The queen is so fierce

Chapter 157 Going to Donghuang Mountain

Chapter 157 Going to Donghuang Mountain

The clouds in the pillow are close to the peaks, and the bottom of the bed is soothingly mourning.

The mood in the words of Mr. Zeng Gongliang is probably Xu Shoujing's deep feeling at this moment.

He was still lying on the bed with his head resting on the brocade pillow, and the coldness came from all around him. When he opened his eyes, he found that the misty and illusory white clouds and mist filled the cabin, as if he was not sleeping on the bed, but sleeping on it. Soaring mountain peaks - much higher than mountains in fact.

A few bird calls echoed from time to time outside the window, the sound of the breaking wind of the "huhu" explosion, and the sound of the waves hitting the reefs on the shore came one after another, staggering each other and rumbled under the bed.

It's a pity... Xu Shoujing forgot what he said in the second half of the sentence, otherwise he would probably open the window of the flying boat, put his hands behind his back, and then put it on his back quite pretentiously.

When the women beside him asked with shock or admiration, he would seriously say the three-character mantra of the seniors of the transmigrators:

"I copied it!"

The following plot is obvious, all the talented women who are familiar with the scriptures are unbelieving, they only think that Xu Shoujing is humble and not boasting, he is really a gentleman who does not admire fame and fortune...

Of course, all of this can only be established if Xu Shoujing did not forget how the second half of the queer was memorized.

After a night of rest, after saying goodbye to Su Jin and others of the Changhe Su Clan, Xu Shoujing and the girls set off on the journey again.

Zhao Fuyao's body was still very weak, and he didn't know how far he would go. After some discussion, he stayed in Sudu with Nangong Xiaoxiao.

Since Xu Shoujing had a good relationship with 'Lao Zhangren' Su Jin, Su Du is now his safer base in Tiannan Continent.

Also left behind was Ling Fuyu, who had just assumed the post of Master Xu Shoujing. When she learned about the purpose of Xu Shoujing's departure, she just asked him to keep in mind the tricks he had taught before, and did not ask too much. .

It happened to confirm Su Huanqing's previous words, Ling Fuyu planned to let Xu Shoujing experience for a while, and the guidance should start after he hit a wall.

...Well, the above is the scene.

The real situation is that since Su Huanqing said the "Marriage Declaration" in public, Ling Fuyu remembered it as soon as she saw Xu Shoujing's handsome face. Allow yourself to be calm.

The only thing that surprised Xu Shoujing was Ranxi who had to follow them for no apparent reason.

This submissive little girl has been taking care of herself since Ling Fuyu joined the team, and now she suddenly wants to go with them...

At that time, Xu Shoujing looked at Chu Shuwan and everyone suspiciously, but unfortunately, under the offensive of Aunt Chu, "You don't hurt Aunt anymore?", there was no way to go further.

What's more, Xu Shoujing took Su Huanqing to travel together, and to put it bluntly, he still went to participate in the 'Zongmen Grand Competition' without the knowledge of Aunt Chu and the others.

Before the matter is exposed, it is better not to touch Aunt Chu and the others too much.


"Miss, do you think Xu Gongzi has already seen it?"

"See what?"

"It's about our participation in the Zongmen Grand Competition."

In the kitchen on the second floor of Feidu Floating Boat, Ranxi was wearing an indigo dress with a graceful figure. While busy placing dishes, she looked at the woman beside her worriedly.

Jiang Rongyue was wearing a snow-green ru skirt, with a slight smile on her soft face, as she brushed the pot in an orderly manner.

Hearing what Ranxi seemed guilty of, she shook her head and smiled softly:
"How could it be? Master is so jealous that it's so obvious that he can't bear it just by coaxing her, Xiaojing. Where are we going?"

"That's right..."

Ranxi blinked, but still felt that something was wrong, she thought for a while, and tentatively said:

"Miss, do you think there is a possibility..."


"It's... um..." Ran Xi looked through the window and glanced at the two people leaning on the deck railing outside, hesitated, and said, "Will Young Master Xu also participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition? That's why he called Miss Su..."

"How is it possible~"

Jiang Rongyue waved her hand with a look of disdain: "Xiaojing has never told me about this. If he really wants to participate in the sect competition, he should come to me too."

Ranxi looked at Jiang Rongyue's appearance that she was about to write 'confidence' on her face, hesitated a little, and whispered:
"Could it be... Young Master Xu looked for Sect Master Chu, but didn't agree?"

Jiang Rongyue did not immediately refute this time. She thought about this possibility carefully, and still shook her head:

"If this is the case, Master will definitely not agree, let alone Master, I will not agree either."

"Why is this?" Ranxi asked in confusion.

"Because..." Jiang Rongyue tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing outside the window, pondered for a moment, then smiled: "I don't want Xiaojing to suffer unnecessary pressure because of this kind of thing, he was already busy because of the last thing to teach. brain..."

"What do you teach in the end?" Ran Xi was stunned for a moment, then tilted her head.

"Ah... nothing."

Jiang Rongyue suddenly came back to her senses, and then she remembered that Ranxi and her master didn't know about the meeting between Xiaojing and the leader of the sect of Zhanyan.

After Xu Shoujing vented on her fiercely that night, the first sentence he said was not because he was ashamed of crying at this age, but instead of letting himself speak out about the final teaching.

For now, the difficulty level of the leader of the end is far beyond what Chu Shuwan and others can solve.

Jiang Rongyue knew that this was the fault of Xu Shoujing's "I want to solve everything by myself".

But this time, she really agreed with Xiaojing's words, and after agreeing in a helpless tone, she fell asleep in his arms.


"Ah... I'm here!"

Jiang Rongyue put down the iron pot in her hand, and her face was a little sullen. She remembered that crazy and shameful dream again. If it wasn't for that dream, how could she have been thinking crooked just because of "soy milk" the day before yesterday?
"Miss, are you alright..." Ranxi stepped forward worriedly, as if she wanted to check whether Jiang Rongyue was ill, and she was in a trance when she said anything.

"I'm fine, I just thought about something." Jiang Rongyue quickly waved her hand and changed the subject: "Where did you just say?"

Ranxi thought about it carefully and said, "You said you don't want to put Xu Gongzi under unnecessary pressure..."

Jiang Rongyue breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest, and then smiled:
"Going to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition is to build the new Dragon and Jade Gate, and the brand-new Dragon and Jade Gate is a gift from the master to Xiaojing. If Xiaojing is still working hard for this matter, it will be meaningless. Yes."

Ranxi nodded thoughtfully, and was about to say a few more words, but found that Jiang Rongyue was obsessively looking at the handsome black-robed boy on the deck, her sandalwood mouth was slightly open, her red lips murmured, and that blurred appearance looked extremely The newly married little daughter-in-law who was clinging to the death and not paying for her life.

Ranxi was helpless for a while, crossed her waist and said:

"Yes, yes, Miss Xu is thinking about Xu Gongzi all the time, but before that... why don't you give up your seat and let Ranxi wash the rest of the bowls?"

Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment, looking at the pool covered with magic foam on her hands, her face flushed, and she quickly continued to wash.
The stern of the Feidu pontoon broke through the sea of ​​clouds, leaving a very conspicuous gap in the blue sky. From a distance, it looked like a snow-white cotton candy had been drawn with a blue crack.

On the brown-wood-colored deck, two small round wooden barrels leaned side by side.

On the left is a fat big white cat with spell foam on its head, and on the left is a little red and purple flying dragon madly 'drowning' in a wooden barrel.

The big white cat sits lazily in the wooden barrel, like the emperor of the cat kingdom, licking his paws from time to time, his movements are elegant and natural, and he enjoys the gentle movements of the woman in the blue skirt behind him with peace of mind.

On the other hand, Xiao Zilong, if he is not obedient and struggles indiscriminately, the foam in the barrel is splashed everywhere, not to mention, and he keeps flapping his thin little wings, trying to fly out of the barrel that makes it painful.

"Eyee! Eyee!"

Xiao Zilong called out to the sky miserably, and his two small claws clawed at the high wall of the wooden barrel, swiping out one after another.

However, just as she was about to return to the sky, a pair of sinful hands clasped her feet and pulled her back to "hell".


Splashes of water splashed all over the place, and the magic bubble floating in the air hit Xu Shoujing's face, bursting with a "pop".

Xu Shoujing frowned, the brush in his hand suddenly became harder, and he said in a bad mood:

"I'll give you a bath, let's be honest, let's see how Yu'er does it."


Xiao Zilong looked up at the big white cat across from him, Yu'er licked her paws and looked at her with disdain, as if she said: "I'm just being served to take a bath. It's all a fuss, the little girl just hasn't seen it before." world.


Xiao Zilong was so angry that he almost wanted to reply, "Benlong is tens of thousands of years older than you! You are a baby cat!"

But for the sake of being an elder, she snorted coldly, turned around silently, and stretched out her small paw towards Xu Shoujing, probably saying: Come on, I won't make trouble.


Xu Shoujing sighed and continued to brush Xiao Honglian's back meticulously, but Yu Guang kept peeking at Su Huanqing opposite.

Unlike the chaos on his side, Su Huanqing didn't even splash a drop of water around.

Although it has something to do with Yu'er being too lazy to move, what's more important is that Su Huanqing's movements are very gentle.

It's not how much she loves cats, or how careful she's always been, for the simple reason that she's distracted.

Since she met Su Huanqing at the bottom of the bridge that morning, she has been in this state almost all the time.

Although she is usually very taciturn and has a very light temperament, her quiet personality is definitely not reflected in those so-called wanderings.

Frankly speaking, it's hard not to worry about Su Huanqing in this state.

Just when Xu Shoujing didn't notice that he was looking at other people's faces in a trance, Su Huanqing stopped the movements in his hands, looked up at him, frowned slightly, and said for unknown reasons:

"Is there something on my face?"


The brush fell into the wooden barrel, Xiao Zilong pouted, flapped his wings and swam over, clasped the brush with his small claws, and handed it to the sky—that is, Xu Shoujing's direction.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice Xiao Honglian's movements at all, he stared at Su Huanqing intently, pretending to be at a loss in panic:
"I didn't look at you."


Today, Su Huanqing learned for the first time what it means to "open your eyes and talk nonsense".

Bathed in Su Huanqing's contemptuous gaze, Xu Shoujing came back to his senses, realizing that his lies were self-defeating, and he coughed dryly:
"Uh... I was actually thinking about Huangfuyan."

Huangfu Yan, who is also known as the Holy Son of Tianyuan Sect, has been praised by the outside world, and his own strength has indeed defeated the heroes in the sect competition many times.

Some people even called him a true gentleman among a group of hypocrites. In the sect of Tianyuan Sect, which is so hypocritical that it only has strength, he can still treat each other with courtesy regardless of whether it is a big sect or an anonymous cultivator. It is really commendable.

In addition, there is one more famous thing about Huangfuyan.

As early as many years ago, Su Huanqing once appeared in the sect Dabi. He used ice magic with one hand, and even overwhelmed several sects specializing in ice magic in Tiannanzhou. Among the younger monks, he was called '' Ice Jade Fairy', all the rage.

That is, after that time, Huangfu Yan, who had always been honest with all the female nuns who adored her, began to keep asking about Su Huanqing, expressing her love for Bingyu Fairy everywhere, and using her sect power to run and hide. The unbelievable Changhe Su Clan proposed a marriage.

Well, the result is also very obvious, being 'boomed' out by Venerable Su on the spot.

However, this matter is not over yet. Many Jianghu scattered cultivators heard the gossip, claiming that Huangfu Yan would not give up his pursuit of Su Huanqing, and also said that he believed in love at first sight.

——These messy rumors were all heard by Xu Shoujing from Su Ren.

When saying goodbye to the Changhe Su Clan and others, Su Ling and Su Jin just said hello, but Su Ren accompanied Xu Shoujing out of the great formation in Sudu.

Xu Shoujing was still stunned for a while, and after reacting, he asked Su Ren where he planned to go.

"Go to practice, go to experience. The battle with Xu Gongzi made me understand the truth of 'there are people outside people, and there are mountains outside the mountains'. My practice is far from enough."

Su Ren pointed to the iron gun on his back, chuckled lightly, then turned to look at the confluence of the three rivers, and said with emotion:

"Actually, I didn't come back this time to meet your brother-in-law."

"..." Xu Shoujing was speechless for a moment.

Good guy, have you already given me the default brother-in-law?

Su Ren was silent for a while, "I will come back every time I go to the Zongmen Grand Competition, in order to represent the Changhe Su Clan to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition... This time is just because of the sudden arrival of Xu Gongzi, the time is earlier... …”

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Does this sound like he robbed someone else?

Su Ren saw Xu Shoujing's thoughts, shook his head, and laughed dumbly:

"Xu Gongzi, I said this is not to make you feel bad. On the contrary, I am quite relieved that you and Huan Qing will play together this time. It happens that Master is seriously injured and unconscious, so I can get rid of Master and go to the real experience."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

"However..." Su Ren turned the conversation, and his face became a little cautious, "Xu Gongzi doesn't know much about Tiannan Continent, and the sects are mixed, but they are definitely not Xu Gongzi's opponents... Only one person, Xu Gongzi must be careful."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who?"

"Huangfuyan." Su Ren said solemnly.

"Huangfuyan..." Xu Shoujing muttered a few times, convinced that he had never heard the name before, and asked, "Is he strong?"

"Uh... If you say it's strong, it's really strong. I'm afraid it won't be long before you can break through the nirvana mark, but I believe that as long as there are no accidents, it shouldn't be a problem for Xu Gongzi... I want you to be careful, yes other aspects."

Su Ren pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Huangfu Yan is the holy son of the Tianyuan Sect. He is easy-going and courteous, and is often used by other cultivators to be called 'Eastern and Western Masters' with me.

I don't mean to speak ill of others behind my back, but Yu Shijing and I have fought back and forth more than a hundred times, and there is no winner or loser, but I can see that his tie with me was intentional. "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing couldn't understand a little, and said doubtfully:
"Drawing on purpose? What's the point?"

Su Ren hesitated and glanced at Su Huanqing who was in a daze by the floating boat in the distance.

Xu Shoujing suddenly had a hint of enlightenment in his heart, and whispered:
"Because of Huan Qing?"

Su Ren nodded, then sighed lightly:

"Huangfu Yan looks like a gentleman on the outside, but in fact, every step has been carefully calculated. He wants to play against me to make me have the illusion of being an opponent, so as to have a good relationship with me...

My Changhe Su Clan has always been able to see through the essence of a person. A few years ago, my strength was obviously not as good as his. After a few draws, he came to compliment me. At that time, I knew this person's nature by heart. "

Having said this, Su Ren paused and threw out the words that he wanted to tell Xu Shoujing:

"Master Xu, although you are not as direct as Huan Qing, you can see that you don't like things that go around in circles.

When Huangfuyan sees you and Huanqing together, he will definitely do something. If he tries to beat you, he might use some unworthy means. "

"For example... find a way to lift out the Tianyuan Sect with a three-circle moon, and use this to press me?" Xu Shoujing laughed, but his eyes did not laugh.

"Young Master Xu just needs to understand in his heart, everything has to be cautious." Su Ren patted Xu Shoujing on the shoulder and left with a silver-bladed iron spear on his back.


Xu Shoujing was still recalling the details of his previous conversation with Su Ren, but Su Huanqing lightly frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows, his voice was neither salty nor light:
"Just a self-righteous person, don't care."

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, stared at Su Huanqing's profile for a while, then took a breath, and said in a joking tone:

"What if he sees me with you and wants to chop me up in a fit of rage?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him in surprise, while continuing to comb Yu'er's hair, said indifferently:

"What are you expecting me to say? Just pretend to be a couple with you? Or do you want me to show that I will choose you?"

Seeing Xu Shoujing's sluggish expression, Su Huanqing hesitated and turned to look elsewhere:

"Don't forget, you will be my teacher in the future."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why are you still thinking about that? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
...Write two days of daily foreshadowing and transition
PS: In the evening, a pirated reader asked me why so many chapters didn’t match the number, and the various prefaces didn’t match the afterwords... Because I often change it after I post it, and it often changes into two appearances (cover up) Face)
Looking at things like piracy... I believe that no author will feel comfortable, but well, it's not incomprehensible, everyone comes here.

If possible, I still hope to have the ability to support the genuine version. Sometimes it is really not easy without results, and I feel that I am not recognized by readers.

...and this month, I'm going to get my full attendance, and I'm going to use my love to generate electricity next month (covering my face)
(End of this chapter)

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