The queen is so fierce

Chapter 158 Immortal Dao Festival

Chapter 158 Immortal Dao Festival
Donghuang Mountain, located in the middle of the entire Tiannan Continent, spans thousands of miles away, is connected to all parts of the world, is rich in spiritual energy, and has excellent feng shui. It is known as a holy place for monks.

At the same time, Donghuang Mountain is also the headquarters of Tiannanzhou Tuxian Pavilion.

The warm golden light sprinkled on the brown-red cornices, and between the two knife-cut cliffs, a long corridor of spiritual sandalwood was erected.

The red-roofed promenade is built in the sky, straight and without twists and turns, and the floor is covered by clouds and mist.

Little Zilong shrugged and flew around in mid-air, pulling his claws, as if he was curious about the fairyland in front of him.

Chu Shuwan and Qiu Xuanji walked in the back together, with different expressions on their faces, and they seemed to be discussing something-the reason for running here in a flying boat was to watch the game, but in fact, she was hiding Xu Shoujing's apprentice. Participating in the sect competition, this matter will be exposed sooner or later, so we quickly add up.

Ranxi held Yu'er and served by her side. Although she has been in Immortal Sect for some time, it may be because of her identity that she has no real feelings, and she is still in the stage of curiosity about these novelties of immortality.

Not far in front of the few people, three figures walked side by side, two of them holding hands and looking like a couple in love, the third person walked on his own as if he didn't see them .

The handsome young man in black robe had a smile on his face, and from time to time he joked a few words with the gentle woman holding hands, which made the other party feel shy for a while, and put on the appearance of a 'sister', persuading him to act on his own.

The woman in the green skirt next to her looked a little dazed, or perhaps more appropriate to say that she was absent-minded. Although her eyes were always fixed on the front, her pupils were not focused. With her quiet face, she inexplicably gave a strange 'ethereal beauty'. '.

"Sister Rongyue, you said... why does Aunt Chu have to come to watch the game?" When he walked to the middle of the corridor, Xu Shoujing glanced at Chu Shuwan who was far behind, and suddenly asked aloud.

"Uh... Are you interested in the customs of Tiannanzhou?" Jiang Rongyue's face became dull, and then she said stiffly.

To be honest, even Jiang Rongyue didn't believe this reason. With Chu Shuwan's temperament, let alone local customs, as long as it had nothing to do with Xu Shoujing, [-]% of them could be eliminated.

But having said that, it is still perfunctory to be perfunctory.

Although it will still be exposed at the beginning of the Zongmen Grand Competition, it is a day if you can hide it for one more day.

Sure enough, after listening to Jiang Rongyue's words, a question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head. Recalling Aunt Chu's unusual behavior that morning, he thought about it carefully and shook his head:
"No, Aunt Chu must be hiding something from me, but she doesn't want me to know..."

As soon as Jiang Rongyue heard this, she felt that she was about to finish, and the hand around Xu Shoujing's arm tightened a little, wishing that it was all stuffed into the softness, and changed the subject:

"Xiaojing, you must be thinking too much. How can Master hide so many things from you... Let's not talk about this. Look, we're here."

While the two of them were talking, they had already reached the end of the high-altitude corridor before they knew it.

The promenade goes deep into the cliff, and erected a splendid and atmospheric life-size jade, with the three characters 'East Imperial City' written on it.

Behind the jade stone is a pure white vortex suspended in mid-air. The center of the vortex is hazy, but the shadows of tall buildings can be faintly seen.

"That's it?" Xu Shoujing looked at the whirlpool a few times, then looked back and said hello to Chu Shuwan and the others, and walked in first with Jiang Rongyue, followed by Su Huanqing.

His line of sight was covered by a burst of pure white. He had been bathed in the high-altitude corridor of Yan Lan Yunxiu before, and he would have felt a little cold. The moment Xu Shoujing entered the pure white vortex, the temperature of his body surface quickly increased.

It is also a space transformation. This feeling is fundamentally different from the 'decomposition and reorganization' of the Immortal King Ruins. That magic circle is almost equivalent to a disguised teleportation technique, and it is likely to be far away.

In terms of casting conditions alone, it is much more troublesome than the simple 'in-situ conversion' of Donghuang Mountain.

After all, the pure white vortex is equivalent to 'entering from the Donghuang Mountain from outside the Donghuang Mountain', and the magic circle of the Immortal King Ruins may be passed directly between the continents, and it is not a one-level formation at all.

However, these are just subtle differences in somatosensory, far from shockingly large.

What really opened Xu Shoujing's eyes was the exquisite architecture inside Donghuang Mountain.

The surrounding area was so wide that no boundary could be seen at all, and thick clouds surrounded the waterfall along with it.

The blazing sun hangs high, the immortal birds croak, and the buildings in the form of spirit and magic wood are row upon row, and their scale seems to be no less than the high-rise buildings of the previous life.

The shops on both sides are dazzling, elixir, spiritual tools, exercises... Inns, restaurants, restaurants, and even the regional limited souvenir shops for Donghuang Mountain tourism have been set up, from entering the city to leaving the city one-stop is arranged for you.

In addition to the buildings, the visual effect of the flow of people in the East Imperial City far exceeds that of Sudu. The cultivators of Yujian whizzed past among the tall buildings, and the uniforms of various sects on the streets were varied.

For example, when rival sects meet by chance, and which side eats a lot of food to compete; or brothers and sects get together and exchange friendship with each other... There are many kinds of things, and you can see similar things in the shops facing the street every time you walk. thing.

Tiannanzhou is worthy of being the intercontinental with the most intense immortal atmosphere, but the gold content of this immortal holy place alone is not comparable to that of ordinary capitals.


Here Xu Shoujing was still sighing at the wonders of the Eastern Imperial City. The white swirl behind it lit up again, and Chu Shuwan and others also caught up.

As soon as Chu Shuwan saw Xu Shoujing, she didn't even leave a space to catch her breath, so she said:

"Jing'er, you and Rong Yue go for a walk first. Senior sister and I will look for the inn and meet up later."

Hmm... Actually, I want to open Xu Shoujing, and first go to the newspaper to report the number of places for the Zongmen Grand Competition.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then shook his head:

"I'll just go to the inn. Aunt Chu, go shopping with Xuanji."

"You're already old, what's there to do?" Chu Shuwan waved her hands a little boredly, "You young people are more interested in these activities, I don't like the liveliness, you go and play."

The voice fell, and without waiting for Xu Shoujing to respond, he took his senior sister's arm and walked in the other direction, not even Qiu Xuanji who obviously wanted to say a word.

Ranxi froze in place for a moment, and quickly followed with the big white cat, Xiao Zilong hesitated, and flew away with the large army over there.

Watching Chu Shuwan leave, Xu Shoujing was a little stunned, because he heard something very incredible just now—

Her Aunt Chu actually claimed to be 'an old age'!

When it comes to the topic of age, most of them are angry and angrily scolding: "My mother will always be a cardamom!"

Most of the time, Xu Shoujing didn't really mean that, but as long as he accidentally touched this brow, he would try his best to make Aunt Chu happy, which made him a headache.

can you look now?Aunt Chu, who is so sensitive to the topic of age, actually claims to be an age for the first time...

"Sister Rong Yue, that's Aunt Chu... that's right?" Xu Shoujing said with eyes full of astonishment.

Jiang Rongyue smiled awkwardly, and glanced to the side:
"……should be."

Xu Shoujing withdrew his gaze angrily, put down his thoughts for a while, turned his head to look at Jiang Rongyue beside him, and sighed softly:

"Forget it...Sister Rong Yue, where do you want to go?"

Jiang Rongyue shook her head, wrapped around Xu Shoujing's arm very naturally, and smiled sweetly:

"Sister is fine, I'll listen to you, I'll go wherever you go~"

In short...whatever.

Xu Shoujing twitched the corners of his mouth and felt a tingling in his scalp.

The 'casual' in the mouth of girls is definitely not really casual.Although according to Sister Rongyue's character, Bachengzhen can go anywhere as she said.

But to put it another way, even if she doesn't go where she wants to go, she will follow silently.

Xu Shoujing didn't intend to make Rong Yue unhappy when she went shopping and dating. Considering that she would probably get the same answer if she asked again now, she hesitated a little, turned her head to look at Su Huanqing, and asked:
"Huan Qing, is there anything you want to turn around?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him, her eyes were flat, and she said very directly:
"You decide."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You have to force me to die for this difficult choice, right?
Both women said that they would not express their opinions, and Xu Shoujing could not continue to push the blame. No matter how troublesome he felt, he had to make a decision.

East Imperial City is the holy land of immortality. The shops, stalls, and those eye-catching high-rise buildings are all built to serve the monks.

In other words, if you are looking for a clothing store for ordinary people, or a meal that mortals are used to eating, it is estimated that you may not be able to find one if you search through the Eastern Imperial City.

But you want to talk about the immortal way... it's also quite ambiguous.

Just like magic weapons, the really rare ones are generally not sold. The real sale is also obtained from the auction house. The price is often sky-high, and the current Xu Shoujing can't afford it.

But if it's not rare... then Xu Shoujing is even more rare.

You say pills?Is there anything better than the Qi Hui Dan refined by Lingjing mineral water and ambergris leaf?
As for immortals, there is no need.Shen Jing Pu Tian and Yao Ye Sen Luo were still lying in his Qiongyu belt.

These two are both mythical-level immortal martial arts handed down from ancient times, as well as the painting Fang Yanqian given to him by Ling Fuyu.

If you have to say what the shortcomings are, maybe... there are no defensive clothes or the like?
With this in mind, Xu Shoujing made up his mind to see if there was a suitable defensive spiritual tool for Sister Rong Yue, as well as the jewelry that Aunt Chu had been struggling with last time, and it was almost time to arrange it.

A bowl of water is flat, he knows it.

Xu Shoujing weighed in his pocket the spiritual beads he had picked up from the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect. He almost had a clue in his heart, so he said with a smile:

"Then just go for a walk."

"Yeah." Jiang Rongyue smiled softly, her little head resting lightly on Xu Shoujing's shoulder.

Su Huanqing looked at the two people who could not wait to stick together, frowned slightly, and a sentence emerged in her mind——

Does it work this way? ——
On a square in the south of the East Imperial City, a huge ring was erected, surrounded by monks in uniforms from various sects, who seemed to be arguing on the stage.

on the terrace.A Taoist priest dressed as a liar is confronting a monk with a light double sword.

Fu Xingguang tied his double swords to his waist, glanced at the crowd watching under the stage, and immediately said contemptuously:

"If you are willing to admit defeat, you should hand over your..."

"You are cheating!"

Before he could finish speaking, the Jianghu Warlock interrupted Fu Xingguang's words, reached out and threw the sword and flag to the ground, angrily said:
"You didn't say at first that you can only use swords. If you can use Taoism, can I lose to you?"

Fu Xingguang frowned, pointed his right thumb towards the notice board under the terrace, and said impatiently:
"Can't you see that this is the 'Only Sword Terrace'? You can only use swords to compete here. This is the rule."

"God's rules!" Jianghu Warlock sneered, "You brought me here, you don't say it beforehand, it's my first time to the East Imperial City, who can know..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone under the terrace understood almost the same.

It is true that the East Imperial City is a holy place of immortality. The entire capital has a Tuxian Pavilion style, and different arenas are set up everywhere.

For example, those who specialize in fighting, compete against Qimen Dunjia, collide with formations, confront each other in physical form, and even concoct alchemy... There are all kinds of arenas.

The Weijiantai is a place in the city that is specially provided for sword cultivators to learn from.

The original purpose of setting up branches in different arenas was to facilitate communication between monks, but I don't know when, it has become a means for 'locals' to deceive outsiders.

As with the rules of Tuxian Pavilion, in addition to paying a deposit, you still have to bet something to come to power.

It could be a spirit bead, a magic weapon, a practice technique, or an admission ticket to an auction, as long as the conditions are agreed upon by both parties, anything will do.

Here's the problem. 'Outsiders' do not know these rules, and there is no 'characteristic partition' in the Tuxian Pavilion outside, which makes many newcomers easy to be brought into the ditch by the elderly.

In light of a large amount of loss, in serious cases, if you are too greedy, your bet is too large, and you will even ruin your immortal future.

Obviously, this somewhat shrewd Jianghu warlock was deceived by Fu Xingguang, a veteran from Tianwai Sword City.

Having figured this out, the onlookers couldn't help but cast pitiful glances at the Jianghu Warlock, not knowing what the foolish kid was betting on.

"Anyway, you lost." Fu Xingguang leaned back against the railing on the edge of the terrace and pouted: "If you don't fulfill your bet, I will report it to Tuxian Pavilion, you should know the consequences..."

The Jianghu Warlock sneered, looking like a rotten look, and said rogue:

"It's useless for you to report. I'm going crazy. Where can I get five hundred spirit beads for you?"

Fu Xingguang was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "You still bet with me without you?"

"I didn't." Jianghu Warlock spread his hands, "But if I win, I will."

Fu Xingguang laughed angrily: "The problem is that you didn't win."

"Then if you don't cheat, you can beat me with your three-legged cat kung fu!" Jianghu Warlock said angrily.

"Don't think that I can only win you with a sword!" Fu Xingguang glared at him and sneered: "My cultivation is not as good as you, but even if you can use Dao, it's just one more sword. That's all."

"Good! It's refreshing!"

Jianghu Warlock's eyes lit up, and he seemed to be waiting for Fu Xingguang's words. While clapping his hands and praising him, he cast his eyes on the stage:

"Come and tell me if there is any place like 'Dao Fa Tai', he challenges me, I will definitely accept it!
Of course, the bet is doubled, and if I win not only the offset this time, you also owe me five hundred spirit beads. "

"..." Everyone.

They can see that these two goods are half a catty, one wants to cheat people, and the other is crazy.

Fu Xingguang was so angry that his chest heaved back and forth.

"Don't give me nonsense! You settle the account this time first! Otherwise..."

Before he could finish speaking, Fu Xingguang was stunned, and the warlock, who was tit-for-tat with him just now, looked in the direction of the road in astonishment for some reason.

He frowned and said impatiently:

"What are you looking at?"

The Jianghu Warlock took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth slowly twitched:
"It's okay if you don't play Dao, my elder brother is here, do you want to compete with the sword?"

As he said that, he jumped over the ring, waved his hand, and ran towards the street next to the square:

"Brother Xu!"

Hearing this voice, Xu Shoujing, who was feeding PLAY with Jiang Rongyue, was stunned. He stopped and turned his head to look at the figure running towards him with a dazed face.

Who are you? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: The next chapter... or the next chapter may have a new villain that you don't like, but the purpose is to make Jinger appear holy in front of people, and also for fun, um, it doesn't affect reading anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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