The queen is so fierce

Chapter 171 The Last Leader and the Lord of the Strange Realm

Chapter 171 The Last Leader and the Lord of the Strange Realm

"He can't die yet."

The woman's expression was very indifferent, but the slightly raised red lips always revealed a sense of debauchery in the game world.

Ji Dan frowned, and his eyes were secretly sullen.

As the master of the strange realm, even in the year he was sealed, he was never so disrespected.

He can't die yet?
If the deity lets him die, he will never live until tomorrow.

Ji Dan stopped talking nonsense, squeezed out a cloud of scarlet air with one hand, and waved his hand, as if a beam of light was thrown into the sky.

This is just a group of spells that don't seem to be of high rank, but it caused a huge shock in the surrounding air.


The scarlet aura was like the condensation of thousands of spears, turning the entire blue sky into a crimson night.

The stars move, the sun and the moon alternate.

In an instant, the world in the great formation changed.

Crimson lightning shuttled between the clouds, the earth cracked, the Hong River flowed backwards, and countless mountain peaks split into boulders, suspended in mid-air as if they had lost their gravity.

Ji Dan lifted his feet off the ground and was surrounded by red thunder. The vastness of his hands was just normal for him, and it was not a big scene.

But Xu Shoujing, who was lying behind the woman in the black dress, looked dumbfounded.

This is a real way to change the world, and the real powerful confrontation in the novel should have such special effects and scale.

Compared to this, Xu Shoujing's biggest battle at present, the battle with Jiuxiao, was so weak that it was like a loach rolling over in a quagmire, just that little movement... shot.

It turns out that this is the fight between the bosses...

Jidan stepped on nothingness, stood in the sky, looked down at the woman in black dress condescendingly, and said coldly:

"Little girl, it's useless to talk too much. Since you dare to stand in front of the deity, you must have some real skills. Let's show it."

The woman in the black dress turned her eyes, and then lightly kicked Xu Shoujing a few times with her feet, then tilted her head and said:

Hmm...the legs are so good...

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, and tried to struggle a few times with his hands on the ground, but no matter how hard he tried, he always felt that his limbs were limp, and it didn't take long before they collapsed again.

This can't really blame him, he was already in a state of serious injury and in need of medical treatment, and because his belt was snatched away, he burst out with potential beyond the limits of his body.

The symptoms of dehydration like now are completely the result of the pain nerves restarting after the adrenaline goes down.

Xu Shoujing's expression was a little embarrassed. Originally, he was lying on his stomach and stayed behind others. Now he is shocked twice...

Seems closer?
Xu Shoujing didn't dare to look up, for fear of seeing something that shouldn't be seen, this eldest sister can't afford to offend Jidan anyway.

After the woman in the black dress spoke, Su Huanqing quickly came to Xu Shoujing's side, put him on his shoulders, and walked towards the distance step by step.

When the backs of the two disappeared into the forest, the woman in the black dress turned around again.

Jidan didn't care if Xu Shoujing escaped at all. Anyway, as long as he didn't untie the restrictions of the big formation, no one could leave this space. When to take care of him is not up to him?
Withdrew his thoughts, Ji Dan narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down at the woman in the black dress, intending to concentrate on dealing with this unknown person who came out halfway.

"Little girl, dare to snatch someone from this deity... Don't you plan to sign up?"

The woman in the black dress glanced at Jidan, but did not answer his question immediately, but lightly raised her right foot and stepped on the ground slightly.


The earth, which was already on the verge of collapse, trembled again. A hundred miles away, whether it was the gravel floating in the air or the shaky tree, all solidified under the earth-shattering tremor, as if time had stopped. Dyed grey.

If ordinary monks saw this scene, they would probably sigh "there is such a retrospective technique in the world", and then wonder how the concept of 'time' is integrated into the spell.

But in fact, what women in black dresses do has nothing to do with time.

To be precise, it is space.

If you look closely, you will find that the 'solidified' gravel and weeds appear from time to time as if the TV screen is stuck, each time it is accompanied by a "squeak" sound, rendering the entire gray and white world. Divided into color, but will soon be repressed into a colorless realm.

The answer is actually very simple, because the woman in the black dress 'actively separates' the space where she is from the world in the great formation.

The methods used are the same as Jidan's changing the world. Only after stepping into the realm of Xuanyang can they have the opportunity to have a first glimpse of the 'field'.

For the first time in the realm of epiphany, all that can be done is to change a part of the world, such as wind and snow, and thunderclouds.

But with the deepening of enlightenment, the field is constantly expanding, and at the same time, it is also converted to the way closest to one's own pursuit.

The well-known fields in the history of Jiuzhou, such as 'Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison Lead', 'Shining Prison Shadow Killing Array', 'Compassionate Soul Falling', etc... are still talked about by storytellers in various taverns to this day.

The confrontation between the great powers, once entered the opponent's domain, has undoubtedly been sentenced to death.

Even if it is the same realm, whether there is a field blessing or not will determine the direction of winning and losing in a large aspect.

In other words, if there are two powerful cultivators with the same realm and the same domain...whose domain is stronger will determine who will be the winner.


At the moment when the woman in the black dress called out the domain, the other half of the chaotic crimson world was engulfed by the monotonous gray and white color.

On one side of the red night sky, except for Jidan, the flowers and trees are chaotic; on the other side, it is just the opposite. Except for the woman in the black dress walking slowly, everything including the river is absolutely still. .

Two domains so dissimilar collided with each other, and the impact quickly tore apart a huge crack in the sky.

The moment the crack opened, the air in the large formation flowed backwards, and the leaves flew, as if it had been suppressed for a long time, and rushed towards the crack in one breath.

Through the crack that ripped through the sky, you can clearly see the beauty of the opening of the Tianmen Gate of Donghuang Mountain.

Jidan's face became ugly, and the moment he saw the crack, he suddenly understood the plan of the woman in the black dress.

As far as strength is concerned, both of them are in the realm of Xuan Ye, and they both have good fields. It is obviously unrealistic to decide the winner in a short period of time.

Although Jidan has already untied the seal, what he is afraid of is not the seal itself, but the creation of the small part of the human being that has been sealed, which is why he didn't want to spread the news of his escape at first.

But now he just showed his wrist a little, and tore a hole in the big array.

If we continue to fight against the woman in the black dress like this, it will only be a matter of time before the entire formation collapses.

No, it can't be considered so optimistic anymore.

Now that the big formation has split, the situation has long been beyond Ji Dan's control.

If he thinks a little more rationally, he should run away now, and wait until he returns to the demon clan to regain his full strength. Only then can he fight against those self-proclaimed noble guys in Tiangong.

Thinking of this, Ji Dan took a deep breath, grabbed his big hand in the air, and retracted his domain.

In an instant, the red night retreated, the hurricane stopped, the boulders suspended in mid-air also fell again, and the world returned to the appearance of a clear sky.

"Little girl, it's a good plan." Ji Dan said with a gloomy face. "You haven't answered the deity, who are you?"

The woman in the black dress also tapped her toes to retract the field, and replied lightly:
"East Emperor Li."

Ji Dan frowned when he heard the words, thought about it carefully, and felt a little familiar for some reason.

"Donghuang...Donghuang? It turns out that you are what she said..."

Ji Dan recited a few words in silence, combined with Dong Huangli's actions to rescue Xu Shoujing, he seemed to have thought of something, and shook his head quite interestingly:
"Forget it, this time it's the deity who lost, the kid's life will be put on yours first, and there will be a Japanese deity who will come back to take his life. "

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Dan disappeared without a trace.

Watching the former Lord of Strange Realm leave, Donghuang Li Yaomei's face showed no emotion, as if he didn't care.

I don't know how long it took, and a white fire suddenly ignited around Dong Huangli. She didn't need to look to know who was coming, and said casually:

"How's the demon clan going?"

A gray-robed man walked out of the rootless white fire. He knelt down on one knee, looked at the lawn, and said respectfully:

"It's all done, the monsters in East Desolate Continent are already hostile to the human race, and Hengyang Continent is only short of a fire to ignite. I believe the appearance of Jidan will definitely bring them a new direction. The war is only a matter of time."

"That's good."

Donghuangli watched people go to the empty temple, not knowing what he was thinking of, he said to himself:
"You can't find Tiangong, but the war you want is still there."

The grey-robed man observed Dong Huangli's expression, hesitated for a moment, and asked aloud:
"Master, there is something I don't understand."

"Speak." Dong Huangli said without turning his head.

The gray-robed man thought it over carefully, and asked doubtfully, "Sect Leader, did you expect it to develop like this, so you let your subordinates arrange the branching of Hengyang and Donghuang Continents?"

"It's not really." Dong Huangli glanced at him and said in a low voice: "This deity just thinks that the greedy people of the Tianyuan Sect will definitely not be limited to having only a part of the power of demonization.

Greed is the nature of human beings, as long as we sit back and watch, they will find a way to reach in here sooner or later. "

Speaking of which, Dong Huangli turned to look at the gray-robed man, his cold eyes as if examining his heart. After a long while, he slowly said:

"Even if they don't dare to shoot at Jidan, inciting the demon clan is not a bad thing for us."

Dong Huangli walked slowly to the side where Shen Jing Pu Tian was inserted obliquely. He slightly raised his hand and put it in his pocket. After a brief pause, he said:
"The only thing that surprises the deity... Xu Shoujing is so naive, and he has not been motivated at all. According to his current progress, even if he comes for another thousand years, he may not be able to cultivate to the Xuanye realm."

The gray-robed man was speechless, and actually excused Xu Shoujing:

"Master, Xu Shoujing is just a child after all, aren't we pinning our hopes on him too much?"

To say it is an excuse, in fact, it also means that the gray-robed man took the opportunity to seek explanation.

Since the end of the teaching has developed, no one must know why everyone is following you.

But now to put everything on Xu Shoujing, a fledgling teenager... Wouldn't it be too hasty?

Can't we look at the problem from the perspective of development?

For example... let him have a few more children and continue the bloodline, so that there are more choices for the Holy Religion?
"Are you questioning the deity's decision?" Donghuang said with a smile, but his eyes did not smile at all, even cold.

"My subordinates don't dare." The gray-robed man hurriedly bowed his head, and the cold sweat broke down.

Dong Huangli retracted his gaze, pondered for a while, and said:
"The things you considered, the deity considered it when he was born."

"Ah?" The gray-robed man was shocked, wouldn't this be a bit too...

Dong Huangli shook his head: "Heavenly Punishment comes from the same source as Heavenly Dao. Just like there can only be one Zhao Fuyao in the world, Jiuzhou will never allow a second Xu Shoujing. Do you understand what the deity means?"

The gray-robed man was not a normal person after all, after thinking about it secretly, he immediately understood the reason, and suddenly realized:

"No wonder Xu Wanyi desperately wanted to send Xu Shoujing away that night. The subordinates estimated that the power of divine punishment on her body was almost gone when she gave birth to Xu Shoujing. So you did not continue to track down Xu Wanyi's whereabouts. , because she doesn't matter anymore..."

Dong Huangli didn't answer, but it seemed that he acquiesced.


At this moment, the ground, which had been stable for a while, swayed again.

The torn hole in the sky began to expand infinitely, and the street scene in the East Imperial City turned into a phantom and began to combine with the great formation.

The gray-robed man was in a trance and muttered to himself:
"This is……"

Donghuangli's face sank: "Jidan left behind. Before he left, he untied the entire formation. This is to combine with Donghuang Mountain."

Although Donghuang Mountain is a sacred place for monks in Tiannan Continent, Donghuang City does not know that only monks, including commoners and some businessmen, will stay here.

Especially in the four-yearly sect competition, the flow of people is much higher than usual.

The temple space is full of alien beasts born from the blood of Jidan, their strength is infinitely close to the demon emperor, and all of them have been cultivated with Jidan from ancient times, and their strength can be imagined.

If this temple space is combined with the Eastern Imperial City, it will be an unprecedented massacre in Tiannan Continent.

But obviously, these are the things that the sects who advertise themselves as 'righteous leaders' should consider, and they are optimistic about it.

Dong Huangli simply didn't like being stabbed in the opposite direction.

"Sect Master, what should we do?" The gray-robed man hesitated and asked aloud.

Others don't need to care, Xu Shoujing and his party are still in Donghuang City, if they don't protect them, if they are eaten by monsters who don't know where, the holy religion's plan will be ruined.

The meaning of the question from the gray-robed man is also very obvious. If you don't need to take action and take care of these monsters, if they come, they should treat Xu Shoujing as a bonus.

As usual, Dong Huangli might have agreed, but this time she thought for a while, then shook her head and said:

"Just let them be. It's time to give Xu Shoujing a sense of urgency. If you don't experience life and death, how can you talk about growth?"

"Yes." The gray-robed man stepped back respectfully, but he was thinking: Maybe Xu Shoujing almost died just now, doesn't this count as a life and death experience?

The priest is really a strict person.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: The last sentence is a joke. If it looks uncomfortable, I will delete it.

(End of this chapter)

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