The queen is so fierce

Chapter 176 Ji Ding's Kindness

Chapter 176 Ji Ding's Kindness



With the spirit of shaking the earth and the mountains, the headless giant dropped its huge soles without hesitation.

Xu Shoujing was calm, and at the moment when the headless giant settled down, a whip leg was thrown out.

Before stepping into the cultivation path, Xu Shoujing hardly had any moves that required the use of spiritual power, but since the first trace of spiritual energy was condensed... Thinking about it carefully, he did not have a move that did not require the use of spiritual power.

This may have become an instinct of monks, just like when mortals use a certain part of the muscle, they don't deliberately care about the concept of "use", and they naturally apply it in life.

The same is true for cultivators. After possessing spiritual power, wielding swords, running, or even a casual fighting posture will subconsciously use spiritual power.

This allows them to be in a state of preparation at all times, so as not to be stuck in the gap between 'using spiritual power' and 'not using spiritual power'.

To put it bluntly, the word spiritual power sounds mysterious and mysterious, but in fact, it can be regarded as an alternative physical ability.

The crux of the problem is that before acquiring this ability, a cultivator may still be able to rely only on the body to deal with it. Once he has the spiritual power, he loses it in the middle of it... That's a huge gap for the cultivator.

Xu Shoujing is now in this situation.

Facing the giant's 'step on you' attack, he didn't think much, and subconsciously wanted to use his spiritual power to give himself a layer of film, and then the Nine Tribulations Prison was fully opened, overturning him from the front.

However, Xu Shoujing didn't react until his feet, one big and one small, collided. His habitual thinking made him forget that he couldn't use his spiritual power now.

As far as the result is concerned, although the headless giant was still overturned, colliding with its hard leather surface without any precautions was like kicking with [-]% of his strength to Xu Shoujing. a mountain peak.

With a 'bang', the huge body of the headless giant fell to the ground.

Xu Shoujing walked out of the billowing smoke, leaning against the wall to one side, gasping for air, hugging his calf, his expression twisted:

" come I got numb after just kicking it, it wasn't so miserable when I used True Qi before..."

clap clap-

Countless rubble rolled from the back of the headless giant. Seeing that it wanted to stand up on the ground, Xu Shoujing hurriedly raised one hand and waved:


As soon as the words fell, Su Huanqing fell gracefully from the roof with a silver sword in hand. She looked at the limbs of the headless giant, her eyes slightly frozen, her hands were imprinted, and an ice-blue magic formula covered it.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, the air became very dry, and the cold wind was like thousands of silver needles scratching Xu Shoujing's skin.

click... click...

The headless giant's struggling body froze, and the originally rolled stones turned into shattered ice flakes.Its limbs, including the drive, were nailed to the ground by the ice edges. Although it was not immobile, it was obviously not feasible to stand up immediately.

After a wave of offensive ended, Su Huanqing didn't want to fight anymore, and immediately gave up his position and handed over the main stage to Jiang Rongyue, who had already finished printing.

Jiang Rongyue opened her mouth lightly, spitting out cumbersome old words.

The next moment, purple thunder circled in the sky, and a purple thunder circle with a radius of more than twenty feet appeared above.

Jiuxiao Zilei, like a furious dragon, slashed at the headless giant out of control.

The body of the headless giant made a 'crackling' sound, and a faint scent of scorched meat passed through the streets and alleys.

At this time, Xu Shoujing also slowed down. After confirming that the headless giant lost its ability to resist, he took out the painting Fang Yanqian and jumped onto the waist of the headless giant with a single leap.

The sword is like a full moon, and the silver light is like a thread.

Including the two disciples who had been foolish in the distance, everyone did not react to what happened. They only felt that a sword energy swept across, and the headless giant was cut in half by the waist, and fell to the ground without making a sound.

Xu Shoujing stood at the shoulder blade of the headless giant, lightly flicking the blood on the silver sword, and slowly put the painting boat into the scabbard, with extremely elegant movements...


Out of nowhere, a familiar woman in a dark green dress suddenly appeared. She smacked Xu Shoujing on the head impatiently, and said angrily:
"What are you doing so handsome? You can't leave yet."


Xu Shoujing smiled awkwardly and hurriedly left behind Aunt Chu.

Jiang Rongyue helped her forehead helplessly and sighed: "Xiaojing is really, as long as someone wants to be in the limelight, it will never change in this life."

Ranxi covered her mouth and smiled, and said with a sweet smile: "Xu Gongzi also has the capital to show off, look how handsome he looks..."

One man and four women passed by like a gust of wind, neatly solved the two troubled monsters, and left together.

Leaving the monks standing in a mess in the wind.


Ji Ding discussed the countermeasures with the elders, and then walked out of the Tuxian Pavilion one after another.

As soon as they went out, they saw various disciples slumped on the ground with gray faces, as if hundreds of salted fish who had lost their dreams were piled together.

Ji Ding's heart sank, this heavy atmosphere... Could it be that he sacrificed many disciples?
He coughed lightly, attracted the attention of the disciple who was still autistic, and said solemnly:

"Everyone is dead... Changyi, come here."

The commanding apprentice...the disciple who was called Changyi by Ji Ding, immediately came to the master's side, bowed his hands and said:
"Master, are you calling me?"

Ji Ding glanced around and searched for a long time and couldn't find out which disciple was missing, but he was still quite sad and authentic:
"Let's talk, who is there, and when they go back to this seat, they will personally ask the sect master to engrave their names on the sword tablets of the mountains."

The Mountain Sword Stele is a stone stele built at the top of the Biyun Immortal Palace. The names engraved on it are all the disciples who died fighting for the sect since the establishment of the sect.

Ordinary people are not qualified to be engraved on the mountain sword monument, but this time, it is fighting for the common people of the human race. Presumably, the sect master will also open the door and let them be remembered by history like their ancestors.

Ji Ding thought very well in his heart, but Chang Yi was a little confused after hearing this. He scratched his head and said with a puzzled look:

"Master, what are you talking about?"

Ji Ding put on an expression of 'You don't have to hide it, I know it all', and said solemnly:

"I am asking you which disciples have been killed."

Chang Yi blinked, then tilted his head and glanced at the decadent-looking juniors and brothers who were sitting on the ground. A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in his eyes, and he immediately said embarrassedly:
"Master, you misunderstood. Although there were a lot of small problems in the middle of the fight against the monster, none of the sect disciples were injured, and the junior disciples are still alive."

Ji Dingwei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly did not understand:
"If that's the case, why are they so pessimistic?"

Chang Yi stopped talking, his expression was like eating a dozen lemons.

How does one answer this?They worked desperately, spent most of the day, and finally killed a monster.

But just now, a Sword Immortal from the Ocean Realm passed by with her female family, and it took less than fifteen quarters in total, and a headless giant of the same scale was slaughtered.

The gap is too big...

Chang Yi is actually quite autistic, but who made him a big brother? Even if he is autistic, he must hide it in his heart.

Well now, Master asked the question in person. He couldn't hide it if he wanted to, so he could only recount what happened just now.

"Is there such a thing?" After listening to Chang Yi's explanation, Ji Ding's eyebrows frowned slightly, his eyes were very surprised, and he asked again: "Where is that sword immortal now?"

Chang Yi recalled a little, and pointed his finger in the direction of the red light beam:

"After killing the headless giant, the sword cultivator and his female relatives went to the direction of the red light non-stop..."


As soon as Chang Yi finished speaking, Ji Ding scolded him with a dark face, shaking his head repeatedly:

"This sword immortal is so skilled that he will definitely become a precious battle force in the battle between the human and monster that is likely to break out in the future! But now that his wings are not yet full, looking for the red light is completely killing him!"

After speaking, Ji Ding couldn't hold back and cursed again:
"You've been watching from the side, why didn't you know to go up and stop it?"


Wasn't that hit at the time? Who would have thought so much...

Chang Yi looked aggrieved.

Ji Ding kept sighing and pacing back and forth, but he heard the voices of other sect elders also making angry voices. It is estimated that the situation is similar to his side, and he may have just learned the news of the sword immortal.

After pondering for a while, Ji Ding and the elders looked at each other, tacitly knowing, he immediately ordered Chang Yi:

"Changyi, hurry up and set off, be sure to stop the sword fairy before they reach the place of red light. Now the human race really can't lose a battle strength..."

Ji Ding looked at the sky and sighed with emotion.

"Yes." Chang Yi bowed his head and hurriedly went to summon his disciples.



The blue rain in the sky has not been interrupted, but the half-round red sun has indented into the top of the mountain, and the sunset glow that dazzles the sky and clouds is like a flaming song of night and fire, rendering a layer of orange on the almost dead city of Donghuang. brilliance.

Chu Shuwan was wearing a long dark green dress, her mature face with a somewhat awkward look, and walked forward without saying a word.

Xu Shoujing, on the other hand, was like a child who was entangled in death without paying for his life. Surrounded by her, he hugged her shoulders and waist, and she kept talking about numb love.

Unfortunately, Chu Shuwan did not respond at all.

While Xu Shoujing sighed, he gently squeezed Aunt Chu's little hand, his tone was like a junior who did something wrong:

"Aunt Chu~ why are you still angry, can Jinger apologize to you? As long as you forgive me, you can do whatever you want with Jinger~"

Well, to say such coquettish words from such a handsome young man's mouth, any older mature woman would have goosebumps all over the place long ago.

But who is Chu Shuwan?She changed Xu Shoujing's diapers when she was a child, not to mention that the two of them had already met frankly.

Chu Shuwan just glanced at Xu Shoujing, snorted coldly, and looked like she was ignoring her answer.

However, the little hand wrapped by Xu Shoujing had no intention of taking it back, and he was even quite at ease with those intimate interactions.

In fact, Chu Shuwan was not angry for a long time, or in other words, she had never been angry.

As I said before, what kind of virtue Xu Shoujing is, perhaps only Chu Shuwan knows best in the entire Jiuzhou.

She is just showing an angry look now, just so that Jinger can coax her, Chu Shuwan likes this feeling of being cared for.

In the same way, [-]% Xu Shoujing knew that Chu Shuwan was not angry, so he worked hard to say some sweet words... and embarrassing words.

Whether it is Xu Shoujing or Chu Shuwan, or the three daughters of Jiang Rongyue who follow, they all know that there will be a fierce battle of life and death.

These actions now are, on the one hand, to keep the atmosphere from getting too tense, and on the other hand, to appease his mood.

After a while, the outline of the temple building gradually appeared in the field of vision. Chu Shuwan also knew that the game of 'coaxing the baby' was almost over. Her expression suddenly changed, and she said solemnly:

"Well, I saw it." Xu Shoujing also became serious.

At this time, Jiang Rongyue quickly followed. She looked up at the surroundings of the Eye Palace, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice:
"Xiaojing, something is wrong. The monsters along the way were all heading towards the temple, but now there are no monsters."

Jiang Rongyue was right, starting from the fusion of the temple space and the East Imperial City, almost every monster went in the direction of the temple as said after it came into the world.

But now, when Xu Shoujing and the others rushed to the vicinity of the temple, the surroundings were empty, and the shadow of the monster could not be seen.

You know, this is not the spirit rabbits, spirit monkeys, etc. that you usually see in the wild forest. Almost every one of these demon emperors, born from the blood of the master of the mysterious realm and the pill, has the head above the sky and the earth, even if you want to hide it. Take their size into consideration.

"Maybe...Did they leave?" Ranxi said in a timely manner.

Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then shook his head and denied this possibility:
"If Huangfu Yan really left with all the monsters, it stands to reason that this movement can also be observed by people from various sects, and it will not disappear out of thin air like it is now."

The only possibility that can be considered at present is that Huangfu Yan used some means to hide the monster, and the place is probably not a serious place...

Could it be another space?
Otherwise there is no explanation at all...

This battle is very important, Xu Shoujing did not dare to take it lightly, he thought about several possibilities in a row, and wanted to say it to get the opinions of the women.

Before Xu Shoujing could speak, Chu Shuwan narrowed her almond eyes and said solemnly:

"someone is coming."

When the words fell, Su Huanqing and Xu Shoujing hurriedly pulled out their sabres, and Ranxi and Jiang Rongyue also made a state of alert for hand-pinch magic.

There was a group of monks with different clothes and colors suddenly appeared in the empty surroundings. They stood in the corner of the alley and looked at Xu Shoujing with complicated eyes.

A few immortal old people led by them came forward, Ji Ding changed his style to Japanese and said with a smile:
"Hello, little friend."


Seeing that they were all human races, Xu Shoujing didn't let go of his hand holding the hilt of the sword, although he didn't understand what he was thinking, he just frowned:

"who are you?"

"—" Ji Ding was choked a lot, and secretly said that this little sword fairy is quite upright.

He cleared his throat and returned to his old 'I am an expert' appearance, solemnly said:

"This seat is the sword-wielding elder of Biyun Immortal Palace, Ji Ding."

Xu Shoujing thought about it carefully, um, never heard of it.

However, after a few quarters of observation, Xu Shoujing also understood that this big man should not be someone like Tianyuan Sect, so he bowed his hands politely:
"It's a pleasure to meet, I have long admired the name, I don't know if Elder Ji is looking for the younger generation, but has something important to do?"

Ji Ding didn't answer immediately, just glanced at Chu Shuwan next to him, secretly thinking that this Taoist guardian was a little unattractive.

He still sighed in his heart: This little friend is obviously powerful, but no matter how you look at it now, he is an ordinary cultivator with no spiritual power and empty realm, probably with some magic weapon to hide his true cultivation.

They are all people who can afford hidden cultivation tools, and there must be nothing wrong with the hidden world.

Tsk, why didn't the elders of this little friend know to arrange a few more guardians of the high realm?really...

"Little friend, the danger ahead is dangerous, leave it to me, you'd better turn back." Ji Ding persuaded in a deep voice.

Ji Ding's original intention was to preserve a future top combat power for the human race, but Xu Shoujing also had his own reasons, obviously he could not agree:
"Elder Ji, I appreciate your kindness, but my cultivator is not about advancing and not retreating..."

Before Xu Shoujing's polite words were finished, a playful sneer suddenly came from the horizon:
"You don't have to leave."
Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass;

PS: I suddenly remembered, did I forget those two pets?After writing this paragraph, it's cool to add some drama to it.

(End of this chapter)

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