The queen is so fierce

Chapter 159 Thunderbolt Wrapped Sword

Chapter 159 Thunderbolt Wrapped Sword
"Come on, Xiaojing, open your mouth, ah~"


"Pu Chi... I didn't make you so big, let's see what it looks like."

On the broad streets of the East Imperial City, a pair of immortal and jade-colored men and women leaned forward.

Jiang Rongyue held Qing's younger brother's arm in one hand, and the other hand held the 'Tianshan Snow Candied Gourd' she just bought, and gently stretched it out to Xu Shoujing's mouth.

Xu Shoujing glanced at her, and without any hesitation, bit off the tip of the one; because the action was too deliberate and exaggerated, Jiang Rongyue covered her mouth and smiled coquettishly, and punched him with a small pink fist.

Su Huanqing followed closely, her cold eyes did not change from beginning to end, which also led to the fact that even if her appearance was brilliant enough, the passing monks did not dare to approach, for fear of being 'frozen'.

But in fact... this serene beauty on the surface has been thinking about a question that is extremely inconsistent with her image - should I leave first to make room for them?
At this moment, there was an eager call from a distance.

"Brother Xu!"

Xu Shoujing's heart moved slightly, but he ignored it and continued to feed Play with his sister Rong Yue.

There is no one he knows in this East Imperial City, and it is impossible to call himself.

"Brother Xu? Hey, don't go, Brother Xu... Xu! Shou! Jing!"


Xu Shoujing paused, his expression a little dazed.

Are you really calling me?
The feeding game between the siblings was interrupted, and Jiang Rongyue was also a little bit intrigued. She tilted her head and glanced at the source of the sound, then gently pulled Xu Shoujing's clothes, and said softly:

"Xiao Jing, someone called you."

"I know." Xu Shoujing scratched his neck and turned around helplessly, just to see a guy dressed as a liar running towards him eagerly.

"Brother Xu!" The liar was full of joy, as if calling for a long-awaited relative to meet again.

Xu Shoujing was not polite, his eyebrows frowned, and he said angrily:

"Who are you?"

"..." The liar in the rivers and lakes put away a smile, and then remembered that his disguise had not been removed.

He took a peek at Fu Xingguang, who was staring at Weijiantai, and thought for a while, then cleared his throat, and when he spoke again, it had become another person's voice:
"Master Xu, it's me."

Hearing this voice, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously his spiritual power rushed to his eyes. Before the pupils were covered with a touch of gold, he relied on his familiarity with the voice and blurted out:
"Zuo Lingxuan? No, you didn't use any illusions to cover it up..."

"This is not an illusion, this is a disguise, an ordinary method."

Zuo Lingxuan smiled and pulled his face towards Xu Shoujing, and a thin flesh-colored film was actually raised at his fingertips.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's stunned expression, Zuo Lingxuan coughed dryly, pretending to be someone who had come over, and said solemnly:
"People who cultivate immortals are more arrogant. Those with high realms disdain to use illusions to cover themselves up. It is meaningless to cover up with low realms. It is basically impossible to hide from people in the same realm. Even if the realm is low, they can detect it somewhat."

The words stopped here, Zuo Lingxuan paused slightly, and then changed the topic:
"But Yi Rong is different, this most simple and unpretentious method, let alone between the same realm, the high realm may not be able to find out, the power that can really see through it, and I don't bother to pay attention to you.

I want to say that a person like Xu Gongzi who is always doing things everywhere should be like this. It is very convenient to run away from everything. "

"Forget it, I'm not interested in masks." Xu Shoujing glanced at him, then looked at Weijiantai next to him, wondering: "What happened here, why did you just call me eldest brother? When did I Become your elder brother?"

"Shh! Shh!"

Zuo Lingxuan hurriedly put his index finger to his mouth, motioned him to be quiet, and after confirming that Wei Jiantai did not hear it, he explained in a low voice:

"It's a long story, but it's just in name. Mr. Xu, no, Big Brother Xu! I know that you are excellent at swordsmanship and kind-hearted. Do your best to help me fight, and reward us with six or four points."

Xu Shoujing suddenly realized, no wonder he called him eldest brother just now.

Xu Shoujing hadn't reacted yet, but Jiang Rongyue was a little unhappy after hearing this.

She changed the look on the small and medium-sized woman she had just dated, put one hand on Xiaoman's waist, put on a stern expression of 'sister admonishing brother', frowned and said:

"Xiaojing, we are new here, so it's better not to cause trouble."

Xu Shoujing lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then he smiled at Zuo Lingxuan:
"I'm sorry, my wife and sister are dead, and Jing can't go against it... Then I'll excuse you for now, and I'll invite you back for a drink."

When the voice fell, Xu Shoujing greeted Su Huanqing, and the three bypassed Zuo Lingxuan and resumed shopping.

Seeing the three of them turn around to leave, Zuo Lingxuan panicked immediately, and the probability of letting Fu Xingguang fight with him for something 'Daofatai' can't be said to be very small, it can only be said to be completely non-existent.

And Xu Shoujing, who happened to be the strongest swordsman among all the people he knew; even if it was the Sword Cultivation sect that respected the sword in Tianwai Jiancheng, I believe Xu Shoujing could easily win the championship.

Xu Shoujing is very strong, at least according to Zuo Lingxuan's perception, his swordsmanship is very strong, which is why the victory depends on him.

But then again, if Xu Shoujing didn't help him fight, with only swords, who could win the disciples of Tianwai Sword City now?
Thinking of this, Zuo Lingxuan didn't care whether he would be suspected or not, and quickly stepped up to catch up in front of Xu Shoujing, and said in a panic:
"Young Master Xu, you can't die without saving you when you meet each other!"

Jiang Rongyue raised her eyebrows. She was about to scold the guy who disturbed their sister and brother's date, but Xu Shoujing stopped her with her hand.

"Xiaojing?" Jiang Rongyue looked at him puzzled.

Xu Shoujing responded with a 'I am measured' smile, tilted his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, and coughed lightly:

"Zuo Lingxuan, that's not what I want. I ask others to do things. You have to show sincerity."

"Sincerity?" Zuo Lingxuan thought for a while, then tentatively said: "This matter is over, I will cover all your meals and lodging in Donghuang City?"

After all, if he wins, he will have 1000 taels of Lingzhu. Even if he lives in a good hotel from now on until the end of the Zongmen Grand Competition, he probably won't be able to spend even a fraction of it.

On the one path of cultivation, food, drink, housing, and travel really don’t cost much. The real money is those treasures, magic arts, and the like, which are often sky-high.

Moreover, middlemen like Tuxian Pavilion and Wanbaodian also like to speculate on prices, which is really bad.

The topic came back again, everyone knew that food, drink, housing, and transportation wouldn't cost much. Obviously, Xu Shoujing would not go to help others as a thug just because of 'all-inclusive food and drink'.

Seeing Xu Shoujing shaking his head, Zuo Lingxuan understood what he meant, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said:
"I understand. After the completion of the matter, we will be rewarded seven to three times."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then frowned, "Why is my pay still down?"

Zuo Lingxuan's heart was dripping blood, he pointed at Xu Shoujing: "You seven." Then he pointed at himself: "I am three."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's so makes me feel embarrassed.

Jiang Rongyue was keenly aware of Xu Shoujing's temptation, the hand holding his arm squeezed her conscience slightly, and said angrily:
"Xiao Jing!"

Xu Shoujing smiled awkwardly and made excuses at will: "After all, it's an acquaintance... I'm sorry if I don't help, Sister Rong Yue, look...?"

Jiang Rongyue pouted her small mouth and stared at Xu Shoujing with round almond eyes;

As long as Xu Shoujing did not agree for a moment, the boulder hanging from Zuo Lingxuan's heart would not fall.

Seeing the brothers and sisters pulling frantically, Zuo Lingxuan's face became anxious, and he said in a panic:

"Sister-in-law, please let Brother Xu help me with this, we are born and die..."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Rongyue blinked her beautiful eyes, her tightly wrinkled eyebrows were relieved, and she tilted her head and asked:

"What did you just call me?"

"I said...sister-in-law." Zuo Lingxuan was stunned, a little confused.

He now has a request for Xu Shoujing, and it is not flattering to call him 'big brother'.

Jiang Rongyue is Xu Shoujing's Taoist companion again, so it's not too much to call her sister-in-law, right?
Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, and sighed inwardly as he looked at his sister's curvy brows and eyes with a sweet smile.

This thing, the road is wide.

"Okay!" Jiang Rongyue let go of Xu Shoujing's hand, although she still agreed in her heart, but considering the majesty of her elder sister, she still had to pretend to be strict on the surface.

She glared at Xu Shoujing and hummed softly:
"Xiaojing, go and help him, but don't be too public, it's almost enough."

Xu Shoujing suppressed his smile and nodded slowly:
"Okay, then I'll go and come back."

I finally got rid of poverty... Now I can upgrade the jewelry for Aunt Chu to a new level~
What a plan.

Watching Xu Shoujing leave, Jiang Rongyue naturally held Su Huanqing next to her and said apologetically:

"Sorry, Huan Qing, let you accompany us to fool around."

Su Huanqing had nothing to do at first, so it's okay to fight when he sees Xu Shou, he just said in a low voice:

Zuo Lingxuan, who was on the side, just now realized the reason why Jiang Rongyue suddenly changed his decision. He looked at Su Huanqing, who was indifferent, and tacitly became Xu Shoujing's other woman. After a little thought, he opened his mouth and said:
"The two sisters-in-law don't stand here, go to the ring, it's closer."

Now his hopes are all on Xu Shoujing, and he naturally pleases these two as much as he can.

Who knew that Zuo Lingxuan wanted to imitate the move just now, but it ruined Jiang Rongyue's good mood.

Jiang Rongyue paused slightly, stared at Zuo Lingxuan fiercely, and said angrily:

"You are wrong!"

Zuo Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, did he call it wrong?Do you still want to be called Mrs.
That's too much, I'm just looking for a big brother to help, how can I become a servant...

"I'm not Xu Shoujing's woman." Su Huanqing shook her head.

Hearing this, Zuo Lingxuan's first words were "I don't believe it" and "You are joking".

Not to mention that Su Huanqing's appearance is no less than Jiang Rongyue's appearance in terms of configuration. One of the two women is taciturn and the other is gentle and soft, with completely different styles and the same alluring color.

Just these two people standing side by side, which man doesn't have the evil idea of ​​being slept together?
Xu Shoujing will not start, what kind of Liuxiahui does he have to be?

Zuo Lingxuan didn't believe it, and even wanted to laugh at it, and inadvertently said what was in his heart:
"Impossible, even if it's not now, it will definitely be in the future..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Rongyue glared at him and pulled Su Huanqing away together, leaving Zuo Lingxuan alone.

Zuo Lingxuan frowned, paused for a while, and said in surprise:
"Did I say something wrong?"
In fact, Xu Shoujing is not all for Zuo Lingxuan and Lingzhu's reward.

There is also a big reason, because he wants to really try the 'Rong Lingzhu' before the sect competition starts.

Since the successful refining of Rong Lingzhu, Xu Shoujing tasted the taste of 'self-cultivation' for the first time.

In the past, Zhao Fuyao helped him with his luck outside the body. The biggest feeling was that he slept and did nothing. After waking up, his cultivation level increased inexplicably. On the other hand, Yaoyao was weak as if it had been damaged by ploughing.

But it was different now. Everything was in line with Xu Shoujing's theory. The Rong Lingzhu perfectly matched Jiang Rongyue's spiritual power, and a brand new purple spiritual sea was born in his body.

Through this spiritual sea, Xu Shoujing successfully improved his realm without any external force. Although the ink-colored spiritual sea was not mobilized in the whole process, it would still expand together with the purple spiritual sea as the realm improved.

The result is good, yes... But it also means that Xu Shoujing experienced the pain of meditating and practicing all night.

This is completely different from meditation. Although there is no mental fatigue, it is impossible to say that it is impossible to say that it is not exhausting after frantically adjusting the movement trajectory of spiritual power all night.

Fortunately, all the hard work pays off, and Xu Shoujing's progress can be said to be unable to keep up with the flying boat.

All of this is due to the blessing of "Spiritual Fusion", which can create such an epoch-making power... Why did he die in the ruins of the Immortal King?

There is also the bead of unknown origin on the throne. Now that Su He has a stone hammer, he is the person who taught the end of the world.

The end of the teaching... Immortal King... Beads...

Xu Shoujing felt that he was getting further and further away from the truth. He wandered the world without any scruples, and did not notice at all. After he stepped into the ring, the expression of Fu Xingguang on the opposite side became more and more impatient.

"You are Zuo Yiyang's eldest brother?" Fu Xingguang pulled out the double swords around his waist and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a while, he realized that Fu Xingguang was talking about Zuo Lingxuan.

Although Xu Shoujing didn't want to be a big brother, but now that he declared it to the outside world, he could only pretend to be 'not disgusted' and nodded:
"it's me."

Fu Xingguang stared at Xu Shoujing for a while, a look of contempt flashed in his pupils, and then he looked at Zuo Lingxuan under the stage and sneered:

"This is the big brother you're talking about? In the Qing Dynasty, it's not even as good as you...Are you kidding me?"

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Xu Shoujing, and then saw that his realm was really only after the Yuqing period, and their expressions couldn't help but be weird.

Just looking at the form of spiritual power, it does have the flavor of a sword cultivator.But this realm... not very good.

After all, the two of you in the Guanlan period had a conflict and ran to find a monk in the Yuqing period?I'm afraid I won't be beaten...

The monks onlookers thought that Zuo Lingxuan was messing around, and felt that he was completely forced to panic.

But Zuo Lingxuan was stunned after hearing Fu Xingguang's words.

I'll go alone... When did he enter the Yuqing stage?It hasn't even been a month...

Didn't we just step into the sea realm the last time we met... Is this taking supplements or taking pills?

Even if you take pills, there are only a few kinds of pills you can eat in the sea, and I haven't heard of any pills that can be advanced rapidly in less than a month...

Tsk, so is your Xu Shoujing, and so is his Ji Xiangjian, who are already very powerful, why do you have to be so sloppy, so that ordinary people will not be allowed to live?

Zuo Lingxuan resisted the urge to complain, and was quite angry at first, but now he looks at Fu Xingguang's disdainful expression, but he has only pity in his heart.

I'm afraid you don't know who the guy in front of you is...

Here Fu Xingguang is still contemptuous, Xu Shoujing didn't pay much attention to the strange sight below, he was still waiting to collect the money to buy jewelry for Aunt Chu, and urged:

"Are you still fighting? Let's start quickly."

Fu Xingguang withdrew his gaze angrily, looking at Xu Shoujing's impatient look, the whole person was a little dazed:

"Are you sure you want to fight me?"

"Nonsense, why did I come up if I didn't hit me?" Xu Shoujing said impatiently.

"Wait... Wait a second, do you have enough spirit beads?"

With the last lesson, Fu Xingguang is very cautious this time... Don't be another white wolf who wants empty gloves.

Xu Shoujing caressed the Qiongyu in the middle of his waist, and through the ink-colored clouds, he showed the spiritual beads that he searched for the disciples of Tianyuan Sect.

Fu Xingguang's eyes lit up, and he had a new understanding of Xu Shoujing: he has a lot of money, a low cultivation base, and he likes taking risks... This is the young master of a certain Xiuxian family who is not familiar with the world.

But even if you are the eldest young master, you have to pay for the Lingzhu.

Thinking of this, Fu Xingguang licked the corner of his lips, and took advantage of the situation to pull out the double swords around his waist, and a flash of greed flashed in his pupils:
"My sword is fast, but I'll be gentle."

The voice fell, Fu Xingguang's double swords flashed a green light, and the footsteps were silent, and a flash came to Xu Shoujing.

All this happened in a split second, everyone just felt a gust of wind blowing, and Fu Xingguang disappeared in place.

Everyone in the audience was amazed, as expected of being born in Tianwai Jiancheng, I am afraid that no one can stand up to the sword.

Zuo Lingxuan's pupils shrank, and he secretly said in his heart: It turns out that when he fought me just now, he didn't use all his strength.

To say that the only people who are not so worried this time are Jiang Rongyue and Su Huanqing.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't have much effort to fight with opponents like Su Ren and Yuan Qing, and such a small scene was not painful at all.Even Jiang Rongyue wanted to be 'competent' to worry, but there was no place to worry.

Fu Xingguang's sword may be fast, but Xiaojing's sword is even faster!And tougher and tougher!

At the critical moment, a crisp metal collision sounded on the forehead, the sparks flew away, and the double swords Fu Xingguang slashed resolutely stopped in the air.

It may not be very accurate to say 'stop', but it should be 'stop'.

Xu Shoujing, who had not moved from beginning to end, did not know when the sword on his waist was already unsheathed, and the long sword with the moon-white brilliance lay in front of him with his backhand, firmly blocking the blow of Fu Xingguang's saving power.

I thought it was a battle that would end between lightning and flint, but I didn't expect such a mistake.

Fu Xingguang was an old river and lake after all, and he immediately realized that he underestimated Xu Shoujing, and made quick adjustments using the time in the air. The cyan spiritual power climbed up the double swords like vines, trying to suppress the painting Fang Yanqian.

However, no matter how Fu Xingguang conveyed his spiritual power, Xu Shoujing and his sword were like a mountain pressing in front of him, motionless.

Even once his spiritual power is transmitted to the two swords, it will be dissolved by an unknown ink-colored aura and dissipated in the world.

Xu Shoujing took Fu Xingguang's changing expression into his eyes. If it was normal, he might have pulled it a little bit. After all, it ended too soon to be ornamental, and it would not have the effect of appearing in front of people.

However, this time he was busy choosing jewelry for Aunt Chu, so he naturally wanted a quick solution.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing slanted his body, his arms that were originally bent against his shoulders shook, and he took Fu Xingguang into the air.


The thick ink surrounding Xu Shoujing dissipated, replaced by a deep purple thunderstorm.

"not good!"

Fu Xingguang secretly thought that it was not good, and he hurriedly wanted to use the sword, but unfortunately his movements were too slow compared to Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing clenched the painting boat Yan Qian, together with the purple lightning flash wrapped around the sword, and waved forward lightly...

call out--

The sound of the sword resounded through the sky, and the sword gang shot straight into the sky!
Everyone in the audience only saw a purple sword energy flashing vertically and horizontally, and they didn't even have time to blink, as if the frame was drawn, the black-robed sword immortal suddenly appeared on the other side of the field of vision.


Fu Xingguang was penetrated by Zi Lei, his body was as black as a conversation, and he fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

At this moment, everyone held their breath and stared blankly at the black-robed sword immortal on the other side of the stage.

They understood the deep meaning of Zuo Lingxuan, and at the same time realized that this time, the sect grand competition was about to welcome a sword cultivator who broke the usual pattern.

In the Sword City outside the sky, the way of the sword, no one can stand around?

I bother!

Heaven is not born... This handsome sword immortal, all sword cultivators in Tiannan Continent can 'abandon the sword and follow the law'!


The second floor of an inn somewhere in the Eastern Imperial City.

A tall, handsome young man in white robes is slowly sipping tea with a folding fan.

Beside him, the little junior sister from the same sect held her chin with a smile, her brows and eyes curved, and she took off her usual arrogance in the sect, and seemed to want to please the white-robed son.

It's a pity that Young Master Baipao ignored her at all, acting like a gentleman.


The sound of the sword resounded like thunder, and a purple sword gang crossed the horizon.

The white-robed son's eyes narrowed, his pupils swayed back and forth, as if he was thinking about something, and murmured:
"This sword energy is not simple... Who is this person?"

The younger junior sister from the same sect also glanced at the sword energy. At first, she was surprised. After a while, she curled her lips indifferently:

"Never mind, he's definitely not as powerful as Senior Brother anyway."

The white-robed son pondered for a while, then shook his head:
"Everything needs to be careful. The sect is very important. I can't let the people who kill in the middle disturb my ranking. Go down and let people check. If necessary, I will visit in person."

"Oh..." Little Junior Sister pursed her lips and left reluctantly.


Go back to the Weijian platform.

The audience under the stage was sluggish, looking at Xu Shoujing as if looking at a man in the sky, with passion, admiration, envy, jealousy... all kinds of complex emotions intertwined.

However, this handsome sword immortal made a very damaging move at this time——

Xu Shoujing still had a relaxed smile on the corner of his mouth, played a sword flower casually, and slowly put the painting Fang Qianyan into the scabbard around his waist.

He looked back at Fu Xingguang on the ground and waved forward:

"I'm in a hurry, should the Lingzhu be paid in cash, or will it be paid by Tuxiange?"

Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

(End of this chapter)

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