right in front of the bronze mirror, making sure there was nothing wrong, and then nodded with satisfaction.

Jiang Rongyue breathed a sigh of relief, waiting for Xu Shoujing to come back, she didn't know what to do, she stared at her gentle and beautiful face in the bronze mirror in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, she pursed her thin lips, patted her back slightly awkwardly, and muttered to herself:

"Is it comfortable?"
As soon as Xu Shoujing went out, he saw Zhao Fuyao in a white gauze dress standing at the railing on the second floor with a blank face, his eyes looking into the distance, his phoenix eyes were flat and could not see her thoughts.

Noticing that someone was behind him, Zhao Fuyao didn't even look back, but said indifferently:
"You have successfully melted."

Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth embarrassedly, saying "how did she know" in his heart, covered the back of his head with his right hand, and walked forward with a haha:
"Can you see that too?"

"It's not obvious." Zhao Fuyao shook his head expressionlessly, "After Rong Yue came back yesterday, he showed off to everyone."

As she spoke, she glanced at Xu Shoujing, who was gradually froze, and said in a flat tone:
"Including what you did to her in the Qi Refining Tower."


Xu Shoujing instinctively swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said:

"Aunt Chu and the others... also know?"

Zhao Fuyao was silent.

Although she didn't answer, the answer was obvious long after she said the phrase "show it off to everyone".

Xu Shoujing only felt a tingling in his scalp, he said hello to Zhao Fuyao and then planned to run away. At this time, he dared to face Aunt Chu, for fear that he would not be sore to death.

"I want to remind you that your existence is contrary to the way of heaven. It's not an exaggeration to say that Rongling is against the sky on you. Don't do it."


Seeing Xu Shoujing leave without turning his head, Zhao Fuyao shook his head helplessly, knowing that this guy probably didn't hear half a word.

Xu Shoujing didn't really run away. He just 'eaten' a pair of master and apprentice. According to Aunt Chu's temperament, even if he had already accepted this fact in his heart, he must still be jealous of him symbolically.

In order not to touch this mold, Xu Shoujing was thinking about how to temporarily separate from Chu Shuwan for a few days.

He never imagined that Chu Shuwan herself was thinking about the same thing.
The genius just dawned, Chu Shuwan changed into a dark green dress, climbed out of bed without waking Qiu Xuanji, and went to the breakfast stall next door alone to drink soy milk.

Xu Shoujing harmed her apprentice, although Chu Shuwan felt strange in her heart, after all, she was also harmed by the same person, but she really didn't care about it now.

She was full of thoughts about how to temporarily separate for a few days without telling Jing'er the truth.Let Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi go to finish the sect competition, and give Xu Shoujing a surprise when the new dragon jade gate is completed.

If it is said to go out for a few days and observe the immortal landscape of Tiannanzhou - he probably won't believe it, and even according to Jinger's temperament, he will definitely ask to the end.

Xu Shoujing has always done dangerous things by himself, and he will never tell the truth.

When the dust settles, say 'it's all right' in an understatement, as if they were going to die after a fight.

Where is the old lady so weak?
Chu Shuwan recalled quite a few cases where Shoujing made her worry, and her anger suddenly came up, and she even thought:

Just wait for Jing'er for a few days, and then fool him into agreeing to forget it.

Thinking of this, a familiar voice sounded in my ears:

"Uncle, two...three, um...six bowls of soy milk."

The old man at the breakfast stall frowned and said impatiently, "How many bowls are there?"

Having lived here for some time, Xu Shoujing has some understanding of the old man's temper.
"Six bowls, take a few fried buns and pack them all."

"Okay, then wait a moment."

Xu Shoujing nodded with a smile, and was about to find a place to sit down, when he saw a charming back, and he looked familiar.

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and he quietly took a few steps closer. He found that the woman was drinking soy milk with her head buried in it, looking like "I can't see me...", and there were several layers of bowls next to it. Been here for a while.


Why don't you want to meet someone, just meet someone?
Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, pretending he didn't see it at this time, it was obviously too fake, so he bit his head and walked up, smiled and said:
"Aunt Chu, why did you get up so early?"

Chu Shuwan coughed dryly, straightened her waist pretending to be calm, glanced at Xu Shoujing, and said calmly:

"Why, auntie can't get up early? Also, it's really cold in the morning without someone to accompany me."

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked behind Xu Shoujing symbolically, and asked in a puzzled way:
"Where's Rong Yue?"


Why is it still enchanting attack power?

Xu Shoujing laughed dryly, sat beside Chu Shuwan, put his arms around her waist, and said with a smile:

"Sister Rongyue is still sleeping, didn't I come out to buy you breakfast..."

Chu Shuwan lay in Xu Shoujing's arms without struggling too much, and snorted lightly:
"Forget it, I'm not hungry at all."

Xu Shoujing silently glanced at the empty bowls stacked on the table.

Chu Shuwan's mature face flushed, and she pressed her shoulder against his chest in exasperation, and said in a muffled voice:
"Let go of your hand, the old lady is going back!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Shuwan felt that the big hand that was wrapping her waist became even tighter.

Chu Shuwan looked left and right, made sure no one was paying attention, and stared at him vigilantly, "What do you want? I warn you, this is outside, you must not mess around! Unless you want to hurt your aunt. , then you are free."

"Where do you want to go, am I that kind of person?" Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes, then approached her ear, "Aunt Chu, can I discuss something with you?"

"What's the matter? You say it first, don't ask me to agree first, that matter is said only once, and it can't be given to you again later, give up." Chu Shuwan did not let up her vigilance against Se embryo.

"It's not about that." Xu Shoujing shook his head dumbfoundedly, took a breath, hesitated, and said slowly, "Actually... I want to participate in the sect competition with Sister Rong Yue, just Tiannanzhou will be held every four years..."


Before he could finish speaking, Chu Shuwan refused mercilessly.

"Why?" Xu Shoujing looked surprised.

"Because...because..." Chu Shuwan's eyes flickered, and she grabbed Xu Shoujing's arm unconsciously, 'because' took a while before she said, "Because Rongyue just had a 'double repair' with you. , it's inappropriate for you to let her participate in that kind of high-intensity fighting now."

This reason sounds quite normal, but Xu Shoujing is still puzzled:
"There is still more than a month before the sect competition, time should be enough..."

Chu Shuwan still shook her head and said resolutely, "It just won't work."

As he spoke, he hooked Xu Shoujing's neck with one hand, and frowned on purpose: "You don't listen to Auntie, do you?"

"Listen, I'll definitely listen..." Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly.

Chu Shuwan breathed a sigh of relief, smiled again, raised her swan neck and kissed Xu Shoujing's side face, and said softly:

"This is my aunt's good Jinger."


Six bowls of soy milk were placed on the table at the same time. The thick soy milk was swaying and choppy, but not a single drop spilled out.

"Cough cough."

The old man at the breakfast stall glared at the two who were almost stuck together, and said solemnly, "Pay attention to the impact." After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chu Shuwan was stunned for a long time, then clenched her fist and smashed it on Xu Shoujing's chest, "Look at what you have done."

The clear water is long, the green pines are reflected, a few white clouds hang in the sky, and the river under the bridge reflects a graceful figure in a pale blue skirt.

Su Huanqing sat by the river with his knees and legs crossed, watching the little ducks who were desperately treading water being dragged down by the fat-mouthed fish.


A handsome young man wearing a black robe and an extraordinary appearance stepped on the stone steps of the small bridge before stepping on his forefoot. He seemed to sense something at that moment, and turned his head slowly. After seeing Su Huanqing under the bridge, he was slightly stunned. Involuntarily asked:
"Why are you here?"

There was a hint of surprise on Su Huanqing's peaceful face, but she didn't want Xu Shoujing to see that she was in a bad mood, so she quickly returned to her previous expressionless face, even so, there was still a bit of confusion and confusion in the corner of her eyes. complex.

"It's nothing, I just don't want to stay in the Changhe Su Clan." She turned her eyes to the side.

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheek with his index finger, not knowing why, but still asked aloud:
"I heard Sister Rongyue say that you rushed back yesterday in a hurry. Did something happen?"

What happened?You don't have to ask to know, it must have happened, and it's not a trivial matter.

Su Huanqing recalled the figure of the man in black robe yesterday, and opened her mouth several times to tell Xu Shoujing, but she was afraid that she would ask Su Jin deeply, and after all, she could not say it.

Her thoughts are very chaotic now, and Su Jin's impending death has disrupted her life, which was like a chessboard marching into the army, and she couldn't even calm down and think about her own thoughts.

Now Su Huanqing just wants to stay away from that place, stay far away, because once he gets close, he will be entangled in the pain that is overwhelmed in his heart.

"Actually, I'm looking for you too." Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, then suddenly said.

"What?" Su Huanqing raised his head, unlike the confusion in his heart, his expression was unprecedentedly calm.

Xu Shoujing patted the dust on the ground, and sat down while shaking the hem of his trousers. While checking Su Huanqing's expression with his peripheral vision, he coughed dryly:
"...Then what, are you free next?"

Su Huanqing frowned and spoke very directly: "Do you want to date me?"

"Cough cough..."

Xu Shoujing was so choked that he remembered that Su Huanqing had such a straight-forward temperament. After being speechless for a while, he reopened and said:

"Well... it doesn't count. In fact, I want to participate in the sect competition in Tiannan Continent, but isn't this time asking for a group of two? So..."

Xu Shoujing did not continue speaking, and glanced at Su Huanqing, waiting for her answer.

"Okay." Su Huanqing was silent for a while, then nodded in agreement.

This surprised Xu Shoujing. He thought that Su Huanqing would at least ask "Aren't you going to be with your sister Rongyue?", but he agreed.

" don't think about it anymore?"

Su Huanqing tilted her head and looked at him calmly, "Can't you?"

"Okay, of course."

Xu Shoujing smiled and waved his hand, everyone had already agreed, so he had to go to the bottom of it and ask her why she agreed. Isn't that stupid?

The two were speechless for a while.

After Su Huanqing answered Xu Shoujing's words, he quietly looked at the flowing river.

In fact, she has no interest in the sect competition, and in previous years, her brother and other disciples participated.

But now... even if it's just an excuse, Su Huanqing wants to leave the Changhe Su Clan temporarily, at least not to come back until he understands what he thinks.


A grey-robed man who could not see his figure stepped over the piles of ruins, smashed countless rubble, and came to the bottom of a throne.

If Xu Shoujing was here, he could recognize at a glance that this was the ruins of the Immortal King that had collapsed in his mind.

The gray-robed man took off his hood, revealing a face of about 30 years old, his eyes were silent, as if he had already looked down on life and death.

He didn't dare to look up at the blurry shadow on the throne, he knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:
"Sect Master, this subordinate is back."

The throne was shrouded in an indistinct barrier, and only the outline of a woman could be seen.

Hearing the words of the man in gray robe, the shadow resting on the jade hand's head shifted, as if he had just woken up, and gave a light "um".

After a while, the woman's phantom stretched lazily and said softly:

"How are things going?"

His tone was cold and his voice was indifferent, as if he naturally carried a touch of coercion from a high position.

And I don't know why, listening to her voice, I always feel that she doesn't care about everything in the world, as if thousands of creatures are nothing but a movable piece on the chessboard, which can be abandoned at any time.

"It's foolproof." The gray-robed man kept his head bowing.

"That's good."

The woman stood up, revealing the graceful curves of her figure. Even if it was blurry across the light curtain, anyone could deeply realize what kind of stunner she was.

She yawned, as if remembering something, pinched her fingertips lightly, and a rootless white fire jumped out of the light curtain and landed in front of the gray-robed man, burning quietly.

"Your little toy, return it to you."

The gray-robed man silently withdrew the white fire and hesitated a little:

"Have you met Xu Shoujing?"

"I've seen it, I'm very disappointed." The woman waved her hand, as if she didn't want to entangle more on this topic, she thought for a while: "Since you can directly control Su He's soul with this little toy, why should you let him do it without authorization? action?"

The gray-robed man thought for a while, then said in a low voice, "Forgive your subordinates for taking courage, Su He's situation is no more demonized, and his spirit is still intact.

"How to say?" The woman became interested.

"Because he has ambitions." The gray-robed man looked up at the light curtain, "Just like you."

"Joke." The woman sneered, "If that's the case, you don't need to plant a white fire ban on his soul."

"Everything needs insurance." The gray-robed man was unmoved.

The woman disapproved, returned to her previous indifference, and said softly:
"Whatever you say, but... this little toy is indeed useful. It can cross the ocean and completely control a cultivator who is about to Nirvana without any effort...

Well, it can be promoted in the Holy Religion, it is much better than the sound transmission token, and there will be relatively fewer variables in the future. "

"The sect master has broken the old man... This white fire is bound to my magical power, and it is difficult to copy."

The gray-robed man shook his head with a wry smile, hesitated, and said:
"What's more, you asked me to come, shouldn't it be just to pay me back?"

The woman glanced at him, then snapped her fingers.

With the sound of a 'pop', an illusory picture suddenly appeared in the air, the scene where Xu Shoujing slashed Yuan Qing with his sword.

"This...this is..." The gray-robed man's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

"Yes, although there are some adaptations, this is exactly 'her' move." There was a slight smile on the woman's face, but there was no smile in her eyes.

"Her exercises, sword skills, spells, magical powers... have not been passed on to anyone, and she has never spoken a word about it. Naturally, it is impossible to find it through any ancient book."

The grey-robed man "Gulu" swallowed and said tremblingly:


"You're right, if nothing else happens, your 'Emperor' is still alive."

The woman returned to the tattered throne, her beautiful legs overlapped, and she said with a half-smile:
"This deity is very curious. How did she, Zhao Fuyao, live to this day with only a mortal physique without eating a single bite... Could it be that the Five Elements Killing Formation specially prepared for her, what went wrong?"

At this point, the woman glanced at the gray-robed man under her eyes, and hooked the corner of her mouth:

"What do you say?"

The gray-robed man did not dare to speak, let alone move.

But he knew it was going to change!
(Volume [-] of Tiannan Xianzhi - Changhe Su Clan, finished. Volume [-], Ancient Secrets, please look forward to it!)——
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(End of this chapter)

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