The queen is so fierce

Chapter 177 Aunt Chu... Aunt Chu!

Chapter 177 Aunt Chu... Aunt Chu!
Huangfu Yan was an orphan.

To be precise, he was not an orphan at one time, and then became an orphan.

Huangfuyan was born in an ordinary mortal family in Hengyang Continent, and had nothing to do with Xiuxian Dao since he came into the world.

Cultivation is really a very miraculous thing. Before contacting cultivation, it seems that immortals are just a distant legend, and whether they exist or not has not yet been confirmed.

But once you embark on the path of cultivation, even if you don't want to, those monks who are usually invisible and leaky will appear in front of you one after another.

Huangfuyan was in such a situation. Before the age of four, he was an ordinary mortal family. His father was doing farm work and growing crops, and his mother was doing some needlework. Although he was not rich, he was still happy.

Until... Tianyuan Sect came.

Huangfu Yan will never forget that day, when a few passing Tianyuan Sect cultivators saw the potential in his body, and could not help but take him to Tiannanzhou, a place he was unfamiliar with.

He didn't even explain a single word to his parents... That's right, in the eyes of the high-level 'immortals' of the Tianyuan Sect, the troubles of mortals are nothing but pearls of rice, an existence that can be discarded at one's fingertips.

In this way, Huangfu Yan joined the Tianyuan Sect in a confused way, and started his own cultivation in a dazed way.

If the story ends here, it would be a good ending.

It's a pity... For the hypocrites of Tianyuan Sect who call themselves immortals, the word 'cruel' is the least psychological burden.

Until the age of ten, Huangfu Yan had the mentality of returning home to see his parents with a successful cultivation, and he had also put in extra effort beyond ordinary people.

But when he stepped out of the gate of Tianyuan Sect for the first time, what he got was two dead bones of his father and mother.

The accompanying monks told him what happened without reservation.

Hengyang Continent is not as stable as Tiannan Continent. First, because of historical factors, Hengyang Continent is the place where the life of the ancient world fell. The evil spirit is very heavy, and many monks who are unstable are likely to be swallowed by the demons here. .

The second is because of the tense relationship between the two races in Hengyang Province, and the constant frictions. If a fuse is given, there will undoubtedly be another battle between the race and the race.

The accompanying monk said this:

"Your parents were doing farm work normally that day, and there happened to be a few fleeing monsters resting nearby. When the chasers arrived, there was another Nirvana cultivator who was attacked by the devil by accident and ran away. In the melee, I don't know which side of the spell was put wrong, and it hit your parents' house..."

"..." Huangfu Yan.

Afterwards, Huangfu Yan was distraught, and as soon as he returned to the sect, he questioned the master, since he knew that Hengyangzhou was so dangerous, why didn't he send someone to pick up his parents earlier.

Huangfuyan's master... that is, the suzerain of Tianyuan Sect, Immortal Tu Yu did not have the slightest psychological fluctuation, but scoffed at his apprentice's questioning:
"The deity, let me ask you a question, what is the use of your parents to this sect?"

The young Huangfu Yan argued for reasons, but just replied: "But that's my father and mother... and I'm the apprentice of Master."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu glanced at him and said indifferently:
"It's true that you are the apprentice of this deity, but don't forget it. At any time, at any place, this deity can take back your status as a 'sect master'. At that time, will your existence value still be meaningful to Tianyuan Sect? "

Huangfu Yan was at a loss for words, and couldn't answer.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu walked to the corridor outside the high pavilion with his hands behind his back, looked at the mountain top of Yan Lan Yunxiu below, and said solemnly:
"Capacity and power are never obtained by others. What others can give you can also be taken back at any time; only the power obtained by yourself is the real power, and only when you are strong is the real power."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's eyes lit up, and he said in a low voice:

"As long as you have enough power, you can ignore the rules like this deity, and others will only dare to be angry and not say anything."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something and muttered to himself:

"...In the future, the vast land of Kyushu will sooner or later become the possession of this deity, as long as the magical power of Jidan is obtained."

Since then, Huangfuyan has regarded the words of Immortal Tu Yu as the creed of life.

Including going to beg Su Huanqing, although it is not ruled out that he does have the heart to pry, but it is more to get the 'Changhe Su Clan', a power that has been hidden for centuries.

Power is developed by oneself; power is also acquired by oneself.

Since it is impossible to steal Jidan's magical powers, it should be the same to get gifts from him, right?
With the power of Jidan, Master's ambition will be surpassed by me sooner or later...
The quaint temple seemed to have lost all its supporting points and collapsed suddenly, but it turned into a powdery hill in a moment.

The surrounding air vibrated like water ripples, and those monsters who had lost their tracks appeared out of thin air.

The blue rain fell in a hurry, and the earth was shrouded in darkness.

Hundreds of giant titans stood between the heavens and the earth, surrounding Xu Shoujing and the others.

"You don't have to leave."

The blood-robed, red-eyed Huangfu Yan jumped down from the shoulder of one of the headless giants, hitting the ground nearly fifty feet in the air, but not even a speck of dust could be rolled up.

"Sure enough, it's you!" It was just a quick glance before, this time Ji Ding was in the front, and he could see Huangfu Yan's face completely, and immediately said angrily: "Are you going to betray the human race?!"

"Betrayal? How could it be, I have a deal with the lord of the devious realm, Jin Dan, and I use this power as I want, and he will not make any move to interfere with me... So, it is my own decision to kill you now. "

Huangfu Yan flicked the dust off his shoulders, and his scarlet pupils revealed a bit of ridicule.

Judging from his attitude that he couldn't get along with the 'elegant son', he was completely different from when he first met him.

Ji Ding's eyes narrowed, as if he had sensed something, and said solemnly:
"The old man who came here with you has already reported back to the Tianyuan Sect, and I have already contacted the sect. It won't be long before the reinforcements from the human race will surround the entire Donghuang Mountain. You can't hide the situation for long."

"It won't bother you anymore." Huangfu Yan didn't care, he knew his ambitious master too well.

Other sects don't know, but if Immortal Tuyu knows that he has obtained the magical power of Jidan, even if he uses force in an unreasonable way, he will definitely protect him.

Not to mention the death of a few elders, even if it is an enemy of the entire Tiannan Continent, Tianyuan Sect also has this strength and capital.


Ji Ding snorted coldly, as if he was not surprised by Huangfu Yan's reaction, he made a seal with one hand, glanced at the other elders, and said coldly:
"Huangfuyan, after the unanimous decision of us and others, the evidence of your betrayal of the human race is conclusive. Today we will act for the heavens and remove your scourge... Presumably, Immortal Tuyu won't say much when he comes."


The dark blue electric current circled in Ji Ding's palm, as if it had been rehearsed in advance. From the seal to the open and closed hands, the whole process was completely synchronized with the rest of the elders.

As the movement intensified, several elders exchanged their positions as if they were dancing gods, and the cuffs of the robes exploded due to the waving sound of breaking the air.

Huangfuyan yawned and watched Ji Ding and the others 'performance' rather bored, and did not intend to interrupt the casting.

Finally, after this weird ritual is over.Led by Ji Ding, all the elders stopped at the same time.

At the same time, a blue thunderball appeared in front of them.

"Huangfu Yan, die!"

As soon as Ji Ding finished speaking, the blue thunderball rushed into the sky with a 'whoosh', and the entire sky was covered with blue lightning in a short while.

Jiang Rongyue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. She majored in the way of thunder. Although there was a certain gap in her cultivation, she could see that this was not an ordinary way of summoning thunder, but was somewhat similar to... Heavenly Tribulation.

Chu Shuwan also saw some clues. Just now, Ji Ding and others seemed to be 'jumping the gods', but in fact, they used the attributes of each elder's major in Taoism to intentionally depict a circle of five elements.

The aura of heaven and earth comes from the Tao of the Five Elements. Although Chu Shuwan knows little about the Tao of Lei Fa, she also understands the truth that any magic comes from the aura of heaven and earth.

In other words, the five elders seemed to be doing nothing, but they were actually 'simulating the way of heaven'.

Heavenly robbery is the most troublesome 'weapon' under the laws of heaven.

Being able to think of such a lonely way to deal with Huangfu Yan in such a short period of time, it seems that the elders are indeed not eating dry rice, and they are still somewhat real.

Even Jiang Rongyue and Chu Shuwan could see that summoning Leifa was not easy, and Huangfu Yan, who had the highest theoretical combat power at the scene, naturally couldn't be mistaken.

But he was always standing there, looking at the rolling thunder in the sky, without any intention of avoiding it.

Ji Ding and the others turned pale, and the burden of 'simulating the catastrophe' was far more than usual. They had already drained everyone in just a few quarters of an hour, but they still insisted that the spell would not be scattered.

"Huangfu Yan, take the call!"


The deep blue sky and thunder gathered a little, and smashed straight at Huangfu Yan.

The surroundings were shrouded in thick fog like dark clouds, and bursts of hurricanes blew up everyone's sleeves.

The earth was shaken by the thunder, and Donghuang Mountain seemed to be about to collapse.

Ji Ding abruptly withdrew his hand, alerted his attention, and let out a sigh of relief, but said with emotion:
"It's a pity that a generation of Tianjiao has fallen into the abyss. It's a pity, it's a pity. Chang Yi, go and collect the corpse for Huangfu Yan..."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing, who was watching the play for a long time, widened his eyes. He looked at Ji Ding with horror on his face, and almost wanted to go up and fight.

I'll go... Uncle, what's wrong with you?The smoke hasn't dissipated yet, what flag is there? !

Just as Xu Shoujing thought, Huangfu Yan walked out of the thick smoke with the sound of 'ta-ta-ta' footsteps, with a mocking smile on his face.

"—" Ji Ding exclaimed in disbelief, "Impossible, how did you survive the thunder?"

Huangfu Yan smiled without saying a word, but the answer was quickly presented in front of everyone.

When the thick smoke completely dissipated, an incredible picture was displayed in front of everyone.

Countless number of headless giants were piled together in the posture of piling up Arhats. The headless giant at the top was covered in coke, and there was a large hole in his chest that was observed.

The big hole went all the way down, through the chests of countless giants, with layers of charred black, and finally stopped at the leather watch of the last headless giant.

Huangfuyan stayed under the last giant. He supported the giant with an invisible force with one hand. He was not injured at all, and his response was a bit too simple.

That mocking smile seemed to say, "Why do you think I'll take it all in front of you?"



Ji Ding spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground with a pale face. The disciples of Biyun Immortal Palace hurriedly surrounded him.

But they knew in their hearts that even the elders couldn't beat Huangfu Yan, and it was very likely that no one would be able to walk out of the East Imperial City alive.

Huangfu Yan stopped paying attention to the movements of the elders, and then focused on Xu Shoujing.

He narrowed his scarlet pupils and said straight to the point:
"I hate you, Xu Shoujing."


Wouldn't it be scary if you liked me?
Xu Shoujing pouted, not wanting to pay attention to him, but thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

To be honest, with the power of Ji Ding's 'jumping god' just now, Xu Shoujing thought he couldn't do it.

Even when Xu Shoujing's spiritual power was not banned, if he tried his best to use the 'Clear Water Shocking Autumn' that he learned from 'Ultra Night', he would probably only be able to reach [-]/[-] of the 'Simulated Thunder'.

Not to mention that now that his spiritual power was banned, he was barely able to use the half-crippled Nine Tribulations Prison Body all over his body.

So how to deal with Huangfu Yan?

Xu Shoujing has been keeping calm thinking, he knows that if his heart is filled with panic, he will miss the opportunity even if he has the chance.

Huangfu Yan obviously did not have the patience to wait for Xu Shoujing to think slowly, he said solemnly:

"From the first time I saw you, I was sure that you were the type of person I hated the most. Because you will never make any decisions against your will, always just for your own comfort, no scruples, and free indulgence."

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, not understanding what Huangfuyan was talking about, and asked aloud:

"What do you want?"

Huangfu Yan sneered, and Hong Tong seemed to be crazy: "I want to destroy you. Now I will give you two choices. Leave Su Huanqing behind, and you and the rest can leave."

"You are dreaming." Xu Shoujing's eyes sank and his expression became colder.

Su Huanqing glanced at Xu Shoujing, not surprised that he would react like this.

After getting along for this period of time, she has already mastered Xu Shoujing's temperament.

He didn't really care how others scolded him, slandered him, or tried to kill him.

But once he touches the people around him...especially women, Xu Shoujing, who kept calm at that moment in the past, will immediately become like a different person, impulsive, reckless, and self-indulgent...

These are the most important flaws that a successful person cannot have.


Su Huanqing quite likes this flaw.

Thinking of this, she didn't even notice that a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The youth of that moment was as dazzling as the fireworks in the night sky, but unfortunately it has passed away in an instant, and no one appreciates it.

"Another option. All of you will die here, without exception." Huangfu Yan did not respond to Xu Shoujing, but continued with a cold face: "You have no time to think about it, I count three, if you still don't answer, I will By default, you picked two, and now—"


Xu Shoujing took a deep breath, and suddenly turned to look at Su Huanqing, his eyes were heavy, but his expression was very relaxed:
"You don't think about anything... Sacrificing yourself, fulfilling us or something?"

Su Huanqing shook her head and said with a blank face, "I will die with you."

When the words fell, she seemed to think that this sentence was a bit too ambiguous, and added a sentence unnaturally:
"It's all for the master."

Xu Shoujing secretly laughed in his heart, this is pure bullshit, the current situation has nothing to do with Master at all.

"Two." Huangfu Yan dragged a long tone.

Knowing that time was running out, Xu Shoujing immediately gave Su Huanqing a look, and then took a step forward.

Although it is said to be 'death and then live', it would be really stupid to rush to the reckless without a trump card.

Under the current circumstances, what is the only thing Xu Shoujing can compare with Huangfuyan?
The answer is actually very simple. He started on the cultivation path, and he was the first to obtain and also the first piece of immortal martial art—Shen Jing Punishment.

Although there are many restrictions, it is the only Lingwu in Xu Shoujing's hands that does not rely on spiritual power and almost ignores the realm.

Xu Shoujing thought very simply, at the moment when Huangfu Yan said 'one' and attacked himself, he used the characteristics of the gods to punish the sky to break his offensive.

And while the other party was surprised, with Aunt Chu's formation and Huan Qing's ice restrictions, he quickly rushed over and ended him.

There is only one chance, and the 'absolutely breaking defense' of God's Pure Punishment is the first kill for any cultivator.

The second and third times, the other party was prepared, and with Xu Shoujing's current ability, I'm afraid it would be difficult to get close.

Su Huanqing understood Xu Shoujing's eyes, and secretly put his finger on his Qiongyu Pavilion, just waiting to take it out when he needed it.

Xu Shoujing listened intently and did not dare to relax at all. As long as he heard 'one', he would immediately signal Su Huanqing...


A red light flashed, and the field of vision was covered by blood beads that suddenly soared, and Xu Shoujing fell into a sluggishness.

This sudden attack, everyone present ... whether it was Su Huanqing, Jiang Rongyue or Ranxi could not react, except... Chu Shuwan.

The bright red blood spear penetrated Chu Shuwan's abdomen, and the hot blood spilled on Xu Shoujing's face, he didn't even notice it.

Xu Shoujing just stared blankly at the woman in front of him, raised his hand tremblingly, and wanted to touch her cheek.

There was blood on the corner of Chu Shuwan's mouth, and her beautiful face was bloodless and pale like a piece of white paper.

Despite this, she was still smiling, and in her darkened apricot eyes, she seemed to be saying: You'll be fine.

And the person responsible for all this, Huangfu Yan's eyes, was surprised, Wei Shi shook his head, waved his sword finger lightly, and suddenly the blood spear that penetrated Chu Shuwan's abdomen was pulled out.


"Aunt Chu... Aunt Chu!"

Chu Shuwan fell down in response, Xu Shoujing instinctively took her into his arms, and the scene in front of her became very illusory.

Jiang Rongyue and Ranxi ran over calling Chu Shuwan's name, and Su Huanqing also calmed Xu Shoujing while taking out various medicines from Qiongyu Pavilion.

Chu Shuwan was lying in Xu Shoujing's arms, and she said "Jinger, I'm fine." She fainted.

... All this was played in front of Xu Shoujing like a movie rewinding, but he couldn't feel any real feeling, even their voices were automatically filtered, his consciousness was chaotic, and the world was only gray and white.

But only one person's voice, even at a distance of several tens of meters, still clearly entered Xu Shoujing's ears.

After commanding the blood spear, Huangfu Yan's eyes flashed with surprise, but it was more of a joke, as if to say: How could I really wait until I say 'one' before I do anything to you?

As if mocking Xu Shoujing deliberately, when the blood spear flew back to his palm, Huangfu Yan added with a sneer:


Xu Shoujing's brain exploded completely, all the messy tactics and considerations of the past were thrown aside, and only one purest thought remained in the blank brain——

I am going to kill you.
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(End of this chapter)

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