The queen is so fierce

Chapter 160 I Want to Kill the Tauren

Chapter 160 I Want to Kill the Tauren

Dark night.

The sky outside the window turned white, and Gao Yang, who had rested all night, showed half of his head again.

There was silence in the dimly lit wing room, except for the sound of very subtle breathing.

The curtain of the bed was pulled open, Xu Shoujing walked out of the bed gently, picked up the gold-trimmed black robe on the chair next to him, and put it on himself, his eyes inadvertently stopped at the slap lying quietly on the table. Big small gift box.

Facts have proved that not everyone is as shameless as Zuo Lingxuan... Although it may also have something to do with his 'part-time job' as a liar.

Fu Xingguang took Xu Shoujing's sword head-on, except that his body was black like coal, and he was trembling when he spoke for a long time.

However, although they are old players who came to cheat newbies, after all, it was Tianwai Sword City that came out.

Most people who are good at swords are relatively straight, although not all of them are straight in another sense like Ji Xiangjian.

But they always have one thing to say. Naturally, they highly respect a kendo genius like Xu Shoujing. Fu Xingguang simply 'earned' half of the Lingzhu in the past two days and gave it to Xu Shoujing to settle the account.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Is this thing so profitable?
Afterwards, Xu Shoujing spent another afternoon buying a few defensive magic weapons in places like Tianyu Trading Company. The most important thing was to secretly buy a pair of earrings that cost most of his savings without Jiang Rongyue.

That night, Chu Shuwan, who received the gift, was so happy that she even unlocked several items for Xu Shoujing, such as 'Pingsha Luoyan', 'Jade Sitting Avalokitesvara', 'Around the Legs and Embracing the Sun', etc... Usually killed Do not let the posture.

Back to the present.

Xu Shoujing changed into her usual gold-trimmed black robe, and sat quietly beside the bed, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised, her eyes tenderly looking at Aunt Chu who was still asleep.

Although his movement just now was not big, for immortal cultivators, even the sound of the silver needle falling to the ground can be clearly heard.

Chu Shuwan, an old aunt in the Nirvana realm, didn't even notice and didn't say anything. She still seemed to have collapsed, lying on her side and curled up in the corner.

She lightly pinched the corner of the quilt, her long black hair was messed up on the jade pillow, and her beautiful face was flushed with satisfaction.

The red lips murmured for a moment, her brows and eyes were slightly wrinkled, she didn't know what she was dreaming about, she reached out and pushed the air in front of her below, and said in a dream:
"Jing'er... don't come, auntie can't..."


Xu Shoujing blinked, his head was a little dazed, but he was more amused.

Do teachers and apprentices even teach 'Spring in a Dream'?
Why is it that Sister Rongyue and Aunt Chu can't stand their hard work, yet they still have this type of dream?
Xu Shoujing shook his head, leaned down slightly, and poked Aunt Chu's moist face with his fingertips.

The index finger had just touched Chu Shuwan's cheek, and the delicate snow-white skin was gently sunken, and the cool and slightly smooth touch accompanied the fingertips and quickly fed back to Xu Shoujing's brain nerves, before he waited. He felt it carefully, and the touch of softness had begun to rebound.


In her sleep, Chu Shuwan seemed to feel something, and suddenly took a deep breath, and slowly opened her charming almond eyes.

"Good morning, Aunt Chu." Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly and quietly retracted his fingers.

Hearing Xu Shoujing's voice, Chu Shuwan turned her head to look at him, her consciousness in the morning had not yet woken up, and her beautiful eyes were still a bit dazed.

After waiting for a while, after Chu Shuwan's pupils were focused, her expression changed:
"Go away! I can't take it anymore, go find your Xuanji!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

So, why do both of you, master and apprentice, have the same reaction to the first sentence when you wake up?
Seeing Chu Shuwan grabbing the quilt and wrapping herself, as if she 'will not obey', Xu Shoujing was speechless.

He sighed and wanted to explain a sentence, but before the words could be said, a bang suddenly sounded outside the window...


The ground shook, the tables and chairs swayed, the blue-and-white porcelain on the shelf fell to the ground and shattered, and the dust on the ceiling was scattered, and the whole place was gray.

Xu Shoujing hugged Chu Shuwan subconsciously at the moment when the earth dragon turned over, while protecting her with his body, and grabbing the wooden edge on the edge of the bed with the other hand to stabilize his body.

To be honest, with Chu Shuwan's cultivation level, let alone 'earth dragon turning over', adding a 'sea dragon rolling' won't necessarily hurt her.

Even if Xu Shoujing has more cheats, he is still a little monk in the sea in the eyes of everyone, and it is completely unrealistic to want to protect the Nirvana.

The truth is such a truth, but I can't bear women to like this set.

Witnessing Xu Shoujing's completely instinctive actions, Chu Shuwan leaned quietly in his arms, feeling that her whole heart was about to get drunk.

When faced with a crisis, what could make a woman happier than a lover who first thinks of you instead of himself?
Xu Shoujing was naturally unaware of the inner activities of Aunt Chu in his arms. He was now listening intently to the commotion outside.


"Run! This monster is probably no match for a normal cultivator!"

"Where have all the teachers of your families gone? Come out and conquer the demons!"

"No...I don't know!"

"The sect is about to compete, why is there not a single high-level monk in the city?"

Before the earthquake completely disappeared, the young cultivator's shout escaped, accompanied by a howl that resounded through the sky, clearly reaching Xu Shoujing's ears.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, released Chu Shuwan, got up and went to the round wooden table, tied Qiongyu's belt to his waist, grabbed the painting boat Yanqian on the table, and said:
"Aunt Chu, I'm going to have a look, do you want to go?"

Chu Shuwan put her hands behind her and did not let herself lie down.Hearing Xu Shoujing's words, she waved her hand impatiently:
"Go, go, pay attention to safety, the old lady still has to go back to sleep, I don't have time to talk to you."

Xu Shoujing was about to leave, but when he heard Chu Shuwan's words, his footsteps paused, and he said puzzled:
"Aunt Chu, do you allow me to go?"

"Why don't I let you go." Chu Shuwan glanced at him, frowned, and said with a sneer, "My dear Jinger, have you been with Rongyue for a long time recently, and you treat me as her? Do you think Auntie is the kind of person who can worry about it?"


Seeing Xu Shoujing being choked, Chu Shuwan raised her head slightly, feeling quite happy to avenge the 'revenge of last night', and said with a full smile:

"If you want to go see it, you're not stupid. If you really can't beat it, you'd run away. Besides, it's obviously what you want to pretend to be. If I go, won't I steal your limelight?"

Xu Shoujing blinked, clasped his fists and sank: "It makes sense."

After saying that, she walked to Chu Shuwan's side again, kissed her face off guard, and left as if escaping.


When the door closed, Chu Shuwan touched her hot cheeks and spat, "Little bastard!".

In fact, there is another reason why she doesn't want to get up.

Chu Shuwan clenched her silver teeth lightly, retracted her hands behind her, stared at the jade bed with her elbows, and gently let herself lie down again.

After doing all this, she frowned, her face turned blue and white, and she scolded secretly:
"Neither light nor heavy..."
Xu Shoujing rushed out of the wing with a painting boat in his hand, instead of taking the stairs, he jumped directly from the second floor, and walked to the street in a flash.

Last night was a flat and dust-free street. At this moment, the sky was filled with gravel, and a crack as thick as an arm was cracked in the center of the white jade brick. At first glance, I knew it was bottomless.

Xu Shoujing didn't think much, followed the crack and rushed forward. The shops on both sides of the road collapsed one after another, and many monks fainted with blood stasis.

Ordinary people who were reselling magic tools here were buried under the corrugated ruins, only one hand was exposed, and it was unknown whether there was any sound.



With two loud bangs that shook the earth, Xu Shoujing finally saw the culprit that caused the tragedy.

I saw an unknown beast as tall as a mountain standing in the middle of the street, stepping over a house with every step, and the shock just now was undoubtedly caused by it.

The ferocious beast is covered with black scales on its shoulders. It has a huge body and majestic limbs. At first glance, it looks like an overly fat star, but its head has curved and sharp horns, and its pupils are scarlet.

Cow... tauren?

Xu Shoujing's eyes were stunned, his subconscious was like drawing a sword to chop him, and he didn't know if it was because of reading a novel in his previous life. The moment he saw the tauren, his bloodthirsty mentality of wanting to kill it quietly rose.

It is my duty to kill all the Tauren in the world!
However, after seeing the situation around him clearly, Xu Shoujing quickly calmed down.

The cultivator's senses are very keen, and it has been a long time since the moment the riot broke out, and many cultivators who were sleeping have come one after another.

The monks who are good at mastering the sword hover around it, trying to attract its attention; below, the Taoist masters have assembled and prepared spells according to their own rhythms. After a while, the offensive of ice, fire, thunder and soil will move towards The bull-headed beast blasted away.

However, after those spells with seemingly exaggerated special effects really hit the bull-headed beast, they only caused a burst of explosions and white smoke, and they couldn't even make it turn back.

The bull-headed beast's footsteps did not stop at all, probably because it was tired of the 'flies' hovering around it, it raised its swollen right arm and waved it in front of its eyes.

"Hey... ah ah-"

A cultivator with a sword flying past it hit the bullseye, the screams stopped abruptly, the whole person turned into a meteor, and was slapped by the tauren into the ruins of the house.

I don't know when, Xu Shoujing's watery peach blossom eyes changed to bright gold, and the whole picture of the bull-headed beast was reflected in his pupils, and he muttered:
"This is the magic free plus the material free? No, that is a game thing, this is reality, you must believe in science."

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and shouted towards the ground spell bombardment team:
"Hit it at the joints!"

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shoujing pulled out the sword from his waist neatly, and walked slowly towards the bull-headed beast.

The magic team over there was still at a loss, and when they heard Xu Shoujing's call, one of them frowned:
"Who is this person? He knows shitty magic. At first glance, he looks like a brainless martial artist. He came to point fingers at me..."

"I...I recognize him, he is the one who defeated Fu Xingguang with a sword yesterday..."

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then said in surprise:
"Fu Xingguang... You're talking about the one who used two swords in Tianwai Jiancheng? Was he defeated? No wonder he withdrew overnight, and even Zongmen did not participate in the competition."

When he stopped here, he found that everyone was looking at him in a daze, and he couldn't help but burst into anger, and said angrily:
"What are you still doing, just do as he says!"

"..." Everyone.

You change your face so fast.
Xu Shoujing, like a stroll in the courtyard, slowly walked to the moon boasting of the bull-headed beast.

He didn't want to pretend, on the one hand, he was waiting for the Spell Column to prepare for the next round of spell bombardment, on the other hand, he wanted to spend more time observing the body of the bull-headed beast.

With red eyes and dark skin, curved horns and strong muscles, adding a two-handed axe to him is exactly the same as the Tauren in mythology.

Like this evil thing, don't kill it and keep it for the New Year?


The heavy step of the bull-headed beast stirred up the gravel and rubble on the ground with each stroke. It seemed to be walking in a certain direction in an orderly manner with a certain purpose.

The cultivator of the sword in mid-air tried his best to attract its attention, but all of them were ignored without exception.

If you are far away, people will not take you seriously, and if you are too close, you will be slapped with a slap... The disciples of various sects can be regarded as encountering a big problem.

"What can I do now..."

A blue-shirted cultivator hovered in the air, panting, wiping the sweat on his forehead, looking at the back of the bull-headed beast, his eyes full of sadness.

Seeing the monk in the blue shirt stop, the fellow Taoist who came from the same sect with him also hovered Feijian and said solemnly:
"This demon king has at least 6000 years of Taoism, and I always feel that it has a tendency to evolve towards the demon king..."

"...Demon Emperor." The blue-shirt cultivator choked, almost holding his breath.

The demon king has ten thousand years of Taoism, and there is still a gap between him and the demon king of 1000 years of Taoism.

Many demon beasts who are advanced demon kings may not be able to be promoted to demon emperors until they die; the bull-headed beast has a tendency to evolve demon emperors, which shows that it has this quality in itself.

It's easy to deal with being a demon king now, but if it really becomes a demon king... the consequences are unimaginable!
"Then what should we do?" The blue-shirt cultivator asked anxiously.

Senior Brother Qingshan pondered for a moment and sighed: "In my opinion, let the ordinary people who come to travel take refuge as much as possible. Let's guide this fierce beast more and wait for the teacher to take action."

Before the senior brother's words were finished, the blue-shirted cultivator pointed to a small black spot below and said in surprise:

"But... someone over there has gone to confront the demon king..."


Senior Brother Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and when he looked down, he saw a handsome black-robed sword immortal, dragging a moon silver sword diagonally, walking slowly, and facing the bull-headed beast head on.

Senior Brother Qingshan's expression changed greatly, and he quickly shouted:
"The one from the Sea Realm, hurry up and leave! It's not a monster you can deal with! Even the magic column can't do anything about it..."


Before the words of Senior Brother Qingshan could fall, the magic technique of the magic column had already slammed into the crotch of the beast's legs.


The bull-headed beast roared loudly, its body tilted for the first time, it staggered a few times, knelt on the ground with its jet-black scales, and the upper body also smashed towards the ground because of the imbalance of the body.

"..." Senior Brother Qingshan.

Could this face be hit a little too fast?

The earth trembled, and a shadow shrouded his head.

Xu Shoujing looked at the bull-headed beast that was smashing at him, flipped his wrist, grabbed the hilt with his backhand, and the purple thunder quietly climbed onto the snow-white sword...
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
Cold Knowledge: Before Shaoyao has completely lost the power of the five elements, that is, at the beginning of the game, he just snapped his fingers and wiped out the two demon emperor-level ghosts~
PS: I read a book called "I Broke the Body of the Emperor's Daughter" when I was coding and fishing. It was really well written. On the other hand, when I first opened the book, I didn't understand anything. , listened to the readers' blind changes, and the result collapsed...

I just want to hurry up and finish reading the chapters that I haven't read, otherwise I feel like a dragon of greed is crawling all over my body, I can't stand it!

So... so much for today, sorry~
Note: There is no PY, I saw it purely by myself, and people who are really PY don't look down on me.

I am Yuluo, see you tomorrow~
 Thank you for the great reward!

(End of this chapter)

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