The queen is so fierce

Chapter 168 The Lord of the Strange World

Chapter 168 The Lord of the Strange World
There was a mysterious voice hidden in Ranxi's heart.

From the time she was picked up by the old lady of the Xiaoxiang Pavilion... no, maybe even earlier, when she was just born in this world, that voice already existed.

Ranxi can feel that the sound may come from the same source as herself, but it is not clear what it is and whether it will hurt herself.

Despite this, Ranxi accepted the guidance of this voice.

Because this allowed her, a little girl born with nothing, to find a way to the future.

So when Ranxi saw Xu Shoujing's first glance, the voice in her heart had a very strong premonition.

As long as you follow this handsome boy, you will find something that you have been searching for since birth...

- Now she has found it.

The moment she saw the blue runes in the temple, Ranxi was convinced that this was her inner voice and what she had been pursuing.

When living in the human race city, the sense of anxiety and discord that occasionally arises in my heart... All this seems to be answered.

She belongs here.



A loud noise almost exploded against the eardrum, the dark stone and brick walls were cracked, and the gravel was like rain.

Huangfuyan climbed out of the corrugated ruins, her eyes still shedding blood and tears, at this moment has completely turned into a scarlet color, and the sense of human beings has disappeared.

Ranxi was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling in a daze. Because of the squeezing of the edges and corners of the small stones, the skin seemed to be in pain as if it had been slashed with a knife.

But it was precisely because of this pain that Ranxi recovered from her trance.

She turned her head slightly and looked at Jiang Rongyue who had thrown herself down. The scene that had just happened played out in her mind like a slideshow.

Huangfu Yan obeyed the order of resurrecting the ancient demon, and shouted no, but the speed was not reduced to the two of them.

At that time, Ranxi was still staring at the crystal blue rune in a daze, and she didn't notice Huangfu Yan who turned into a beast and rushed over... Even if she did notice, she couldn't avoid it with her current cultivation.

Just as Huangfu Yan was taking the steps of a wolf and was about to stretch his claws to Ranxi's neck, Jiang Rongyue flew her to the ground, and the two survived.

However, even this did not resolve the current crisis in the slightest.

After Huangfu Yan got up from the ruins, the scarlet meaning in his eyes was even more intense. Just now, he was able to shout " no!", but now it has completely turned into a roar of a beast.

Seeing that he was about to rush over again, Jiang Rongyue quickly got up and dragged Ranxi to the road:

"Come on, find Xiaojing, let's go out quickly, this is not the secret realm of Illusion Gallery... It will be very dangerous next."


Huangfu Yan, whose mind had been devoured by the demon soul, couldn't possibly escape in front of him watching the two big meals.

He opened his mouth slightly, revealing two fangs that were born out of thin air, leaning forward, bending his hind legs, and the whole figure shot out like a spring.


The figure is like a ghost, and in the blink of an eye, it catches up with the two fleeing ahead.

Jiang Rongyue didn't look back, but Huangfu Yan's aura after demonization was too fierce, and she could feel it from far away.

"Don't look back!"

She exhorted again, and while running, she quickly pinched a magic formula.

The purple magic circle with the lightning rune appeared out of thin air at Jiang Rongyue's feet, the two girls ran past quickly, and the magic circle was spinning and unfolding alone, until the moment Huangfu Yan passed by...


The indigo-purple thunder flashed up and down, Huangfu Yan screamed, his limbs were burned to charcoal, his entire body twitched in mid-air, and the air was filled with the smell of burnt food.

"Dye Xi!"

Jiang Rongyue turned around abruptly, and while calling for Ranxi, she folded her hands together and parted again, pointing to form a sword and re-seal.

"Ah... oh!"

Ranxi was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what Jiang Rongyue meant. She quickly stepped aside and threw a chain of light, restricting Huangfuyan's actions.

Huangfuyan was fixed in place, and her limbs were paralyzed by the lightning just now, so she couldn't lift her strength, but she couldn't make any movement.

It seems that at the same time that the beastization gains the 'Berserker Power', it also loses the most precious thing in human beings - the brain.

If it was Huangfuyan's own will to fight, it would be impossible to lose to Jiang Rongyue so easily.

Needless to say, there is a gap between realms. One cultivated a life-like fairy in the Dragon Gate Realm, and the other just crossed the threshold of the Dragon Gate Realm because of double cultivation not long ago.

It stands to reason that this is a father-son game in which both hands are chopped off, but after getting the so-called 'demon soul', even the most basic spells can't be used.

No matter how much he struggled, the chains on his body showed no signs of damage, and Huangfu Yan could only stay where he was.

When Jiang Rongyue was ready with the technique, Huangfu Yan watched the purple electric light flying towards her.
Temple altar.

The ancient demon sat cross-legged in the center of the disc, his eyes were tightly closed, his hands were working on his dantian, and the scarlet spiritual power seemed to float around like layers of thick ink.

There are three layers of the seal that the temple has blessed on him.

The first layer is naturally the huge blue crystal. As long as he stays in that crystal, the ancient demon's body will be drawn with vitality by the temple all the time, which is why his body is shriveled and unable to move.

The second time, it was the restriction of the temple on the entire formation; as long as there was a second seal in it, he couldn't take half a step out of the temple's range.

The ancient demon was busy breaking the seal of the second major formation when there was a sudden explosion from behind.


The smoke and dust above the thousand steps filled the air, and the impact of the explosion blew away the light of the runes.The gravel was like flying feathers, and it was Huangfu Yan who had just chased after him.

Huangfuyan drew a perfect parabola in the air, and fell heavily on the disc, losing her breath, and only groaning in a vague animal language from her mouth.

The ancient demon stopped his movements, frowned slightly, got up and walked to Huangfu Yan, who had become like a rag, and kicked him a few times:
"The deity has given you a demon soul, so you can't kill two human beings?"

Huangfu Yan didn't answer, of course, with his dying appearance, he couldn't answer either.

"That's it." The ancient demon narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he understood something, and said to himself quite interestingly: "Well, you are actually rejecting the demon soul of the deity... Once the human beings in the spiritual world got the reward of the deity. Thank you Dade, you are an ant who dares to refuse... It seems that times have really changed.

However, your fate has already shown how stupid this choice is. If you accept the ghost, let alone those two humans, who in the world is your opponent? "

Huangfuyan stopped howling, it looked like it was cold, but in fact his breathing was closer to steady than ever.

Seeing this scene, the ancient demon sneered, his eyes flashed a little bit of 'but that's it', and then said:
"That's right, you're doing well, keep going, don't stop, don't give up your desire for power, the ghost will give you everything you want, all you have to do is accept him."

The words of the ancient demon seemed to be attached to the spirit of words. Huangfu Yan recovered his flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, his heart beat vigorously again, and even the missing flesh and blood was regenerated.

Huangfu Yan stood up slowly, the scarlet meaning in his pupils dissipated, the whites of his eyes were exposed again, and only the eyeballs remained demonized and red.

The ancient demon nodded and clapped his hands in praise:
"That's right, nothing has to do with strength. You stay here and get used to your new body. I'll kill those two humans. I don't want them to do anything superfluous during the time when the seal is broken. "

The voice fell, and he had disappeared in place.

Huangfuyan bowed her head slightly, without any emotion on her face, she just said in a mechanical voice:
"As ordered."
"It's almost time for the exit."

Seeing the light in the doorway in front of her, Jiang Rongyue breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled sweetly to comfort Ranxi beside her.

Ranxi made a sound of "um", but there was a trace of sadness between her brows.She hesitated and said:

"Miss...I think..."

Before the words could be finished, the door that had been invaded by the natural light from the outside suddenly shrouded in a shadow.

Jiang Rongyue's body trembled slightly, and she subconsciously protected Ranxi, raised her head and knocked, and in the blink of an eye, the ancient demon who was still in the hall of the temple just now came to the front of the two women.

The ancient demon had his hands behind his back, and his red eyes were full of surprise. He didn't care about the vigilance of the two of them, he just said with admiration:
"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I thought it was just a human who didn't know where it came from, but I didn't expect it to be an old acquaintance."

Jiang Rongyue frowned slightly, she was at a loss to hear what the ancient demon said.As the ancient demon approached, she could clearly hear the sound of her heartbeat speeding up, fear, panic, trembling, anxiety... a series of negative emotions flooded her heart, and it was already very reluctant to just stand.

Click, click, click.

The ancient demon walked like a stroll in the courtyard, and because of the light behind his back, his already affectionate and low face was even more underworld.

Jiang Rongyue involuntarily took a step back, and while panicking, she almost pinched out a spell, but fortunately she stopped her horse in time.

If this spell is played, it is unclear whether the other party has something wrong, but there is no doubt that his side will be sentenced to death unconditionally.

But if you don't fight back, will you continue to sit still like this?
Perhaps it was caused by being too flustered in her heart, like a revolving lantern, Jiang Rongyue recalled a conversation she once had with Xiaojing.


"Xiaojing, why do you have to chat for a long time every time you fight with others?"

" do I say this?" Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head, lowered his head in thought, and replied, "Actually, chatting is not the purpose, most of the time, I'm just procrastinating.

Standing in front of a Chongxiao realm expert like Jiuxiao, I am a little cultivator in the ocean realm, and it would be obviously false to say that I don’t make a mistake.

Every time I make a lot of opening remarks, on the one hand, it is to observe the weaknesses of the other party, and on the other hand, it is also to divert my attention. "

"Divert your attention?" Jiang Rongyue blinked her eyes slightly puzzled.

"Well... this way, there will be less nervousness." Xu Shoujing looked at his palm, clenched his fist, and continued, "When a person faces an opponent who is much stronger than himself, he is afraid. Sure, it's nothing.

However, even if you have no chance of winning, you can't show the enemy's weakness; even if you want to make the enemy take it lightly, and you don't have the strength to change the battle situation, the result will still not change. "

Xu Shoujing stretched out his hand to cover his chest, and looked into the distance, as if recalling.

"If you show fear from the beginning, the enemy may underestimate the enemy, but you will also fall into the vortex of fear. The first time you are afraid to stand up, there will be a second, third time... I will have the courage to think about it later. It's hard to face."

After listening to Jiang Rongyue thoughtfully, she always felt that Xiaojing was not explaining to her, but... hypnotizing herself?
Xiaojing, is there anything you are afraid of?


Back to the present.

Jiang Rongyue retracted her thoughts, she took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the retreat in her heart, and pretended to say stubbornly:
"Who are you? Where is this place?"

"Who am I?"

Gu Yaowei was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting the other party to ask him such a question, his eyes opened and closed, and he said in surprise:
"You do not know?"

Jiang Rongyue frowned lightly and did not answer, but the meaning was self-evident.

--never heard of that.

The ancient demon's face was full of shock, and the meaning in his eyes was clearly looking at a child who had no internet access in the village... Little did he know that he was the old demon in the mountains who had been disconnected from the internet for tens of thousands of years.

My lord, times have changed.

"It's weird, it's weird, that group of hypocritical guys in the sky didn't publicize the matter of sealing the deity. Is this a change of nature?"

The ancient demon was puzzled, and Yu Guang noticed Jiang Rongyue's forced stern eyes, and he laughed in a low voice:

"The deity is the master of the strange world, Jidan."

"—" Jiang Rongyue frowned even more, she still hadn't heard of it.

Jidan was a little stunned, and couldn't help but say:
"You haven't heard of that?"

Jiang Rongyue nodded.

"..." Jimin.

Which deep mountain and old forest did this human come from?

Looking at Ji Dan's expression of gloomy and uncertain, it eased a bit compared to when he was in the hall of the temple.Jiang Rongyue hesitated and asked:
"You...don't you want to kill us?"

"Well, the deity has changed his mind."

Ji Dan said with a smile, and stopped his eyes on Ranxi:
"You have to thank her a lot. This deity makes an exception to spare your life because my descendants are so close to you. Go out quickly."

Jiang Rongyue's eyes were slightly stunned, although [-]% of what Jidan said, she didn't understand what it meant, and she didn't know where the proper nouns such as 'weiworld' and 'heaven' came from.

However, there was only one sentence she heard really, and she was shocked.

If she heard right, Jidan said that Ranxi was his... descendant?
The doubts in Jiang Rongyue's heart piled up like a mountain, but she also knew that it would be better if she didn't leave at this time, so she took Ranxi's wrist and planned to leave without thinking too much.

Ranxi stood still.

"Ranxi?" Jiang Rongyue turned her head in confusion.

Ranxi didn't answer, she just looked at Jidan in a daze, and after a while, the hesitation in her eyes turned firm, and she asked:
"Who am I?"

Ji Dan smiled and said: "Didn't you just say, you are the descendant of this deity, and you have the blood of my demon clan in your body."

"I'm a demon?" Ranxi said in a trembling voice.

"No, at present, your body is still closer to a human."

Jidan pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said:
"But don't worry, the power of blood cannot be wiped out by time. Although there is only a trace of it, with the improvement of your cultivation, sooner or later, the memory of the demon clan in your blood will be awakened."

"What will happen to me after I wake up?" Ranxi asked again.

Jidan chuckled lightly, looking like a kind elder, and explained aloud:

"Or completely awaken and become a monster; or refuse to awaken and completely become a human."

He didn't say it too clearly, but both Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi understood what Jidan meant.

Either awaken the memory of blood and become a demon clan in the devious world... At the same time, it means losing the current emotions and memories; or, continue to live as a human being and live in peace.

"Can't they coexist?" Jiang Rongyue couldn't help asking.

Ji Dan glanced at Jiang Rongyue blankly and said:
"No, just relying on the weak bloodline of your human race, how can you compare with my demon race? As long as she is still improving her strength, the demon race bloodline will be activated sooner or later.

And on that day, she will lose her emotions as a human race and completely evolve into a demon. "

Speaking of which, Ji Dan narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had sensed something, turned to look at Ranxi, and said in a low voice:

"How to choose is up to you. You are the descendant of this deity. No matter how you choose, I will not kill you. Hurry up and go out with this little human girl.

When the seal of the temple is lifted, the deity will declare war on the heavens and take back everything that should belong to the demon clan.At that time, all the human races who dare to stand in front of the deity... Kill Wushe! "

When the words fell, Ji Dan waved his embroidered robe, turned around and disappeared.

Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi couldn't accept such a huge amount of information for a while, so they thought about things and walked out of the temple.


At the same moment, the other end of the temple.

In front of the gate of the temple, which was piled up with layers of black stones, a handsome black-robed sword immortal was standing there.

He looked around the quaint peripherals of the temple, his expression was a little suspicious, and he asked aside:

"Are you sure Sister Rong Yue is here?"

Zuo Lingxuan, dressed as a Jianghu warlock, was still panting. He glanced at Xu Shoujing and said angrily:
"I said I was going to play it slowly, but you said I couldn't wait... I'm in a hurry to get the result, but you don't believe it. Then what do you want me to do?"

A few quarters ago, when Zuo Lingxuan was almost smashed into flesh by the headless giant, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing happened to pass by Yu Jian and rescued him.

Strange to say, Xu Shoujing initially wanted to ask Zuo Lingxuan to help him deduce the position of Sister Rong Yue, but after searching around, he couldn't find it. Instead, he encountered many rare and exotic beasts.

Xu Shoujing thought that Zuo Lingxuan had been digested in some strange stomach, and was thinking about giving up looking for him and going straight to Sister Rong Yue... but he actually met him.

There was a large circle of epic monsters haunting outside, and it was impossible to say that Xu Shoujing didn't worry about Jiang Rongyue.

But the more worried he was, the less he could ram around like a headless fly, because not only would it not work, but it would be a waste of time.

Xu Shoujing didn't realize it himself, but when he saw Zuo Lingxuan, he was relieved.

And following the result of Zuo Lingxuan's deduction, it is naturally the temple in front of him.

"This is the array eye." Su Huanqing looked around for a week and suddenly said.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, his pupils covered with a bright golden luster.

He looked around the temple, and found the dividing lines of different plates that he had said before in the discussion with Su Huanqing.When their straight lines were near the temple, they were all suddenly broken.

There is no doubt that this is where the entire array is located.

To be able to create a world, it is obviously impossible not to have any preventive measures in place, leaving an empty eye here.

But now Jiang Rongyue's life and death are uncertain, and Xu Shoujing is not in the mood to continue his investigation. He sighed lightly:

"Can't wait any longer, go in quickly."

When the voice fell, he wanted to reach out and push open the heavy stone door.

However, before his hand came into contact with the stone gate, the huge stone gate opened to both sides quite naturally, as if it sensed something.



This is... an automatic door?

Xu Shoujing resisted the urge to complain, greeted the two behind him casually, and walked into the temple with his feet raised.

His feet had just been raised, and they fell down again. He froze in place, as if he was startled, and his face was full of astonishment.

Because, after the stone gate was opened, a crimson vertical pupil suddenly lit up in the darkness! ——
Ask for monthly pass, ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket;
(End of this chapter)

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