The queen is so fierce

Chapter 173 Chaos in the Eastern Imperial City

Chapter 173 Chaos in the Eastern Imperial City

Straight to the point, the woman in the black dress walked out of the space distortion and just glanced at Xu Shoujing:
"Take it, don't lose it."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned. Before he could understand what the woman in the black dress meant, he saw a black light flashing in her hand, and a very familiar pitch-black heavy gun flew towards him.

He was seriously injured and unable to move. Xu Shoujing had no way to hide from the dark gun, so he could only subconsciously raise his hand in front of him to resist.


Shen Jing punished the sky half a zhang into the ground, and inserted it firmly in front of Xu Shoujing's crotch.

"—" Xu Shoujing didn't dare to move.

The woman in the black dress didn't look at Xu Shoujing, she raised her hand lightly to draw a space crack in the empty place, turned around and was about to walk in.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Shoujing quickly stopped her when he saw this.

Dong Huangli stopped, but did not turn around, said indifferently:

"Anything else?"


Xu Shoujing scratched his neck, suddenly embarrassed.

He just felt that the other party saved him no matter what, so he just said thank you and let them go... It's too much to say.

But if the reason for calling someone to stop is to say thank you... Look at her combat power that is not at a disadvantage with Ji Dan, and thank her from a small sea level, can she see it?

This kind of feeling is very strange. When I met Zhao Fuyao, although there was a big gap in her cultivation, she was still only a mortal with no cultivation for the time being.

The woman in the black dress in front of her was different. From the very beginning, the other party was an unreachable existence.

Xu Shoujing could feel that he was afraid that the other party would dislike everything about him. This was the real 'self-knowledge'.


In that case, why did she save me?

Xu Shoujing was stunned, and his brows were deeply wrinkled. He thought so in his heart, and asked the same question:
"Thank you for your life-saving grace, senior... But I've never met senior. Why did senior want to save me? Who is senior?"

never met...

Dong Huangli's cold and beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, as if he suddenly understood something, and his eyes turning to look at Xu Shoujing became playful.

It turned out that he did not recognize the deity.

Xu Shoujing was numb from the sight of Dong Huangli, and at this moment, he gave full play to the feeling of weakness as a 'little monk in the sea of ​​the sea':


Dong Huangli slowly came to Xu Shoujing, looked down at him condescendingly, and said coldly:
"Why do you think this deity saves you?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment... I am in the sea, you ask me?

He lowered his head and pondered, and tentatively said in an uncertain tone:

"Could it be... because of my talent?"

Well, this is still a bit shameless after all. Rao Shi Xu Shoujing blushed a little after saying it.

"This deity...Donghuangli." Donghuangli paused for a while, and seemed to be considering it. "As for why I saved you, it's just a whim. Are you satisfied with the answer?"


Xu Shoujing had never heard such a nonsense reason.

Because of a whim, he specifically broke through the limitations of the temple space, and because of a whim, he came to confront an ancient monster that has been sealed for tens of thousands of years?
Xu Shoujing couldn't be rectified, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, but a doubt arose in his heart.

East Emperor... East Imperial City?Could it be that this boss is the ancestor of Donghuang Mountain or something?
But have you never heard of Tiannan Continent's big bosses in the Profound Night Realm living in seclusion?
Oh...they are all secluded and will definitely not let others know.

Xu Shoujing was contemplating these messy things, while Dong Huangli looked at him carefully as if he was looking at a plaything.

The two were speechless for a while, but Su Huanqing, who was next to him, made a move quietly.

Su Huanqing looked at Dong Huangli vigilantly, her left hand hidden behind her was hidden on the hilt of the sword, and she planned to run with Xu Shoujing whenever she had a chance.

The direct disciple of the Changhe Su Clan has always had the ability to see through falsehoods.

Just like seeing Xu Shoujing at first glance and seeing that he has the five elements cut off, from the moment Donghuangli appeared in front of Su Huanqing, an unprecedented sense of crisis sprouted in the bottom of my heart.

Before, due to the emergency and the fact that Ji Dan was in front, Su Huanqing couldn't take care of that much, so he had to run away with Xu Shoujing first.

But calm down at this time, the black aura around Donghuangli is even more dangerous than Jidan.

Su Huanqing didn't think she could win a Xuan Yejing master who could compete with Ji Dan, but it was not her style to sit still and do nothing.

On the contrary, it was Xu Shoujing... A person who is usually quite sensitive, why did his vigilance drop to zero when he saw a woman?
Thinking of this, Su Huanqing glanced at Xu Shoujing with disgust, and then continued to quietly reach out to the hilt of the sword.

Before her hand touched the hilt of the sword, Su Huanqing's body suddenly froze. In her clear pupils, there was a somewhat warning smile from Dong Huangli's playful reflection.

Su Huanqing's heart was like an ice cave, and she didn't dare to move. She knew very well that this was a threat from Dong Huangli.

In front of the real Profound Night Realm power, any small action is useless.


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion in the distance, which seemed to be in the center of the East Imperial City.

The scarlet spiritual power rushed to the sky, the huge wind and waves swept the earth, and the surrounding buildings turned into a pile of ruins in a blink of an eye.

Headless giants, snow-capped white wolves, king orangutans, forest pythons... Almost all the monsters who came to the world from the temple space bowed their heads and bowed their heads near the red light as if they were welcoming their bosses.

Xu Shoujing was far away, but only with this scarlet aura, he knew what was going on.


Dong Huangli glanced at the red light, and in the eyes of Xu Shoujing's puzzled expression, he explained indifferently:
"You should be very clear that demonization has never been the focus. That kid from the Tianyuan Sect has obtained a demon soul, and now he is more difficult to deal with than any demonization person you have met before."

Xu Shoujing couldn't help but ask, "Why do seniors know me so well?"

"Because... the deity has been watching you since the moment you were born."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Sister, we are not interested in smelting copper...

The corner of Dong Huangli's mouth slightly evoked a graceful arc, and said meaningfully:
"Unfortunately, your growth is really too slow. You have been standing still for 17 years... But I didn't expect that you would walk out of Yuliang and come to me just because I didn't pay attention.

Even so, the speed of your cultivation is still not enough in the eyes of this deity. All of this is because you are too lazy and have never taken cultivation seriously... In the end, your life is too smooth. "

When the words fell, Dong Huangli suddenly stretched out a green onion and pointed it in front of Xu Shoujing's forehead. Black light surged from his fingertips, and a faint trace of spiritual power penetrated into Xu Shoujing's head.


Xu Shoujing only felt that his brain was humming as if someone had struck it like a gong, and he couldn't help himself in pain.

Su Huanqing panicked, and quickly supported Xu Shoujing, and then looked at Dong Huangli with hostility.

After finally calming down, Xu Shoujing leaned on Su Huanqing, panting heavily, and said with difficulty:
"Senior... what have you done to me?"

Dong Huangli gently retracted his fingers, his expression did not waver, as if he didn't care:
"If you don't experience life and death, how can you talk about the way of cultivation? The deity has placed a restriction on you, except for me, only you can unlock it yourself."

"Restriction?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, carefully feeling his whole body, and suddenly found that his nearly death injury was actually healed by Dong Huangli's finger.

But this was only a physical recovery. Xu Shoujing also discovered that, in addition to his physical well-being, whenever he wanted to mobilize his spiritual power, there would be a strange rune in front of the sea of ​​​​spirits, and even the slightest thought could not pass through.

Xu Shoujing's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the situation now is no different from when he has not yet stepped into the cultivation path.

No, at that time he was still able to use his infuriating energy, but now his infuriating energy has long been tempered into spiritual power, and now he can't even use his infuriating energy, he is more mortal than a mortal.

Dong Huangli stepped on Xu Shoujing's thigh with one foot, leaned forward, caressed Xu Shoujing's side face with his jade hand, looked at each other with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth:
"You have two choices now. One is to continue to do nothing and hide here, but in that case, the entire East Imperial City will soon be razed to the ground. Don't expect this deity to rescue people other than you."

"Flamed to the ground..." Xu Shoujing's pupils trembled, but he didn't understand where Dong Huangli's basis came from.

As if seeing through what Xu Shoujing was thinking, Dong Huang sneered and continued:
"Don't doubt the authenticity of what the deity said. Those monsters born from the blood of Jidan were suppressed by the great formation in the temple space before, but now they have lost that layer of blockade, each of them is equivalent to ten thousand years. The starting demon king.

With the current manpower in the East Imperial City... I am afraid that only the small Chongxiao of the Tianshu period can hold on for a while longer.Not to mention the cultivator of Tianyuanzong who was swallowed by the demon soul. He has probably crossed three realms and entered Yupu now, right? "


Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said in a daze: "You want me to... stop Huangfuyan?"

But I'm only in the sea realm?Do you think too highly of me... Xu Shoujing shouted in his heart.


Dong Huangli lightly patted Xu Shoujing's cheek twice, corrected his sight, then stood up again, and said leisurely:
"Didn't this deity say it? The restriction in your body, apart from me, can only be unlocked by yourself. This deity is not harming you, as long as you can release the restriction, the blocked spirit sea will recoil the meridians, and in a short time Raising a big realm is not a problem."

Xu Shoujing still felt very hung up and shook his head again and again: "Even if I break through a big realm, it's only the Dragon Gate realm... What can I compare it to the Wannian Demon Emperor..."

"Didn't you understand what the deity said?"

Dong Huangli swiped casually, and the space listed a void gap. Before she walked in, she finally added:

"Raising a big realm is just the most basic, and the moment when the Linghai recoils...Aren't you the best at swinging your sword recklessly? You might as well try, this time, can you die and live."

The voice fell, and the figure of Dong Huangli completely disappeared in the crack.

Xu Shoujing sat on the spot, his whole body was a little messy... Let me break through the ban, but you didn't tell me the method...

After a while, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and whispered to Su Huan beside him:


Su Huanqing subconsciously wanted to support Xu Shoujing, but halfway through, he suddenly realized that his body should be in a state of recovery now. He raised his hands halfway and then froze in the air. After being at a loss for a few seconds, he put down angrily.

Xu Shoujing didn't notice these small movements of Su Huanqing, and pondered for a while:
"Help me keep Shenjing Putian, I don't have Qiongyu Pavilion now, and it's not convenient to hold it. Also, if you want to..."

Before she could say the word 'go', Su Huanqing seemed to have expected what Xu Shoujing would say, and interrupted in a tone that could not be refused:
"I will go with you."


You all can read minds, right?

Xu Shoujing smiled bitterly: "This time, I myself don't know if I can survive."

"Then I want to go with you even more." Su Huanqing said solemnly, hesitating a little: "If you can't break the ban, I will take you away."

Xu Shoujing looked at Su Huanqing's firm eyes, knowing that he could not change her decision, and sighed secretly:


Isn't it just to die and then live? ... Who is afraid of who, it is time to leave the comfort zone.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, bent down and picked up the painting Fang Yanqian, ready to go to the center of the East Imperial City, beside Huangfu Yan, the culprit who attracted those monsters.


The Snow Mountain White Wolf was already burly, but after the red light appeared, it grew into a giant beast that covered the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dozens of white wolves, under the command of the leader's 'oooooooo', quickly took out the smashed human beings from the corrugated ruins and stuffed them into their mouths...


Plasma splattered everywhere, like squeezed fruit, and the iron smell of rusted metal spread.

Seeing this scene, the mortals who were fleeing everywhere on the street were immediately frightened, tears and snot flying all over the place, rolling and crawling to the distance, crying loudly.

Unfortunately, in front of the Snow Mountain White Wolf, even the cultivator Yujian might not be able to escape, let alone these unarmed mortals.


card insert -

The shark-like inverted-triangular sharp teeth of the Snow Mountain White Wolves closed again and again, and while it was chewing, it was faintly visible that half of the human arm was still exposed.

When it was completely cut off from the body, the arm fell to the ground like a powerless bird, rolled a few times and lay quietly in a pool of blood.

"no, do not want……"

A woman holding a crying girl fell to the ground, watching the snow-capped white wolf approaching step by step, she subconsciously begged for mercy, but she was still greeted by the merciless abyss mouth of the monster.

"Help... help!"

Just when the woman and child were about to be swallowed by the Snow Mountain White Wolf, a purple thunder light swept across the sky, blasting the Snow Mountain White Wolf's head into charcoal. .

The cries of women, children and girls were interrupted, and when they looked up, there was a gentle woman in a long snow-green dress in sight.

She held a saber in one hand, and a purple electric light flashed from the rune in the other hand, and said in a slightly anxious tone:
"Come on."

Only then did the women and children react, and they hugged the girl and bowed their heads: "Thank you immortal, thank you immortal." After saying this, they hurried away.

blah blah-

The Snow Mountain White Wolf pulled its head out of the rubble. Fury filled the face of the charred wolf. It stared at the small purple-skirted woman under her feet and roared:

Seeing that the white wolf was about to pounce, Jiang Rongyue made sure that the women and children had left, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and her next movements were also very neat.

The original operation was changed, and he stepped on the flying sword lightly, turned around and ran.

The Snow Mountain White Wolf is the weakest race among the monsters in the temple space, but that doesn't mean they can easily be singled out.

At such times, fools fight them hard.

When Jiang Rongyue flew to the sky, the Snow Mountain White Wolf jumped high in anger, Jiang Rongyue whispered to Ranxi who was already waiting here:
"Let's go, let's quickly find Xiaojing and Master and get out of here."

The words were spoken, but there was no response.

Ranxi's pair of water-cut eyes kept flashing purple blue light, and the whole person seemed to have lost consciousness and froze in place.

"Ranxi?" Jiang Rongyue became nervous, reaching out and shaking her shoulders.

Ranxi suddenly recovered, patted her cheek again, and said apologetically:
"Sorry miss... let's go."


Jiang Rongyue hesitated and said nothing.

But she always felt that since she saw the man in the temple, there seemed to be some inexplicable changes in Ranxi.
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PS: Eat the book... I found out that at this stage in the outline, Jing'er didn't know Dong Huangli's name. I accidentally wrote it out last time. Well, I just went back and changed it... sorry.

This is the sadness of not having a manuscript.

I want to write Dong Huangli as a more cynical, freewheeling character, but at the same time a bit of a queen temperament and a tendency to tremble...

(End of this chapter)

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