Chapter 170

This is Xu Shoujing's most real psychological activity at present.

But to this day, Xu Shoujing has been practicing for a period of time, and his body has already responded accordingly.

In the sight of Su Huanqing and Zuo Lingxuan, Xu Shoujing's figure disappeared abruptly, leaving only a scene of turbulent air.

call out--

The sword roared like an eagle, and the clouds of smoke and purple thunder intertwined into a long rainbow.

Xu Shoujing held the sword with one hand, turned the sword with his wrist, and caught up with Huangfu Yan's back in the blink of an eye.

Huangfu Yan was as silent as a puppet whose mind had been robbed. Facing Xu Shoujing's slash, his five fingers were separated into claws, and he slashed his hand almost at the moment of turning around.


The space seemed to be opened by sharp claws, and three bloodstains appeared out of thin air.

The bloodstain did not stay in place, but flew forward like a sword gang, with a speed no less than that of Xu Shoujing's Changhong.


Two completely different spiritual powers collided, causing a loud explosion in mid-air.

With the sword and the claw as the boundary, the wind pressure spreads in opposite directions, the gravel in the temple ruins rolls, and the clouds in the sky are also blown away by the air flow.

The two went up and down and froze in the air.

For the first time, Huangfu Yan Wushen's eyes showed human emotions... It was a curiosity, as if he didn't understand why he had completely accepted the demon soul, why even a mere sea level could tie him.

Could it be that the power that he gave up everything to pursue was only something of this magnitude?

At this moment, Huangfu Yan felt a little hesitant in his heart.

It was this brief hesitation that the stalemate had already been decided.

Xu Shoujing did not miss the opportunity, and keenly seized the moment when Huangfu Yan's offensive was slightly weaker.

The purple thunder that had been playing non-stop 'crackling' dissipated, and the ink-colored spiritual power re-surrounded the blade of Huafang Yanqian.

The scarlet meaning in Huangfuyan's pupils was not reduced by half, but after the appearance of the thick ink spiritual power, the scarlet spiritual power on his body was not as good as before.

Those scarlet spiritual powers had just come into contact with Xu Shoujing's ink-colored spiritual power. They were like a scene of clouds in the sky being penetrated by flying eagles. They spread out into a circle, leaving a big hole in the center.


Xu Shoujing let out a sigh of relief, and instead held the sword in both hands, the pale snow-white blade of Huafangyan was dragging on his shoulders, and the blade rotated with his body.

As if he had never touched anything, he neatly waved it from Huangfu Yan's waist.


The silver light is like a line, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and a horizontal plane seems to be cut out in the air!
Xu Shoujing and Huangfu Yan crossed each other. Because of the inertia of the slashing, he turned with the sword body twice in a row before he could stop.

Behind him, Huangfu Yan stood in the same place and did not move. After a while, he took a few steps in a slow pace, looking like he was drunk, but his upper body seemed to be moving with his lower body. What do you think? Not coordinated.

Da da da……

Bright red blood dripped down Huangfu Yan's clothes, and the robe around his waist opened with a flat slit, revealing the tender white flesh inside.


In the distance, Zuo Lingxuan was still shocked that Xu Shoujing could still have such strength after being seriously injured. After seeing that Huangfu Yan's clothes were just torn apart, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This is... bursting?

But what's the use of this?

Xu Shoujing burst out a potential sword in a hurry, naturally it is impossible to just give him a dress to finish the job.

Zuo Lingxuan's doubts were quickly answered.

I saw that a dense red line suddenly appeared from the part of Huangfu Yan's robe, and after a closer look, it was found that some small blood beads were continuously flowing out.

But for a moment, those tiny blood beads turned into fountains of blood in an instant.

Puff puff--

The blood rained all over the ground, and the floor of the temple ruins was dyed bright red. Huangfu Yan slid half of his body diagonally, fell into the pool of blood and lost his sound, leaving the half of his body standing upright.


Zuo Lingxuan took a deep breath, only to feel that Xu Shoujing had not been seen for a while... Why is this guy getting more and more perverted?

Although the swords used by masters will not give people the time to react, their swords are often unsheathed before the other party reacts, and what they pursue is the word 'quick'.

But... Xu Shoujing is no longer a matter of happiness, he can't even see a shadow...

Su Huanqing didn't have much reaction to this, after all, the more exaggerated Changhe Su Clan had already seen it.

What is one sword second to Longmen realm?He even passed Nirvana with a single sword.

I really don't know what realm means to him, holding a sword in his hand, all kinds of immortals in seconds.

In fact, unlike the scenery on the surface, Xu Shoujing is far from being as relaxed as he seems, both mentally and physically.

Needless to say about the body, although the other party also has many restrictions, it is a miracle that he may survive after receiving the palm of Ji Dan.

As for wanting to jump around as usual... Xu Shoujing thought he couldn't do it.

That sword just now, completely Xu Shoujing was a sword that exploded with potential.He knew that no matter what, he couldn't let God's Punishment Heaven fall into Ji Dan's hands, and he didn't care about his injury at all. In fact, he didn't have any room to keep his hands.

Now that he wins, he wins, but the little remaining spiritual power in his body has also been completely drained, and the injury that was barely suppressed just now surged up in one breath.

"Cough cough..."

Xu Shoujing spit out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and his body rushed forward. Fortunately, he quickly supported himself with a painting boat, so that he would not fall to the ground.

"Xu Shoujing!" Su Huanqing quickly ran to Xu Shoujing's side to support him.

Xu Shoujing did not refuse, leaned his weight on Su Huanqing, and said in a slightly hoarse voice:

"Where's my belt..."

Before Su Huanqing could answer, Zuo Lingxuan had already walked over to Huangfu Yan, who had been divided into two, and bent down to pick up the beautifully crafted Qiongyu belt.

"I'll bring it here for you." Zuo Lingxuan said with a smile, waving his belt a few times at Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief and was about to say something, but after seeing Zuo Lingxuan walking towards him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted almost subconsciously:

"Quickly open!"

Unfortunately, when Zuo Lingxuan understood Xu Shoujing's reminder, it was too late.


The sharp claws penetrated his chest from the rear, blood splashed everywhere, dyeing Zuo Lingxuan's simple Taoist uniform red.

Zuo Lingxuan still maintained a laughing expression, opened his mouth, but a mouthful of blood protruded, his body was paralyzed forward, and his limbs hung down weakly.

"Zuo Ling...cough..."

Xu Shoujing was excited for a while, and another mouthful of blood overflowed between his teeth, but just because he was seriously injured and his spiritual power was exhausted at the moment, there was no way for him to burst out of the speed just now.

He clearly and accurately cut off Huangfu Yan's nerves. Unless the cultivation base has already stepped into the realm of transcendence and sanctification, it is impossible for the physical body to survive.

why exactly...

All the answers seemed to be answered when Xu Shoujing saw the pair of scarlet pupils.

"Demonization..." Xu Shoujing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and said through gritted teeth.

The confrontation just now was too short, and Xu Shoujing could only see the red spiritual power spinning around, but he didn't even notice that Huangfuyan's eyes had turned red.

I was still wondering if he was being controlled by some spell... Now I don't need to guess.

As for where the demonization came from, Xu Shoujing knows better than anyone else. Hundreds of thousands of demonization people died in Dali, aren't all of them the hands of the ultimate teaching?

Huangfuyan has also become demonized now, so is this inexplicable place also part of the final plan?

What the hell is she going to do?
Release the monsters in the temple, so that after thousands of years, he will once again trigger the war between the human and demon clan?
Xu Shoujing's brain was spinning at a high speed. He thought about all the possibilities, but there was no way to prevent this from happening.


Several bloodshots were secreted from the connection between Huangfuyan's two bodies, and they were glued to each other, and finally grew together again.

He threw Zuo Lingxuan on the ground like a piece of rags, and did not continue to chase after Xu Shoujing, but meticulously carried out Ji Dan's order—bring the belt back.

Seeing that Huangfu Yan wanted to leave, Su Huanqing, who was carrying Xu Shoujing's arm, froze, and the surrounding cold air surged.

Xu Shoujing saw all this, and naturally understood Su Huanqing's plan.

But how could he watch Su Huanqing go to die?
Xu Shoujing quickly held her hand and shook his head with difficulty:

"do not go."

Wrapped in Xu Shoujing's big hand, the warmth made Su Huanqing struggle instinctively, she said unwillingly:


Xu Shoujing still shook his head: "Nothing, let him go."

Su Huanqing knew very well that what Xu Shoujing said was right. Even his sword could not kill the completely demonized Huangfu Yan. Even if she used all her strength, it would be a drop in the bucket.

The truth is this, but to let Su Huanqing watch Huangfu Yan leave like this, she thinks she can't do it.


Su Huanqing murmured softly, put Xu Shoujing on the ground, held the hilt of the sword in his plain hand, and opened his mouth lightly to recite the magic formula.

Surrounded by ice fog, spiritual power surged.

The next moment, Xueluo Wenyue, who was carrying ice spells, resolutely unsheathed.

Whoosh whoosh—

The blue magic circle condensed several icy prisms. After a short pause, they rushed towards Huangfu Yan, who was about to leave, with an unstoppable stance. Su Huanqing followed him with a sword.

Huangfu Yan's limbs were regenerated, and he was holding the belt that he had already obtained, just like a wastelander who was busy with the task.

He didn't even look at Su Huanqing, turned back and ran towards the temple, and disappeared among the ruins in a blink of an eye.


Su Huanqing stepped forward with the belief that she was going to die, but she threw herself in the air. A few ice-clean prisms smashed to the ground and shattered. She also stood there a little bit at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shoujing couldn't help laughing even though he knew it was out of time.

The atmosphere was brewing.

Su Huanqing slowly put Xueluo Wenyue into the scabbard, and after thinking for a while, she walked quickly to Xu Shoujing's side, lifted his arm, and set off towards the forest boundary.

"Hey... Slow down... How can you be clear?" Xu Shoujing was a little stunned.

Su Huanqing didn't answer, no matter what Xu Shoujing said, it was considered that he didn't hear it, and he just walked without saying a word.

She knew that Xu Shoujing was very talkative, and she was afraid that Xu Shoujing would find a way to convince herself.

It can only be said that Su Huanqing really saw Xu Shoujing through in this regard, and he really thought so.

It is unclear whether Zuo Lingxuan is dead or alive, and Xu Shoujing is physically weak. Now, among the three, only Su Huanqing has the right to speak.

And with her stance of walking without speaking, Xu Shoujing had no choice if she wanted to 'interfere with the spirit of words'.

Before they knew it, the two had left the temple and entered the forest boundary.

Seeing that Su Huanqing's pace slowed down, Xu Shoujing sighed and said helplessly:

"It's fine for me to follow, but you can tell me where to go."

Su Huanqing was silent for a while, and looked ahead without looking sideways. After a long while, she spit out two words coldly:


"Escape? Where can you escape?"

Xu Shoujing sent out a soul torture. He tilted his head to look at Su Huanqing, whose expression remained unchanged, and said seriously:

"You should understand that if the guy is really released, no one can run away."

Su Huanqing paused for a while, then turned around, just staring at Xu Shoujing without speaking.

Xu Shoujing chuckled softly, but his eyes revealed obvious bitterness, and slowly shook his head:

"It's impossible to be unaware of such a big thing happening in the big formation. Even if people from other sects don't care, Aunt Chu will definitely find a way to come in and rescue us.

But so far there has been no movement, which can only mean that so many top cultivators in East Imperial City have no way to take this big formation.

And the reason... is undoubtedly because of the awakening of the three-eyed monster in the temple. "

Su Huanqing pursed her thin lips, her face still cold and indifferent, but her breathing was a little heavier:

"What do you want to say?"

Xu Shoujing pondered: "As long as the Three-Eyed Monster has not left the great formation for a moment, there will be variables for him.

Therefore, there is a high probability that he will not waste time dealing with the remaining cultivators, you are among those cultivators, as long as you break it in a big array..."

"What about you?" Su Huanqing tried his best to keep calm, but his voice was still a little trembling.

Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly, looking very casual:

"I'll stay here. His target is me. If I don't let him kill and understand the hatred, how can other monks survive?"

That being said, but if there is no way out, who would want to die?

Xu Shoujing felt bitter in his heart, but he still pretended not to care.

Su Huanqing saw all this in her eyes, and she only made one reaction.


Su Huanqing threw the sword and sat on the ground with her knees tucked. There was neither sadness nor joy on her face, and she couldn't tell what she was thinking.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Is this... rotten?

"...Huanqing?" Xu Shoujing was puzzled.

Su Huanqing glanced at him, but didn't pay any attention. She just stretched out her hand and stroked the hem of her skirt, and started to meditate on her own.


Xu Shoujing sighed, moved to the front of Su Huanqing, and said very seriously:
"Su Huanqing, don't be arrogant, life is more important than anything..."

Su Huanqing didn't even bother to open his eyes, and said in a cold tone:

"You haven't fulfilled your promise to save my master, and I won't leave you half a step before that."


A row of question marks appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, why are you still thinking about that shit?
It's endless, isn't it, you have to force him to be the filial disciple of the jockey's ancestor?
Excited to find yourself a dad?

Although he was constantly complaining in his heart, Xu Shoujing knew that this was an excuse that Su Huanqing made to not leave.


Just when Xu Shoujing was about to persuade him with all his heart, there was a sudden sound in the sky...

boom -

The whole sky seemed to be broken like a mirror, opening a void, and at the same time, a red light shot straight into the sky at the location of the temple.

Xu Shoujing's eyes sank, seeing this scene, everyone knows what happened.

The worst still happened.


A pitch-black heavy gun slid out of the sky and stuck straight in front of Xu Shoujing.

A three-eyed man appeared with him. He threw the broken belt in his hand, and his expression was a little playful:

"God punishes the remaining sinners, tell me, how can this deity play with you in order to relieve the hatred in your heart?"


Xu Shoujing "gulu" swallowed, facing the coercion of the real powerhouse, he couldn't even say a few witty words to divert his attention as usual.

Seeing Xu Shoujing being silent, Ji Dan glanced at him indifferently, and then waved his hand:
"Forget it, I'll give you a whole corpse."


The scarlet aura turned into a spear, breaking through the layers of wind and waves and running towards Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing was anxious, and subconsciously wanted to push Su Huanqing away, but the speed of the scarlet spear completely surpassed his imagination. He didn't even see the forward movement, and the scarlet brilliance had already appeared in front of him.

"This is really over..." Xu Shoujing changed his push to block. Although he knew it was useless, he still instinctively protected Su Huanqing, and closed his eyes.

18 years... It shouldn't be considered a speed pass, I hope I didn't embarrass the senior traversers...

The red light broke through the space, and the tearing roar was about to crush Xu Shoujing into pieces.

At this critical moment, the surrounding space suddenly froze.

As if time had stood still, the scarlet spear and its brilliance stayed in the air.

Xu Shoujing opened his eyes in surprise, only to find that everything in his eyes turned gray.

In front of the line of sight, I don't know when there is a woman in a black dress.

The woman in the black dress is very tall, and she can clearly feel her graceful figure just by looking at the back.

Xu Shoujing couldn't see it from behind, only the profile of the chin of the woman in the black dress could be seen.

It was not until the woman glanced back at him in order to check his condition that Xu Shoujing could barely see her face clearly.


Xu Shoujing couldn't think of a word that was more suitable to describe the woman in front of him than 'demon charm'.

The demon, it is the demon in her eyes.He obviously has a 25-year-old face, but those deep eyes seem to cover the entire starry sky. Everyone who has seen these eyes can't help being fascinated by them and curious about the things they witness. Epic and legendary.

Charm is the charm in her facial features.Different from the eyes that seemed to contain great wisdom, the facial features of the woman in the black dress were like works of art from heaven.

It was obvious that she didn't mean anything else, but as long as she pursed her red lips a little, frowned slightly, or made a random expression, she could arouse the evil fire of the opposite sex from the bottom of her heart.

Of course, without exception, anyone who dares to look at her with that kind of eyes has long since been wiped out of their souls, and they are not even eligible to buy tickets for the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

This was just a brief glimpse, but Xu Shoujing even forgot to breathe.

At the same time, he realized that, for whatever reason, he was saved.

And the one who saved her was the woman in black dress of unknown origin in front of her...

After the woman in the black dress made sure that Xu Shoujing was all right, she turned around very casually.

"Who are you?" Ji Dan said gloomily.

The woman in the black dress didn't answer right away, she looked at the blood-red spear hovering in front of her, and turned it away.

Her eyes were indifferent, as if she didn't care about everything in the world, and she simply replied to Jidan's question:
"He can't die yet."
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(End of this chapter)

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