The queen is so fierce

Chapter 164 What is Immortal Dao

Chapter 164 What is Immortal Dao
"I'm going to close."

At the moment of hearing this sentence, Xu Shoujing's head was a little dazed.

Qiu Xuanji, who was lying on her chest, was asking for warmth like a little female cat, which was very different from the usual style of the majestic queen, and she had to say that she was still a bit cute as a little woman.

The last time he saw Qiu Xuanji with such an expression was when he was walking on the post road of the Dali Palace with her in his arms.

On that day, Xu Shoujing, in front of Dali's civil and military officials, removed the crown from Qiu Xuanji's head in an almost domineering way, and also released the responsibilities that had bound her for many years.

Thinking back now, it seems like it happened yesterday. From reincarnating into this world to leaving Yuliangzhou where I have lived for 18 years, such a long time has passed without knowing it.

Kyushu is an immortal world, Xu Shoujing thought he already understood the meaning of this sentence.

It is only now that he realizes that his awareness is far from enough. Although he has practiced in the past 18 years, he is more close to the way of life of ordinary people.

What is the concept of retreat?
Switching to the cultivator, the retreat is only for the purpose of impacting a higher realm, temporarily isolating from the world, seeking a place suitable for transcending the calamity, and when meditating and rushing into the realm, it is very likely that you will not feel the passage of time at all.

Even, in most of the cultivators who have survived the catastrophe and successfully entered the realm, the time of retreat seems to have passed a day.

But for the people around the practitioner, it is no less than parting from life and death. A retreat brought about by the death of an old friend and a beautiful woman.

Such turbulent changes are far beyond what ordinary people can bear. The greater the gap between the two realms, the more obvious it is.

Immortals are different. It's not that the two cannot become intimate companions. It's just that with the passage of time, the life experienced by others is just a snap of a finger for a cultivator.

From this perspective, Kui Dao's almost paranoid 'immortality' thinking cannot be said to be completely wrong.

Of course, none of the above is something Xu Shoujing needs to worry about.

Although the gap between him and Qiu Xuanji is a little big at present, but fortunately there is still plenty of time, Xu Shoujing can catch up with his own efforts, and will not cause the tragic 'Xianfanlian' in the vulgar novels.

Xu Shoujing knew all these things, but it wasn't that he would never see each other again, so it was impossible for him to say "Xuanji, don't retreat." That would be too selfish.

I believe that Qiu Xuanji also understood this, so he suddenly took him to bed.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing gently lifted the hair by her ear, while feeling the silky touch of the jet-black hair slipping from her hand, she smiled softly:

"Don't bear me?"

"Well." Unlike Chu Shuwan, Qiu Xuanji never concealed her emotions.

Xu Shoujing hugged the beautiful woman in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder, feeling a little funny and saying:

"It's not that I can't see you in the future... Or are you afraid that something will happen to me when you're not around?"

Qiu Xuanji was silent for a while, then gently wriggled her head, as if she was nodding.

Xu Shoujing was also silent, but he was thinking about how to comfort her.

When Xuanji was about to retreat, she would only disturb her mind if she talked about the bad things about the final teaching, and it might become an obstacle when she retreated and broke the mirror.

Anyway, with the strength on his side, he couldn't win the Tianyuan Sect, and the collusion between Tianyuanzong and the End Yan Sect was just his guess, and there was no stone hammer.

With this in mind, Xu Shoujing decided to hide these things and let Qiu Xuanji go to retreat in peace:

"What can be wrong, aren't we here to travel? If we leave after watching the Zongmen Grand Competition, can we still be hostile to others?"

Qiu Xuanji let go of her hand, lifted her hips slightly and moved back a little, under Xu Shoujing's puzzled gaze, she raised her eyes slightly, and said calmly:
"I just saw you and Su Huanqing coming from the direction of the Zongmen Grand Competition registration office."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Can this also be revealed?
Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, reached out to touch the back of his head, and laughed dryly:
"...Actually, it was after the crusade against the beast in the morning, and Huan Qing and I walked around the neighborhood..."

"The commotion of that fierce beast is in the south, and the registration office is in the north." Qiu Xuanji looked at him blankly, "And Shuwan told me that when you are guilty or perfunctory, you like to touch the back of your head."


Xu Shoujing knew that this was being caught, he sighed, spread his hands and said:

"Well, I admit, I do plan to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition."

If it was Chu Shuwan, it would probably be exploded now. My mother took so much pains and pains to serve you in such a humiliating way, not just to make you feel better with us?

Obviously, Qiu Xuanji was a stable woman most of the time. She was not angry because of Xu Shoujing's concealment, she hesitated a little, and turned her head to look elsewhere:

"I also have something to hide from you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect to get this answer, so he couldn't help but ask:

"whats the matter?"

Qiu Xuanji was silent for a moment, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Actually, when I first arrived yesterday, Shuwan and I already signed up for Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi without telling you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, but didn't respond too much: "What are you signing up for?"

"Zongmen Grand Competition."

Xu Shoujing took half a second to understand the meaning of this sentence, and then widened his eyes:
"No...why? Don't let me participate, but let Sister Rongyue participate...Or hide it from me?"

Because I'm afraid that you will be too ostentatious and will provoke a few little hooves... This is obviously not something Qiu Xuanji can say. She doesn't think too much, and whispers:
"I have an agreement with Shuwan and I can't tell you about it for the time being, otherwise it won't be a surprise."


Xu Shoujing opened his mouth and was embarrassed to tell her that it was no longer a surprise now.

So, I have an unknown surprise waiting for me?
Xu Shoujing lowered his head and pondered, as if he had figured out something, he waved his hand helplessly:
"Are you and Aunt Chu trying to achieve something through the sect competition? Don't go around and tell me directly, I'll help you."

Asking you to help is not a gift... At this time, Qiu Xuanji was still struggling with this issue.

But it must be said that Chu Shuwan wants to build a brand new Longyumen to fight against the End Yan Sect. This is a gradual process. Now I tell Xu Shoujing that he will definitely be distracted to help Qiu Xuanji and the others, but it is delayed. own training process.

"Don't ask, you'll know when the time comes." Qiu Xuanji shook her head, not knowing if it was to change the subject, she finally took off her hand and started to untie the Qiongyu belt around Xu Shoujing's waist.


We had a good chat, why did we start again.

Xu Shoujing quickly grabbed Qiu Xuanji's wrist and sighed softly:

"Okay, I won't ask about this. But it's a retreat with you, and... take me to double repair, is there any connection?"

Hearing this, Qiu Xuanji was silent for a while, and after a while, she pursed her red lips, as if escaping from her own emotions, turned her head away from Xu Shoujing, lowered her eyes and said:
"It doesn't matter, I just thought about it."

No matter how you look at it, it can't seem like it doesn't matter...

Xu Shoujing shook his head and wanted to ask another question, but Qiu Xuanji suddenly said:
"Because... I'm in retreat, so I can't protect you."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned. To be honest, he thought it would be a reason such as "I haven't seen you for a long time", but he never thought that he was really worried about his own safety.

Perhaps because of the impression, Qiu Xuanji's domineering and rational action made Xu Shoujing feel that she would not say too emotional words.

Now it seems that this statement is completely preconceived prejudice. In fact, Qiu Xuanji has a lot of emotional times. She did not calm down at the South Gate of Daliyu, the North Gate of Zimo, or even under the pressure of the civil and military forces of the Man Dynasty. follow through.

It's only because Qiu Xuanji has never shown her emotions on her face that it gives people the illusion that she is very rational.

This also shows that she really has her own combat power and considers it in the ranks of protecting Xu Shoujing, and does not want to be a vase.

I don't know how long it was silent, Qiu Xuanji listened to Xu Shoujing's heartbeat and suddenly said:

"I don't just want to cultivate with you. When I was in Changhe Su Clan, I heard about your success with Rong Yue, so..."

She grabbed Xu Shoujing's big hand, stroking her grand conscience, a faint blush on her fair cheeks, "I also want to give you a Lingling Pearl."


Xu Shoujing silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva. In fact, it was normal to change it, regardless of whether it was day or morning, he had already turned into a hungry wolf and rushed towards him.

I dragged for a long time just now because I was worried about whether something happened to Qiu Xuanji and wanted to ask clearly.

Now that he knows it's all right, if he can hold back, he is a saint.

As we all know, saint is generally a derogatory term, just like the virgin.

Xu Shoujing calmed down for a moment, untied his Qiongyu belt very consciously, and gave full play to his ability of 'comprehension of people's clothes', opening Qiu Xuanji's bright red coat layer by layer, revealing the white flowers inside. fruit.

dong dong dong-

There was a sudden knock on the door of the inn, and Chu Shuwan's slightly impatient voice sounded in the corridor:
"What the hell are you doing? It's been so long, what are you trying to tell me?"

Xu Shoujing was slightly startled, and then he realized that more than half an hour had passed since his conversation with Qiu Xuanji.

Just when he was about to reply, he didn't expect Qiu Xuanji to hug his neck directly, tilt his head slightly, leaned forward and kissed Xu Shoujing's lips like a dragonfly:
"Leave her alone."


Xu Shoujing said "Oh" and responded silently.

The air in the room was getting hotter and hotter, Chu Shuwan stood in the corridor, and she couldn't help frowning after waiting for a long time before she could recover.

As soon as Xu Shoujing came back just now, before he could ask a few words about the situation, Qiu Xuanji suddenly took his Jinger away.

In normal times, Chu Shuwan would definitely stop her from asking carefully, but at that time, Qiu Xuanji had an unusually heavy expression, which made her a little bit baffled.

Now after so long, Chu Shuwan didn't see the two of them coming back. Driven by both curiosity and worry, she ran over to knock on the door.

But she came knocking on the door, and it was obvious that the two of them were in the room. What did you mean by not answering?
When did Chu Shuwan suffer from this kind of anger and break the restriction on the door, she pushed the door and entered without thinking—

"Locking the door during the day and telling you not to answer is because you want to do it... ah!"

A sharp, high-decibel scream resounded throughout the inn. Chu Shuwan looked at the two figures on the bed, first stunned in place, and then embarrassed:

Qiu Xuanji lay flat on the bed, her cheeks were flushed, her eyebrows were wrinkled, her hair was sticking to her face because of the sweat, she saw Chu Shuwan breaking into the door, her red lips were slightly parted, and she said:

"Shuwan...why are you here?"

Chu Shuwan's almond-shaped eyes were round, and her beautiful face was dyed with burning clouds. Hearing that Qiu Xuanji dared to ask such a question, she spat lightly:
"Why did you say I came? I saw you in a hurry just now, I thought there was something important, that's all? And Jinger, you come down for me, I'm here, how dare you..."

Before the words were finished, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the curtain and pulled Chu Shuwan over.

"Aunt Chu, people can't come for nothing..."

Chu Shuwan gritted her silver teeth lightly, with a face of shame and anger: "Bah! Don't mess around...I warn you..."
If it is placed in the era of the Nine Domains, the human monks were just starting out, and most of them did not even have an accurate concept of retreat.

As soon as he sits on a random hill, he begins to cross his knees into meditation, completely ignoring the five elements of the world and the environment, which will also affect the practice of breaking the mirror.

It's much better now. Except for Yuliang, almost every small and large-scale city in Jiuzhou has set up a 'Tour Immortal Pavilion', an organization dedicated to serving monks.

With a little bit of spirit beads, you can book a quiet room tailored for monks, and you can rent the medicine pills you need, the magic weapon of the great formation, and rent them to those who need them according to the market.

Don't worry about the enemy coming to the door, Tuxian Pavilion can protect the safety of the monks in retreat throughout the whole process. In the past, I didn't feel relieved to hide in the deep mountains and forests. The era of spending several favors to let Taoist friends come to protect the law has passed.

On the seventh day after Qiu Xuanji retreated, it was also the day when the Zongmen Grand Competition was about to begin.

In the morning, Xu Shoujing finished breathing out his spiritual energy, pressed down the restless red Rong Lingzhu in the spiritual sea, and complained again in his heart that he couldn't use this bead at all with his current strength. go out.

As the most well-known event among the monks in Tiannanzhou, it goes without saying that the audience, large and small sects will come to watch it.

There are hundreds of sects participating, and through pre-selection, a few sects on the big stage are finally decided.

However, this year's rules have changed slightly under the operation of Tuxian Pavilion. It is no longer divided into teams according to sects. Loose cultivators and cultivators are freely combined in groups of two; that is to say, if the sect itself is strong enough, there are It is possible that several consecutive teams of the same sect will enter the next stage.

Today is the day for the lottery. Xu Shoujing, Su Huanqing, Jiang Rongyue, and Ranxi came to the hall of Tuxian Pavilion together.

The surroundings were crowded with disciples in various sect costumes, and the crowd could not see the way forward at all, and this was still after some sects were 'sent away' by the ox-headed beast.

When the hostess at Tuxian Pavilion was about to start the lottery, the chatter from the audience faded away. The hostess stretched her long legs and looked at the information in her hands, her expression became a little weird:

"That... I'm sorry, because there were suddenly a few sects missing, and the venue was damaged. After negotiation, it was temporarily decided to change the way of the game."

There was an uproar in the audience. You must know that as early as a year ago, the future Xiange gave the competition standard of the Zongmen Grand Competition, and everyone trained according to that standard.

Up to now, you suddenly changed and changed, who can accept it?
Having said that, they didn't immediately interrupt, the way to change is not important, what matters is what kind of way to change.

Soon, the hostess looked down at the stage and found that hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at her long legs. She quickly retracted her gaze and said tremblingly:

"After passing through the fairy pavilion, it was decided that it was still a team of two, but the venue of the competition was set at the 'Illusory Gallery Secret Realm' in Donghuang Mountain. All the monks were scattered all over the magic corridor secret realm, and they snatched other people's 'Illusory Gallery Bells' within three days. ', the former will have the right to go to the ruins of Tiangong this year."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

The big... battle royale?
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: I've been in a bad mood for the past two days... I'm not very passionate. How should I put it, I feel more and more unmotivated. The more I read what I've written, the more I feel that the writing is bad, and all kinds of inferiority complexes come up in one breath... …Ugh. there really anyone watching?
(End of this chapter)

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