The queen is so fierce

Chapter 175 Shemale Battlefield

Chapter 175 Shemale Battlefield
It was raining like smoke, and Wei Wuya volleyed through the streets and alleys on one foot. As a Nirvana cultivator, his flying speed was too slow, but he did it on purpose.

Wei Wuya jumped out of the group of elders just to run away, but after running away, his apprentice couldn't ignore it anymore, so he controlled his flight speed to check around to see if Zuo Lingxuan was still alive.

"Apprentice? Xiao Zuo? Xuan Xuan?"

Wei Wuya shouted, Xu Shi was tired from flying, so he found a bird Zhan to settle down, looking around at the street scene under his feet, Wei Shi took a breath.

"Where did this stinky boy go..."

As soon as the voice fell, a cry that seemed to answer him suddenly came from the open space behind him.

"Zero Xuan!"

Wei Wuya thought it was his apprentice who heard his voice giving feedback, so he turned around quickly to check, but it happened to meet a pair of golden vertical pupils.

A stout python hovered above the tall building, and saw Wei Wuya standing on the roof, it spiraled upwards and wriggled, the snake head was hanging in the air, and it spit out scarlet snake letter:

"..." Wei Wuya.

One snake and one person were silent one after another. Wei Wuya was thinking about how to get away. It would be difficult for a [-]-year-old demon emperor to deal with even a normal Nirvana realm, let alone someone like him who can only do fortune-telling. The python is observing... How does this monkey taste?
Finally, the observation of the python came to an end, and it made the most iconic action-opened its bloody mouth.

Wei Wuya hurriedly jumped down from the top of the high-rise building. Cold sweat broke out from his back because he was nervous. He was so flustered that he didn't even have time to perform the levitating technique, and smashed a large human-shaped pit on the ground.


The giant python bit off the top of the high-rise building, the gravel scattered like rain, and the smoke and dust were everywhere. It shook its head twice and spat out the stone bricks in its mouth. He swooped down, approaching Wei Wuya's position.

Wei Wuya guessed that he had just climbed out of the human-shaped hole when he saw the giant python rushing towards him. He knew that there was no way to hide. Although he was not proficient in defense, he still condensed a void in front of him. shield.


The Void Light Shield failed to stop the giant python's offensive, and at the moment when the Light Shield shattered, Wei Wuya flew upside down.

In just a split second, Wei Wuya's body smashed through the walls of several houses, and flew more than three hundred meters before stopping.

However, although it was hit and flew, it was a blessing in disguise for Wei Wuya to get time to escape.

He struggled to get up from the rubble of a pile of collapsed houses, and looked around the surrounding environment, his head was a little dazed.

Wei Wuya was located in an area with many residential houses in Donghuang City, but for some reason, there were many more stone pillars engraved with complex lines, and there was a long dusty temple in the center.


In this short hesitation, the giant python that was more than three hundred meters away a few seconds ago has now overwhelmed the heavy houses and walked forward not far.

Wei Wuya didn't have time to think about it, he got up quickly and wanted to fly away, but suddenly kicked something fleshy under his feet.

He looked down, and immediately exclaimed:

"Zero Xuan?"

Zuo Lingxuan lay peacefully on the ground, with a large hole in his chest, the Taoist uniform on his body was stained with dust and coagulated blood, his face was dead, as if he had died for a long time.


Wei Wuya knelt on the ground, trembling hands and feet and wanted to touch his apprentice's breath, but after rubbing against the door a few times, he didn't dare to put his fingers on it.

" are you...why are you gone, for the teacher...for the teacher, I'm sorry for you..."

The apprentice was gone, Wei Wuya... still wanted to run, he stood up resolutely, with a bit of determination in his eyes:

"Don't worry, apprentice, after a thousand years of seclusion and cultivation for the master, I will definitely come back to help you take revenge."

When the words fell, he tried to take off.

At this moment, a weak voice came up leisurely:

"Master... Master..."

Wei Wuya was stunned for a moment, and stopped casting the flying spell, but saw Zuo Lingxuan's lips trembling, as if it was very difficult to pronounce even a single word.

"Apprentice, aren't you dead?" Wei Wuya was full of regret and shock.

"I think I can save it..." Zuo Lingxuan tremblingly raised the palm mirror that had been held in his palm, just looking at the appearance of being broken into dragon scales.

"Isn't this a heart guard..." Wei Wuya was stunned for a while, and then he yelled: "Well, you unfilial disciple, I said where did the life-saving magic weapon of this seat go, it turned out that you stole it!"

Zuo Lingxuan's already blue face suddenly turned darker, and he said weakly:
"Is it still time to worry about this? I originally planned to sell it at the Tianyu Commercial Firm..."

"Sell? No, I can't sell it!" Wei Wuya shivered for a while, and took back the goggles from Zuo Lingxuan's hand: "This is the last property of the teacher...I don't know what you did. It will shatter like this, can this be repaired..."

Seeing his master's distressed look, Zuo Lingxuan was speechless for a while: "Master, the snake is here."

"I can't wait for the snake to swallow you, an unfilial disciple, in one bite!"

Wei Wuya snorted coldly, glanced at the giant python that was about to reach the temple, scolded Zuo Lingxuan on his shoulder, and slowly flew into the sky without touching his injury.


Just when Wei Wuya had already flown to the hundred-zhang-hundred-hole, there was a sudden explosion on the top of the temple, and a red beam of light shot into the sky.

I don't know when it started, there are many headless giants around, they are holding dark chains and encircling the bloody flesh mountain that is gradually expanding in the red light.

Wei Wuya held Zuo Lingxuan in mid-air, watching the strange ceremony unfolded by the headless giant below, the master and disciple fell into a daze.

It wasn't until Huangfu Yan, who had grown a third eye, flew out of the mountain of blood-red flesh, and the two of them were able to recover...

Huangfu Yan, dressed in a blood robe, stood in the air. Compared with the appearance that he was not nourished by flesh and blood before, his scarlet eyes had taken off the mechanical emptiness, and there was a kind of vivid emotion surging from beginning to end.

Zuo Lingxuan has seen Huangfu Yan in the first stage, so he is very aware of the changes in it, and always feels that... he has self-awareness?

But before, he was clearly 'brainwashed' by the demon...

Just when Zuo Lingxuan was thinking wildly.

Those scarlet eyes suddenly turned around, and in an instant, their eyes met, and Zuo Lingxuan shivered.

He clearly read some kind of playfulness in Huangfu Yan's eyes... It was as if he was looking at ants with disdain.

Just a glance, Huangfu Yan turned around and left, along with those ten thousand year monsters who bowed their heads and declared themselves ministers.

Huangfu Yan and the other demons were like locusts crossing the border, leaving only a mess in the temple.

After being silent for a long time, Wei Wuya frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Teacher, I just made a plan for the teacher, and there may be major events here next."

Zuo Lingxuan rolled his eyes, he was already short of qi and blood, and at this moment he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


"What's wrong?" Wei Wuya felt that his apprentice's tone was not quite right, and turned to look at him.

Zuo Lingxuan pointed to the East Imperial City, which was in ruins, and said quite speechlessly:
"I don't have to do the math to know that something big is going to happen."

In the Tuxian Pavilion, Ji Ding and the elders of the sect gathered around the round table and pointed at the three-dimensional map made of spiritual power, as if they were discussing how to clean up the monsters.

The buildings in the Eastern Imperial City have already been destroyed by monsters, and the Tuxian Pavilion is one of the few buildings that are still intact, which is also closely related to the defensive formation engraved on it.

In addition, the young monks who survived in various sects also meticulously guarded the Tuxian Pavilion.

Once a surviving monk is found approaching, they will immediately accept Jintu Xiange for treatment; on the contrary, if a monster smells the breath of the human race and runs over, the disciples of various sects will also use the defensive formation of Tu Xiange as the basis. Only one against monsters.

In a one-on-one situation, even the elders struggled a lot to fight against those ten thousand year demon emperors, not to mention that most of these disciples were in the sea realm.

But fortunately, they were well-trained and knew how to unite against the enemy, and in a short while, the corpses of monsters accumulated on the ground.

In order to prevent the cultivators from collapsing due to lack of physical strength, each sect did not stand guard together, but carried out a shift system according to their respective sects. Even when they were all acquaintances, they cooperated well.

It can be said that at this stage, the safest place in the entire East Imperial City is undoubtedly the Tuxian Pavilion.

Although... this also has something to do with the fact that most of the monsters are not interested in them, they are all walking towards the center of the red light, as if something is attracting them there.

bang, bang, bang—

Another headless giant walked slowly to the Tuxian Pavilion. He seemed to sense the breath of a living person. Because he had no eyes, he could only tentatively stretch out his hand and slap randomly on the outside of the eaves.

Several young cultivators held their breath, the huge palm almost passed by their ears, and a gust of wind and waves blew the ends of their hair.

"Just... take advantage of it now!" The leading senior brother gave an order in a panic.

Dozens of disciples who had been lurking around for a long time jumped up from the gap between the houses. Dozens of blades slashed at the ankles of the headless giant at almost the same time. Let yourself fall.

The disciple in command felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly chopped his palms like knives, gesturing and shouting:

"Rewind! Rewind! On the spell group!"

The disciples who chopped off their ankles looked at each other, and hurriedly pulled out their sharp knives and rushed back.

That is, at this moment, the headless giant suddenly raised one foot high, stepping on the ground as if it were a critical force.


The ground trembled, and a hurricane blew up with the headless giant at the center. The monks who couldn't retreat couldn't even cry out, and even their swords were blown away without a trace.

This hurricane intensified. At first, it could be explained by 'it's too big to step on a foot', but later, it completely turned into some kind of magical power of unknown origin.

Seeing that the spell group had already prepared spells, they were about to bomb together, but because of the influence of this hurricane, they were unable to blast out the spells that were ready to go, and could only wait rigidly in place.

The disciple in command was sweating on his forehead. If the hurricane continued to expand according to this trend, it would affect the spell group sooner or later. Once they lost the bombardment of the spell group, they would really have nothing to do with the headless giant.

"Above! Hit it from above!" A disciple noticed the hole at the top of the hurricane and hurriedly warned.

The commanding disciple was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed the direction of the disciple's finger.

Sure enough, although the hurricane caused by the headless giant was huge, there was a big hole above it.

If the calculation is accurate to fly to the sky and inflict damage on the headless giant from there, then it may stop and continue to release the hurricane due to the instantaneous impact.

When the hurricane dissipated, the spell team attacked the headless giant's ankle according to the original plan, causing it to lose its balance further. As long as its body completely fell to the ground, the originally established Zongmen annihilation formation could be activated.

"Senior brother, what should I do, do I need to transfer the spell group to the top?" a disciple asked nervously.

The disciple in command shook his head: "Ordinary spells have no effect on these monsters at all. We have experimented many times before, so we let the spell group aim at the ankle of the monster, and now assigning the spell group to the top is just a waste of battle. Just power."

"Then what to do..."

The commander sighed lightly and said solemnly: "What else can we do, we have to mix it hard, the elders are discussing how to deal with getting the red light, we have to defend the Tuxian Pavilion even if we take our lives... I come!"

Following an order, the disciples other than the spell group flew into the sky with their senior brothers.

Looking at the headless giant standing still in the hurricane cavity, the commanding disciple took a deep breath and gritted his teeth:

"Crush! The men with the handle are all rushing to the death with me! You should always think in your head, as long as you rush slowly, the spell group will not be able to shoot, they will not be able to shoot, and everyone will be finished by then! have you understood?!"

No one answered.

The commanding disciples looked around, and saw fear, panic, unwillingness, death, and growing shyness...all kinds of emotions from the eyes of the juniors.

Although no one responded to his call, it was clear to the commanding disciples that they all understood what they meant.

"Crush!" The commanding disciple shouted again, pulled out the saber from his waist, and swooped down first, approaching the headless giant at the center of the hurricane.


The commanding disciple slammed into the back of the headless giant, and the long sword in his hand pierced half an inch of its flesh and blood, which was the limit, but it also effectively made the headless giant pause.

Seeing this, the rest of the disciples quickly followed suit, and the silver light from the sky passed through the entrance of the hurricane, like a fallen star hitting the back of the headless giant.

bang bang bang bang-

Every time it hits, the headless giant's body will lean forward, and the flesh and blood on his body will churned into waves of flesh, and soon lost his balance, and the surrounding hurricane disintegrated instantly.

The spell group was already ready, and at the moment the hurricane dissipated, the colorful spell light waves shot towards the ankle of the headless giant.


The smoke rose, and the fire was everywhere.

The headless giant was swaying because it leaned forward. At this time, after bombarding his ankles with spells, his entire body lost its balance and fell heavily on the ground.

At the same time, a circular formation lit up under the headless giant's body. Dozens of chains of light stretched out from the formation, tying its limbs and waist, and dragged it little by little. abyss.

Seeing the figure of the headless giant disappear, the commanding senior brother was sitting on the ground panting heavily. He looked around and found that most of the disciples were in a similar state to him. Not to mention their physical strength, their spiritual power was also exhausted. net.

You know, this is a monster!It took so much effort to kill this one...

No wonder the elders said they would implement a shift system. If this is not done in rotation, who can stand it?
After resting for a while, the commander asked casually:
"Why hasn't Qingyu Xianzong come to change shifts?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a disciple in green clothes followed his senior brother and came over, surrounded by a group of young monks in green clothes.

"It's coming, it's not coming." The blue-shirted disciple laughed.

Brother Commander frowned and said angrily:
"What did the elders say? The handover should be quick. If there is another monster during the handover, what will you do?"

The blue-shirted disciple waved his hand disapprovingly: "How can there be such a coincidence..."


A loud bang exploded on the street, the ground trembled, and a headless giant, the same as before, came in chains.

Brother Commander was numb, and Senior Brother Qingshan directly chased after him and started scolding:
"Make you talk too much!"

"..." The blue-shirt cultivator.

Well now, the other monster has come, but they haven't made the handover, how can they fight the enemy?

Brother Commander can only sigh: "Quickly invite the elders out, there is nothing we can do."

The remaining disciples were indifferent, but tremblingly pointed in the direction of the headless giant:
"Master...Senior brother, there are people there!"

The commanding senior brother Wei frowned and looked in the direction the disciple pointed.

Just below the headless giant, a handsome and unparalleled young man in a black robe walked towards it like a leisurely stroll, as if he didn't take the headless giant seriously.

"Cultivator? Which sect dares to disobey the elder's orders, is this going to kill you?" The commanding disciple snorted and was about to get up, when he suddenly found that the spiritual power in his body had not recovered, let alone saving people, can he be protected? Swords are a difficult thing.

If you encounter this kind of situation in the wild, no one knows anyone, and it is his own creation that he really died in the mouth of the monster, and he can't blame others.

But now is a special period. Before the reinforcements from the major sects arrive, everyone's combat power must be taken seriously.

Thinking of this, the commander brother took a deep breath and said to the person from the Qingyu Xianzong beside him:

"Brother Tai, we have just killed a demon emperor, and we are temporarily unable to save people, so we are undecided..."

Brother Commander didn't finish his words, because he found that the person who came from Qingyu Xianzong didn't care about his words at all.

The green-robed disciple "Gulu" swallowed his saliva, stared blankly at the black-robed sword immortal, and murmured:

"Senior brother, am I blind? Why do I always think I've seen this scene before?"

Senior Brother Qingshan nodded and said with emotion: "You are not blind, the bull-headed beast was also him before."

The blue-shirted disciple hesitated for a moment: "But, Senior Brother. That bull-headed beast shouldn't be as good as these monsters..."

"Nonsense." Senior Brother Qingshan glanced at him, "The bull-headed beast is only a thousand-year-old demon king, how can it compare with the ten thousand-year demon king?"

The blue-shirted disciple said "Oh", hesitated for a moment, and said tentatively:
"Then... can he win?"

Under normal circumstances, a rational answer must be "no way" here, but since the invincible figure of the sword immortal in black robe was too dazzling that day, Senior Brother Qingshan was also a little unsure.

"But... it's possible, I can't say."


Brother Commander was stunned by the conversation between the two. He knew about the bull-headed beast. After all, it was all rumors, but could the black-robed monk in front win the ten-thousand-year demon emperor?Isn't this bullshitting...

Just when the three of them had different thoughts, the black-robed youth in the distance had already walked to the feet of the headless giant.

The headless giant has no head, but just by feeling, he knows that there is a little guy looking down at his crotch.

It roared towards the sky, and when it lifted its foot, it wanted to crush the black-robed boy...

The commanding apprentice brother just didn't see it, it was too cruel... The people of the Sapphire Immortal Sect are too inhuman, such a handsome person can't be saved, and they are still talking about cross talk... it's too much.

The disciple in green shirt held his breath, he felt that he was more nervous than Sword Immortal in black robe.

If the black-robed sword immortal was crushed into flesh, it would be their misjudgment, and it is estimated that this incident will become a psychological shadow for a lifetime...

But if the black-robed sword immortal wins... that's even more of a psychological shadow, and even directly becomes the inner demon stationed in the state of mind.

Others can kill the demon emperor at the sea level, how about you?

Facing the headless giant's 'step on you' attack, the black-robed sword immortal didn't even draw his sword. He turned around and kicked the headless giant's feet.


That small foot, on the headless giant, seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

Without any pause, the headless giant was overturned to the ground.


The movement of the headless giant was so great that it directly overwhelmed a large area of ​​the surrounding buildings.

The smoke and dust filled the sky, the blue rain swayed, and the gravel bricks were crushed with a 'click, click' sound.

Compared with the deliberately setting aside space to set up a formation to deal with monsters at the Tuxian Pavilion, the sudden encounter with the black-robed sword immortal is obviously more difficult.

It's not because the field is narrow and there is no way to output, but the main reason is that without the help of the formation, it is difficult for them to cause actual damage to these demon emperors with their meager cultivation.

To put it bluntly, how to make up for the sword, and make up for the death of the demon emperor, this is a key issue.

However, the Hei-robed Sword Immortal himself was not in a hurry to make up his sword after doing all this.

His expression was twisted for a while, and suddenly he was in trouble. He hugged his legs with both hands, and he looked at the area that bordered the headless giant just now.

The black-robed sword immortal seemed to be gasping for breath while muttering something, but the distance was too far to be heard from the Tuxian Pavilion.

Even so, the shock of his understated whip leg made the surrounding disciples sluggish.

Brother Commander glanced at his disciple who was so scarred and worked so hard to stumble over the headless giant, and at the black-robed young man who swept up the demon emperor by himself and one leg. He fell into deep thought.

"Who is this person?"

The blue-shirted disciple glanced at his senior brother and saw that he looked autistic, his Adam's apple wriggled and answered for him:

"According to seems that he belongs to Longyumen...but I see that he seems to be staying with Fairy Bingyu..."

As soon as the words fell, the two disciples' frantic "pumping the air conditioner" sounded one after another, and they were about to program a first-hand tune.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: I suddenly remembered how to write a book. I forgot about it two days ago, and it was very rigid.

(End of this chapter)

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