The queen is so fierce

Chapter 178 Dye Xi?Queen!

Chapter 178 Dye Xi?Queen!
I am going to kill you.

At the moment when this thought occurred in his heart, Xu Shoujing had no intention of restraining himself at all, and let the black emotion in his heart spread throughout his body.

Unconsciously, Xu Shoujing lost control of his body, and his consciousness escaped into the darkness.

At the same time, he moved.


Everyone only saw a flash of silver light, and the black-robed sword fairy disappeared.

When his shadow broke into everyone's field of vision again, Xu Shoujing drew his sword in anger, standing above Huangfuyan, and wanted to swing his sword down.

Huangfuyan's eyes were amazed, and he had no idea that Xu Shoujing would be able to break out at such a speed under such circumstances.

But so what, just because he has no spiritual power in his body now, it is impossible to cause any harm to himself.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yan's heart was calm, and instead of resisting with the blood spear that was transformed into his hands, he leaned back slightly and stepped back.


The sword qi was vertical and horizontal in the shape of an arc, and the white rainbow crossed the sky.

Everyone only felt that the ground under their feet shook suddenly, as if the entire Donghuang Mountain was pressed down by a layer when Xu Shoujing swung his sword.

After the smoke cleared, Huangfu Yan stood in the distance with a solemn expression, and there was actually a fresh bloodstain on the side of his face.

Xu Shoujing stood there and didn't move. He supported the painting boat Yanqian with one hand, cracked under his feet, and covered his chest with the other hand and panted.


Seeing this scene, a few question marks appeared above everyone's head.

There was quite a lot of movement just now, why did it suddenly stop... Let's fight again, it's up to you whether you live or die.

Jiang Rongyue was busy dealing with Chu Shuwan's injury. She knew that she couldn't stop Xu Shoujing, so she could only pray that Xiaojing would recover at a critical moment and not be easily defeated by Huangfuyan because of her blood.

She almost used up the elixir of several women, and finally managed to stabilize Chu Shuwan's injury.

As soon as he took a breath, he saw that Xu Shoujing was actually deadlocked.

"What's going on?" Jiang Rongyue asked with a frown.

Ranxi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and a purple-blue color flashed in her eyes, her tone was very anxious:
"Xu... Young Master Xu is injured."


As if to confirm Ranxi's words, a drop of blood dripped down Xu Shoujing's robe.

The drop of blood drew a conspicuous line of blood in the air, smashed on the gravel and bricks, and splattered in all directions.

Jiang Rongyue's apricot eyes narrowed, her breathing stagnated, and she subconsciously covered her small mouth.

I saw Xu Shoujing's hand holding the sword on the shoulder, the dark red blood gradually fainted.

Xu Shoujing was sweating constantly in front of his forehead. He could only control his breathing rhythm to keep his heart rate from being so rushed.

"The burden is too great." Su Huanqing's eyes wandered, and he said solemnly: "He has no spiritual power now, and he is still using physical techniques. Without the buffer of spiritual power, all the shocks caused by the physical techniques will be directly reflected on his body. superior."

As Su Huanqing said, the Nine Tribulations Prison System is divided into three stages. Xu Shoujing has been using the first stage because of his lack of strength.

I remember that when Zhao Fuyao first taught Xu Shoujing the Nine Tribulations Heavy Prison Body, he described this body art in this way - as heavy as a mountain, lifting ten thousand jins.

The founder of the Nine Tribulations Prison Body designed this body art to be able to face the enemy and not be weak in any situation.

Anyone who faces a monk with a complete prison body will be afraid of one of his moves.

Under the heavy pressure of the mountains, even the simplest sword is difficult to resist.

... This is the correct way to open the Nine Tribulations Prison Body.

But in Xu Shoujing's hands, the same physical skills as opening and hanging can only be used as a one-time skill of 'terrain destruction' and 'terrain killing' for a long time.

It's no wonder that Zhao Fuyao asked him to follow Ling Fuyu to repair the sword first. This guy can't learn anything too super classy.

However, this is also related to Xu Shoujing's lack of home cultivation.

Due to the instinctive self-protection of creatures in the past, in fact, the power used by each person is less than 40.00% of the whole body.

This is also the reason why Xu Shoujing cannot use the second stage of the heavy prison body.

But now the situation is different. Under Dong Huangli's restraint, Xu Shoujing has nothing to rely on except the tangled prison bound to his body.

In addition, his reason was devoured by anger, and his heart was also eaten away by the secretly growing demon.

Xu Shoujing didn't think about the tactics of God's purification and punishing the sky at all, and he didn't think about what would happen to him.

Regardless of the consequences, the consequences of running the Nine Tribulations Prison System with all his might, naturally, Xu Shoujing's body was overwhelmed and gradually fell apart.

Su Huanqing was so far away that she could see what was going on inside. Huangfu Yan, who was in 'close contact' with Xu Shoujing, would not be clear for no reason.

Huangfu Yan wiped away the blood on the side of his face with his thumb, and when he saw Xu Shoujing losing his mind, he suddenly laughed:
"Xu Shoujing, you are really just a mortal. In the face of absolute power, where did your usual 'follow my heart is the way' go?"

What responded to Huangfu Yan was the bright silver sword that once again charged up with the sword and smashed at him in the face.


The seemingly light long sword, placed in Xu Shoujing's hand, was like a giant sword that was as heavy as a thousand tons. The moment it hit the ground, it caused a crack of more than ten feet in a radius.

Huangfuyan's face remained unchanged, and her toes tickled her body and faded back, almost passing the sword edge.

Unable to hit with a single blow, Xu Shoujing leaned forward slightly because of his inertial posture.

But he didn't give himself the slightest time to adjust his balance, he jumped up again before his footsteps were steady, and smashed the sword in his hand at Huangfuyan again.

One of the two pursued desperately, while the other mastered the rhythm and became more and more handy at hiding.

It seems that the fight is inseparable, but in fact it is Xu Shoujing who has been bleeding all the time, during which Huangfu Yan has not shot once.

While hiding, Huangfu Yan kept attacking Xu Shoujing's heart with words as sharp as a knife:

"Yes... I just want to see what you look like now. There has never been anyone in the world who can always obey their hearts, and I have been making painful choices... So, I really hate your look as if I will never regret it. look."


Another sword hit the ground, Xu Shoujing's entire shoulder had been dislocated, and he also spurted a mouthful of blood because of the excessive recoil.

Despite this, Xu Shoujing relentlessly dragged his broken body to attack Huangfuyan.

Huangfuyan's rhetoric continued: "You should be able to feel it now, right? There is no such thing as 'follow my heart'. In the face of strength, even firm beliefs will be forced to change.

If you choose to let the Ice Jade Fairy stay at the beginning, the latter things will not be derived.It's all your fault after all. "


The painting boat light smoke came out.

Xu Shoujing swung his sword and fell suddenly on the way. After a long time of overloading, half of his body was numb, and even the pair of eyes that were burned by anger finally slowly closed due to lack of physical strength.

Seeing this scene, Huangfu Yan finally frowned, and he suddenly felt that... what he said just now was all in vain.

This guy can't listen to people at all now.

"Forget it, that's about you."

Huangfu Yan shook her head, and seemed to have lost interest in Xu Shoujing. She waved her hand, and a scarlet blood spear appeared in her hand, and she was about to stab Xu Shoujing...

In the distance, Jiang Rongyue panicked when she saw Xu Shoujing's fall, but she still had to maintain Chu Shuwan's injury without leaving her body.

Su Huanqing also became vain because of the continuous delivery of spiritual power to Jiang Rongyue, and she was unable to support Xu Shoujing at all.

Even Ji Ding's group of sect disciples was also responsible for attracting the attention of a large number of monsters, and there was no way to lend a helping hand to Xu Shoujing.

The scene suddenly fell into a dead end.


At this moment, Ranxi, who had been delivering medicine to Jiang Rongyue, stood up.

"Ranxi?" Jiang Rongyue was stunned for a moment.

Ranxi didn't respond, but walked slowly towards Xu Shoujing.

Every step of hers was very light, seemingly slow as she was walking, but she was actually shrinking into an inch, and in the blink of an eye she stood in front of Xu Shoujing.

"Ranxi!" Jiang Rongyue exclaimed.

Huangfu Yan was also surprised, but he did not reduce the speed of the blood spear in his hand at all.

In his eyes, Ranxi's threat is not even half as good as Xu Shoujing's.

Of course, if it is 'Ranxi'.


A azure blue water, the moonlight is like frost, and the galaxy is brilliant.

This is the lake of Ranxi's mood.

"I have no reason to help God punish the rest."

A cold woman's voice sounded.

Ranxi stood on the lake of mood, and a hazy white human-shaped phantom stood in front of her.

She looked at the white human-shaped phantom in front of her, smiled lightly, and shook her head slightly:

"You have."

The white humanoid phantom was silent for a moment, then asked again:

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Yeah." Ranxi nodded.

"Is it worth it for a god to punish the remnants?"

"He is not punished by the gods." Ran Xi smiled sweetly, but the smile always revealed a bit of bitterness and reluctance.

She raised her hand and stroked her conscience, and her eyes were filled with tears, as if recalling:
"At first, you directed me to Xu Gongzi's side. Just follow him... I can find my family and my origin..."

The white phantom was silent.

Ranxi continued to hold her conscience, her fingers even harder:

"But when I really understood who I was, I found out that I never needed to find a destination, and the side of Xu Gongzi was my destination."

"Do you like him?" White phantom asked aloud.

"I don't know." Ranxi blinked, but shook her head. "Xu Gongzi is very good to me, and Ranxi can't repay it. But I can feel that he has no thoughts about me in that regard... But what does it matter?"

The white phantom looked up at her.

Ranxi paused for a moment, then continued: "Mr. Xu, Miss, Sect Master Chu, Xiaoxiao... They are all my family. What I wanted before, I already have it."

As she said that, she looked at the white phantom, her eyes gradually firming:

"After seeing the person in the temple, I'm even more sure of this, so... please, help Xu Gongzi."

The white phantom was silent for a long time, and quietly uttered a word:

"it is good."


The blood spear in Huangfuyan's hand turned into a red lightning bolt, which seemed to run through Ranxi and Xu Shoujing behind her.

At this critical moment, Ranxi's pupils suddenly became ethereal.

She blinked slightly, and her watery pupils were covered with purple-blue light.

Ranxi's temperament also transformed, from the original soft and weak girl to a peerless monster across the ages.

Huangfu Yan's eyes narrowed, realizing that the situation was not good, but she was unable to take it back, so she could only bite the bullet and continue to send the blood spear to Ranxi.

Facing the scarlet blood spear that was as powerful as a bamboo, 'Ran Xi' flicked his fingers, and a purplish-blue luster turned into flying snow, and fluttered to meet him.


The moment the blood spear touched the flying snow, the entire spear seemed to be corroded, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Huangfu Yan hurriedly discarded the blood spear, and his body suddenly retreated. He wanted to run out of the East Imperial City on the spot.

After retreating nearly twenty feet in a row, Huangfu Yan was able to stabilize his body, and then looked at Ranxi vigilantly, wanting to know where this is sacred.

'Ranxi' didn't care about Huangfuyan's movements, she looked at her white palm like a work of art, frowned slightly, and muttered to herself:

"This little girl's cultivation base is really not at home. If she can't even cast a decent spell, her spiritual power will be exhausted."

She tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing, who had passed out in a coma, sighed secretly, and placed her green finger between his eyebrows:

"Forget it, I'll let you show off."

As soon as the words fell, a purple-blue fluorescent light entered Xu Shoujing's mind along the fingertips of 'Ranxi'.

Ranxi suddenly seemed to have lost all her strength, and fell weakly into Xu Shoujing's arms...

Hmm, it fell pretty well.

Huangfu Yan frowned, although she didn't know what was going on, it was obviously the best chance at this moment.

He hurriedly solidified the blood spear in his hand, this time he didn't dare to go over, but threw it across the distance and flew towards Xu Shoujing with his sword finger—



The inky black water lake has waterfalls falling from the void on both sides.

Xu Shoujing stood on the black lake with dull eyes, his limbs were bound by heavy chains, unable to move half a step.

Step, step, step.

Ranxi, who was covered in white light, came from the shore. She glanced at the black water lake as thick as ink, and a clear disgust flashed in her pupils:

"It really is God's punishment for the remnants."

As she said that, she lightly stepped on the water and walked lightly towards Xu Shoujing in the center.

Xu Shoujing, who was bound by the chains, slowly raised his head, as if sensing that someone was approaching. There was some kind of black will in those empty eyes.

Seeing this, 'Ranxi' shook his head and sighed:
"This kid's heart is too fragile, but at this level, he can be swallowed by the inner demon..."

"No." She seemed to recall the conversation she had just said, and suddenly changed her tone, muttering to herself, "Is it because the woman was injured? The love of children is so important... This doesn't seem like a punishment from heaven. The style of the family."

Time waits for no one. Although the world in the state of mind passes more slowly than the outside world, it is not something that can be wasted arbitrarily.

'Ranxi' glanced at the chains, raised his brows, and gently stroked Xu Shoujing with his hands.


Xu Shoujing made a sound like a dream. He seemed to have had a long nightmare. When he woke up, he saw... that he was locked in chains, and in front of him stood a Ranxi who was very queenly.


What is this PLAY?

When 'Ranxi' saw Xu Shoujing awake, he unceremoniously reached out and raised his chin:
"Boy, I don't know who placed this restriction on you. With this emperor's current spiritual power, it can't be solved for the time being."

Looking at the four eyes, Xu Shoujing was a little stunned. He looked at 'Ranxi' whose temperament had changed greatly, and tentatively said:
"Are you Ranxi...?"

'Ranxi' did not answer Xu Shoujing's question, and said to himself:

"The only thing this emperor can do is to help you dispel your inner demons, and teach you a secret technique to improve your strength in a short period of time... As for whether you can break free of the restriction, it depends on you."

As soon as he heard the words of 'Ranxi', Xu Shoujing's memory before he fell into a coma gradually recovered.

In an instant, his mood took a turn for the worse, and he asked anxiously:
"Aunt Chu, how is she..."

"She's fine, take care of yourself."

'Ranxi' said coldly, and then spit out the old words, and the purple-blue brilliance began to flow.

At this moment, Xu Shoujing only wanted to know about Chu Shuwan's situation, and he didn't even bother to ask if 'Ranxi' had changed, and said:

"Aunt Chu, he... um..."

Before Xu Shoujing finished speaking, he was blocked by the sudden warm touch.

Ranxi's beautiful eyes never took off her coldness. She pressed Xu Shoujing's head and stood on tiptoe with a posture that could not be rejected.

Eyes facing each other, lips touching.

A lot of tedious knowledge and unheard of information were poured into his brain, Xu Shoujing's consciousness gradually became hazy, and his head was shaking.

In a trance, there was a 'click' in my ear, which seemed to be the sound of the chain breaking...


Going back to reality.

Huangfuyan's blood spear turned into a red line, and with the sound of breaking through the air, it approached Xu Shoujing, who was unconscious on the ground.

And Xu Shoujing, who was in a coma, seemed to move his fingertips...
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: Brake the car... I feel a little problem. Now the pressure is very good. The key is how to release it.Breaking through the ban directly and killing Huangfuyan in seconds... Obviously not cool enough
(End of this chapter)

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