The queen is so fierce

Chapter 161 It is said to be a 'true' gentleman

Chapter 161 It is said to be a 'true' gentleman

All monsters, as long as they don't choose to transform, will always have the 'Essence of the Monster' somewhere in their body.

This statement is similar to those fairy tales in the mortal world. Immortal cultivators will 'congeal elixir' at a certain stage, and monsters born with intellect will condense a 'demon elixir' when their demon power reaches a certain level. '.

Jindan and Yaodan are naturally made up, and most of them are mixed with the author's inner fantasy about cultivation. In reality, they have cultivated to the Xuanye realm, and no great master has ever found a stone in his stomach.

It's true that Jindan or Yaodan are fantasies,'s not groundless.

Although practitioners will not give themselves a whole stone, there is indeed an area in the body that has a certain storage function - the sea of ​​​​spirits; in the same way, the monsters have not dug out the magic pills that can become stronger after eating, but the essence of the magic power is concentrated. parts also exist.

For example, the 'white-tailed fish', which is most often placed on the dining table, bears the grace of heaven and earth, and the part where it condenses the essence of heaven and earth is its snow-white and flexible tail.

Or the colorful cloud deer that is hard to come across in the wild, as long as its right front hoof is cut off, the colorful cloud deer will not only lose the ability to exercise on the spot, but the whole deer will be immobilized like a neurotoxin.

With the constant advancement of monsters, such methods that can cut off all the resistance of a monster on the spot are not very practical.The cultivation of monsters is essentially the process of spreading the originally condensed point to the whole body.

Even so, in the face of a powerful monster, the fastest way to reduce its combat power is to 'cut off the spiritual path'.

Obviously, the 'essence' of the bull-headed beast is on its pair of curved and sharp horns.



The moment the bull-headed beast knelt to the ground, the surrounding scenery suddenly trembled, the sky was filled with gravel, the ground was cracked, and the ground that was originally dazzled by the sun was shrouded in a layer of shadows.

Xu Shoujing glanced at the bull-headed beast that was smashing at him, turned the right hand holding the hilt, and held the sword in the opposite direction. A purple intent condensed in the palm of his left hand, and stroked along the snow-white body of the sword.


A layer of purple lightning flashes was wrapped around the body of the painting Fangyan's shallow sword, and the dust floating in the air touched the purple lightning inadvertently.


The bull-headed beast screamed, and the right hand, which was originally intended to be supported on the ground because it was lying forward, suddenly changed direction, and pressed it towards the small black dot that was covered in purple.

"Ah... Hurry up!" High in the sky, the blue-shirted cultivator shouted loudly, turning the head of his sword, trying to save this unknown sword cultivator.

Facing the palm as big as a mountain, Xu Shoujing did not dodge or dodge, turned slightly to the side, and slanted the saber that was already ready to go in his hand...


The blood was flying, and the silver light was like a thread.

With a loud bang, the body of the bull-headed beast completely smashed to the ground, but the hand that was deflected in the middle of it failed to appear where it should be.

The figure of the blue-shirted monk Yujian was stagnant in the air. He rubbed his eyes and made sure that he was not mistaken. His jaw gradually dislocated, and his face was full of disbelief.

The black-robed sword immortal still stood in the original position and did not move. The giant hand that was supposed to crush him into a muddy flesh turned a few times in the air and rolled to the side, leaving a smooth cut wound. There was a steady stream of blood.

"Moo! Moo..."

The bull-headed beast screamed and wanted to lift the stubble of his right hand, but before that hand could leave the ground, Xu Shoujing gently stepped on it.

So in the eyes of other people, there was such a scene - a big bull-headed beast as high as a mountain was easily stepped on by a human race that looked like an ant in comparison, no matter how hard it tried There is no way to pull out the right hand.

The reason for all this was naturally the Nine Tribulations Prison Body that Xu Shoujing had always used as a terrain destruction skill at first.

I don't know when it started, Xu Shoujing has a new understanding of the Nine Tribulations Prison Body - destroying the terrain is so boring, so the opposite can't move, isn't it more useful?

Especially when the difference in body shape is like a ravine, the visual contrast caused to people is even more amazing.

Xu Shoujing dragged the painting boat Yanqian diagonally, followed the muscular arm of the bull-headed beast, and walked towards its horns like a stroll in a garden.

Every step looks very light, but it can step on a deep groove in the strong muscle of the bull-headed beast. At the same time, the screams of the bull-headed beast are one after another.

The moment Xu Shoujing reached the shoulder of the bull-headed beast, it seemed that it finally couldn't hold back its indignation.


The sound of breaking wind rang in his ears, and Xu Shoujing's robe was blown up.

Between the lights and flints, the scene that shocked everyone appeared again.

Xu Shoujing didn't seem to do anything, just moved his position slightly, and the whole person passed between the fingers of the bull-headed beast without receiving the slightest impact.

This is not the end. After the bull-headed beast hit the air, Xu Shoujing jumped over and jumped on the back of the tauren's hand. The silver sword wrapped around the purple thunder danced with his figure, and the silky and smooth transition to Next to the shiny black horns.

Xu Shoujing's movements were as elegant as a sharp-blade waltz. While turning around, he gently waved his saber, as if he was not fighting a thousand-year-old beast. The entire stage was his personal show.

To say why it's so silky... Well, I usually climb over the wall a lot, and it's hard to think if I'm not skilled.


The connection of the horns of the bull-headed beast was slightly inclined, and the smooth cut surface could not support the weight of the horns, and finally rolled to the ground.


In mid-air, the blue-shirted cultivator turned around stiffly, looked at his senior brother who was flying towards him, and said in a daze:
"I can still understand cutting off the hand. After all, it may be that the immortal weapon itself is sharp; but the 'spiritual path' of the monster is generally not... can't it be chopped continuously?"

Senior Brother Qingshan did not reply immediately, his expression seemed to be numb, after a short pause, he pondered:

"What do you mean by cutting incessantly? You usually don't do your homework well. The spiritual path of the monster is the hardest part of the monster's body. Compared with that, the scales on the back of the cow are not as hard as one tenth. two."

The blue-shirt cultivator was stunned for a moment, pondered it carefully, put on a 'study-like' appearance, and asked again:

"Then senior brother, since the horns are so hard, how did the cultivator of the Sea Realm cut it off with a single sword?"

Senior Brother Qingshan sighed, and slowly flew to the front of his younger brother, with his hands behind his back like a master, and after a long while, he gently uttered five words:

"I do not know either."

"..." The blue-shirt cultivator.

The bull-headed beast had its horns cut off, and the demonic energy surging on its body was reduced a little, but the scarlet meaning in its eyes was even more serious.

It struggled to stand up, ignoring the injuries on its hands, trying to catch Xu Shoujing, the 'flea' that was running around on his body.

Xu Shoujing's eyes narrowed, his toes lightly tapped on the arm of the bull-headed beast, and a backflip landed on the ground again. At this time, the bull-headed beast had stood up again and was about to strike with his left fist.

Xu Shoujing glanced at the other horn of the bull-headed beast, which was still intact, his eyes fixed for a moment, and he threw the painting Fang Yan Qian into the sky and turned it for half a circle; Xu Shoujing caught the hilt with his backhand, and his palm surged with purple thunder, intending to repeat the old trick. , and cut off the other horn of the bull-headed beast.

Ling Fuyu had taught Xu Shoujing long before he set foot on the territory of Tiannanzhou.

One of the swords is the word 'extreme'.

It can be absolute power, or absolute speed, or put aside numerical theory and implement "only advance without retreat" to the end.

As long as you show the 'Dao' you want to express through the sword, you are a qualified sword cultivator.

Not only kendo, Xu Shoujing's understanding of the whole 'dao' was rather vague at first, and he once thought it was just spiritualism.

But now he is very clear in his heart that the so-called 'Tao' does not need any complicated theory, or how high a realm he has in his heart.

As long as the belief that supports him to keep going at any time can be called the Tao.

The same is true in kendo. It doesn't matter strength or speed, what Jian Xian pursues is nothing more than "sword qi traversing [-] miles, and a sword light and cold nineteen continents".

Killing immortals and exorcising demons, killing and slaying demons requires only one sword. If one sword fails to kill...then take another sword.

The 'one sword' here does not mean that there is only one sword, but emphasizes that there is no need to do so many fancy moves.

Even if you can only use one sword forever, if you can defeat the enemy with [-] times, that is good swordsmanship.

Those 'kendo' that the powerful mouths are deceiving are actually as simple as that.

Based on this, Xu Shoujing constructed his own kendo theory.

Why does everyone who sees Xu Shoujing think he is a natural sword cultivator?

Because he was born suitable for sword cultivation, when others were still struggling with whether to increase the power of each sword or speed up the speed of the sword, he had already crossed this link. However, the heart has reached the realm that countless swordsmen can only hope for and cannot achieve - the supreme.

Whether it is the name or not has yet to be verified, but Xu Shoujing himself thinks it sounds quite handsome.


The scorching sun showed the outline of fish belly white, and the clouds on the horizon were rendered red.

Xu Shoujing held the sword in one hand, and the nose of the ox-headed beast was steaming, and he was about to smash a punch from Hannu.

The cultivators onlookers held their breaths, and all the focus between heaven and earth focused on this person and one cow.

Undoubtedly, for Tiannanzhou, the Canghai Realm beats the demon king who has practiced Taoism for 6000 years... This last confrontation will be included in "Tiannan Xianwen", and it will be a legendary story that the storyteller will enjoy road.

Originally... it was supposed to be like this.

However, the accident came so quickly.

Xu Shoujing wrapped Zi Lei all over his body, with his right arm leading the way, he was about to chop off the piece in front of him.

With a "whoosh" sound, a white light passed him by and flew towards the raised head of the bull-headed beast.

The ox-headed beast realized that it had changed its personality and had no scruples anymore. The violence in its body was expected to be vented, but at this moment, it changed its palms into fists and met the white light head-on.


Everyone thought that their eyes were blind, and the moment the fist of the bull-headed beast hit the white light, the thick muscles on it were ground into pieces in the blink of an eye.

"Moo-!! Moo-!"

The scarlet pupils of the bull-headed beast were full of puzzlement. Before it could recover, he saw a young man in white clothes fluttering in the air, covering himself with a palm indifferently— —


The white light penetrated the head of the bull-headed beast, leaving a blood hole between its eyebrows, through which one could see the scene of the rubble and ruins behind it.

The tauren couldn't even let out a wailing sound, his body lost his strength and fell to the ground without making a sound.

The young man in white stared at it for a long time, and after confirming that he would not be resurrected in place, he put on an elegant and easy-going smile, looked back at Xu Shoujing, and said with a smile:
"Daoist, are you alright?"


Xu Shoujing replied with a dry smile, but secretly said in his heart:

Where did this guy pop out, he is so skilled at grabbing the bull's head?
Anyone with discernment knows that although Xu Shoujing is in the sea level, after the previous confrontation, it is really not difficult to kill this bull monster.

Jumping out at this time, either because of other plans, or because he was not there before.

Just when Xu Shoujing was thinking about the origin of this person, the nearby monks were silent for a while, and suddenly they exploded as if they had jumped into a frying pan.

"It's the Holy Son of Tianyuan Sect... Huangfu Yan!"

"The bull demon was killed in one move, and it hovered in the air... It seems that the fact that he is about to break through the Nirvana Realm is not a rumor."

"Don't stop me, I'm going to see what the real person looks like..."

There was a lot of discussion and chatter.

Xu Shoujing listened to their conversation, his expression was slightly stunned, and he wondered in his heart:
"Holy Son of Tianyuan Sect? Is he the one Su Ren reminded me to be careful of?"

Xu Shoujing tilted his head and looked at the white-clothed young man who was walking towards him. Before he could say anything, he saw him laughing and clenching his fists:
"In Xiatian Yuanzong and Huangfuyan, dare to ask the son's name?"

"Longyumen, Xu Shoujing."

Xu Shoujing clasped his fists in a symbolic salute, pondered a little, and smiled nonchalantly:

"I have admired the name of Young Master Huangfu for a long time. It is said that you are a true gentleman, and I have long wanted to see the true face."

This 'supposedly' is used very well, it will not appear too yin and yang, and it can be used to test how he will react.

Sure enough, Huangfu Yan was stunned for a moment, but he just smiled lightly and didn't take it to heart:
"A true gentleman does not dare to be a true gentleman, but it is just a false name. It is Xu Gongzi's sect, although I have never heard of it, but to be able to cultivate talents like you, I think it must be a hidden Taoist sect that does not seek fame and fortune. If there is a chance, I will also Please let me visit below."


It's broken, I have encountered a master of pulling.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said with a smile:

"Where, I can't compare to the Tianyuan Sect of Sanxianyue. My Dragon Yumen is just a small sect."

"Brother Xu has won the award, and the Tianyuan Sect is only famous. My cultivators still have to rely on themselves more..."

Xu Shoujing's eyes widened, good guy, everyone started calling him 'brother', will this lead to a relationship?
As the saying goes, don't reach out and don't hit the smiling person, knowing that he has a purpose in approaching him, but in the eyes of the public, it's not so good to show a face and refuse.

Just when Xu Shoujing was thinking about how to send Huangfu Yan, a voice with a bit of dissatisfaction sounded:
"Hey, Senior Brother saved you, you haven't said thank you yet!"

The thought was interrupted, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, looked down, and found a red-haired girl with her hips on her shoulders, looking at herself arrogantly, completely in the image of a spoiled and unruly young lady.

Before Xu Shoujing could speak, Huangfu Yan frowned and taught a lesson:
"Junior sister, don't be rude."

Having said that, he was just talking, and he didn't mean to stop him in his actions.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing's smile stagnated for a while, but his smile became more brilliant.

Hmm... so it is.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: I'm in a bad mood today, so the code is very slow, it's very uncomfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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