The queen is so fierce

Chapter 180 The soul-purifying ice coffin

Chapter 180 The soul-purifying ice coffin


The golden needle seemed to be just a firefly the size of a fingernail, but after Immortal Tu Yu got out of his hand, it became more and more intense along the way.

But for a moment, it turned into a raging fire that seemed to melt everything in the world.

The fire grew bigger and soon spread to the vicinity of Xu Shoujing.

Although Xu Shoujing had the blessing of the secret technique given by 'Ranxi', he improved his cultivation realm in a short period of time.

But if that's the case, obviously it can't be compared with the ancestors of the Crescent Moon Realm, and the head-on attack is undoubtedly still hitting the stone with an egg.

At this stage, even if Xu Shoujing hollowed out his body, he couldn't fight against Immortal Tu Yu.

Can't resist... that doesn't mean there is no way to deal with it.

When Tuyu Immortal Venerable's golden flame burned in front of Xu Shoujing's front, a dark shadow broke through the flame defense line and came straight to Xu Shoujing.

Xu Shoujing didn't hesitate at all, raised his hand to catch the shadow, and slanted it in front of him with a 'bang'.

It was a pitch-black heavy gun.

The tip of the gun is composed of three diamond-shaped sub-blades. Usually, the gun blades on both sides will shrink into the gun body like the wings of a fighter plane.

But once it is in hand, the gun blade will expand to both sides, forming a streamlined cross shape together with the top gun blade.

In addition, the entire spear, from the spear compilation to the spear body, is full of quaint reliefs and lines. It is not difficult to see that this is an 'old antique' with a dusty history for many years.

But it's just an 'old antique'.

Whether it was the chief ancestors who were watching from the sky, or the sect disciples who were dumbfounded on the ground, no one could see the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power or the formation of the spiritual rune from the body of this dark heavy spear.

In other words, no matter how old it is, this is just a piece of ordinary martial arts.

In the face of a power like Tuyu Immortal Venerable, you may not be able to use a sword and immortal martial arts. What is the use of a mere mortal martial arts?


The golden flame quickly devoured Xu Shoujing completely, and no one was seen in the thick smoke.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu stood in the air with his hands behind his back, his eyes glanced down, and his expression suddenly became solemn, but unfortunately no one noticed.

At his level, the control of spells has reached the level of 'flicking a finger to control the force to two decimal places'. If you want to only burn Xu Shoujing and not Huangfuyan, it should not be too simple.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Xu Shoujing was undoubtedly burned to death, while Huangfu Yan was most likely unscathed.

"Why is Xu Jianxian so stupid... Immortal Tu Yu's purpose must be that Huangfu Yan is right, he can just run away, why is he still on the bar..."

The blue-shirted disciples looked anxious. Unlike the previous battle with monsters, in their eyes this time Xu Shoujing would have no way out.

That is the ancestor of the Crescent Moon Realm!Moreover, he is also the well-known Tianyuan sect sect master, the leader of the righteous path who overwhelms a generation of heroes, Immortal Tu Yu!
Not to mention Xu Shoujing, even if all the people present were added together, it would not be enough for him to fight.

Chang Yi also admired Xu Shoujing's previous undefeated record, and was a little unbearable at the moment, and asked:
"Master, is there any way to..."

Ji Ding's pupils, who were carried by Chang Yi's shoulders, were slightly condensed. He looked into the depths of the thick smoke. There were only stars and embers left in the golden flames, but his divine sense couldn't penetrate it at all.

After a while, Ji Ding shook his head regretfully:

"Xianzun Tuyu didn't hold back at all this time, and even the spiritual sense of the teacher couldn't penetrate...that kid is afraid...hanging."

The voice fell, and the atmosphere of the surrounding disciples sank again.

It was said to be 'hanging', but what Ji Ding wanted to express was obvious.

According to the current situation, the possibility of Xu Shoujing's survival is infinitely close to zero.

"It's a pity... The future of the human race has lost a cherished combat power. It's easy to break through, if he can understand this truth..."

Before the word 'lao' was spoken, Ji Ding was suddenly stunned.

As his eyes wandered, he stopped at Xu Shoujing's family.

Jiang Rongyue was still taking care of Chu Shuwan, her little face showed worry, no different from before; after Su Huanqing finished throwing the dark heavy gun, she quietly hugged the unconscious Ranxi back.

At first glance, there does seem to be a bit of 'sadness' in it.

But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the grief of 'the husband will die'.

what's the situation?Are they all looking forward to Xu Jianxian's early 'ascension'?Can a cultivator family have such a maddened dog-blood ethic?

Ji Ding didn't understand, he was about to discuss a few words with a young man like Chang Yi, but the words hadn't come out yet, but his pupils shrank, and in surprise, he took a step forward!
Under the gaze of thousands of people in the sky, the golden firelight and thick smoke dissipated.

His surroundings had been burned into black coal, the surface melted as if corroded, and was hollowed out dozens of feet deep.

The orange-red high-temperature fluid flows along the tunnel, and there is not a single foothold on the entire ground.

...except for Xu Shoujing's feet.

" is this possible..." Amidst the clouds and mist, the elders of the sects who do not know which sect exclaimed.

No one responded to his words, because everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

Since Xu Shoujing inserted the heavy spear in front of him, it seemed that the golden flame of Immortal Tu Yu could not break through.

Because the surrounding area was melted, Xu Shoujing's feet became a pillar that was deep in a pit, leaving only a small open space for Xu Shoujing and Huangfuyan to stand on.

This scene is just like... Xu Shoujing blocked Tuyu Immortal Venerable's offensive frontally, it was incredible.

How did he do that?
Everyone present had the same question in their hearts.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's eyes sank a little, and the golden flame was released by him, so naturally he was not unaware of the result.

From the middle of the way, Immortal Tu Yu felt a little strange.

To this day, the cultivator who died in his hands is said to be in the sea realm. Even the high realm cultivator of the Chongxiao realm can pile up the corpses into mountains. Whether it hits or not can be immediately felt from the feedback of the technique.

Different from the shock of the others, Immortal Tu Yu was the ancestor of Xianyue, and he was more concerned about what kind of means the other party used than the constant shock of what the other party did.

But obviously, there is no need to investigate at all, the answer is written from the beginning.

"It's that black gun."

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu squinted slightly, staring at Xu Shoujing, whose face became more and more ugly, and said solemnly:

"Boy, it's a good trick, if it wasn't for God's lack of beauty, the deity would want to accept you as a disciple. For the sake of you blocking the deity's move, this is the last warning, hand over Huangfu Yan and leave that gun behind. , this deity will keep you alive and will never pursue it."

It's not that this son must not stay... If it was normal, Xu Shoujing would probably complain like this in order to calm his heart.

But at this moment, he really didn't even have the energy to complain in his heart.

Just when Xu Shoujing resisted the golden flames of Immortal Tu Yu, his body suddenly became weak, as if his limbs and heart were locked in the extremely cold freezer, and even the blood flow was much slower.

Xu Shoujing knew very well what was going on. The 'Ranxi' in his mind taught him the knowledge of 'Soul Purification Ice Coffin' through mucous membrane contact.It also made it very clear about the side effects of this secret method.

'Ranxi' can't lift the ban on Dong Huangli, so she can only find another way to bypass the ban itself.

And the conclusion she came to was - the soul-purifying ice coffin.

This is a secret technique that is known to be related to the soul by hearing its name.

This is true.

The principle of the soul-purifying ice coffin is actually quite simple. It is nothing more than creating an 'ice coffin' using magic, and incorporating the soul into it, so as to achieve the effect of 'setting up an ice coffin between the soul and the body'.

In other words, let the soul enter the ice coffin first, and then issue commands to the body through the ice coffin.

The improvement of the realm in a short period of time all comes from the ice coffin itself, and the time the soul stays in it will continue to temper the strength of the soul, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, the cost is also obvious.

Although it was only temporary, the spirit still left its original environment, and was theoretically 'detached' from the body. In addition, the spirit entered the ice coffin to train and the body was not directly related.

When the secret technique ends and the soul returns to the body, the difference caused by the 'asynchrony' between the two will bring great oppression to the soul.

If this kind of oppression is not well mastered, it is very likely that the soul will be broken.And the longer you stay in the ice coffin, the pressure will gradually increase, eventually reaching the point where the practitioner can't bear it.

As for how seriously broken the soul is, Su Jin and Ling Fuyu are a good example.

Therefore, the creator of the secret method of purifying the soul of the ice coffin has imposed a time limit on it from the beginning, the purpose is to protect the caster.

Even so, for Xu Shoujing, who has never trained his soul, it is still a very painful thing to use this secret technique.

From the moment he returned to the body, his limbs were really like 'entering an ice coffin', and he was so stiff that he couldn't take any measures, and it was very difficult to even step forward to raise a gun.

What's even worse is that without the 'soul-purifying ice coffin' bypassing Dong Huangli's ban, his body returned to the state where he had no cultivation at the beginning, plus the side effects of the secret method, it was simply worse.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu did not overlook the change in Xu Shoujing's expression, and after a little thought, he understood that his body was ill.

Although it was easy for him to take Xu Shoujing down, there was still a Huangfu Yan who was a hostage at his feet.

This is also the reason why Immortal Tu Yu dared to cast spells, but did not approach him easily.

But the situation is different now. Since Xu Shoujing is sick, he doesn't need to take action at all. Can't Huangfuyan solve it by himself?

And he only needs to watch the fire from the other side, as if he didn't notice, what if the rest of the sects understand it?
Thinking of this, Immortal Tu Yu still kept his big brother standing, quietly waiting for Huangfu Yan to bully and struggle.

Huangfu Yan buried her face on the ground. She originally came to see Xu Shoujing and wanted to fuck him regardless of dissuasion, and her heart was cold.

But now, he found that the foot on his back suddenly loosened.

Huangfuyan was puzzled, and secretly raised her head to look, she just caught sight of Xu Shoujing's face that was gradually losing its blood.

Huangfu Yan was overjoyed, and without any hesitation, turned over violently, turned his hands into claws, and stabbed at Xu Shoujing's back.

This change came so quickly that no one could react.

Just two seconds ago, they had seen a peerless sword immortal who blocked the attack of Old Ancestor Crescent Moon by himself, and even threatened his apprentice as a hostage.

It didn't take long for the situation to take a turn for the worse. Huangfu Yan, who was a hostage, turned to kill Xu Shoujing?
Serials aren't that great.

"Xiaojing!" Jiang Rongyue's eyes narrowed, and she almost subconsciously threw Chu Shuwan into Su Huanqing's arms, then turned and ran towards Xu Shoujing.

But there is no doubt that at her speed, she simply can't keep up.

Su Huanqing, who was slightly faster than her, was also caught by two women at the same time and couldn't leave, so she could only watch Huangfu Yan's red-light claws stab Xu Shoujing...

The situation is about to pass, and Xu Shoujing in this situation is even closer to the word 'death' than when he fought against Immortal Tu Yu just now.

However, at this critical moment, an incredible scene happened again.

Ji Ding forgot how many times he stared at him today, and felt that his sore eyes were about to pop out, but he still stared at 'Xu Jianxian' who had created countless miracles.


The scarlet-glowing hand knife failed to penetrate Xu Shoujing's heart after all.

Xu Shoujing, who was still on the verge of death, suddenly turned around and kicked Huangfu Yan to the ground.

Followed by.

As if a huge brush was painting in the air, the thick ink-like spiritual power danced around in a circle.


There was a dull thunder in the sky above the sky, and the Zixiao Thunder struck Xu Shoujing without warning.

click... click...

The sound of chains breaking off echoed around Xu Shoujing, and his aura was also visibly improving.

Changyue rubbed his eyes vigorously, his expression a little dazed:

"Master, am I... blind, why did Xu Jianxian do nothing, and suddenly... the mirror is broken? Master, you have seen a lot of big scenes, what's the situation..."

Ji Ding has lived for so long, to say that he has indeed seen a lot of big scenes.

But this kind of talent who saw nothing for the first time, and suddenly broke the mirror after standing for a while... He was really unheard of.

At this time, Ji Ding was also dumbfounded, and said blankly:

"...As a teacher...As a teacher, I have never seen such a scene."

Huangfuyan was in a trance until she was overturned to the ground, her mind was almost filled with question marks, and she muttered:

"What's going on... what's going on..."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were cold. He moved his right shoulder, which was automatically repaired because of the broken mirror, and then walked slowly to Huangfu Yan:
"Simply because my attention is on you the whole time. I said you must die."

"Did you say so..." Huangfuyan said blankly with a dull gaze.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while and added, "I said it in my heart."

"..." Huangfu Yan.

Xu Shoujing paused for a while, and seemed to be emotionally reminiscing, and sighed:

"Dong Huangli is right, if I didn't experience life and death, I wouldn't know how determined I was to kill you... In the end, I actually broke through the ban with hatred.

Well, farewell, you are also the first person in my life who made me have pure murderous intentions. May you not enter reincarnation and have no life in the six realms. "

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing raised his feet high, just above Huangfu Yan's head.

Seeing this scene, Immortal Tu Yu knew that Xu Shoujing was serious, no longer cared about his identity, and wanted to fly down and forcibly take Huangfu Yan away.

In order to make Xu Shoujing hesitate, he threatened:

"Kid, think clearly, if you kill Huangfuyan, you will be the enemy of my Tianyuan Sect..."


Before he finished speaking, Xu Shoujing stepped on it without hesitation.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere, and the viscous brains mixed with bright red blood, covering Xu Shoujing's shoes.

Huangfuyan's slightly raised hand hovered for a few seconds, and fell to the ground weakly, leaving only a headless body on the ground, and the traces of its head filling up after it exploded.

Xu Shoujing did not choose to behead his head with a sword, because of Su He's lessons, it is obvious that even if he becomes Makoto Ito, as long as his soul remains, he will still have a chance to revive in a short time.

But if he directly stomped his head like this now, even if Ji Dan of Xuan Yejing left and returned, I am afraid that he would not be able to return to the sky.

The matter was a foregone conclusion, Immortal Tu Yu took a deep breath, looked down at Xu Shoujing with a gloomy face, and said solemnly:
"Boy, you despise this sect so much, aren't you afraid that this deity will kill you on the spot?"
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PS: There is one more chapter at zero

 Well, the first half of the paragraph was written yesterday, and it felt wrong when I wrote it, and then it got stuck. Now it seems too long-winded. Sure enough, when the state is not good, you should touch the fish. If you write hard, there will be problems ()
  In fact, I mainly want to write some settings, but I find that every time I want to write settings, it will take a long time...

  my xuexizh
(End of this chapter)

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