The queen is so fierce

Chapter 162 The So-called Rival

Chapter 162 The So-called Rival

Xu Shoujing's reaction was beyond Wei Ya's expectations.

As the daughter of the Sect Master of Tianyuan Sect, Weiya's identity is second only to that of the Holy Son, Huangfu Yan. In addition, she was pampered and grown up since she was a child. No matter whether she is right or wrong, she seems to be in charge of the people and things she encounters.

The specific expression is in the temperament of the arrogant and willful eldest lady who bullies the soft and fears the hard. She herself is very aware of this, so when facing the teacher, she will always wear the mask of a good girl, and continue to be domineering when the teacher leaves.

Anyway, those so-called teachers can only preach a few words on the stage. If they really let them take care of things, they have long since been afraid of being hated by the suzerain, and the door is closed and deaf.

In addition, the environment of Tianyuanzong itself is relatively deformed, and there are not a few disciples who are flattering and tending to be flamboyant. All these factors indirectly lead to Weiya developing a bad character.

In Wei Ya's eyes, there is no one else who can compare to her except senior brother Huangfu Yan.

Just like Xu Shoujing, who is in a small ocean, it is impossible to say a half 'no' when he sees a person with great background like himself.

Does he dare?
Well, not only did Xu Shoujing dare, but he didn't even look at her once, let alone provoking authority, which directly threw her face on the ground and stepped on it.

This made Wei Ya very dissatisfied, not even listening to Huangfu Yan's dissuasion, staring at Xu Shoujing stubbornly, said aggressively:

"I'm asking you something! Senior brother saved you, you don't even say thank you, do you have any education!"

This is a bit heavy, and it is equivalent to saying: How did your mother teach you?
Xu Shoujing glanced at Weiya blankly, still ignored her, and said with a half-smile:
"Master Huangfu, it seems that your sect does not welcome me very much, so I will go first."

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing didn't stop, and turned to leave the scene.

Seeing this, Huangfu Yan frowned slightly. As the holy son of Tianyuan Sect, he naturally knew the flaws of Weiya's character, but it was precisely because of this that he deliberately let her be unreasonable, in order to test Xu Shoujing's temperament.

If Xu Shoujing responded furiously on the spot, it means that this person is reckless and impulsive, and even if he has small achievements in cultivation, it is not something to be afraid of.

On the contrary, if Xu Shoujing showed a humble and cautious appearance, turned a blind eye to Weiya's offense, and had many scruples... It can also be seen from the side that although he has a shrewd heart, he has already thrown away the arrogance that a monk should have.

Even if they really become enemies in the future, considering the background of Tianyuan Sect, they will not oppose them.

Huangfuyan's abacus was good, but Xu Shoujing's reaction was unexpectedly... so strange.

He... he turned and left.

If you want to say that he has scruples, then he shouldn't ignore Junior Sister Wei Ya in the first place, but if you want to say that he is furious... It doesn't look like 'furious'.

Huangfu Yan didn't understand for a while, but his purpose of 'grabbing people' was originally to have a relationship with Xu Shoujing, so as to explore the depths. If he were to leave like this, all the preparations ahead would be worth the loss. .

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yan sighed, took the initiative to reach out to stop Weiya, and at the same time, stopped Xu Shoujing:
"Brother Xu, my junior sister is still a child, so please don't blame her."

Xu Shoujing stopped, thought for a while, looked back and smiled:
"Master Huangfu, I think you are a wonderful person, and I also want to meet you, but I'm not the kind of reckless guy who doesn't look at the atmosphere. At present, it seems... not suitable."

Huangfuyan understood, Xu Shoujing was telling him to make a statement, and he couldn't just let Weiya offend him without paying any price.

"Is this... want to test me in reverse?"

Huangfu Yan pondered for a moment, not only thinking of something, but chuckled softly, and then began to reprimand Weiya with a sullen face:
"Junior sister, you came late and didn't see it. In fact, Brother Xu doesn't need my help. He can win on his own. I just took the shot, but I stole his limelight. I should apologize to him."

"Just rely on him?" Wei Ya seemed to hear some big joke, her face was full of disbelief, and she said amusingly: "Senior brother, are you kidding me, he is a little monk in the sea, how can he beat the monster at the peak of Lingji beast?"

Seeing what Huangfu Yan wanted to say, Wei Ya turned slightly in order to avoid being forced to retreat by her senior brother, her eyes were a bit cold, and she looked at the disciples of Tianyuan Sect who followed her, squinting and smiling:

"You say yes?"

"..." The people of Tianyuan Sect.

Yes or no, is it not what you say?Do we have the right to choose...

The dog-legged Qiu Jun in the front row responded quickly, and quickly said with a smile:

"Senior sister is right. Putting this bull demon in Senior Brother Huangfu's hands is just a trick, but if it is placed under the hands of ordinary Dragon Gate Realm, it is estimated that it will not hurt half a point for a year, let alone the Canghai Realm..."

The words fell, and the two disciples behind Qiu Jun also responded quickly, and quickly echoed:

"Yes, yes, brother Huangfu is not only excellent in cultivation, but also very kind in his heart. He flew so fast just now, so it turned out to be to save this little fellow Daoist..."

"As expected of Senior Brother Huangfu, looking at Tiannan Continent, I am afraid that only the Ice Jade Fairy who showed up once a few years ago can be worthy..."

Hearing this, Qiu Jun's face changed greatly, and when he turned his head, Wei Ya's face sank visibly.

He hurriedly gestured at his fellow junior brother behind him, telling him not to say any more.

The younger brother of the same sect was stunned for a moment, and realized that he had said the wrong thing. He lowered his head and thought for a while, and gradually widened his eyes, secretly shouting that he was dangerous.

Also, a few years ago, Senior Brother Huangfu took the elders of the sect to the Changhe Su Clan to propose marriage, but he was blown out.

This matter has always been regarded as a taboo in the sect, isn't it equivalent to exposing Brother Huangfu's wounds in public?

Thinking of this, the junior brother from the same sect responded and gave Qiu Jun a look of "Thank you for the reminder", and changed his words:

"That Fairy Bingyu is really arrogant and dare to refuse our senior brother Huangfu's pursuit.

However, when you break through the nirvana barrier, senior brother, no one of the same generation in the entire Tiannanzhou will be an opponent.

At that time, even if Fairy Bingyu has high vision, she will not be able to stop Senior Brother Huangfu from holding the beauty back..."


Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise and a flash of red light. The disciple's mouth and head turned 180 degrees, and he sank deep into the ground, but there was no sound.

Weiya patted off the dust on her palm expressionlessly, and stepped on the disciple's head again.

The red beads splashed and the flesh was blurred, but it was strange that not a drop of blood stuck to Weiya's body.

"Weiya!" Huangfu Yan frowned and scolded symbolically.

Wei Ya squinted at the sluggish disciple beside her as if she didn't hear it.

The disciples of Tianyuanzong reacted immediately, and they quickly got out of line and carried down the junior and junior brothers who were lying on the ground.


Qiu Jun swallowed, and couldn't bear to look directly, but he sighed inwardly: It's not that the senior brother didn't help you, it's just that you are too blind... Who doesn't know that this eldest young lady likes senior brother Huangfu?

After the scene was dealt with, Weiya smiled like a coquettish little girl, and ran to hold Huangfuyan's arm flutteringly:
"Senior brother~ I don't blame others, I blame him for talking nonsense... What do you say you are a good match for that bitch Su Huanqing..."

Huangfu Yan quietly avoided her intimacy, and regardless of the other party's annoyed expression, she said solemnly:
"Junior sister, don't speak ill of Miss Su behind your back. That day, Venerable Su misunderstood me a bit. When the misunderstanding is resolved, I will go to Changhe Su to propose marriage again. I believe that my sincerity will sooner or later impress Miss Su."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I'm afraid that you will definitely be blasted out by Su Jin again, and it's a 'boom' from the bombing cannon.

It has been rejected over and over again, coupled with the fact that she has been ignored many times so far, it is incredible that Wei Ya's temperament can endure for so long.

Now I heard that Huangfu Yan had not given up on Su Huanqing, and the arrogance and unreasonableness that she had suppressed in the past was completely released.

Wei Ya stood on the spot and stomped her feet, her eyes were quietly burning with nameless flames, her voice seemed to be suppressing her emotions, and her breathing was a little faster:

"Why is that bitch Su Huanqing better than me? Senior brother, why are you so fascinated by her?"

Before Huangfuyan could answer, Xu Shoujing on the side heard it, and almost couldn't resist the urge to complain: Girl, from the current point of view, she is better than you in every way.

One thing to say, although Su Huanqing speaks more directly, and sometimes you can't guess her thoughts at all, at least people won't kick other people's heads as if they disagree.

On top of that, although Qingqing's temperament is a little weaker, she is more beautiful than you. Do you know what a cold beauty is?

While thinking about it, Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up, only to realize that he had such a good impression of Su Huanqing!
...Wait a minute, I won't like her, will I?

It shouldn't, and nothing happened that would contribute to the suspension bridge effect... It can't really be like this, can it?

Here Xu Shoujing fell into self-doubt, while Weiya over there became more and more violent.

"Senior brother, you know what I think about you. I want you to tell me now, do you think that way about me?"

Weiya held her hands in front of her chest, and took a few steps forward abruptly, with the meaning of 'break the casserole and ask to the end'.

Huangfu Yan shook his head and sighed: "Junior sister, you don't understand..."

"I don't understand what, but you said it!" Weiya was about to cry, but she held back her tears.

After a while, she took a deep breath, "I'm really fed up, every time I don't make it clear, I always don't tell me anything, and when I ask you, it's 'I have my own plans'. I just If I ask you if you have any thoughts about me at all, you will always push things back..."

Speaking of hitting here, Wei Ya suddenly pointed at Xu Shoujing next to him, and said angrily:

"Now it's more for this kind of thing that can't be put on the table, the flowers are so big..."


Without waiting for Weiya to finish speaking, Huangfu Yan stopped her, his face became unsightly like never before, and said solemnly:
"Junior sister, you and I went out of the same door. Your father is my master... If you don't want to make each other's life too ugly, turn around and leave now. If there is anything, I will explain it to you when I go back."

Weiya stared at Huangfu Yan for a long time, and found that his expression was gloomier than ever before, and the attitude he had just toughened couldn't help but weaken a bit.

"...Good! Good! I'll go, I'll go now..."

She took a step back a little, her voice was getting smaller and smaller, her tone was getting weaker and weaker, and the moment she passed Xu Shoujing, a ruthless flash flashed in her eyes...


The Su hand that Weiya shrugged to one side suddenly burst out, and the crimson spiritual power condensed into a ball of flaming leather whip, which went straight towards Xu Shoujing's neck.

All this happened so fast that everyone present didn't react, and of course they couldn't stop it... Except for Xu Shoujing and Huangfuyan.

Huangfu Yan is about to break through the Nirvana realm, of course it is not a boast, or, if it weren't for the sect master, and the ruins of the heavenly palace, only the monks below the Nirvana realm could enter. The young Nirvana state was born the year before.

When she saw Weiya's small movements, Huangfu Yan, who thought she knew him, immediately understood her intentions, and subconsciously raised her hand to stop it, but she had already raised her hand, but put it down again halfway through. .

He came here originally to test the depths of Xu Shoujing, but to kill the bull demon that had no advantages other than its tough skin, it was meaningless. If it was any cultivator with a magical weapon, he would be able to surrender effortlessly. it.

The problem is that it has not yet been tested, which kind of Xu Shoujing he is.

Since the question has not yet been answered, and now Weiya has made a rash move here again, no matter whether Xu Shoujing reacts or not, the result is actually doomed.

Whether it's death or life, it's all caused by Weiya, and it's all her responsibility.

In other words, it has nothing to do with yourself.

Then why not hang up high, it's none of your business, as if you didn't see it?
Thinking of this, Huangfu Yan completely put down his hands, still maintaining a smile on his face, as if he didn't react, and didn't make any movement.

Apart from Huangfuyan, the only other person present who responded to Weiya's attack was Xu Shoujing, who was the successor.

To be honest, for Xu Shoujing, Wei Ya's whip is not a bit slower than Su Ren's thrusting gun.

Although Su Ren has a lot of pre-movements, his speed when he dashes forward is solid.

In the battle of the Changhe Su Clan, Xu Shoujing and Su Ren had several battles from mental to physical.

But in the eyes of the audience off the stage, it only happened in a short moment.

It may be a bit funny to say this, but from their perspective, it was Su Ren running over with an iron spear, and the two were knocked away as soon as they came into contact.

Not to mention, Yuan Qing later showed the dazzling 'tsunami offensive'.

Therefore, after getting used to the turbulent speed of Su Ren and Yuan Qing, Xu Shoujing looked at Weiya's whip again. Can dodge.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't plan to hide. It wasn't that he planned to fight hard and suffer a loss. The essence was to teach Weiya, the unspeakable princess who was sick.

Although he doesn't care much about others' verbal slander, it doesn't mean that he has no anger in his heart.

At least when Wei Ya called Su Huanqing a 'slut' several times, Xu Shoujing almost couldn't hold back and slap her.

Could you take a look in the mirror and then touch my sister, please?As far as you look at people from your nostrils that day, you look so amazing. Compared with that, Huanqing just doesn't like to talk, and he doesn't know how good it is.

Of course, these are just internal complaints, Xu Shoujing will not really say it.

He generally likes to convince others with his actions.


The weather was dry and dry, Xu Shoujing licked his lower lip, and the tip of his thumb flicked the sword, and the painting boat smoke quietly unsheathed for half an inch, and a white light shot on Weiya's face.

Xu Shoujing withdrew his left foot, bent his knee, and was about to draw his sword, that is, at this moment, an accident happened...

The surrounding air suddenly dropped in temperature, and a sparse ice mist filled the surroundings visible to the naked eye.

Wei Ya's fiery whip stopped abruptly when it reached the air, and the flames burning on the whip went out, replaced by a thin layer of crystal blue ice.

"This is……"

Qiu Junwei was stunned for a while, and he was in a trance for a while. Suddenly, a tall woman in a green skirt appeared in his field of vision, standing in front of Xu Shoujing with a blank face.

"The Ice Jade Su Huanqing of the Changhe Su Clan!"

"After disappearing for a few years, she appeared again, my God, is this for Huangfu Yan?"

"Nonsense, it must be true. The two women are fighting for their husbands. Thinking about it makes me feel exciting... But why did she help the boy in Canghaijing to block the sword?"

"Why else, with a kind heart... it's not like that."


There was a lot of discussion, and the talk went on and on.

Wei Ya had suppressed a fire and wanted to release it. Seeing the appearance of her 'rival in love' for many years, she even spilled all the anger just now on her:
"Su Huanqing! You clearly rejected senior brother, and you drove him out in that humiliating way... Now, what do you mean by showing up again? Do you still want to save him?"

Huangfuyan was also greatly surprised by Su Huanqing's sudden appearance, but the pursuit of the goal was just in front of her, so she couldn't let Weiya continue to vent her emotions.

He frowned, and in the tone of an elder, he reprimanded:

"Weiya, don't be rude to Miss Su."

"Senior brother, you!"

Wei Ya never thought that his senior brother was still not on his side at this time, a deep sense of powerlessness appeared in his heart, and he couldn't even say what to refute.

Seeing Huangfu Yan approaching Su Huanqing with a smile on her face, Weiya bit her lip, struggling a bit in her eyes, and finally chopped the floor angrily and left alone.

Of course, Huangfu Yan didn't have time to continue spending time with Weiya. Rare characters appeared. Isn't this familiar?

With one hand behind his back, just as people describe him, he has an elegant smile:

"Miss Su, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I'm here to find you... Do you have something to discuss?"

Su Huanqing had just withdrawn his freezing technique, when Huangfuyan ran over to get close.She frowned Liu Ye's eyebrows, her tone a little unclear, so:
"I didn't come to find you."

Huangfuyan's face froze, didn't he come to me?The problem is that you only know me here...

Wait a minute, just now she helped Xu Shoujing block Weiya...

A terrifying possibility sprouted in Huangfu Yan's heart. Before he had time to verify, Su Huanqing in front of him had already confirmed his thoughts with his actions.

I saw Su Huanqing stretched out his hand and grabbed Xu Shoujing, who was delusional to fish beside him, and pulled him by the collar to his side. As a matter of course, he said softly:
"I came to find him."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Qiu Jun's Adam's apple wriggled, and he was silent and did not dare to interrupt. The disciples of the surrounding Tianyuan Sect were all like this, and even the monks who were just passing by to join in the fun held their breath.

No way, no way...

The Ice Jade Fairy knew this Sword Immortal who appeared out of nowhere, and there was nothing wrong with it.

After all, who can't have a little space for friends?The problem is this is a man...

Who is Su Huanqing?
She comes from the mysterious Changhe Su Clan. She has shown her face once for many years, and she is even more scornful to men. The title of 'Bingyu' is not only because she is good at freezing skills.

The woman herself is also very cold.

And it is such a stone girl, even the Holy Son of Tianyuan Sect can't take off her heart, this little cultivator who is in the sea level actually did it?

"What is talent?" The blue-clothed cultivator frowned, dissatisfied with the commentary of the blue-clothed spectator beside him.

The bluetooth spectator was stunned for a moment, and said puzzled: "In the Qinghai period of the sea... I don't think you are as good as you, brother, why can't you call me Cai?"

"Hey, that's what you call it. You don't know the real immortal descending at night, and you mistake the phoenix for a chicken."

The blue-shirted cultivator pointed to the corpse of the bull demon that was being removed by the working cultivators of the Tuxian Pavilion, and then pointed to the broken horn stuck on the ground, and said quite proudly:

"Seeing that the horn is not there, the toughest spiritual path on the bull demon, the black-robed sword immortal cut it off with a single sword! Give me a try when you are in the sea realm?"

"Hi..." The blue-clothed spectator gasped, still a little disbelieving: "Is it true or false?"

"This young master is full of promises! If there are false words, the robbery will hit the top!"

"You liar, which cultivator won't hit the top?!"

"Then the punishment will hit the top!"
The noisy voices all around concealed Huangfu Yan's heartbeat that was gradually accelerating due to excitement.

He took a deep breath, eased his nerves a little, and returned to his previous light smile:

"Then I don't know, what is the relationship between Miss Su and Brother Xu?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him, without any hesitation, blurted out:

"he's mine……"

Xu Shoujing seemed to sense something from Su Huanqing's expression, his face darkened, he quickly reached out to cover her mouth, and said anxiously:
"The best friend, the relationship between life and death."

Very dangerous, almost died on the spot.

This girl definitely wanted to say "he is my teacher".

Su Huanqing, why can't you read air?
Naturally, Su Huanqing couldn't hear these words. She was very dissatisfied with Xu Shoujing's act of covering her mouth. She had done this once in Changhe Su Clan before, which made her drool.

Xu Shoujing noticed the dissatisfaction in Su Huanqing's eyes. In order to prevent her from doing more actions that would kill her, she quickly said:

"Huan Qing should have something to do with me, Brother Huangfu, I'll take my leave first."

Saying that, he pulled Su Huanqing away without looking back.

Huangfuyan stood silently on the spot, watching the backs of the two, her face was as usual, but her eyes were cloudy and uncertain, and she didn't know what she was thinking.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: It's four o'clock after writing... I also gave up sleeping
(End of this chapter)

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