The queen is so fierce

Chapter 163 Xuanji is going to retreat

Chapter 163 Xuanji is going to retreat

The sun is like fire.

Walking out of the crowd as dense as the tide, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing walked side by side, and the destination was the inn where the two stayed temporarily.

The commotion of the bull-headed beast had just subsided, and most of the monks who were still able to move ran over to help with the aftermath. The injured monks also got on the flying boat to return home with the help of the same door. Apart from the gravel and rubble, the street was particularly deserted.

While walking, Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand to cover his mouth and yawned. He didn't even have time to eat early in the morning, so he came to subdue demons and exorcise demons. Now that things are over, he will inevitably feel sleepy.

"Why are you here all of a sudden?" Xu Shoujing looked at Su Huanqing's peaceful profile from the corner of his eye, hesitated for a while, but asked aloud.

Su Huanqing looked ahead and answered indifferently:

"Your sister is worried that you will be in trouble outside, but she has to buy breakfast, so let me come to you."


Well, it does seem like something Rong Yue would do.

Xu Shoujing laughed dryly and wanted to say something, but Su Huanqing returned to silence after a simple answer.

For a while, the air fell into a strange silence.

Xu Shoujing couldn't help but have a headache. He knew that Su Huanqing was extremely reticent to talk, and her taciturn personality was not quite the same as Yaoyao.

Zhao Fuyao may be due to his identity, or maybe he has lived too long and has already seen through some things, so he never talks nonsense. Every sentence conveys the meaning concisely and clearly, but on top of that, he will also take into account the mood of the other party. .

Su Huanqing is different. She simply hates talking. If she has spare time, she believes that between dialogue and reading, she will definitely choose the latter.

And the result of hating communication is that she never looks at the occasion and does whatever she wants to speak. She can often use just a few words to make the parties feel ashamed, and even want to reopen on the spot.

Xu Shoujing has never been idle. He didn't let the relatively silent embarrassment last long, so he took the initiative to start looking for topics:

"Don't ask, what did I say to Huangfu Yan just now?"

"Not interested." Su Huanqing said without looking back.

"...That's what I said to myself, you can just ignore it." Xu Shoujing scratched his head embarrassingly, but then he continued to speak in shock: "Actually, this bull-headed beast is Huangfu Yan. released."

"—" Su Huanqing paused for a while, then turned to look at Xu Shoujing, a rare glimpse of surprise flashed in her clear and beautiful eyes.

Sherlock Holmes once said: Omit the process of inference in the middle, and only show the other party your starting point and answer. Although it looks rough at first, it is enough to surprise people.

"Don't you like being taciturn? I don't believe that you are not interested." Xu Shoujing sneered in his heart.

It turns out that the giant on the shoulders of giants is called practice.

Su Huanqing was indeed interested in Xu Shoujing's words, but she didn't want to make this guy too proud, she was silent for a while, and whispered:
"according to?"

Xu Shoujing coughed lightly and explained in a deep voice:

"Huangfu Yanming knew that I could easily deal with the bull-headed beast, but he couldn't wait to take action. His purpose was to have a relationship with me. As for the reason...either to win me over, or to test me."

"That's it?" Su Huanqing frowned slightly. Can this be called a basis?
"Don't worry, just listen to me." Xu Shoujing waved his hand with a smile, pondered for a moment, and then said, "What I said just now made me suspicious, but the one who really affirmed my thoughts was His and Weiya's subsequent actions."

Xu Shoujing walked a few steps faster, turned to face Su Huanqing, stared at her eyes for a few seconds, and suddenly smiled:
"Huangfu Yanming knew that Wei Ya's character was so bad, but she still chose to let her behavior go, and ignored her several times, the purpose was obviously to find out my depth.

But he still overlooked one thing, human nature is not so easy to suppress, especially the flawed eldest lady like Weiya, it is even more impossible to act according to his script. "

Su Huanqing pondered a little, and asked in a low voice, "For example?"

"For example... Weiya's mouth is open."

Xu Shoujing shrugged, then not only thought of something, but sneered:
"Huangfuyan greeted me from the very beginning, and maintained her image of a modest gentleman throughout the whole process, but at the end it suddenly broke out, scolding Weiya for not letting her continue... Why do you think this is?"

"I wasn't there at the time, how did I know?" Su Huanqing glanced at him, speechless.

"Oh...that's right."

Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head awkwardly, and then said solemnly:

"What Wei Ya didn't finish saying at the time was 'it cost so much', and Huangfu Yan killed the bull-headed beast without any effort, and the only disciple who lost was Wei Ya's own hand... ...I don't see a huge cost at all.

Obviously, there is more to that sentence. Huangfuyan suddenly changed her face and prevented Weiya from speaking, probably because she was afraid that she would directly tell the story of the bull, monster and beast without any scruples. "

Su Huanqing was silent for a while, then suddenly said, "But these are just your inferences."

"Yeah, I didn't say I had any evidence." Xu Shoujing spread his hands, looking like 'I'm rotten'.

"..." Su Huanqing was speechless for a while.

She thought about it for a while, and felt that it still didn't make sense. She wondered:
"No, if it's just to test you, why do you have to rely on the circling of the bull-headed beast? Just find a way to meet you by chance."

"Wrong, wrong order." Xu Shoujing shook his head, stretched out a forefinger and swayed from side to side of his face: "It wasn't to test the bull-headed beast I released... I don't have that much face. While releasing the bull demon to achieve a certain purpose, take it by the way and try my ability."

"Some kind of purpose?"

"That's right..." Xu Shoujing tilted his head to look at the street where the ruins were piled up, and frowned immediately: "For example, most of the contestants of the Zongmen Grand Competition were driven home through the rampage of the bull-headed beast. must know that the monks from outside all live in the inns nearby. If the bull demon continued to make trouble just now, the consequences would be unimaginable. "

Having said this, Xu Shoujing looked at the thoughtful Su Huanqing, pondered for a long time, and said in a low voice:
"Don't you think it's strange? That bull-headed beast-like monk can't handle it at all. He has neither the cultivation base to confront head-on, nor the knowledge of gathering fire in the distance;

The entire Eastern Imperial City was in such a miserable state, and the elders of the sect who should have arrived a long time ago did not show up... but a group of disciples of the Tianyuan Sect who lived in the Eastern City came. "

Hearing this, Su Huanqing understood what Xu Shoujing meant:
"You mean..."

Xu Shoujing nodded: "Well. I guess that the high-level sects of those big sects should have been invited to leave by Tianyuanzong under the name of an unknown name. No one notified, Tianyuanzong will add a shield to the prohibition. It's only natural that you can't catch up."

Su Huanqing agreed with Xu Shoujing's analysis, but still had one puzzle:
"But what are they doing this for?"

"I don't know about that. You should ask Tianyuan Sect."

Xu Shoujing stretched his back against the sky, thought for a moment, and pondered:

"Perhaps, it's for the ruins of the Tiangong... After all, according to what the people next to him said, with Huangfu Yan's cultivation, this might be the last time he participated in the sect competition, so Tianyuanzong wanted to take some measures... "

Speaking of this, Xu Shoujing found that Su Huanqing was just like himself, posing a solemn appearance, as if thinking about the seriousness of this matter.

Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly and patted her shoulder:

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now. This is just my inference. If you want to know if it's right, go back to Zuo Lingxuan and ask if his sect elders have been invited to go."

Su Huanqing did not relax her heart because of this persuasion. She stared at Xu Shoujing blankly for a while, and said in a low voice:
"you've changed."

"...I've changed?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He reached out and touched the top of his head to confirm that there were no cat ears suddenly growing. He breathed a sigh of relief: "I haven't changed."


Su Huanqing looked at him with a foolish look, paused for a moment, and added:

"I mean you've changed. If you were in Dali and knew that you were being plotted, you should have gone to work with Huangfuyan just now regardless of it."

Xu Shoujing understood, Su Huanqing was scolding himself as a reckless husband.He waved his hand slightly speechless:
"Do you think I don't want to? When your brother reminded me, I didn't care much, but after the real meeting, I realized that what he said was true.

This Huangfu Yan is a poisonous snake, and every action and every word reveals a strong purpose.This kind of person may bite you at any time, and no one else can maintain a normal heart. "

The words were interrupted, Xu Shoujing paused, and sighed with emotion:
"However, people always have to grow up. The opponents this time are different from the past. Don't look at the fact that I always put all the burden on myself... But I know in my heart that if I can't bear it, Aunt Chu and the others will Will come out and help me out.

This time is different. Tianyuanzong is a three-quartered moon. If this is not a story touted by some boring person, with our current strength, there is no way to compete with Tianyuanzong.

I don't care, or I don't care about my life, but I can't put Aunt Chu and the others in danger because of my own impulse. "

As he spoke, Xu Shoujing faced the golden warm sun, his hands crossed behind his back, and his back seemed to be much taller.

Seeing this scene, Su Huanqing didn't think how great he was, but despised him in his heart: You are really inseparable from Aunt Chu.

Xu Shoujing also felt that he was pretending too much, so he coughed dryly to ease the embarrassment, scratched his cheeks and said:
"However, I didn't plan to keep getting angry like this... Since the other party has troubled me, it's basically a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

By eliminating so many participating sects in the 'outfield' way, to put it bluntly, they want more people from their sects to gain the right to enter the ruins of the Tiangong... In this case, my method of revenge is also very simple. "

Su Huanqing understood Xu Shoujing's meaning in seconds, and said, "Are you trying to steal food from the tiger's mouth?"

"That's right." Xu Shoujing nodded with a smile, gently gripped the hilt of the sword at his waist, a coldness flashed in his watery peach blossom eyes: "They don't want as many disciples of Tianyuan Sect to enter the ruins as possible. Is it? Then I will eliminate all the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect and make their wishes come true."

Su Huanqing had no objection to this, but still shook his head:
"You have overlooked one thing. Although this Zongmen Grand Competition is a two-person team elimination system, it does not guarantee that we will meet Tianyuanzong's disciples every time."

"Uh...that's true."

Xu Shoujing blinked, pinched his chin and thought:
"Just the two of us isn't enough, why don't you bring Sister Rongyue in... I'll go back and fool Zuo Lingxuan, he doesn't have any other skills, the fortune-telling is really top-notch, with him around, it's easy to be a disciple of Tianyuan Sect. Don't take it too easy..."

"Tuxian Pavilion wrote in the notice posted in the square that it is not allowed to join teams other than its own partner." Su Huanqing reminded.

Xu Shoujing waved his hand with a slightly disapproving expression:

"The rules are set like this, but I bet that if the second echelon of Tianyuan Sect meets the first echelon, let alone a fight, it will definitely slip away after saying hello, and a fight between the same sect is impossible."

Speaking of which, Xu Shoujing raised his head and glanced at the scorching sun with the fire umbrella high, and secretly said that if he didn't go back, let alone Sister Rong Yue, Aunt Chu would probably be in a hurry.

"The specific matter will be discussed later. After all, it is still uncertain whether the bull demon is the handwriting of Tianyuan Sect. What if it is all my imagination?"

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, nodded in agreement, and continued to walk side by side with Xu Shoujing.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are like young men and women who go shopping together. The handsome men and women are pretty, which makes people envious.

Actually, Xu Shoujing still had one thing he didn't tell Su Huanqing.

From the moment he saw the bull-headed beast, Xu Shoujing saw an unusual meaning in its scarlet pupils.

That is a kind of animal nature that seems to be crazy and suppresses madness.

This feeling is very familiar to Xu Shoujing, because he has witnessed countless times in Dali, and even killed many victims of this symptom.

This information, combined with Weiya's description of the bull demon, was 'spiritual silence' rather than 'demon king'.The answer seems to be ready to come out...

The unique sorcery of the final teaching - the demonization of the human race.
As soon as he returned to the inn, Xu Shoujing had just found Chu Shuwan, and before she could write a good word on how to tell her that she had signed up for the competition without telling everyone, Qiu Xuanji suddenly broke into the room and dragged him away.

Chu Shuwan and Xu Shoujing were both bewildered, but looking at Qiu Xuanji's heavy face, they didn't know what happened, so they didn't dare to ask.


The partition door of the inn was slammed, and the dust accumulated on the top of the door frame shook off.

Qiu Xuanji, who was wearing a long red dress, pulled Xu Shoujing by the collar and led him to the bed without saying a word.

"(⊙⊙)" Xu Shoujing.

Qiu Xuanji tugged Xu Shoujing's belt a few times, but found that the goods did not cooperate at all. Usually, he should have cleared it up in three or two times, but now he is staying in place without any movement.

"Undress." She frowned, her eyes full of imperial majesty.


Xu Shoujing had just had a desperate battle with a tauren, and it was not even half an hour before he suddenly let him serve the Empress for pleasure... It's not that he didn't want to, but he didn't understand why.

"What's the matter? Suddenly in such a hurry..."

Hearing this, Qiu Xuanji's jade hand on Xu Shoujing's waist trembled slightly, and after a while, it hung down weakly.She tilted her head and looked to the other side, her eyes dodging a little:

"I... it's been too long, I miss you."

Xu Shoujing's face was full of disbelief. On the way to Donghuangcheng, he still "walked [-] miles a day" on the ground. This excuse was really not a bad one.

Qiu Xuanji also knew that her excuse was not convincing. Seeing Xu Shoujing's suspicious eyes, she gave up her struggle and sighed softly:
"I'm going to break through the Chongxiao realm."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and immediately said puzzled:
"It's a good thing, why are you still frowning after breaking through?"

Qiu Xuanji was silent for a while, then suddenly hugged Xu Shoujing's waist, buried his head in his chest, and said in a muffled voice:

"I'm going to close."
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(End of this chapter)

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