Chapter 172
Regarding the earth-shattering battle that took place in the temple not long ago, not to mention the elders and elites of various sects in the outside world, even the large formation was busy avoiding various monsters attacking the young monks, and they did not notice it at all.

As early as after everyone discovered that the 'Illusory Gallery Secret Realm' had an accident, various sects immediately wanted to ask Tuxiange for an explanation.

But the 'Lord of Strange Realm' or something... Not to mention the Tuxian Pavilion, it is absolutely unheard of in the vast majority of sects in the entire Jiuzhou.

No way, the times are too long, there is a 'generation gap'.

The pressure of the major sects was suffocating, and Tuxian Pavilion was helpless. Apart from trying to find a way to investigate that the participating monks were put into the unknown subspace, there was no way to take substantial measures.

Chu Shuwan asked the waitress to take her to the entrance of the Secret Realm of the Magic Gallery as soon as the accident happened.

It's a pity that the secret realm of the illusion corridor used by the Zongmen Dabi is obviously not the same place as the picture shown by the Xingyun Hall, and even if you go there, you will not gain anything.

In the past, Chu Shuwan would feel overwhelmed and clueless because she was worried about Jing'er, but her senior sister Qiu Xuanji was often able to find the best solution.

Unlike Chu Shuwan, the master of the fish-hunting clan, Qiu Xuanji will fulfill her due responsibilities even if she doesn't like it. The good weather of Dali's governance during her reign is a good proof.

But now, Qiu Xuanji went to retreat before the start of the Zongmen Grand Competition, and the retreat at the peak of Nirvana is undoubtedly going to impact the realm of Chongxiao.

The leap between each big realm, whether in terms of the difficulty of breaking the mirror or the danger of crossing the calamity, is more difficult than the small realm, and it also requires an environment that is not disturbed.

A little careless, let's not talk about it, if the Daoji is damaged, it will be a big damage to the entire life of cultivating immortals... Obviously, it is obviously inappropriate to call her at this time.

But if it is not called... Now that Donghuang City is in such a mess, Qiu Xuanji still doesn't know how long it will be closed, can Jinger be saved?
Chu Shuwan felt a little troubled for a while, and at the same time, she was very irritated by the powerlessness of her own lack of strength.

At this moment, a crack was suddenly cut open in the sky, and through the crack, one could clearly see the same scene as the previous screen played by the Nebula Hall in mid-air.

Including Chu Shuwan, all the sect elders who were thinking about how to rescue their own disciples were all confused.

They haven't figured out how to find the spatial coordinates... How come this has come out on its own?

Everyone can't figure out the reason, but they know that this is the best time to rescue their disciples.

But before they could act, the crack of the sky trembled again, and then it began to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye, but in a moment, the entire sky of Donghuang Mountain was shrouded and dissipated into nothingness.

At the same time, the scene in the rift in the sky was hazy for a while, and it gradually began to merge with the Eastern Imperial City.

The dense forest broke through the bluestone brick floor on the street, and the sturdy vines were coiled on the towering buildings; the stream that could only pass through a small fishing boat was washed away by a burst of floods and tilted down from the top of Donghuang Mountain.

There was a blizzard on the north side, the wind and sand blew in the south, and countless strange scenes were staged in Donghuangcheng, a city hailed as a holy place for monks.

Of course, the visions in the temple space are not only the invasion of natural scenery, but even more troublesome are the monsters born from the blood of Jidan, the master of the mysterious realm.

Everyone was still in a trance because of the changes in the world, but there was a sudden tremor from the earth.

Only a loud 'bang' was heard, a huge blood-red foot broke through the eaves of the Nebula Hall, sawdust flew, and a hole was opened in the ceiling!
When the big foot left, the monks looked out through the ceiling in a trance, without exception, their pupils shrank suddenly.

One, two, three... I can't count how many headless giants, clad in dark chains, stomped the west city of the Eastern Imperial City to the ground.

The cultivator with his cultivation base can still rely on Yu Jian to escape for one or two, but those ordinary people living in the East Imperial City, in just a few minutes, have no idea how many people have become the dead souls of the headless giants. .

Chu Shuwan also noticed this movement, she hurriedly rolled over and flew out of the window, relying on her spiritual power to hover in the air, and glanced around a little to see the whole picture of the entire East Imperial City.

Except for the headless giant, all other monsters that had appeared in the screen of Xingyun Hall also appeared in the Eastern Imperial City.

The giant python was coiled on the high-rise building, spitting snake letters toward the sky, and three king orangutans the size of flying boats jumped around, shattering several houses each time; Chase down the defenseless.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Chu Shuwan's mind. Since these monsters and the secret realm were all integrated into the Eastern Imperial City, the monk who was trapped in it just now...

She looked down, and sure enough, many young monks who were devastated noticed that they had returned to the Eastern Imperial City, and they even forgot to practice the elders of their sects while fleeing.

Chu Shuwan's almond eyes flashed with joy, and she quickly started to fly in the other direction.

They all came out, Jinger and Rong Yue must have come out too, right?

Jinger, where are you...
The corner of the streets and alleys of Donghuangcheng.

Su Huanqing put Xu Shoujing's arm on his shoulder and walked step by step.

Although I have now returned to the Eastern Imperial City, because the terrain has changed too much, I can't even recognize where it is.

Coupled with the rampant monsters, Xu Shoujing was unable to control his sword independently, so he had to consider the danger of monsters' intrusion when he wanted to fly into the sky. .

After a period of relaxation, in fact, Xu Shoujing's physical strength has recovered [-]/[-], but the damage to his body is too heavy, and a little recovery of physical strength can only make Su Huanqing not so tired. to any effect.

Xu Shoujing sighed lightly. He raised his head to look at the headless giant who was far away, leaned his head close to Su Huanqing's ear, and whispered:

"It should be fine for now. If you don't put me down, you can rest for a while."

Su Huanqing hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse, and gently let Xu Shoujing lean on the wall.

She moved her stiff wrists, hesitated a little, and sat down next to Xu Shoujing hugging her knees.

For a while, in the quiet alley, only the even breathing sound of the two of them rose and fell to each other.

Xu Shoujing tilted her head slightly, and peeked at Su Huanqing's profile from the corner of her eye. Although the journey was quite difficult, she still maintained the freshness and indifference that she had when she first met...not necessarily.

Recalling how she did not want to leave just now with a cold face and 'tempered', perhaps it was the first time Xu Shoujing saw Su Huanqing so emotional.

I don't know if I'll ever see you again...

Xu Shoujing felt interesting in his heart, smiled silently, then shook his head and said casually:
"Why didn't you want to leave just now?"

Suddenly being called by his name, Su Huanqing glanced at him a few times, then looked back, with a calm tone:
"Didn't you say it, because you haven't fulfilled your duty to cultivate with Master."


Xu Shoujing asked this question because he wanted to see Su Huanqing's unusual reaction because of shyness, but he didn't expect the other party to respond calmly, and suddenly felt a little bit of interest.



I don't know if it is because of the torrent caused by the fusion of the temple space and reality. There are no half cumulonimbus clouds on the sky, but it is still raining.

Raindrops slapped on the ruins of the beams and eaves, and flowed down the grooves all the way down, eventually turning into ripples on the ground.

The vision around him was a little blurry. Xu Shoujing subconsciously caressed his waist and wanted to take out an umbrella, but his hands were already raised, but he suddenly froze in the air.

He suddenly remembered that the Qiongyu belt that Aunt Chu gave him on his 11th birthday had now become a useless waste because of Ji Dan, and he didn't know where it was lying now.

Xu Shoujing sighed secretly, and let it rain if it rains. Anyway, it is an internal injury and is not afraid of infection.

He was thinking so, but an icy blue light suddenly lit up beside him. At the same time, the feeling of being beaten by the cold raindrops on his head suddenly disappeared.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then turned his head slowly to see that Su Huanqing took out an umbrella from Qiongyu Pavilion and put it on the heads of the two of them.

Without the intrusion of rain, Xu Shoujing no longer tense his nerves, and closed his eyes lazily.

Now this place is relatively safe, the monsters are all concentrated towards the center of the East Imperial City, and Aunt Chu will definitely come to them when she notices that they come out.

Before that, instead of wandering around and being targeted by monsters... it's better to rest honestly and take the opportunity to recover more physical strength.

Da da da--

The raindrops hit the wings and splashed small splashes of water, and then dripped down the arc.

The sound of rain in the ears is quite pleasant, especially far from the roar of monsters and the hustle and bustle of war. Such pure white noise is very helpful for sleep.

Just when Xu Shoujing's consciousness was hazy and he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard Su Huanqing say out of nowhere:

"It's not just because of Master."

Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up and asked subconsciously:

Su Huanqing glanced at him, as if to hide her emotions, turned her head to look to the other side, and said after a long silence:
" are my junior brother, I can't watch you die."


Xu Shoujing almost didn't laugh out loud, but if he dared to laugh at this time, he would definitely have no good fruit to eat. He quickly covered his mouth, took a breath, and joked with a smile:
"Junior brother? How come I'm still a generation down? Didn't I say that I should be your apprentice, but now I'm a junior apprentice again?"


Seeing that Su Huanqing was speechless, Xu Shoujing just smiled and did not continue to tease.

He used both hands to support the back, looked up at Yun Yu, his expression gradually became serious, and said as if nothing had happened:
"Actually...I can understand your thoughts a little bit."

Su Huanqing's delicate body trembled, she raised her head suddenly, looked at Xu Shoujing in astonishment, and said unexpectedly:
"You agree to double cultivation with Master?"


Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and waved his hands: "These are two different things. When I say understanding you, I mean—I know very well what it feels like to do anything for someone."

Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly stunned, and she did not interrupt, quietly waiting for him to continue.

"I haven't had parents since I can remember." Xu Shoujing's eyes were dazed, but he was thinking about his past life. "Sometimes people will make fun of orphans for being careless and light... But if it's not forced, who doesn't want to have a family."

Speaking of this, Xu Shoujing's words were interrupted, and he seemed to think of a woman who called herself 'I am your aunt' with her hands on her hips, her eyes became very gentle:

"Aunt Chu was my first family member, although as a 'mother', she is not very competent. But without her company, it is estimated that I would have returned to my former... my old withdrawn personality."

After listening to Su Huanqing thoughtful, he nodded slowly and said:
"Master Truman is indeed not very competent for his 'son' shot."


Can you be a little more polite?we need face...

Xu Shoujing coughed lightly, suppressing the embarrassment on his face:

"What I want to say is that people are actually very selfish, just like you are willing to sacrifice your life for Master to keep her alive. If something happens to Aunt Chu one day, I will not make any choice at all, even if I sacrifice it. Anyone would choose Aunt Chu."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, her tone a little displeased:

"You don't care about Master's life or death?"

"How come?" Xu Shoujing spread his hands and said helplessly: "Don't forget, she is also my master. Although I haven't been with master for a long time, it doesn't mean I don't want to save her."

"Then you still..."

"I just don't want to twist people's wills in this way."

Xu Shoujing interrupted Su Huanqing's words, paused for a moment, and pondered:

"Remember what I told you in the Broken Dragon Mountains? Master and I have no emotional foundation, and now I respect Master more.

If I were asked to find a way to save Master, I would definitely do my best, even if I searched the entire Jiuzhou... But I will not use life and death as a threat to cultivate with her if she does not agree.

If one day, I really choose to use the method of double cultivation to save Master, it must be that I have fallen in love with her as a heterosexual...well, of course, the premise is that she also likes me. "

Su Huanqing frowned slightly, and said very dissatisfiedly:

"How is that possible."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, scratched his cheeks with his index finger, and said puzzled:
"Why is it impossible, although I heard from Master that the number one beauty in Tiannan Continent was imposed on her by you... But in my opinion, Master deserves it. It's just that we spend too little time together now. Do you like her?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him, "I mean that Master likes you, it's impossible."


Girl, don't take such a blow.

"Don't interrupt, it's all beside the point." Xu Shoujing didn't want to be stabbed again, so he didn't stay on the topic of 'how to save Master'.

He took a deep breath and said sternly:

"Actually, I said so much, I just want to tell you... family is really important, don't do things that will make you regret for the rest of your life just because of your temper.

Some people, if they pass by... it is likely that they will never be seen again. "

Su Huanqing heard that there was something in Xu Shoujing's words, she breathed a little heavier, and said solemnly:
"Is Su Jin looking for you to be a lobbyist?"

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing touched the back of his head and waved his hand hastily: "How is it possible, I'm not familiar with Venerable Su... The words just now were all my advice from the bottom of my heart. It's up to you to listen or not."

Su Huanqing stared at Xu Shoujing for a long time, but couldn't see the clue from his face. She silently retracted her gaze and lowered her eyes:
"I don't hate Su Jin."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, and couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean?"

"I just... don't know how to deal with him."

Su Huanqing tightened her knees, buried her head between her legs, and said after a long silence:
"You said...Sect Master Chu has always been by your side, then I'm just the opposite. Ever since I can remember, I haven't seen Su Jin side by side, and I don't even know what he looks like.

The only impression I have of Su Jin... is that my eldest brother kept describing to me the scene where he once lived with his mother before he left for apprenticeship.

So actually I don't have an accurate concept of the word 'father'...Master is more like a family member.Lived like this for more than 20 years...

One day, Su Jin suddenly came back, posing as a father to greet me, caring too much for me... But he was just a stranger to me, and his actions would only make me overwhelmed. "

Xu Shoujing glanced at Su Huanqing's profile, sighed secretly in his heart, and came to the same conclusion as Jiang Rongyue: If he was really just a stranger, he wouldn't care about what he is now.

After another silence, Su Huanqing pursed her lips and asked aloud:

"How much do you know about Su Jin?"

Xu Shoujing's heart thumped, secretly thinking that it was not good, wouldn't this make her see something?
Before he left, Venerable Su also urged him not to tell Huanqing that he was 'sending' soon...

Hiss... that's not even telling, she guessed it herself.

Xu Shoujing coughed dryly and said perfunctorily:

"Just... um... I know almost..."

Su Huanqing pondered for a while, then tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing, her clear eyes were rarely covered by confused clouds:
"What do you think...what should I do?"

Xu Shoujing was also silent, and after a long while, he said earnestly:
"I said, will you do it?"

"I don't know." Su Huanqing shook his head.

"Then don't ask me, my words are just suggestions at most... In the end, it's up to you to make your own decisions." Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Su Huanqing still shook her head. She hugged her knees tightly and looked at Xu Shoujing with pleading eyes, "I don't want to go back for the time being, so let me follow you?"

Hey... family problems kill people...

Xu Shoujing sighed and said with a smile, "You are my senior sister, how could I drive you away?"


At this moment, the space in front of the two was distorted, and a woman in a black dress with a graceful figure slowly walked out of the void...
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PS: The raid on Huanqing is about to begin, and the dungeon of Zongmen Dabi is about to end.

A few days ago, the state was too bad, and the writing and writing were crooked, which made it impossible to develop according to the original plan. Fortunately, the brakes were timely, otherwise it would completely collapse...

Later, I used the technique of 'Moving the Universe' to move the things behind, although this also caused the villain 'Huangfu Yan' to have no sense of existence, and even the previous shaping was all in vain.

Fortunately, the follow-up did not go all the way down, and now it is barely able to save the overall plot...

(End of this chapter)

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