The queen is so fierce

Chapter 179 He must die

Chapter 179 He must die

The blood-colored spear turned abruptly on the way, turned around in the air a few times and slanted it on the ground, turning into red light particles and dissipating in the air.

Huangfu Yan frowned slightly, and his vigilance increased instead of decreasing.

The sudden first-hand flying snow from 'Ranxi' just now was amazing, but judging from the fact that she fainted and didn't move, there was probably some special reason to temporarily increase her cultivation.

All the arcane arts are the way against the sky.

Casting spells with a strength that exceeds one's current realm is itself a matter of great side effects.

Huangfuyan's abacus is very clear, no matter what kind of secret method, it can't last forever.

As long as you keep your distance before the end of the opponent's secret technique, don't be 'one-hit kill', and when the secret technique passes back to the upper body, victory will naturally belong to him.

It was just to test this point that the blood spear was thrown from a distance.

The result was similar to what Huangfu Yan had expected, and the opponent did not lose the ability to fight.

But it was someone else who stood up...


The ragged black-robed boy propped up the ground with his sword and stood up slowly.

He didn't say a word, just took a step forward to block Ranxi, giving people the feeling that he was like a soulless puppet, relying on instinct to move.

The sect disciples who were busy dealing with the siege of the headless giant also noticed this scene.

Changyi Yujian flew to the shoulders of the headless giant, and out of the corner of the eye glanced at the black-robed boy who stood up, and said:
"Can this live?"

Jiang Rongyue's breath was stagnant, and her eyes suddenly turned red. God knows how tangled her heart was just now.

On the one hand, he wanted to save Xiaojing, but on the other hand, he couldn't let go of the seriously injured master.

In the end, Jiang Rongyue felt self-blame for her powerlessness almost all the way.

Su Huanqing didn't think about it that much, perhaps because of her trust in Xu Shoujing, she paid more attention to Ran Xi, who is the upper body of the female ghost.

Just relying on 'Ranxi' to repel Huangfu Yan with a random technique, you can also know that she is definitely not easy.

Huangfu Yan was afraid of unforeseen branches, so she didn't approach the first time, she just asked in a deep voice:
"Are you Xu Shoujing?"

The implication is that you are yourself or a 'power-training'.

If it is himself, then he can go on without any scruples.

If it is a power trainer, then he can run without any scruples.

Huangfu Yan was really scared by the ghost upper body of 'Ranxi' just now, and he didn't dare to take it lightly, for fear that Xu Shoujing would also engage in some kind of 'god possessed' or something.

However, Xu Shoujing just kept silent about Huangfuyan's question, or, in other words, didn't listen to him at all.

Xu Shoujing stuck his sword on the ground, grabbed the place where the blood on his right shoulder was bleeding, tied his robe in a knot, and pulled it tight with his teeth.

Because the right arm is still dislocated, it looks swaying, as if it will fall off at any time.

After temporarily stopping the bleeding, Xu Shoujing pulled up the painting boat, which was obliquely inserted on the ground, and walked towards Huangfu Yan step by step.

Huangfuyan took a step back subconsciously, frowning into a rope, a little confused.

Xu Shoujing's current state is unusual no matter how you look at it, but other than that, there is no characteristic of a sudden increase in strength.

Could it be that his pure reason has not returned, just like when he was swallowed by the demon before?
If that's the case... there's really nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Huangfu Yan once again rubbed a ball of red spiritual energy into a blood spear. For the sake of safety, this time he planned to use 'remote control' to test it first.

At this moment, a loud 'bang' caught Huangfu Yan's attention.

Xu Shoujing had been walking like a stroll in a leisurely garden before, but now he suddenly stopped, leaning forward slightly, with cracks in the radius of five feet under his feet.

Then the whole person bounced out like a cannonball, waving a silver sword in his left hand, and drawing an untraceable silver line in the sky.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. They didn't understand that Xu Shoujing was injured like this, where did he borrow his explosive power.

However, Huangfu Yan was relieved. What is the difference between Xu Shoujing's reaction now and when he was devoured by inner demons and acted in anger?
Huangfu Yan was determined, gave up the idea of ​​throwing the blood spear to cut down the offensive, and stood in place and set up a posture, waiting for the 'irrational Xu Shoujing' to come to die.

In an instant, one red and one silver, two completely different rays of light reflected each other in the Eastern Imperial City.

The silver light is like a silk thread, galloping through the ruined streets.

The red disc swirled in the sky, like a tornado spinning in place, with increasing momentum.


Suddenly, the blue mist rain curtain seemed to be cut off for a moment, and the raindrops in the sky clearly appeared a space-splitting fault.

The crimson spiritual power tornado suddenly dissolved, and Huangfu Yan's sluggish face was revealed at its core.

Step, step, step.

Not far behind Huangfu Yan, the black-robed sword immortal stepped on a puddle with her front feet, her figure stabilized, and she held the ground saber in her left hand and maintained a slashing posture.

The blood on the blade was washed away by the raindrops, and it fell down along the blade...


The blood-colored spear fell to the ground and disappeared into red light particles.

The blood, like water stained with ink, fainted in the small water beach on the ground, and an arm with a flat cross-section lay quietly in the pool of blood.


Huangfu Yan groaned loudly, her brain was almost chaotic, and she didn't know what happened just now.

He subconsciously covered the stubble on his left arm, and blood was still gushing out between his fingers.

Why? !Why? !

What's going on? !
Huangfuyan's pupils were originally scarlet due to the upper body of the demon soul. At this time, because of the confusion in his mind, the whites of his eyes were covered with bloodshots, and he looked hideous from a distance.

He almost shook his body and turned his head, looking at Xu Shoujing by feeling, and then he saw... a pair of clear peach blossom eyes.

Without the slightest bit of confusion, the inner demons who had been burning with anger before also disappeared completely.

This is Xu Shoujing's current state.

At the same time, this is what Huangfu Yan couldn't understand... If he just regained his senses, it could be explained by 'firm will'.

But even if he wins the demon, is it possible to increase his strength in such a big section at once?

Huangfu Yan was full of unwillingness, he had already successfully defeated Xu Shoujing.

Why?Even so, can he survive?

Jealousy, anger, hatred... All kinds of emotions used Huangfu Yan's heart.


Bloodshot streaks spewed from the broken stubble of Huangfuyan's arm, and the broken arm on the ground was connected to each other, but after a long time, it was glued together like new.

"Xu Shoujing!"

Huangfu Yan roared hideously, clasped his hands together and then separated, using the scarlet spiritual power in his palms to rub out a blood spear again.

Xu Shoujing stood on the spot without saying a word, just turned his wrist slightly, and put the painting Fangyan in front of him.

blah blah-

Huangfu Yan stepped on the puddle, his eyes were like a torch, and he held the blood spear high and stabbed at Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing maintained the stance of the horizontal sword, and his eyes were as calm as water. When Huangfu Yan came to the front, he waved his sword lightly—


Huangfuyan's arm flew out again.

Xu Shoujing finished his sword, but this time he didn't intend to stop here.

At the moment of passing by Huangfu Yan, Xu Shoujing immediately turned around and swung out another sword——

With a 'puff' sound, Huangfuyan felt emptiness below the knees, and the entire perspective began to shift downwards.

Xu Shoujing hadn't stopped, the painting Fang Yanqian was in his hand, like a precision scalpel, each sword could precisely cut off the part he wanted to separate.

Prick, prick, prick.

Drops of blood splattered, broken limbs all over the floor.

Huangfuyan's wailing sound formed an increasingly loud solo, and Xu Shoujing was the conductor of this brutal concert.

The sword light is like the moon, but with just a few swords, Huangfu Yan has become a 'human stick' in the physical sense.

"Xu have to die..." Huangfuyan fell into a pool of blood, cursing at him hoarsely.

Xu Shoujingquan ignored him, but looked at the 'human stick' indifferently, and stepped on him:

"Hurry up and continue to regenerate. I know that people will not die easily after demonization, especially a high-level demonization person like you."

"What do you mean?" Huangfu Yan stared at his bloodshot eyes.

When Xu Shoujing saw Huangfu Yan's legs recover successfully, he picked up the sword and broke his hamstrings, and then in his screams, he said indifferently:

"How could I let you die so easily? The damage you caused to Aunt Chu, I wish I could kill you a thousand times is not enough."

Xu Shoujing's tone was very calm, as calm as if he was telling a trivial matter.

However, anyone present could feel that hidden under his calm words was unparalleled anger.

"Xiaojing..." Seeing this scene, Jiang Rongyue's pretty face revealed a bit of worry.

She was afraid that Xu Shoujing would lose her mind again because of hatred, and she would not be able to help her in this situation at that time.

Chang Yi and the others shivered all over their bodies, and gained a new understanding of Xu Shoujing—don't look at his usual laugh, it's really outrageous to be ruthless.

"Right." Xu Shoujing seemed to have thought of something, holding a saber in one hand, and began to draw the lines of fishnet socks on Huangfu Yan's chest.He whispered: "Have you heard of the 'Devil's Pepper' in Donghuangzhou?"

"What do you want to do..." Huangfuyan's voice was hoarse, and she immediately became vigilant after hearing Xu Shoujing's words.

Devil's peppers are a specialty of East Desolate Continent. A large chamber of commerce, such as Tianyu Firm, goes back to buy it every year, and then transfers it to other continents to sell it.

There is no shortage of foodies among cultivators, and even Tianyuan Sect is no exception. With his eyes and ears, Huangfuyan can be considered to be aware of Devil Pepper.

The impression seems to be some kind of irritating seasoning...

"What do you think, if I sprinkle the devil's pepper powder on you?" After saying that, Xu Shoujing reached out and touched Qiongyu around his waist.

He had used this trick before when he was interrogating Qiu Ji, and the effect was not bad.

Xu Shoujing had just put his hand on his waist, but suddenly remembered that the belt had long been destroyed by Jidan.

The reason is that Huangfu Yan, who snatched the belt away, has nothing to do with it.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing added another sin to Huangfu Yan in his heart.

That was the first gift that Aunt Chu gave me...

Xu Shoujing frowned, the silver sword pierced down Huangfu Yan's stomach, clenched the hilt and turned it, the flesh and blood congealed, and took advantage of the situation to swipe under the crotch——


Huangfuyan's face turned ashen, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Too deceitful! Xu Shoujing, I fought with you!"

As soon as the words fell, Huangfuyan's body was covered with a layer of red light, and the broken limbs scattered around were connected in the blink of an eye.

Xu Shoujing's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stepped back several times to distance himself.

Huangfuyan was surrounded by red light and lifted into the sky, and thousands of blood condensed into a storm.

The clouds and fog rendered by the red night were muddyed by the storm, and the surrounding monsters seemed to sense something and stopped their entanglement with those monks.

Their huge bodies were blurred for a while, and they turned into part of the red storm, condensing in Huangfu Yan's hands.

——This is the last trump card that Jidan delivered to Huangfuyan.

The monsters in the entire temple space are made of Jidan's blood, and naturally they can be regarded as the most orthodox blood of the monster.

In other words, it is the purest source of mana for people like Huangfu Yan who are half-way demons.

If you want to use this trick, you will undoubtedly be alone.

Because once Huangfu Yan used all the power of transforming the demons for his own use, after one blow, he lost the trump card of 'the army of monsters', which was the trump card for dealing with the major sects in Tiannan Continent.

In the absence of an army of monsters, if Ji Ding and others have the ability to 'simulate Tianlei' again, his situation will undoubtedly become very dangerous.

But now I can't do it anymore... Huangfu Yan found that after Xu Shoujing woke up, there was no fluctuation in his body, but his strength suddenly increased to an outrageous level.

If he didn't use this trick to fight his way out, he didn't even know how to leave the Eastern Imperial City.

In the thoughts, the blood-colored storm has been condensed, and the entire sky above Donghuang Mountain is covered by a crimson vision of heaven and earth.

Chang Yi and the others were shocked. The ground under their feet collapsed and fell into the void, and the rocks deep underground rolled down as if they were screaming and vomiting.

The sky was shrouded in red night and thick smoke, and the entire space trembled as if it were doomsday.

Looking back, the waterfall that opened in the Tianmen of Donghuang Mountain was suddenly cut off, and the water flow violated the natural flow and swept away towards the madness of the sky.

Huangfu Yan stood in the sky, holding the red storm in his hand, looking down at Xu Shoujing below, and said in a loud voice:

"Xu Shoujing, this was originally a killer move prepared for my master... You forced it! Die!"

As soon as the words fell, Huangfu Yan was about to throw the red storm at Xu Shoujing.

But he was only halfway through, and was forced to stop.

Like Huangfuyan's blood-colored storm, Xu Shoujing's sword also began to condense a spiritual power entwined with thick ink and white light.

The difference is that the bloody storm has a wide range like a vision of heaven and earth, and the scenes are exaggerated and special effects are sufficient.

However, Xu Shoujing kept all the condensed spiritual power in the smoke of the painting, and there was no leakage.

Everyone couldn't see the clue, but Jiang Rongyue and Su Huanqing were startled.

They had seen it with their own eyes.

In Changhe Su Clan, Xu Shoujing defeated Su Ren's master with just one sword by 'drinking drugs'.

Taking drugs is because of insufficient strength and lack of spiritual power, and can only be used by external force.

But now it seems... Xu Shoujing is going to use that sword completely with his own strength?
The answer was soon revealed.

Facing the blood-colored storm that changed in color, Xu Shoujing just waved up after condensing his spiritual power.

In an instant, a sword energy intertwined with white and black came out vertically and horizontally, and its shape was like the thick ink spilled by a huge brush.

The ink-colored crescent sword energy was drawn across the sky, and it passed through the blood-colored storm in just an instant.


The blood-colored storm was split into two halves, and the chaotic sky just now stopped abruptly. The next moment, the clouds and mist dissipated, and the whole sky returned to a blue sky.

Huangfu Yan stood in the air, his body fell straight down like a bird with broken wings.

Xu Shoujing walked slowly to his side and raised his feet to his face——

Demons can regenerate, but they are not infinitely regenerated.

No matter what race you are, once you lose your soul, your body is just a pile of dead bones, even a demonized person.

Xu Shoujing felt that the new secret method he was using was about to reach its limit, so he didn't plan to continue to pull, and wanted to end Huangfu Yan's life neatly.

At this moment, the blue sky was shrouded in dense black shadows.

Taking a closer look, the reinforcements from the major sects were long overdue.

After everyone finished fighting, they finally arrived...

The brocade-robed old man at the head followed behind, the red-haired Weiya, who was nowhere to be seen.

Ji Ding got up with Chang Yi's help, and when he saw the old man in brocade robe, he was shocked and said in astonishment:
"Actually even Immortal Tuyu himself was alarmed... I thought that the Tianyuan Sect would send a few elders at most..."

Huangfu Yan was originally heartbroken, and when he saw the master coming, he quickly called out:
"Master, save the disciple!"

Xu Shoujing's eyes turned cold, and he didn't plan to give him time to react, so he was about to step down.

However, that foot was blocked by a barrier that was invisible to the naked eye.

Xu Shoujing frowned, then looked coldly at the old man in golden robe hovering in the air, and said solemnly:

"What do you mean by senior? Could it be that because he is your apprentice, you have to cover up the human traitor?"

These words are quite sharp. They directly put the serious crimes of the human race in the front, which just happened to resist the soft spot of a good-faced sect like Tianyuan Sect.

After hearing Xu Shoujing's words, the other sects all turned their attention to Immortal Tuyu, hoping that he could explain what he meant.

Immortal Tu Yu was calm and undisturbed. He stroked his beard lightly:
"This deity is the leader of the right path, so naturally he won't cover up the wicked. But he is the holy son of my Tianyuan sect after all, so it's better for the little friend to be disposed of by our sect."

The implication is that this is our people, and it is not your turn to kill.

Everyone couldn't help nodding, and they all felt that Immortal Tu Yu was right, and they would do the same.

People from their own sects made mistakes, and letting others decide for them would be a shame for ordinary sects, not to mention the Tianyuan sect that ranks first in Tiannanzhou.

However, Huangfu Yan's body trembled slightly after hearing the words of Immortal Tu Yu.

Others don't understand the person of Immortal Tu Yu, can he still not understand?

It stands to reason that there is no reason for Immortal Tu Yu to come over to join in the fun in such a scene. Since he is here, he has to ask him back...

This is clearly for the magic power of cum Dan on him!
Just now, Huangfu Yan subconsciously asked for help, but now that she has reacted, there is only panic left in her heart.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand so many things, but he couldn't let Huangfu Yan go anyway.

He glanced at Chu Shuwan, who was still unconscious in Jiang Rongyue's arms, suppressed the boiling anger in his heart, and said solemnly:

"Senior, are you planning to use power to bully others? My Taoist companion was almost killed by Huangfu Yan, and the entire Donghuang City was turned into ruins because of Huangfu Yan. It is impossible to measure how many people died during this period. Do you plan to even give an account without it? Huangfu Yan took it away?"

In the face of invincible people, the best way is to find someone to 'empathize' with.

Xu Shoujing's remarks undoubtedly made people from various sects feel bad about it. You must know that their disciples must also be part of the death toll in Donghuang City.

You Tuyu Immortal Venerable said it nicely, take it away and deal with it, what if you don't deal with it?Are all the people in our sect dead in vain?

"Xianzun Tuyu, I think what this little friend said has some truth. Huangfu Yan's actions are also harmful to our sect. Why don't you leave it to us."

"Yeah... My sect has also died a lot of disciples."

The wall pushed everyone down, and as long as Immortal Tu Yu still estimated the face of the sect, it was impossible to cover up Huangfu Yan in a grand manner.

When Wei Ya saw this posture, she was in a hurry, and quickly shook her head Tuyu Immortal Venerable's arm:


Immortal Tu Yu's face was gloomy, and after thinking for a long time, he said:
"This deity understands what you mean. But Huangfu Yan is a direct disciple of this deity. If he caused such a murder, if it is not handled by this deity in person, I feel uneasy. Please rest assured, fellow daoists, that this deity will give you an explanation. "

Wei, who just proposed the plan, was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Immortal Tu Yu to come to this point. The Tianyuan Sect was famous, and they were not easy to provoke, so they retired angrily.

Seeing this, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu nodded with satisfaction, then lowered his head to look down at Xu Shoujing, and said in a low voice:
"Okay little friend, the conclusion has come out, you can hand Huangfu Yan to the deity."

The tone is understatement, but there is no lack of threat.

"Hand over?"

Xu Shoujing sneered and glanced at the sects who were going back immediately. The temperature in his pupils dropped sharply, and he raised his feet and stepped on Huangfuyan's head without hesitation—

Immortal Tu Yu's face was full of anger, and he never thought that Xu Shoujing would dare to ignore his own words and kill Huangfu Yan at all costs.

But Tuyu Immortal Venerable couldn't make Xu Shoujing wishful, it was true that Huangfu Yan was his apprentice, but Huangfu Yan's value was not just as simple as a 'personal apprentice'.

Behind Huangfu Yan is the supernatural power of Ji Dan, the master of the ancient demons and gods.

Since the rise of Tianyuan Sect, Immortal Tu Yu has been planning to steal the magic power of Jidan.

Now that the results are in front of you, how can you let a little cultivator who can be seen everywhere destroy it?

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu couldn't take care of other sects anymore, he didn't hold back at all, and a ball of golden spiritual power was thrown out of his palm.

Xu Shoujing didn't care, he glanced at Su Huanqing not far away, his eyes met, and with the tacit understanding of the two, he quickly conveyed his thoughts.

The golden spiritual power is like a golden needle piercing the space, and in an instant, it crosses the height of a hundred meters.

Xu Shoujing didn't mean to dodge, just sneered.

He must die.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: Well... it's a bit long-winded to write, but the parts that should be installed are honestly written, and it is better to write with emotional foreshadowing. Why did I forget it before...

(End of this chapter)

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