The queen is so fierce

Chapter 165 The Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery

Chapter 165 The Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery
"After passing through the fairy pavilion, it was decided that it was still a team of two, but the venue of the competition was set at the 'Illusory Gallery Secret Realm' in Donghuang Mountain. All the monks were scattered all over the magic corridor secret realm, and they snatched other people's 'Illusory Gallery Bells' within three days. ', the former will have the right to go to the ruins of Tiangong this year."

After these words, everyone in the audience was actually a little confused.

Because there are too many unknown words, the questions pile up higher than a mountain.For example, where is the 'Magic Gallery Secret Realm', and what is the Magic Gallery Bell?
However, the long-legged waitress quickly answered these questions to the monks in the audience.

She took out a bell that seemed to be made of copper from her collar, shook it slightly in her hand, and explained softly:

"This is the Magic Hall Bell, and we will send it to every participating monk later. Collect ten Magic Hall Bells and ring them at the central altar of the Magic Hall Secret Realm, and then you can walk out of the Secret Realm.

However, please note that there is no way to use the sword in the secret realm. Where you will appear in the secret realm is all random, and I don't know at present.

The monk who was the first to walk out of the secret realm and who had the most bells in the hallway, the group he belonged to had the right to enter the ruins of the Heavenly Palace. "

One of the monks in the audience raised his hand:
"As long as you get ten phantom bells, you can come out directly, so why win according to the number?"

When the waitress heard this, her face became flustered, and she quickly lowered her head and apologized:

"I'm sorry, there is something wrong with my statement. Only the first group will go out of the secret realm to determine the winner. After that, they must rely on the number of bells in hand to win."

Having said that, she paused for a moment and added:

"Also, during this period, Tuxian Pavilion will not provide any additional information to the participating monks. Before the time limit is reached, you can stay in the secret realm until the last moment even if you don't have any phantom bells in your hand, or if you have many phantom bells. .

Exactly when it will come out and how to choose it depends entirely on your own judgment. "

After the waitress explained, she waved to the side and instructed Tuxian Pavilion to distribute the 'Magic Hall Bell' to the monks present.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and they seemed to be thinking carefully about this inexplicable rule.

"Xiaojing, according to her meaning, doesn't everyone know if she is the first to leave the secret realm?" Jiang Rongyue said worriedly.

Xu Shoujing was bowing his head in thought, when suddenly his name was called, and he nodded suddenly:

"Well... if you follow the rules she said, and everyone is seeking stability, it is likely that most people will hold as many phantom bells in their hands as possible until the time limit expires.

After all, if you go out with ten phantom bells and find that you are not the first one.Among the more than 300 participating monks, it has basically been judged that they have no fate with the Tiangong ruins. "

Su Huanqing glanced at Xu Shoujing, hesitated for a moment, and asked:

"What are you going to do?"

Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and shrugged:
"No, I didn't plan to fight for the first one to come out. Since I want to brush Tianyuan Sect down, I must wait until the last moment."

The Tianyuan Sect sent a total of three teams this time. The leader was naturally a duo composed of Huangfu Yan and Weiya, followed by Qiu Jun's team, and finally a team of troopers.

According to the original lottery schedule, as long as Zuo Lingxuan is fooled, it is guaranteed to meet both teams.

But now the competition system has been changed to... I don't know what kind of strange version of the battle royale it is.

Therefore, the most conservative method at present should be to directly guard the altar in the center of the secret realm, and kill one person from the Tianyuan Sect as long as there is one.

Thinking of the interruption here, Xu Shoujing's expression flashed a hint of enlightenment. He suddenly thought that this method seems to be not only applicable to Tianyuan Sect, but also to all participating cultivators.

Because no matter what, every cultivator must pass through the central altar of the Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery in order to come out, including the one who got ten bells of the Illusory Gallery the fastest.

So to say……

Xu Shoujing glanced at the monks around him from the corner of his eye, and found that they were also contemplative. It seemed that everyone had thought of this method.

In that unknown battle royale, it is no longer a simple whole map to find someone to grab the bell of the hallway, but rather "who rushes to the central altar first".

Jiang Rongyue thought for a while, then reached out and tugged at the corner of Xu Shoujing's clothes, and said in a low voice:

"Xiaojing, after you go in, don't run around casually, come to me first."

Xu Shoujing didn't think much, then replied:

"Well, I'll definitely find you right away, Sister Rongyue, be careful too."

Although it was the first time for them to participate in such a large-scale event, whether it was Xu Shoujing, Jiang Rongyue, or Su Huanqing, they had already seen a lot of big scenes, and they were not so frightened by this level of weakness.

These three are all 'immortals who have seen the world'. In contrast, although Ranxi has also entered the practice, she is still just an ordinary person in her mentality.

"Xu... Young Master Xu..." Ran Xi quietly pinched Xu Shoujing's cuff, looked at a few brawny men with swollen muscles around, and said in a panic: "I... I may not be able to, Ran Xi only cultivated this point. Time, where is their opponent..."

If an ordinary person hears Ranxi's words, they will either transform into a big warm man, and while giving a broad chest, say softly: "It's okay, there is me."

No matter how bad it is, at least give full play to the good qualities of Gou Daozhong people - pulling sister paper together.

But Xu Shoujing's reaction made people very puzzled, even... puzzled.

Hearing "I have only practiced for this little time", Xu Shoujing widened his eyes and looked at Ranxi in disbelief, as if to say, "Are you kidding me?"

Seeing this, Ranxi was a little confused: "Xu Gongzi... Did Ranxi say something wrong?"

Xu Shoujing patted her shoulder lightly and said earnestly:
"Ranxi, how long have you been practicing so far?"

Ran Xi was stunned for a moment. She didn't quite understand the meaning of Xu Shoujing's question. She put her scallion fingers against her chin and thought for a while, and whispered in an uncertain tone:
"Ranxi can't remember clearly... It's been more than half a year."

"Well, it's only been half a year." Xu Shoujing corrected the loopholes in Ranxi's words, focusing on the 'cai' Yinjiazhong.

His expression was a little speechless, after a while, he asked again, "Ranxi, what state are you in now?"

Ranxi's face blushed, as if she was being asked about something embarrassing, she said hesitantly:

"Ranxi...not very talented, and far, he has only been able to cultivate to the realm of Canghai Yunyao, and he can't compare to Xu Gongzi."

Listen, is this what people say?
Xu Shoujing was speechless, is she envious of her talent?I still feel bad... Versailles was built by your family.

Fortunately, the nearby cultivators didn't listen, or else there might be a few players with poor moods that collapsed on the spot and followed their elder brother who was persuaded by the ox-headed beast to go home.

"It's okay, Ranxi." Jiang Rongyue stepped forward in time, took Ranxi's hand, and said softly, "You are not alone, we are here."

Jiang Rongyue's gentleness is like the ice water melting in spring. It seems to be cold to the bone, but it warms people's hearts all the time.

Ranxi gave a "hmm" and nodded slowly.


After the people from Tuxian Pavilion finished distributing the bells of the Magic Gallery, Xu Shoujing put the copper bell in his hand and weighed it a few times. It felt like the most ordinary bell, and there was nothing special about it.

But that's just an appearance. When he first got it, Xu Shoujing checked it with the 'longan' he inherited from Jiuxiao.

Jiuxiao Tongshu can see through most of the substances composed of spiritual power, including but not limited to magical instruments, spiritual seals, and medicinal herbs.

I can see through so many things, but I can't see through the bell of the hallucination... Either this thing is outrageously high, or it is completely a decoration, a mundane thing.


Before I knew it, most of the crowds that filled the entire hall had disappeared. Under the guidance of the waitress at Tuxian Pavilion, the monks of various sects disappeared at the end of the corridor one by one.

Soon, it was Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing's turn.

"Uh... Young Master Xu and Miss Su of Changhe Su Clan, right?"

The waitress glanced at Xu Shoujing's handsome appearance, and only felt that 'bang bang bang' was rambling in her heart, but after all, it was still working time, so she suppressed the idea of ​​asking for the contact card of the other party.

Xu Shoujing didn't answer the waitress' question, turned his head to look at Jiang Rongyue, and said softly:
"Then I'll go first, Sister Rong Yue."

Jiang Rongyue nodded, pursed her thin lips, and warned a little worriedly:
"Proceed with caution."

"Ok, I know."

It was said that the waitress led the way, but in fact the waitress just led Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing to a corridor outside the house and went back alone.

The promenade is built on the mountain, and when it comes to the end, the wooden board under the foot has no supporting point and is completely suspended in mid-air.

On both sides of Yan Lan and Yunxiu, all you can see are the cliffs that are cut like a knife. Going deeper, the vision becomes more and more confused, but you can't see anything.

Xu Shoujing vaguely understood where the word "phantom corridor" came from. He and Su Huanqing looked at each other, and both saw the affirmation in the other's eyes.

Without any further hesitation, the two took another step forward and walked towards the fog in the depths of the corridor.

The road remains the same, but the environment around him is shrouded in fog.

Xu Shoujing always felt that he was walking, as if he had left the place just now. It was still Donghuang Mountain here, but he felt something was wrong.

"Huanqing? Qingqing?" He pushed aside the clouds with his hands and called to the side.

Su Huanqing lightly frowned, as if she was not used to such an affectionate address as Xu Shoujing, she just said:
"Is something wrong?"

"Uh... it's okay, I just called you."

Xu Shoujing scratched his cheeks embarrassingly. Generally speaking, when encountering such a scene with a lot of smoke, the two people who were originally staying together would get separated inexplicably even if they didn't move around. .

Su Huanqing glanced at him inexplicably, and continued walking towards the depths of the corridor without pausing.

Xu Shoujing touched his nose and was about to follow.

But when he just raised his head and just blinked his eyes, his pupils, who had been doing nothing, suddenly shrank, as if he saw something incredible.

The clouds and mist around the corridor dissipated, and the scorching sun hanging in the air took off her usual scorching heat.

Looking around, the promenade at the foot turned into an endless plain.

However, Xu Shoujing was obviously not surprised by the sudden change of the scene. He had encountered many such incidents before, and he was not surprised to the extent of 'pupils shrinking'.

What really stunned his brain was a headless humanoid monster carrying a huge chain standing on the plain.

Every step of his can make the earth tremble, birds and beasts fly away; every step he takes, the dark chain on his shoulder can leave a deep ditch between the grass.

Compared with this headless giant, the bull-headed beast that was killed in the East Imperial City was like an ant, and it was estimated that it would not even be noticed if it was trampled to death.


Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled, holding Huafang Yanqian's sword hilt with one hand, and muttered to himself:
"Tu Xiange is crazy, if it's not me, you will be trampled to death by this thing even if you are two dragon gates..."

Seeing Xu Shoujing's attitude of wanting to go up and cut, Su Huanqing's eyes were quite helpless.

She took a few steps forward and poked Xu Shoujing's shoulder lightly:
"See clearly."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and followed Su Huanqing's fingers to see that the headless giant walked slowly towards him, with no reduction in speed.

"Is there a problem?" he asked suspiciously.

"I mean, let you see his back." Su Huanqing added.

Xu Shoujing was even more puzzled, but he still covered his eyes with a layer of pupil technique, and fixed his eyes on the back of the headless giant.

I don't know if I don't see it, I want to turn around and run when I see it.

Behind the headless giant was a large shadow.

At first Xu Shoujing thought it was the clouds in the sky blocking the sun, but only after using the pupil technique did he find out... Where is the shadow, these are hundreds of monsters the same size as the headless giant!

Some bodies are muddy, their facial features are ambiguous, and they walk like liquids flowing; some are like birdmen whose feathers have been stripped, their narrow mouths like a sharp spear, and eagle claws. The freedom of both feet was restricted by chains.

But they all have one thing in common, they are huge and in chains.


Xu Shoujing silently stuffed the sword that had just been drawn out of its scabbard, and glanced at Su Huanqing.

The next moment, as if they had discussed it, the two turned around and ran away, not daring to stay for a moment.

Fighting that bull-headed beast is for pure love and chivalry, fighting this group of chain monsters... It's nothing, just don't die.

A good fantasy corridor secret realm, or for competitions, why do you have to set up a group of monsters? ——

Dozens of white wolves ran in the ice and snow, and the wolf leader's roar spread to a hundred miles. Those white wolves seemed to understand the 'wolf language' they were speaking, and their footsteps suddenly stopped, and then they spread out to both sides.

It was snowy and cold.This is the scene of the extremely cold land, but in this mysterious hallway, the snow mountain world is off-road from the plain, only separated by a seemingly artificial natural boundary.

The moment those drifting snow entered the grassland, it was like being scorched by a hundred feet of high sun, and it turned into a pool of dew in the blink of an eye, rolling down.


The water drops hit the face of a monk dressed as a liar. He seemed to feel the chill that the ice had not completely removed from the water. He shivered and hurriedly got up from the ground.

Zuo Lingxuan had already entered the secret realm of the Illusory Gallery half an hour ago. He followed the path pointed by the waitress, and unknowingly, he and his junior brother came to the world of ice and snow.

Before they could catch their breath, a group of white wolves suddenly surrounded them. All of them were demon kings who started in 500 years. The degree of coping.

Despite this, Zuo Lingxuan and his junior brother were chased by the wolves and could only flee wildly.

This white wolf group cannot be evaluated by a single strength. Under the command of the wolf leader, the attack of the white wolves is like a tide, wave after wave, never stopping.

Whenever Zuo Lingxuan wanted to counterattack, the wolves seemed to know his movements in advance, and with a roar from the wolf leader, they quickly dispersed, leaving Zuo Lingxuan unable to start.

This kind of offensive was organized again and again, and it didn't take long for Zuo Lingxuan's body to be painted in many places.

Zuo Lingxuan is a senior brother in the end. Even if he loses, he can't leave his junior brother and run away alone. He makes excuses for his junior brother to find a man, while he stays behind to delay the pace of the wolves.

As a result, needless to say, it was impossible to beat in the first place, and now there is less support from one person, and it is even more defeated.

Zuo Lingxuan was lying on the ground, and he was ready to be eaten by the wolves, but after waiting for a long time, he did not wait for the wolf leader's "Ow" order.

"What do you mean? You don't want to bite me to death... You want me to get up and keep running, exhausted?"

A question mark appeared on Zuo Lingxuan's head, he swayed and turned around, looking back, those white wolves had fierce eyes, their front legs bent down, as if they wanted to rush over to eat him.


The wolf leader screamed in the sky, and the surrounding white wolves made the same action as if responding to its call, and all of a sudden, "Ow" and "Ow" kept ringing in his ears.

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Why don't you just have a good time and keep yelling at the side... Could it be that your white wolf tribe has the custom of scaring the prey to death before eating it?

Zuo Lingxuan only felt a little inexplicable about the actions of the white wolves, but he soon discovered the clue.

It's not that the white wolves don't want to eat him, but that they 'can't eat'.

The snow and the plain were only separated by a line, but the claws of the white wolves stayed firmly behind the boundary line, with no intention of moving forward at all.

It seemed that as long as they took a step forward, their sharp claws would turn into a pool of water in an instant, like those snowflakes that floated into the plain.

Zuo Lingxuan felt a little dazed in his head. He symbolically stretched out his hands to the snow. If those white wolves felt anything, they opened their fangs full of mouths without hesitation, and they were about to bite him off. past hands...


At the critical moment, Zuo Lingxuan quickly retracted his hand, and the white wolf bit the air into its mouth, but still stayed firmly within the range of the snow, without extending its mouth out of the boundary line.

"They can't come out."

Knowing this fact, Zuo Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, a revengeful idea was born in his heart.

Hehe, let you chase me, Yusheng Peak is a bit poor, but Taoist priests are not easy to bully!

At this time, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were still running.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

(End of this chapter)

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