The queen is so fierce

Chapter 166 Isn't this the Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery?

Chapter 166 Isn't this the Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery?

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps echoed on the second floor of Tuxian Pavilion, and stopped in an empty hall, leaving only the gasping sound of a certain character who seemed very anxious because of anxiety.

The owner of the footsteps is Gu Xun, and he is the full-power person in charge of the Zongmen Dabi Tuxian. It can be said that from the beginning of the planning, the process of the game, the audience's viewing venue, and even the awards to the winners other than the ruins of the Tiangong, All need to be handled by him.

This is a test for him by the senior management of Tuxian Pavilion, and any of the indicators is related to whether he can go further to the senior management of Tuxian Pavilion.

In fact, in the eyes of outsiders, this is a very simple and easy task. Since the opening of the Zongmen Grand Competition, there has not been a single failure. There are so many successful examples in front of them. It is just a slight change of form. What went wrong?
The truth is that, but a few days ago, a tauren suddenly appeared in Donghuang City. What if another pig-headed or bird-headed man appeared in the competition venue?
The young monks who participated in the sect competition, which one is not the heart of each sect?If this happened under his hands, the consequences would be disastrous.

The superposition of so many factors resulted in the reason why Gu Xun couldn't calm down and kept pacing in the room.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the splendid and luxurious gold-gilding door, Gu Xun paused, then straightened his back, tidying up his appearance in front of the bronze mirror next to him, and said unhurriedly:
"Come in."


Entering the room in response was the waitress who had just led Xu Shoujing and the others into the secret realm of the illusion hall.

She lowered her head and glanced at Gu Xun from the corner of her eye, folded her hands in a salute, hesitated a little, and said:

"My lord, all the participating monks have entered the secret realm of the Illusory Gallery. Do you want to take the audience to the Xingyun Hall?"

In order to better sell tickets to watch the game, Xingyun Hall and Tuxian Pavilion were abruptly tucked into a building in the Eastern Imperial City.

The fully-enclosed design can accommodate 3000 people at the same time. The central screen is supposed to be built with hundreds of phantom stars, so that all viewers can clearly see where their monks are, what area, and who they are fighting with.

Gu Xun did not answer immediately, but pondered for a while.

According to the current time, there may be many sects who have met and fought; but the group of monks who have just entered the secret realm is probably still groping for the direction to the central altar, so that they can be played with the phantom star. The picture is still a bit small.

But if you wait a little longer, maybe the first group of people who already have a head start, or those who want to gamble, may have come out. If you look forward to the future, you may bury the wonderful picture.

Thinking of this, Gu Xun no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered:
"Let's do it now, and I'll rush over there too."


Xingyun Hall is not far from Tuxian Pavilion in the East Imperial City, and it takes only a few quarters of an hour to reach it on foot.

When the ancient tour arrived at the Liuli viewing platform on the top floor of Xingyun Hall, the seats below were already full of people.

A few waitresses stood on the central terrace and methodically moved the phantoms to the appropriate positions.


Suddenly there was a tearing sound like a computer screen stuck in midair, and after a while, dozens of large screens shrouded in clouds and mist appeared out of thin air.

There was an uproar under the stage, and they were actually discussing with each other.

Seeing this, Gu Xun breathed a sigh of relief. At present, the atmosphere is not bad, and I hope it can be maintained until the end of the sect competition.

In the past two days, his original plan was completely disrupted because of the tauren. Although he didn't take a closer look, his hair must have fallen a lot.

Hey, it looks like I'll be looking for a Taoist priest in this area to get a 'hair growth technique' or something.

Thinking like this, Gu Xun sat on the soft back, picked up the white porcelain tea cup and planned to take a sip of tea and relax.


The waitress suddenly exclaimed sharply from the audience, and the rest of the female nuns also sounded like the 'screaming group' they had promised. The high-decibel "ah" almost shattered the eardrum of the male nun next to him.

Gu Xun spit out a sip of hot tea. He quickly put the white porcelain teacup on the table, not wiping the tea stains on his face, and hurriedly ran to the glass wall and looked towards the terrace below.

The waitresses stared at the 'special effects' of various Taoist tactics on the big screen, their eyes widened, as if they had seen something incredible.

And the monks watching the game were also discussing, "I haven't heard of this.", "What is this, it doesn't look like a demon...but it doesn't look like a human..."

"What are they talking about?" Gu Xun Yue couldn't understand the more he listened. He simply followed the waitress's time and looked at the big screen projected by the Magic Star Instrument.


A loud noise passed through the phantom screen and was clearly transmitted to the ears of every audience present.

The whole scene was filled with firelight, dozens of headless giants with blue sky above their heads, dragging the dark chains, trampled the young monks who were trying to resist them into mud.

The scorching brains flowed on the lush grass, and the bright red blood flowed together into a long river, with severed heads, broken limbs, and eyeballs scattered all over the place.

This is only a small part of dozens of pictures. The rest include the white wolves in the ice and snow, the swamp filled with poisonous mist with the python nest, and the mountain-like orangutan in the forest cave. Like the sun's fiery red luan birds facing each other...

Those strange monsters that even the experienced cultivators of the older generation have never seen before, fit so well in the world in the picture.

And without exception, in front of them, the young monks who are not at the highest level of the Dragon Gate are like ants that can be ignored at any time, and those who dare to compete with them have become dust by the flowers and plants.


"This... what is this?"

Gu Xun sat paralyzed on the ground, staring blankly at the picture projected by the Huanxing Instrument, pursing his lips, but he was speechless.

Those cultivators are undoubtedly the cultivators who stayed in the hall next door to Tuxian Pavilion. Yes, but what are those monsters that have never been heard of?And that place, no matter how you look at it, it's not a hallway...

The Illusory Gallery Secret Realm is just a sub-space created by simulating the scenery of Donghuang Mountain with space magic!
Snow-capped mountains, grasslands, forests, swamps... what are they all about?

Gu Xun didn't know anything about this, but he knew very well that the sect monks who died in the picture just now were real.

Although I don't know what happened, there is no doubt that those sects lost their future 'genius' and 'leaders', and these responsibilities will ultimately be blamed on him.

With such a big problem, his dream of entering the high level of Tuxian Pavilion was shattered.



In the crowd of noisy discussions, Chu Shuwan was dressed in a dark green dress. She stared at the picture in midair for a while, Liu Mei frowned slightly, and muttered to herself:
"Not right..."

From the time the Magic Star Instrument started projecting pictures, it is unknown how many young leaders have died under those unknown and weird hands.

To insist that those weirdness are obstacles set up by the Tuxian Pavilion would go too far. I am afraid that the Tuxian Pavilion will not feel well just because of the condemnation of the loss of the disciples.

The people next to him couldn't sit still. Seeing their own disciples dying in front of them, no one could stay at ease, and they all wanted to let Tuxiange give an explanation.

Chu Shuwan did not follow them, but came to the bottom of the terrace alone, shook a waitress whose eyes were still a little dull, and said solemnly:

"How do I enter this hallway secret realm?"

"Ah..." The waitress suddenly came back to her senses, her consciousness was still a little hazy because of the fright of those monsters, but she could probably feel that Chu Shuwan's cultivation base was very high, and subconsciously replied: "You can't enter the illusion hall above the dragon gate realm. Secret realm..."

Hearing these words, Chu Shuwan became annoyed, she pointed at the grass that was dyed blood red in the picture, and said coldly:
"Do you think it's still time to care about the rules? Hurry up and lead the way. If something happens to my Jing'er, my mother will ask someone to take you to Tuxian Pavilion to be buried with you!"

This... is this the elder of which immortal sect, speaking so confidently...

The waitress was so frightened that she shuddered, lowered her head quickly, and hurriedly walked towards the road leading to the outside of Xingyun Hall.

Seeing this, Chu Shuwan rolled her eyes and followed.

Tuxian Pavilion is all over the nine continents, and in terms of sphere of influence alone, any sect may not be as big as it.

Although the overall strength of the Tuxian Pavilion in each region is uneven, the lowest may even be unable to beat the small sect.

But if you become the opponent of Tuxian Pavilion, you will not face the local Tuxian Pavilion, but the whole Jiuzhou Tuxian Pavilion.

Just based on her current Longyumen, which has not yet developed, how can she compete?
However, at this time, the more confident you are, the more afraid the other party will be.

What Jinger taught was right.
"Huhu... Huanqing, I... Huhu... Something is wrong."

I don't know how long it took to run, but Xu Shoujing's physique felt a little breathless. He looked back and made sure that those behemoths were not chasing after him, and leaned on a big rock to breathe.

Compared with Xu Shoujing, although Su Huanqing also ran all the way, she looked much more elegant.

Although she was a little out of breath, she still maintained her image, just opened her mouth slightly to exhale, and still used her small Qiong nose to breathe.

"What's wrong?" Su Huanqing glanced at him.

"Those monsters are not right." Xu Shoujing sat up on the upper body with the boulder in his hands, pondered, and said, "There are too many, and from the perspective of the rank, the average Dragon Gate cultivator can't handle it at all.

Unless the people in Tuxian Pavilion are crazy and are not afraid of retaliation, why do they want a place full of beasts to slaughter the heirs of the major sects? "

Hearing Xu Shoujing's analysis, Su Huanqing was silent for a while, but also wanted to understand the reason, and said:

"You mean to say, this might not be the Secret Realm of the Illusory Gallery?"

"Not possible, I'm almost certain, absolutely not."

Xu Shoujing rested, got up and stretched, then moved his limbs again, and said in a low voice:
"The current situation is estimated to have completely exceeded the expectations of Tuxian Pavilion, and the people outside are estimated to have long been stunned. It is estimated that each sect is eager to come in and save their disciples."

"Then what should we do?" Su Huanqing had subconsciously focused on Xu Shoujing's decision.

"Two ways." Xu Shoujing squeezed his chin with one hand, as if thinking about something, "Or just find a place to hide and wait for someone outside to rescue us...

During the briefing, didn't the waitress say that there will be a special Xingyuntang to watch the game?I'm sure people out there will soon notice that something isn't right and figure out a way to save us. "

"What about another way?" Su Huanqing asked aloud.

"The other..." Xu Shoujing paused, then chuckled softly, "We will find a way to get out ourselves."

Su Huan was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Do you know how you got out?"

The two of them had just fled for their lives, and there was no such thing as a reminder to go out on the road.How did he know?
"I don't know." Xu Shoujing answered honestly.

"..." Su Huanqing.

"But I have clues..." Seeing Su Huanqing's speechless expression, Xu Shoujing laughed in a low voice and said sternly, "I don't know if you paid attention, when we were running just now, there was one on our right hand side. wetlands."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Su Huanqing frowned.

Xu Shoujing jumped to the top of the stone in one leap, his peach blossom eyes like water were covered with a layer of bright gold, but he shook his head:

"There's nothing wrong with that in itself. What strikes me as strange is that the swamp and the grassland we're on are divided by a line that's invisible and intangible to the naked eye.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for these two environments to be so clearly separated... No matter how you look at it, they are all caused by human beings. "


"So after that, I paid special attention to whether there were any similar locations, you see."

Xu Shoujing tilted his head to indicate the front of the big stone; Su Huanqing was puzzled, so he bypassed the stone and looked in the direction Xu Shoujing indicated—

"This is……"

After seeing the scene behind the boulder, Su Huan's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

Just as Xu Shoujing described it, the boundary of the grassland is as finely divided with a carving knife, and it forms a straight boundary line with the waters at the other end where no boundary can be seen.

Not a single drop of water from the waters splashed onto the grasslands, and not a single weed in the grasslands extended into the waters.

Such a picture is too contradictory, and it is hard to let people think about it.


Xu Shoujing jumped off the boulder, pulled out the sword from his waist, and drew on the grass:

"Look, we came from this direction just now. The swamp is here, and now we are here... If this place does not rule out other terrain, it is very likely that it is the same arrangement as these three. cloth……"

With Xu Shoujing's description and explanation, a very simple circle appeared on the grass, and each area of ​​the circle happened to be divided by different plates such as grass and swamp, forming a crooked five-pointed star in the garden.

After doing all this, Xu Shoujing rinsed the painting boat Yanqian in the fresh water, drank the water in the air next to him, and put it back into the scabbard.

"It's probably like this...but what does it mean, I don't know."

Su Huanqing stared at the diagram drawn by Xu Shoujing and pondered. After a while, he suddenly said:


"This is the texture of the formation." Su Huanqing said with certainty. "You don't practice Taoism, so I don't know. The picture you drew is to draw a natural magic circle through different terrains."

Xu Shoujing pondered for a while, and asked aloud, "Then what is its effect?"

Su Huanqing shook his head: "I don't know, there is too little information on the rune, and I can only see a general structure, but..."

In the middle of the conversation, Su Huanqing changed the subject: "If it is determined that this is a formation, I may know how to get out."

"Huh? How do you say..." Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Su Huanqing.

"The formation is different from the formation. The formation is separated from the monks and exists alone. If you want to continue to operate, you must have a point of spiritual power supply..."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing's eyes widened. He knew what Su Huanqing wanted to say. The two of them almost said in unison:
"Array eyes."

Su Huanqing thought that you didn't know anything about the battle method. She lowered her head and pointed to the simple magic circle that Xu Shoujing had just described, and explained:
"The formation eye is the source of the spiritual power of the formation. As long as it is cut off, the formation will naturally fail; if the picture you drew is correct, according to the above outline, the formation should be divided in all areas. The junction of the lines...that's right here."

Saying that, she pointed to the center of the disc.



Suddenly, a familiar roar sounded again in the distance. Xu Shoujing turned his head and saw that the silhouettes of the chained headless giants had already appeared at the end of the fog.

Now that the conclusion has been reached, there is no need to wait any longer.

Xu Shoujing erased the simple map on the ground with his feet, then pulled out the painting boat, and suddenly grabbed Su Huanqing's wrist:
"Since this is not the secret realm of the Illusory Corridor, there is no prohibition against using the sword, let's find Sister Rong Yue and Ran Xi, and then quickly go to Zhenyan to find a way to escape.

There are other monks now attracting the attention of those monsters. If they are almost dead, it may be our turn. "

Su Huanqing frowned lightly, and glanced at Xu Shoujing's hand that grabbed her wrist, her expression a little unhappy:
"If that's the case, why are you grabbing my wrist?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and while embarrassingly scratching his cheeks with his index finger, he thought of a magic formula to make Huafang Yanqian float.

He glanced aside and said perfunctorily, "Cough... I fly faster than you."

After the words fell, without waiting for Su Huanqing to agree, he pulled her and stepped on the flying sword. The two turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the sky.


The white wolf's teeth closed again and again, but each time they only bit the air, the upper and lower jaws kept vibrating, and the anger continued to soar.

"Ahaha...I asked you to chase me just now, but you can't chase me anymore!"

Zuo Lingxuan was lying reclining on the grass, with his hands on his face and his elbows on the ground, and his other hand kept jumping repeatedly across the dividing line between the grassland and the snow-capped mountains.

Every time he stretched out, Zuo Lingxuan would squeeze out a magic formula to knock out a few of the white wolves, but these white wolves were also head irons. bite the air'.

To be honest, with Zuo Lingxuan's current strength, it is still too difficult to eliminate these white wolves.

But it would be more than enough for Xiaoxiao to avenge their 'hunting revenge'!
Who isn't a torturer anymore?


Another small clod condensed and knocked a white wolf to the ground.

Zuo Lingxuan yawned. He almost felt tired of playing. He couldn't kill them. He was always so disgusting with them... Although it was quite interesting, the fierce eyes of this group of white wolves were quite intimidating.

"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore. I have to find a way to go to the central altar. I don't want to think about the ruins of the Tiangong. I didn't even think about it..."

Just when Zuo Lingxuan was talking to himself, a layer of fog suddenly filled the surroundings, and the grassland that could have seen the scenery at a glance was now hazy.

Zuo Lingxuan frowned slightly, only to feel a shadow covering his head.


A loud noise exploded in the ear, the ground trembled, Zuo Lingxuan's whole body was slightly suspended in the air, but soon fell to the ground.

"what's the situation?"

He quickly got up and wanted to see what the shadow really was.

Zuo Lingxuan just turned around, his pupils shrank suddenly, he forgot to even breathe, and there was only panic in his eyes.

The headless giant who had been carrying the dark chains on his back was leaning over slightly and stretched out a giant hand covering the sky towards him! ——
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PS: The state is surprisingly good today~
(End of this chapter)

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