The queen is so fierce

Chapter 174 The double standard in love

Chapter 174 The double standard in love
The red night covers the sky, and the earth is torn apart.

Demons and beasts are running rampant in the streets, severed human limbs and heads are scattered all over the ruins along with plasma, and the entire Donghuang Mountain is like a dead city.

The last time such a vision appeared in the land of Kyushu... was the last time such a vision appeared in the land of Jiuzhou.

That catastrophe was called the 'Millennium Demon Tribulation'.

After the washing of the long river of history, the Great Master of the Immortal Dao, who has witnessed the thousand-year-old demon calamity, gradually disappeared from the sight of everyone, which also led to the fact that ordinary sects can have a crescent moon realm.

Except for a few hidden world sects, let alone Xuan Yejing bosses, even Xuan Yang's shadow can hardly be seen.

But now, in the Eastern Imperial City, which is known as the holy land of monks, in a short period of time, it has experienced the confrontation between two strong men in the Xuanye Realm, and the disaster of the unknown monster.

Including the largest Tuxiang Pavilion, almost no one knows how to deal with it.

The slightly older sects also knew that they ordered their disciples to fight against the enemy. Even the elders of the weak sects were busy running, and the disciples were scattered into a pot of porridge. There was no order, and they could only be hunted and killed by monsters in the East Imperial City. .

Wei Wuya is the peak master of the No.13 peak of Tianyan Pavilion... Well, it is the poorest peak of Tianyan Pavilion.

Tian Yan Pavilion is good at hexagrams, and he can't say that he does not understand the fighting method at all, but it is still far from my Tianwai Jiancheng, who majors in kendo, or Tianyuanzong, who majors in Taoism.

Therefore, Tianyan Pavilion's attendance at the Zongmen Grand Competition is basically a passing scene.

Every year, each peak master will draw lots under the auspices of the pavilion master to see which unlucky person will represent Tianyan Pavilion to attend the Zongmen Grand Competition.

... Today's unlucky ones are their Fallen Peaks.

Wei Wuya thought it was enough to just walk through the scene, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen after his beloved disciple entered the secret realm of the Illusory Gallery.

Any individual can see that this is a catastrophe, and it is an inevitable catastrophe.

Wei Wuya believed that he had a cultivation base, and his fighting methods were too few, so when the other sects were discussing how to deal with the enemy, he was already quietly preparing to leave.

"The idiots went to die with them. Just because of the blood energy from the center just now, don't even think that the crusade will succeed if you don't reach ten Nirvana realms."

Wei Wuya made a plan in his heart, got up and flew into the sky, looking at the red night and the hazy rain curtain, he sighed faintly, only feeling that the stability of the human race might be shattered.


There was a loud bang from the sky, and the red light that was originally converging into a column gave off an indistinct brilliance again.

After a while, a small black spot suddenly appeared in the red light. The small black spot became larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon surpassed the headless giant who bowed his head and professed his vassal. A brand new bloody mountain was created.

Wei Wuya stopped in mid-air, the spiritual power in his body was running, and he stared at it, and then his pupils shrank suddenly:
"This is……"

That wasn't a bloody mountain, it was a lump of rotting flesh made of flesh and blood.

The whole mountain of flesh and blood pulsated gently, as if there was a huge heart hidden inside.

puff, puff-

The sound of the agitation was like an earthquake, spreading through the streets and alleys of the Eastern Imperial City.

The headless giant walked forward holding the pitch-black chains, as if they had said it in advance, each tied the chains together, tightening the blood-colored mountain of flesh.

The blood-colored flesh mountain was already swollen, and after being squeezed by dozens of blood-colored giants with chains, it quickly swelled into a blood-filled bun, and the meridians in it were clearly visible.

As the headless giant exerted more and more force, the bloody meat mountain finally couldn't bear the oppression, and a hole opened from the top, and the plasma poured down like a waterfall.

Taking this as an opportunity, the entire mountain of bloody flesh exploded like a fruit being squeezed, the stench of flesh scattered, and the blood flowed into the street in a river.

These headless giants' operations of unknown meaning not only made Wei Wuya puzzled, but the elders of the sects who were still discussing the enemy were also a little confused.

what is this?
All the elders here have basically seen a lot of people in the world... But I have never seen such a weird scene.

But soon, the doubts in the hearts of the elders were covered up by incomparable anger.

After the bloody flesh mountain was crushed by the headless giant, what flew out of the flesh was a young man who was human no matter how he looked at it.

The white clothes on his body were dyed blood-colored, his eyes also revealed a dull scarlet, his hair was messy, and some white color could be faintly seen at the roots of his hair.

The appearance has changed a lot, but there is no doubt that this young man is the holy son of Tianyuanzong, Huangfuyan.

The elders of Tianyuan Sect hadn't spoken yet, and the other sects who had just discussed with Heqi how to deal with the enemy suddenly exploded:
"Old man, what's going on? With so many eyes watching, don't tell me that the person just now wasn't the Holy Son of your Tianyuan Sect!"

The remaining sects echoed: "No matter how much you are the leader of the immortal way, Tianyuanzong, this kind of betrayal of the human race has caused the death of many of our disciples. Shouldn't you give us an explanation?"

The elders of Tianyuanzong were also too panicked. He wanted to explain a few words aloud, but he was unable to speak.

He is just an old leader and has no real power in the sect. This time, the sect master only knows that the Son has his own tasks to complete.

"Fellow Daoists, don't make it difficult for me... Maybe this is a misunderstanding?" The Tianyuan Sect elder tentatively asked.

"Misunderstanding?" Ji Ding, the hottest tempered, jumped out again and sneered: "Tell me what kind of misunderstanding this is, do you think we are blind?"

The elder of Tianyuanzong broke out in a cold sweat, his face was gloomy and uncertain, and after struggling for a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"You know that you are angry, but the focus at this time is how to get through this calamity. As for why the Holy Son has become like that, it is better to wait for the dust to settle, and I will pay for a banquet for you, that's all. Discuss carefully."

This is very pertinent. Now a large number of powerful monsters appear in Donghuang Mountain. If you sit back and watch them go out, it will be a catastrophe for the entire Jiuzhou.

Ji Ding pondered for a moment, took a deep breath, and then said fiercely:

"Old man, I let you go today because I care about the common people. We stay here and try our best to hold back those monsters.

As for immediately return to your sect and plead for help.Today, only the Tianyuan Sect, who can handle this situation, is the only one left. "

The elder of Tianyuanzong was flattered, he thought he was going to explain it here, but he didn't expect to live here?
"Okay, okay, a certain will go back to the sect to ask for help now! Never disappoint the trust of Elder Ji Ding."

Ji Ding glared at him and said unceremoniously:
"This seat doesn't trust you. This is something that your Tianyuan Sect caused, and you must take care of it yourself."

"Yes, that's for sure." As if he had been granted amnesty, the Tianyuanzong elder walked a few steps backwards, and turned over and ran out of the window.

Everyone only saw a green light rushing into the sky, and there was no trace of the elders of Tianyuanzong.

After a while, someone couldn't help but ask:

"Just let him run away like that?"

Ji Ding glanced at him and said coldly:
"Otherwise, what can you do? I can't stand Tianyuan Sect's bullying style. But this is a catastrophe for the human race. If you don't gather strength to fight together, continue to play those intrigue tricks... Not to mention Tiannanzhou, The entire Jiuzhou Continent will be counterattacked by the disappearing monster clan."

Several elders were still aggressive, but when they heard Ji Ding, the oldest, say so, they were a little scared:
"Elder Ji... no... not that serious, right?"


Ji Ding snorted coldly, a look of fear that he could not forget for a long time flashed in his eyes, and he just said:
"It's just that you didn't feel it. Huangfuyan and these monsters are nothing. Before the two spaces merged into one... A more terrifying existence left Donghuang Mountain. This seat can feel it, it will It is a catastrophe for the entire Jiuzhou."
The rain was getting heavier, and the cries echoing on the street corners of the neighborhood were drowned out by the noisy rain.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were walking on their way to the center of the East Imperial City, when they suddenly heard a call that sounded like a surprise but also joy:

"Xiao Jing!"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, looked at Su Huanqing, and slowly turned around...

Da da da--

The sound of sprinting on the water approaching, Xu Shoujing just turned around when he felt a soft body rush into his arms.

"...Xiaojing, where have you been? I scared my sister to death...I can't find you anywhere, I thought something happened to you..."

Ruanxiang and Wenyu were in his arms. Hearing Jiang Rongyue's panicked words, Xu Shoujing felt warm in his heart. He gently hugged his sister's waist, buried his head in the hair, and said softly:
"sorry that I had you worried."

While speaking, Xu Shoujing suddenly realized that the way he and Rongyue sister got along has always been like this.

Although I promised many times that I would not mess up, I would still get into it when I encountered a dangerous thing.

Although he has restrained himself a lot after experiencing the incident with Qiu Ji, those troubles seem to have taken a fancy to him, appearing around him out of nowhere.

Could it be that... am I really a cursed person?Troublemaker... Chosen One in another sense?
"Xiaojing." Jiang Rongyue got up from Xu Shoujing's arms, wiped her red eyes, and said in a low voice, "This place shouldn't stay for a long time, let's find the master and leave quickly."

Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi witnessed the whole process of Jidan's resurrection. It can be said that she is the person who knows the horror of Jidan best except for Xu Shoujing who "experienced it personally".

In this world, what Jiang Rongyue is most worried about is Xu Shoujing and her master. Under such a situation that they absolutely cannot win, Jiang Rongyue can't think of any other solution other than dragging them to run together.

If it was normal, Xu Shoujing would definitely agree without saying a word. Although Ji Dan is gone now, he is not willing to go over several realms to fight with the demon emperor of ten thousand years, and the completely demonized Huangfu Yan.

But now there is the ban set up by Donghuangli, and after hearing Jiang Rongyue's words, Xu Shoujing can only shake his head with a wry smile:

"No, Sister Rongyue, I have to stop Huangfuyan."

Jiang Rongyue was stunned when she heard the words, thinking how Xiaojing knew about Huangfuyan, she frowned and said:

"That's no longer a level we can touch. Let others solve it. Let's leave quickly."

Xu Shoujing still shook his head: "I have a reason to stay."

"What reason can be more important than life?" Jiang Rongyue suddenly became annoyed.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, explained how he was rescued and how Dong Huangli had placed a ban on him, and then sighed:
"I can't help it either."

Jiang Rongyue understood the reason, but she was still so angry that her cheeks were bulging, and she kept scolding Dong Huangli:

"Why is that person like this...Xiaojing is obviously very diligent in his cultivation. Last time he was in the Qi Refining Tower, he even pestered me to ask for a few...Ah..."

On the way to the words, she noticed that Su Huanqing suddenly turned her eyes, Jiang Rongyue blushed, and quickly changed her words:

"Haunting me...discussing Taoism for a long time. Really, why did Dong Huangli say 'not motivated' and 'slow growth'?"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's kind of strange that you can say 'hardworking' as 'hardworking'...

Jiang Rongyue pursed her thin lips, hesitated for a while, and said softly:

"Can we not go? Let's study how to break this restriction later, or find Huan Qing's master... or wait for the uncle to leave the customs... Can we not go?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, and this time he said very seriously:
"Sister Rong Yue, the other party is Xuan Yejing... I am afraid that other means will not be of much use other than breaking it according to her words.

In fact, it’s not all because of this restriction. One thing Donghuangli said is right, I live too comfortably. So far, because there are always people around me helping me, I have never experienced the real life and death.

In the face of absolute strength, any small trick is useless... I have deeply experienced this from Ji Dan.With my current cultivation speed, what can I do to stop 'them'?It's just a dream. "

Jiang Rongyue knew that the word 'they' in Xu Shoujing's mouth was referring to things that are taught in the end, and she also knew that Xiaojing decided to live a good life and would never go back on it.

She understands all these things.

The problem is that you don't want to put your loved ones in a dangerous situation. For Jiang Rongyue, it's just an instinctive way of thinking.

She knew that she couldn't convince Xiaojing, so she quickly made up her mind:
"Okay, Xiaojing, you can go, but I want to..."

"Sister Rongyue, you go find Aunt Chu first, then you leave here first, and I will make peace with you when I finish everything."

Xu Shoujing predicted what her sister wanted to say, and Jiang Rongyue's expression froze.

"Xiao Jing!"

Xu Shoujing forcibly ignored his sister's glaring gaze, turned to look at Su Huanqing, and said a little apologetically:

"Huanqing, don't follow me anymore. I don't worry about Sister Rongyue and Ranxi alone. You can take care of them with them. And it's more convenient for me to act alone."

Su Huanqing's eyes became colder, and he seemed to want to talk to Xu Shoujing with a stern face.

Finally, Xu Shoujing looked at Ranxi who was silently following behind Jiang Rongyue, coughed lightly, and was about to speak...

"Xu Gongzi!" Ranxi suddenly shouted, grabbing the corner of the skirt with two fists, and her body trembled slightly, as if suppressing her anger.

Xu Shoujing was dumbfounded by the yelling. It was the first time he saw Ranxi have such an emotional side, and he was a little at a loss.

Ranxi twitched the corners of her lips, and her voice was crying:

"Xu Gongzi, don't you think you're going too far? While not letting the young lady worry about you, let the young lady wait in a safe place..."

Xu Shoujing opened his mouth slightly, but was unable to answer the question in the end.

Ranxi's nose twitched, and she sobbed a little: "Put yourself in your shoes and think about it, if the young lady is facing a life-and-death crisis alone, Mr. Xu, stay in a safe place and wait for him to come back. Can you wait any longer? Maybe you're not worried? ?"

Might not be worried?Of course not!

No need to put himself in his shoes, Xu Shoujing just thought about the scene for a moment, and then he felt as if a hole had been dug in his heart, and it was terribly empty.

If there really was a day when Sister Rong Yue was working hard outside, but he could only stay at home and wait for her to come back by the door, he would probably be restless all day long, wishing he could rush to her side right away.

In fact, everyone's consideration is the same, and Xu Shoujing also understands this truth, but he would rather be himself in danger than let Sister Rong Yue and the others have the possibility of an accident.

Selfish?Maybe, who can be absolutely unselfish?

Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly: "Ranxi, I just don't want you to get hurt."

Ran Xi stared wide-eyed, and said angrily: "But Miss doesn't want you to be hurt either!"

After so many years of 'don't worry about warnings', Jiang Rongyue has made Jiang Rongyue aggrieved, and now someone finally came out to do 'justice', she quickly echoed:
"Yes, yes! Xiaojing, you can't keep doing this!"

"They are right." Su Huanqing also rarely expressed his opinion on this occasion.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You still have a united front, right?
Just as the two sides were arguing and arguing, a somewhat unexpected voice came from the sky:
"What are you doing here?"

Everyone's words were interrupted, and when they looked up, Chu Shuwan, who was wearing a dark green dress, floated beside her, looking at Xu Shoujing and the others suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Rongyue seemed to have seen the backbone, and rushed over with aggrieved face, burying her head in the facial cleanser, while crying about Xiaojing's 'atrocity'.

"Master, listen to me, Xiao Jing has gone too far! He..."

Chu Shuwan was curious about what was going on at first, but her face became gloomy the more she listened to it, and she glanced at Xu Shoujing meaningfully from time to time.

Xu Shoujing only felt that his scalp was numb. To say who he was most afraid of in the world, there was no one else except Aunt Chu.

After Jiang Rongyue finished speaking, Chu Shuwan looked at Xu Shoujing with a cold expression, and said solemnly:
"My dear Jing'er, please explain."

"... Explain what?" Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled.

"Forget it, you don't need to explain." Chu Shuwan waved her hand, and immediately said to the girls, "Let's go, let's go together, let this bastard just think about leaving the old lady behind."

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PS: Well, there are some daily emotional scenes interspersed in the slits of this chapter, mainly to further expand the topic of 'worry' in the past, so as not to talk about 'worry' every time, it seems so empty... …

(End of this chapter)

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