The queen is so fierce

Chapter 167 Ancient Demon Temple

Chapter 167 Ancient Demon Temple
Two withered yellow candle lamps illuminate the uneven stone-brick road.

The line of sight ahead was rather dim, and all that could be seen was the cobweb-covered roof and the remnant murals on the stone and brick walls on both sides that had been weathered by the years.


The heavy stone door rubbed against the floor, and a black-haired young man in white clothes came in through the door. He glanced around a little, and after seeing the complicated and obscure runes on the wall, his eyes lit up immediately, and he touched it without any hesitation. When it was dark, he walked towards the depths of the stone road.


Every time the young man in white advances a certain distance, the candle oil lamps on both sides of the stone road will automatically light up to illuminate the way forward.

But no matter how long the young man in white walks, the darkness at the end of his field of vision is constantly being dispelled, but he has never been able to see the scenery other than that, as if the road would continue endlessly.

Despite this, the young man in white continued to move forward without a trace of boredom.

I don't know how long I walked, the candle oil lamps on both sides suddenly stopped spreading, and the darkness shrouded in front of the road also became a barrier like water ripples.

The scene behind the water ripples was hazy and blurry, and it was not very real, but the young man in white seemed to think that he had found what he was looking for and stepped in.

The young man in white only felt that the scene in front of him was in a trance for a while, and the next moment, crystal blue light filled his sight.

The picture behind the water ripple light curtain is like two worlds from the narrow dark stone road before.

The magnificent temple is full of crystal blue rays of light. It stands to reason that this kind of place has not been visited for tens of thousands of years. However, unlike the stone road outside, there is not a single particle of dust gathered around the furnishings.

The young man in white was on the thousands of steps, and he looked down at the center of the temple.There was a disc inscribed with five-element plates, and at the end of each area stood a pillar glowing blue.

The blue light on the pillar is linked to the runes on the walls of the temple. The dense runes look like five chains, extending to the center of the disc.

The white-clothed youth forced his breath, which was thickened due to excitement, to look at the center of the disc impatiently.

In the central area of ​​the disc, a huge blue crystal was firmly shrunk in the center of the earth by five runes.

The scale of the blue crystal is very exaggerated, the top directly bordering the ceiling of the temple, and the edges and corners pressed on the disc below also have a faint trend of fragmentation.

Taking a closer look, there is a terrifying humanoid monster sleeping in the blue crystal.

The limbs of the humanoid monster seemed to be drained of blood, the tattered clothes solidified in the crystal, and a dragon tail full of barbs dragged behind him.

Its hair is intertwined with gray and white, and its eyeballs are hollowed out, leaving only the dark eye sockets; two grooves are sunken in its cheeks, sharp fangs stand upright on both sides, and a red-like vertical pupil is dotted between its eyebrows.

Click, click, click.

The young man in white walked down the steps, and his eyes never left the blue crystal and the sleeping monster in the crystal.

Until the moment he stepped onto the disc, the crimson vertical pupil of the humanoid monster suddenly moved, and his eyes rolled around, staring closely at the figure of the white-robed son.

The young man in white shuddered, but his heart was startled, and he did not dare to move forward for a while.

The temple fell into a dead silence. I don't know how long it took, and a hoarse voice echoed. It sounded as if it had been asleep for tens of thousands of years and had just woken up.

"Human, why are you here and what do you want?"

Except for the vertical pupil, the humanoid monster in the blue crystal is like time has stopped, stagnant in mid-air without any movement.

But there is no doubt that this slightly muffled voice is from it.

Huangfu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, put one hand into the inner pocket, seemed to be digging something, and said:

"Naturally, in the name of the teacher's sect, I came to take your magical powers."

The humanoid monster was silent for a while, and the only open crimson vertical pupil turned around. After a while, he said solemnly:

"How many years... Since the discovery of the temple that sealed the deity, you humans have been thinking about stealing my magical powers all the time.

But it is a pity that the magical power and the deity come from the same source, unless the deity dies, it will never be separated..."

As he spoke, the red eyes closed slightly, as if the old monk had entered into meditation, but his tone was full of disdain:
"So many human races will suddenly come in outside... Is it that you want to use their deaths to weaken the seal of the temple, so as to help you steal the deity's magical power?
Don't blame the deity for not telling you, just draw some magical powers from time to time like before.

But if you unlock the seal and let the deity escape the control of the temple, your human race is an ant that can be pinched to death at any time in my eyes. "

To the threat of the humanoid monster, Huangfu Yan's reaction was just a sly smile, "The younger generation should not doubt your ability, so I didn't plan to completely unlock the seal of the temple."

Huangfuyan's remarks were quite firm, and inside and outside the words revealed a confidence that did not match his current state.

The humanoid monster once again opened its only movable red vertical pupils, and the scarlet pupils revealed a doubt, as if they didn't understand a human race from the Dragon Gate Realm in Huangfu Yan District, where did such confidence come from?
But soon, Huangfu Yan showed it the source of his information.

"This is……"

The humanoid monster was stunned for a moment, its vertical pupils were round and round, and what was reflected in the pupils was a pitch-black and dull crystal ball.

The crystal ball lay quietly in Huangfuyan's palm. The sphere was only the size of a palm. From the outside, there was nothing special except that it was filled with a strange black mist.

But it was such a crystal ball with nothing special that deeply shocked the monster, and the tone was unbelievable:

"Other things! You actually have something from heaven in your hands!"

Huangfu Yan held the ink-colored crystal ball high and walked towards the humanoid monster step by step:

"This is a gift from the teacher, and it is specially used to extract your magical powers hidden in the demon soul. You only need to untie some seals... You don't need much, as long as this crystal ball can touch you.

Your magical powers, your origin, and even your demon soul will be locked into the crystal ball until it is completely refined. "

"No! You can't do that!" The voice of the humanoid monster was a little frantic, and it could be heard that it wanted to step back crazily, but those cumbersome runes tied it firmly to the blue crystal and the like, unable to move half step.

Huangfuyan didn't think anything was wrong with her reaction to the humanoid monster, she just smiled:

"Rejoice, Your Excellency, after your death, your flesh and blood will be transformed into the power of Tianyuan Sect to conquer Jiuzhou. Through your magical powers, the army of ten thousand demons will pacify all the forces that resist Tianyuan sect."

Saying that, Huangfu Yan read the magic formula in his heart, and reached out and pressed it towards the blue crystal. Before his hand touched it, the blue crystal automatically dissolved as if it was trying to avoid him.

Every inch Huangfuyan's hand advanced, the blue crystal melted a point, and after a while, the huge crystal was hollowed out and a hole leading to the humanoid monster was emptied.

The pothole is only as thick as an arm, but it is more than enough to transport an ink-colored crystal ball.

Huangfu Yan didn't hesitate much. For him, the order of the master was a vocation that must be fulfilled. He directly grabbed the ink-colored crystal ball and slammed the humanoid monster through the pothole.


As if two pieces of glass collided, the crisp sound echoed leisurely.

A layer of golden pus was squeezed out of the shriveled skin of the humanoid monster, and those unidentified liquids flowed along the withered skin lines and gradually poured into the ink-colored crystal ball.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Yan was overjoyed. Everything was the same as what the teacher said. As long as the ancient demon's magical powers were robbed, the future Tianyuan sect would no longer be just the Tianyuan sect of Tiannanzhou, and even be able to follow Tuxian. The pavilion broke the wrist.

Until now, it can be said that everything is the same as Tianyuanzong envisioned.

The monks who surpassed the Nirvana realm could not set foot in the ancient demon temple, but even if the monks below the Nirvana realm came in, they could not break through the great formation and steal the ancient demon's magical powers.

Each plate in the big array is connected to the ancient demon temple, and each represents a kind of power of the five elements.

Those headless giants, snow-capped white wolves, swamp pythons, king orangutans... To put it bluntly, the aura of the ancient demons affected the creatures that maintained the great formation and changed.

If they are destroyed, the great formation will naturally suffer irreversible damage; if they kill people, the overflowing human race will be shaken because it contradicts the avenues of the temple.

The Tianyuan Sect just wanted to use this to weaken the seal of the temple, and then get the magical powers of the ancient demon.

Xu Shoujing's conjecture before was not wrong, the Tauren in the East Imperial City was released by the Tianyuan Sect.

It was a 'selection', and the purpose was to let loose cultivators and low-level cultivators who were not suitable to be the 'death formation' to leave.

And when the 'death qi' of the general elites in the big formation was almost gathered, Huangfu Yan then followed the instructions of Tianyuanzong to take away the magical powers of the ancient monsters from the weakened big formation.

So far, everything has been going well, even a little...unusually.

Time passed by minute by minute. Seeing that the golden liquid in the ink-colored crystal ball was almost filled, Huangfu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and was about to let go...

"Huh?" Huangfu Yanwei was stunned for a moment. He found that the ink-colored crystal in his hand seemed to stick to the humanoid monster's body, and he couldn't pull it off no matter how hard he tried.

Huangfuyan hurriedly pulled out her hand and tried again with another hand, but found that she still couldn't move half a minute.

Before he could think about the reason, a bone-chilling chill suddenly hit his back.

Huangfu Yan shivered all over, feeling that he was being watched by some kind of gaze, he raised his head stiffly, and a smiling red-red vertical pupil came into his eyes.

The humanoid monster's eyelids are slightly narrowed, and the pupils are floating, and anyone can see the funny ridicule in its eyes.

"not good!"

Huangfuyan finally realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly wanted to pull out his hand, but unfortunately it was too late.

He only felt a stream of heat rushing down his arm to the two eyeballs, and his sight was instantly taken away, as if tens of thousands of silver needles had pierced the whites of his eyes at the same time, and only scarlet color remained in his field of vision.


Huangfuyan cried out in pain, and fell to the ground with a 'puff', desperately covering his eyes with both hands, blood leaking faintly between his fingers.


The rune carved on the wall of the temple dimmed, and the five areas of the disc were all cracked. The next moment, the blue crystal standing in the center began to disintegrate from the top.

The humanoid monster was exposed to the air without any obstruction, and the shriveled skin regained strength at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the long gray hair was dyed black in an instant, and even the most terrifying two Hessen eye sockets, With a burst of blood and water, two vivid eyes were squeezed out.

The humanoid monster at this time can no longer be called a monster. Except for the two unusually conspicuous fangs, both in body and appearance, it looks no different from the human male cultivator who has just entered his prime.

He raised his right hand in front of him, clenched his fist and felt it, then glanced at Huangfu Yan, who was moaning in pain at his feet, and sneered:

"Human, how should the deity thank you?"

Huangfuyan's whole body was in the pain of splitting his soul, and he could only groan non-stop by instinct, and naturally there was no way to answer the ancient demon half a sentence.

Seeing this, the ancient demon didn't ask any more questions. He took advantage of the situation to sit on the high platform of the disc, with one leg hanging in the air, the other leg in a half-squatting position, his arms on his knees, and he looked so handsome.

While playing with the crystal head filled with golden thick liquid in his hand, he said nonchalantly:
"This temple and even the entire grand formation exists to seal the deity. You guessed right, the idea is also right, those creatures that are contaminated by the deity's aura... They can indeed weaken the seal of the temple, so far , your plans are all right."

The ancient demon suddenly retracted his smile, and a coldness flashed in his eyes:
"However, trying to devour the deity's demon soul with just one outlandish spirit bead is too whimsical, at least twenty of them must be taken... No, there are forty, maybe there is still a chance for you to succeed. "

Saying that, the big hand of the ancient demon holding the ink-colored crystal ball suddenly exerted force, and cracks of different scales occurred at the contact between the surface of the crystal ball and the fingertips of the ancient demon.

The cracks spread slowly, only a 'click' sound was heard, the ink-colored crystal was torn apart, and the golden liquid flowed back into the ancient demon's body, and the crystal fragments filled with black smoke gradually turned into a transparent color.

"No matter how long it has been, you humans are still arrogant and arrogant. You always feel that you can control everything, and you have no sense of reverence for the unknown." The ancient demon sneered. "Have the same virtue as those who call themselves immortals."

Looking at Huangfu Yan who was already rolling around, Gu Yao knew that he probably didn't hear a word.

But obviously the ancient demon didn't care very much. He seemed to feel something, his eyes moved slightly to the side, and then the conversation changed:
"This deity is not the same as your human beings. You specially sent the outsider spirit beads to let the deity get out of trouble. Although the purpose is not pure, I have always been rewarded and punished."

With that said, the ancient demon waved his hand, and a flash of light descended on Huangfu Yan's body.

Huangfuyan groaned in pain, and then her body trembled uncontrollably.

"Accept it well, this is much stronger than the 'demonization' you study with the supernatural powers of the deity. The deity bestows you the purest demon soul."

Having said this, the ancient demon suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the out-of-the-way scan, and ordered:
"Go and bring back the human being who was peeking there just now. The deity is going to break the second seal of the temple."

" no!" Huangfu Yan turned around in disbelief, completely running against his will.

He didn't even notice it, the eyes that were gushing blood just now were now a scarlet color that revealed madness.


"Ranxi, hurry up." Jiang Rongyue realized that she was found, and quickly pulled Ranxi to leave.

But when she took a few steps, she found that Ranxi's feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, and no matter how she pulled it, she would not move.

"Ranxi?" Jiang Rongyue turned her head suspiciously.

Ranxi stood motionless, staring blankly at the crystal blue murals in the hall of the temple, looking around and looking at the tedious inscriptions.

The term 'aura' also exists in monks.

Even if a Profound Night Realm Great Expert is reborn as a Water Transformation Realm junior, his words and deeds, and the feelings revealed by his frowns and frowns are all extraordinary.

Ranxi's current aura is completely different from her own.

She didn't pay attention, and her pupils did not know when they were stained with crystal blue that was as indistinguishable as the temple.
Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a book;

(End of this chapter)

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