Chapter 169
The crimson vertical pupils locked onto Xu Shoujing's body with a bit of chill.

It was a hatred to the core, as if after tens of thousands of years of hard work, he finally saw his mortal enemy when he saw the light of day again.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand where the source of this hatred came from, but the moment he saw it, his senses kept sending out warnings, and there was only one sentence left in his heart—


The crimson vertical pupils narrowed slightly, and a large hand stretched out in the darkness, with a scarlet color circling in its palm, which was about to hit Xu Shoujing's chest.

Xu Shoujing was already trying his best to step back, but all of this happened too suddenly, and everyone needs time to react.

When he transmits the signal of the brain neurons to the body and makes the action, the palm is no more than half an inch away from him.

"not good!"

Xu Shoujing secretly thought that something was wrong, and his brain quickly made a decision in the high-speed rotation.

If you can't dodge it, then resist it.


It seemed that even the surrounding air sank a little, and the ground supporting Xu Shoujing's feet cracked on the spot.

At the same time, the spiritual power like thick ink lingered around him. Xu Shoujing crossed his hands to protect him, and a bright golden color flashed in his eyes. He must ensure that he can withstand this attack head-on.

He thought very clearly that no matter where the source of this scarlet spiritual power came from, as long as it was spiritual power, his ink-colored spiritual power would start to work.

So the more important point is how much impact this palm has on the 'physics'.

In martial arts competitions, it is fundamental not to let yourself lose your balance.

Because once the balance is lost, it means that the control of one's body has dropped to the lowest point, and the opponent will follow the moves. If they can't react, they will only be beaten.

How to keep yourself from losing your balance?

Xu Shoujing just happened to have a physique that was too 'heavy' to be unacceptable—the Nine Tribulations Severe Prison Physique.


Hearing a sound of explosion, Xu Shoujing met the palm with scarlet spiritual power head-on.

The other party is a person from the temple, and the body is unknown, let's not talk about it. Xu Shoujing can't relax his vigilance.

Even so, at the moment of receiving the impact, he still had to lean forward to stabilize his balance.

Xu Shoujing's calf was tense, but his two feet, which were deeply sunk under the floor, were constantly pushed back, and after holding on for a few seconds, they finally reached their limit.

In the darkness, Ji Dan saw that the red in his palm was dissolved by the thick ink-like spiritual power, his three eyes narrowed slightly at the same time, and a strange color flashed in his pupils.

He slightly put away the attack, and the scarlet spiritual power lost its brilliance in an instant; Xu Shoujing also rushed forward because of the sudden gap.

Without any hesitation, Jidan slammed the palm away again.


There was no accident this time. Xu Shoujing spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out, breaking two weathered stone pillars, and finally fell to the ground.

In this short few seconds of confrontation, neither Su Huanqing nor Zuo Lingxuan could react.

Su Huanqing came back to her senses in a daze, and when she saw Xu Shoujing, who was breathing hard, clutching her chest, she hurried over:
"Xu Shoujing!"

Zuo Lingxuan glanced at the fear that he didn't care about at all, only felt a tingling in his scalp, and hurriedly ran towards Xu Shoujing.

"Are you ok?"

Su Huanqing's face took off the dullness of the past. She gently lifted Xu Shoujing and let him lean against her arms, while the other hand took out the medicine pill from Qiongyu Pavilion to feed him.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's expression softening a little, Su Huan sighed in relief, then her eyes narrowed, and she attached the hilt of the sword to her hand, as if she had made up her mind.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing quickly held down the back of her hand, and after the other party cast a suspicious look, Wei Shi shook his head:
"Don't go, you are not his opponent... Maybe no one is his opponent."

Su Huanqing frowned lightly, not doubting the authenticity of Xu Shoujing's words, but said:

"Who is he?"

Xu Shoujing finally calmed down his chaotic breath, and when he heard Su Huanqing's question, he put on a smile that was even uglier than crying:
"how could I know……"

I've lived for 18 years and haven't been out of Yuliangzhou, how could I have an enmity with a three-eyed monster?
Moreover, the previous enemies usually talk a few words before starting a fight. Where can he do it when he comes up like this...

Not about martial arts.

At this time, Zuo Lingxuan hurried to Xu Shoujing's side, and took out a mess of medicinal pills from the Qiongyu ring.

What's 'Resin Pill', 'Nine Ice Snow Lotus', 'Bone-Jiesheng Muscle Ice Jade Cream', 'Tianyuan Ningshun Pill'... everything is more complete than the alchemy room.

Seeing the stunned eyes of the two in front of him, Zuo Lingxuan coughed lightly and explained:
"Young Master Xu, you also know that Yusheng Peak is relatively poor, so in addition to going down the mountain to help people tell fortunes, and Yujian to help female disciples buy rouge, I also sell some daily medicine pills part-time..."


"But don't worry, these are absolutely excellent wound medicines, you can use them with confidence." Zuo Lingxuan waved his hand with a smile, as if 'don't be polite to me'.

"—" Xu Shoujing didn't know how to complain, so he turned his attention to the direction of Shimen in the distance, where a middle-aged man with three eyes stood impressively.

The middle-aged man put his hands behind his back, his eyes were sharp, and he was locked on Xu Shoujing's body, and he didn't leave for more than half a minute.

However, apart from the inexplicable 'hatred' when the door was first opened, it seemed to be a little more...surprised?
Xu Shoujing couldn't understand why the opponent didn't come to make up for the knife, but the strength gap was here, and even if he wanted to run, there was nowhere to run.

More importantly, Sister Rongyue is very likely to be in the temple. The appearance of this three-eyed man undoubtedly made Xu Shoujing's heart a little bit more.

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Shoujing still planned to confront him, so he said:

"Huan Qing, let's go first."

Su Huanqing was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, and his tone was a bit sharp:

"What do you want to do? To commit suicide?"

Zuo Lingxuan is also very puzzled: "Xu Gongzi, he is not chasing now, it is a good time for us to escape..."

Xu Shoujing glanced at the two of them helplessly, and slowly shook his head:

"Sister Rongyue may be in the temple, I can't just leave like this. And..."

After a pause, he recalled the scene just now, and said thoughtfully:

"I always feel that this three-eyed monster is very familiar. I don't say that I have seen him before... The breath on his body is very familiar, it seems to be somewhere..."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Shoujing was stunned, as if in response to his words, a picture like this flashed in his mind——

The forest was drenched by fire, and the lake reflected the white jade plate.

A woman in white gauze hugged a blood-stained baby, knelt down in the raging fire, and seemed to whisper something.

But for a moment, the picture suddenly changed, and the surrounding environment became Aunt Chu's attic.

After a night of intense stimulation, Ranxi was lying on the quilt obediently, and her sleeping profile was as sweet as the little girl next door that can be seen everywhere.

But when she opened her eyes, the purple-blue color in her pupils all revealed the coldest hell.

The only time she opened her mouth, she only said four simple words; but these simple four words had a great impact on Xu Shoujing at that time.

It stands to reason that such a clear memory should never be forgotten.

But for some reason, as if the memory had been dug up, Xu Shoujing completely forgot about it after that night.

No, it should be said that something seemed to be preventing him from remembering.

But today, the words that disappeared out of thin air reappeared in the long river of memory.

"God's Punishment... Remaining Sin..."


Ji Dan put his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Xu Shoujing and the three who were walking slowly without looking sideways.

In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to rush out to make up for the knife, but he can't.

Before unlocking the second seal, Jin Dan couldn't leave the temple for half a step, and even his spells would vanish the moment he left the temple's range.

Therefore, Xu Shoujing didn't actually defend against the attack of the scarlet spiritual power, but was knocked away by pure power.

Even so, Ji Dan was really surprised. Although his current strength is not as good as the half-percentage of his heyday, this does not mean that a casual cultivator of the human race in the ocean can withstand it?
Not only did this kid endure it, but he only vomited a little blood... Should it be said that it is the remnant of God's punishment, it is true that the fate is hard.

Seeing Xu Shoujing gradually approaching the temple, Ji Dan glanced at the golden film in front of the stone gate that only he could see, and said with interest:

"You still dare to come back?"

Xu Shoujing looked up at Jidan, and silently stepped back three meters to maintain a safe distance.

"..." Jimin.

What's the point of this?
Xu Shoujing broke free from Su Huanqing's hand and signaled that she didn't need to support him. He turned to look at Jidan, and Wei Shi was silent:
"I have nothing against you."

As if he heard something funny, Ji Dan sneered. After laughing, his eyes narrowed, and he said sharply:
"But your ancestors did, and this deity can't wait for you to disappear from the Three Realms! If you don't enter reincarnation, you will never be born!"


Why is it an ancestor again... Didn't her old man just kill a dragon and save a dynasty?How come she met a circle of big bosses who are deadly enemies with her?
Moreover, the three realms he said should refer to the heavenly realm, the spiritual realm, and the ghost realm?
This is still an ancient boss...

Xu Shoujing suppressed his desire to complain, and did not rush to ask about Sister Rong Yue's information.

According to how much this guy hated his ancestors, if he casually disclosed about Jiang Rongyue, he would probably kill Sister Rongyue directly out of revenge.

Of course, the premise is that Sister Rong Yue is really in the God Realm.

Xu Shoujing's face did not fluctuate, but he was thinking about what to say in his heart. As long as the news of Sister Rong Yue came out, he would definitely turn his head and run, and would never stop.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said calmly:

"Since you hate my... ancestors so much, then the reason why you don't kill me now is not to let me go just because I look handsome... You can't actually come out, right?"

Ji Dan's eyelids jumped, and Xu Shoujing stabbed him in the weak spot.

Even if he wanted to kill Xu Shoujing a thousand times, it was not enough, but he had to be able to go out.

It goes without saying how difficult the second seal of the temple is, even if Ji Dan's strength is gradually recovering, it will take no less than a single retreat in the Xuan Yejing to completely break it.

Don't look at Ji Dan's arrogant shouting "declare war to the heavens" before, in fact, he also knows in his heart that it is estimated that the real declaration of war will be thousands of years later.

Before that, as long as no one reported that the first seal of the temple was broken, he could use Huangfu Yan to obtain information from the outside world while slowly breaking the second seal of the temple.

This is also the reason why he wanted to kill Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi in the first place, because he was afraid that the second daughter would tell the story here.

Ji Dan couldn't figure out Xu Shoujing's intention, so he pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice:
"What do you want to say?"

"I want to make a deal with you." Xu Shoujing let out a sigh of relief, and while putting down the hand covering his chest, he caressed Qiongyu around his waist, and the ink-colored spiritual particles condensed into a pitch-black heavy spear.

The moment he saw the gun, Ji Dan's three eyes narrowed at the same time, and he never thought that this thing could appear in Xu Shoujing's hands.

Xu Shoujing saw Ji Dan's reaction in his eyes, thinking that he really knew this gun, and after a while, he said:

"God cleanses the sky, since you know it, you should also know its effect."

Ji Dan couldn't recover for a long time. Hearing this, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, and he said solemnly:
"If you want to forget it, you can't forget it. Tell me, the content of your transaction."

Seeing that Jidan took the bait, Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief. In the face of such an ancient boss, he really didn't have any bait except this gun in his hand.

What kind of nine robbery and heavy prison body, painted boat smoke and so on, it is estimated that people will not even look at it.

"I'm looking for two people..." Xu Shoujing kept a safe distance vigilantly, carefully described Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi's appearance, hesitated a little, and stated his purpose: "You return them to I, I will help you break the seal."

"Master Xu!"

"Xu Shoujing!"

Su Huanqing and Zuo Lingxuan reminded at the same time, both felt that Xu Shoujing was playing too much.

Not to mention whether Jiang Rongyue is in the temple or not is unknown. If this kind of terrifying guy is released for the sake of some illusory information... it might be a catastrophe for the entire Jiuzhou.

Xu Shoujing raised his hand to signal, indicating that he was measured, but he was actually a little speechless in his heart.

I'm not stupid... just talk, who would really let it go?

"Who are they from you?" Ji Dan asked in a deep voice.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, but still told the truth:

"One of them is my Taoist companion and the other is a friend."

Ji Dan nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words, and then said sternly:

"If I had known it had something to do with you, the deity should not have let them out alive."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He realized the meaning of Ji Dan's words, and he was overjoyed, but he still said with a sullen face:
"How should I trust you?"

As if he had been humiliated by the sky, Jin Dan waved his hand:
"Oh, unlike your despicable human beings, the deity has always said that he is one-of-a-kind, so what if he swears to the heart of the Tao?"

Xu Shoujing was sure that he was not cheating on himself, so he breathed a sigh of relief and stuffed Shenjing Putian back into Qiongyu's belt.

While turning around, he also waved his hand towards Jidan:

"Thank you very much, then you swear slowly first, I won't disturb you, and go first."

Before the words were finished, Xu Shoujing pulled Su Huanqing away as if to escape, and Zuo Lingxuan hurriedly followed.

Seeing this scene, Ji Dan seemed to have expected it to be like this for a long time, not surprised at all, and even said to himself like a mockery:
"Sure enough, even after tens of thousands of years, the human race is still so despicable."

Having said that, Jidan snapped his fingers and said coldly:

"Go and bring me his belt."

After a while, a mechanical voice sounded in the shadows:


Xu Shoujing and the others hadn't had time to leave the range of the temple. With a 'whoosh', a blood-stained red light appeared in front of the three of them.

Although Xu Shoujing had already reacted very quickly, he wanted to dodge the moment he heard the movement, but unfortunately it was too late.

The red light was so strange that it was almost swept by a gust of wind, and there was nothing left.

Xu Shoujing only felt a lightness on his waist, as if something was missing.

Looking up again, there is a white-clothed boy with red eyes standing not far away, and in his hand is like holding the jade belt given to him by Aunt Chu on his 11th birthday.
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PS: I watched a movie all day today and wanted to change my mind. I didn’t start broadcasting or play games. At night, I found that my state had recovered a little, and this was even reflected directly in the text... I wonder if you have any figure it out.

Tomorrow on the [-]st, I will take a day off, and then take it slow and sort out the outline.

Thank you for supporting the readers so far. After the full attendance is completed, I will officially start using love to generate electricity next month. I hope you and I can persevere to the end.

I'm Yuluo, maybe the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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