The queen is so fierce

Chapter 181 Marrying with Huan Qing?

Chapter 181 Marrying with Huan Qing?
If you want to ask, is Xu Shoujing afraid that Immortal Tu Yu will violently kill him?
Think rationally, who will be afraid if it is changed.

However, even if Xu Shoujing would be instinctively afraid, he would still kill Huangfu Yan desperately.

Not because of anything else, but because he touched the most important woman in his life.

Dragons have inverse scales and holes under them... This is not the sentence, it is death upon touch.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand this sentence before, but after seeing Aunt Chu's chest cut in front of him, he only felt that the sky was about to collapse.

That was really desperate madness.

Xu Shoujing even understood Jiuxiao and the old woman in Longquan Town at that moment...

I also understood that I was so weak... without power.

Whether it was when he was devoured by his inner demons, or when he was awakened by 'Ranxi', Xu Shoujing found that the thoughts in his heart had never been so clear.

It doesn't matter who comes, Huangfu Yan must die today.

This kind of strong obsession, on the contrary, made Xu Shoujing set a strange precedent of 'almost being stabbed in the back and breaking through on the spot by accident'.

I don't know if there are latecomers, but no one in the past is sure that Zhao Fuyao can give official certification.

After all... Who is free to break through on the battlefield, do you think they have a long life?
Putting these aside, as far as the current situation is concerned, Xu Shoujing and Tianyuan Sect's feud is undoubtedly forged, so how to overcome this has become a problem.

It's not Xu Shoujing blowing, he believes that there is no room for negotiation in terms of strength.

After thinking about it again and again, he still intends to play the fine tradition of 'key to people' and take the lead in occupying the moral high ground.

Seeing that, Xu Shoujing pretended to be stern and looked around, and the major sects who claimed to be immortals immediately said coldly:
"Huangfu Yan has done many evils and betrayed the human race. He is not a talented person, but he is only one of all beings, but he has also been taught by his master since he was a child that 'cultivation is the word, cultivating immortal methods, but practicing chivalry'.

Those who cultivate immortals must take the life and death of the world as their own responsibility.If Huangfu Yan was let go because of others saying a word or two, my heart would be uneasy, and my way would be difficult to achieve. "

What Xu Shoujing said was full of anger, and when he came up, he put himself on the commanding heights of morality, which was irrefutable.

When Ji Ding heard the words, he stepped back for another tactic, and sighed:

Chang Yi looked dazed, watching his master start 'impressed' again, he couldn't help asking aloud:

Ji Ding glanced at Chang Yi without explaining too much.

Is the focus of Xu Shoujing's words just now those 'sounding words'?

Obviously not.

Even if the Tianyuan Sect is the leader of the righteous way, you have to be concerned about your face, but you just threw his face to the ground, just relying on these words to let him let you go?

Obviously it is impossible.

The point of Ji Ding's admiration is that Xu Shoujing casually threw out the fact that he had a teacher's inheritance, and boasted that he talked about the big words like 'all the people in the world'...

Even if you don't count those who witnessed Xu Shoujing's repeated miracles, even if it was the reinforcements of the major sects who came with Immortal Tu Yu.

After a series of incidents just now, coupled with the full speech, anyone can see that Xu Shoujing has an extraordinary background.

Tiannanzhou is very big, but each sect sent only a few people during the sect competition. No one had heard of Xu Shoujing before this.

From this, it can be inferred that Xu Shoujing is an outsider.

Possessing the cultivation talent that is the best in Jiuzhou, and also has the mysterious immortal martial arts that can withstand the peak blow of the Lower Moon Realm.

If you think about it with your toes, you can see that Xu Shoujing's origin is not simple.

It is true that the Tianyuan Sect is the boss in Tiannanzhou, but it is not necessarily the same in the entire Jiuzhou.

The name of a three-circle moon is quite loud, but in other words... Tianyuan Sect can also come up with three old ancestors of the crescent moon.

Looking at the Jiuzhou Continent, who would dare to say that there is no such thing as a hidden Xuanyang realm?

If there is Xuanyang Realm in charge, let alone three Crescent Moon Realm, even if ten Crescent Moon Realm peaks go together, it will not be enough for Xuanyang Realm to fight with one hand.

The gap between Xuanyang Realm and Crescent Moon Realm lies not in realm, but in 'domain'.

As far as Xu Shoujing's background is currently displayed, it is entirely possible that he has a grandfather or grandmother of Xuanyangjing behind him.

However, it would be strange if that were the case.

With such a background, don't you go out without a few Taoist guardians who can see the past?

There are a lot of reckless people these days, aren't they afraid that their heirs will be killed and seized treasures regardless of whether their heirs hit a stick?

This is also the reason why Immortal Tu Yu hesitated. The fog behind Xu Shoujing was too thick to be seen clearly.

Although Xiu Dao is not for everyone, but Immortal Tu Yu has lived for such a long time and is the master of a sect. He must take the overall situation into consideration in everything. inherited.

So even if there was only one possibility, he didn't dare to bet on it.

After deliberation, Immortal Tu Yu decided to try it out again, and said solemnly:
"Dare to ask the little friend where the teacher is?"


Xu Shoujing hadn't answered yet, but Su Huanqing didn't know when to change positions with Jiang Rongyue and came to him alone.


Chang Yi was at a loss, and had almost no impression of the name. He looked up and saw that most people were like this.he asked in a low voice:

"Master, have you heard of this sect?"

Ji Ding pondered it carefully, then shook his head, "I've never heard of it, but Fairy Bingyu seems to know that it's very likely that she is a hidden sect from some intercontinental continent like the Changhe Su Clan."

Whether it was the representatives of the major sects above the sky, or the elite disciples of the sects below, they all started to discuss privately because of Su Huanqing's sudden sentence 'Longyumen'.

Cough, the party involved, that is, the young master of Longyumen, Xu Shoujing.

In fact, he was even more suspicious than those people.

Xu Shoujing glanced at Sister Rong Yue who was 'embracing left and right' in the distance, and then looked at Su Huanqing who was standing beside him with a serious face, his eyes were blank.

I haven't figured out whether to reveal the name of 'Longyumen'... Why did you tell me that...

After all, Longyumen is not a fiction, but a real one.

If Tianyuan Sect went to Longyumen in Yuliangzhou, wouldn't it be sent?

Su Huanqing's expression was calm, but she just gave Xu Shoujing a look of "I have discussed it with your sister", and continued to speak loudly:
"Long Yumen and I, the Changhe Su clan, are family friends, and they made a marriage contract earlier. Xu Shoujing came to Tiannanzhou this time to discuss his marriage with me."

At the end of the sentence, Su Huanqing's expression did not change, but his ears were a little red.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Why didn't I know this happened?

Not only Xu Shoujing was dumbfounded, but eighty to ninety percent of the people present were dumbfounded.

The disciples who followed Ji Ding were fine. After all, they had seen a lot of 'intimacy' between Su Huanqing and Xu Shoujing before.

But the disciples of the various sects who came to support with the large army were directly bombed.

From their point of view, Su Huanqing seemed to have suddenly jumped into the picture, and his speech was a speech that broke the hearts of countless male cultivators.

"Fairy Bingyu has a marriage contract... why didn't I know?"

"Bullshit, it would be strange if you knew it... Heh, according to this, it was rumored that Huangfu Yan was rejected because of the marriage contract between Fairy Bingyu and that Sword Fairy?"

"Ah... Yes, I remembered what you said, so I can explain it, no wonder..."

"I see……"

There was a lot of discussion off the field, and Dihua continued.

But no matter what they said, the mysterious Changhe Su Clan in the eyes of everyone was bound together with the equally mysterious Longyumen.

Such a scene, it can be said that this is the most unwilling situation for Immortal Tu Yu to see.

After all, if it can be related to the long-established Changhe Su Clan, no matter how that 'Longyumen' should be the same level of the hidden world, there is nothing wrong.

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu took a deep breath and thought about it again and again, but said solemnly:
"Although the deity and Su Zun are not classmates, they have been friends for a long time. It is not an exaggeration for the deity to call you a nephew."

Speaking of this, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu paused, "Nephew Su Shi, the marriage between the two is a big deal, not a joke."

This is the end of the story, and the point is here, but everyone understands what you want to express - you don't want to be slanderous and falsify, the marriage between the sects is not just to ruin your reputation.

Su Huanqing did not flinch, and said plausibly:
"It's true or false, naturally it's not the younger generation's turn to decide alone. If Immortal Tu Yu doesn't believe it, go to my father to verify the authenticity."

Xu Shoujing's eyes froze, he didn't expect to hear the word 'father' from Su Huanqing's mouth.

You know, in the past, Su Huanqing always called Su Jin by name no matter what the circumstances were, without exception.

Unexpectedly, now for her own business, she broke her first time.

But it must be said that, although everyone knew Su Huanqing's identity due to a glimpse at the Zongmen Grand Competition many years ago.

But if Su Huanqing faced outsiders like this and called his father 'Su Jin' by his first name, it would be strange to anyone else.

At this point, Xu Shoujing's life has basically been saved. The question is how Immortal Tu Yu is going to end it.

The fact that the other party is a descendant of a certain hidden world sect is a real hammer, coupled with the relationship with Su Huanqing, killing is absolutely impossible, not even a single hair can be injured.

But if you let Xu Shoujing go so easily...for Tianyuan Sect, it wouldn't make sense.

You must know that Xu Shoujing ignored Immortal Tu Yu's warning again and again, and killed the people they wanted from the Tianyuan Sect on the spot.

This is almost equivalent to throwing the face of Tianyuanzong on the ground and stepping on it. If this is easy to let him go, is Tianyuanzong still the boss?
Kill, definitely can't kill... let go, can't let go too easily.

It is necessary to consider it without losing face, without compromising majesty, and without offending others... No wonder so many people are unwilling to be the suzerain, too tired.

The atmosphere froze for a while, and everyone was waiting for Immortal Tu Yu to give an answer.

According to this answer, it is very likely that it will influence Tiannanzhou in the future, whether a hidden world sect will suddenly appear and make a big fuss.

After being silent for a long time, Immortal Tu Yu slowly opened his eyes and said in a low voice:
"Since it is Su Shi's nephew's marriage partner, the deity will naturally not ask."

As soon as these words came out, everyone just thought it was Immortal Venerable Tu Yu who gave in, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Immortal Venerable Tu Yu paused and said what he had not finished saying: "In the battle between the juniors, this deity has no intention to intervene, but this little friend has repeatedly regarded the deity as nothing, if it is easy to let go today. He, how will the deity command the sect in the future? Who will listen to the deity's orders?"

The boulder that had just landed in everyone's heart was raised again.

Why are you gasping for words like this...

Seeing what Su Huanqing wanted to say, Xu Shoujing immediately took a step forward and stood in front of her. He looked directly at Immortal Venerable Tu Yu without hesitation, and said solemnly:

"What do you think, senior?"

Immortal Tu Yu's gaze stopped at Shen Jing Punishment for half a second before saying:
"You don't need to be held accountable, but the gun must be kept."

Hearing this, Su Huanqing frowned and said:

"Does Xianzun Tuyu want to covet the magic weapon of the younger generation?"

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu smiled indifferently, shook his head and said:
"This deity will not do such a cheap thing, just keep it for the time being. In any case, this little friend owes me an explanation.

However, he obviously couldn't give the deity this explanation on his own.

The gun is temporarily held in my Tianyuan Sect. After the little friend goes back, you can ask the elders of your family to come to Tianyuan Sect to take it. Tianyuan Sect will always open the door for you. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they all cursed 'old fox' in their hearts.

I have to say that Immortal Tu Yu is really good at this abacus.

Since he can't figure out who is behind Xu Shoujing, let him find it himself.

You trample on the face of my Tianyuan Sect over and over again. I just pressed you for a treasure. It's not that I won't pay you back. Is there anything I can't do?

If there is a big force behind Xu Shoujing, and Immortal Tu Yu directly returns the magic weapon, the truth is still on his side, and he can even take advantage of the problem to seek compensation.

But all major sects eat the set of 'face'.

But if Xu Shoujing was pretending to be a fox and a tiger, he actually had no background... That day, Yuanzong also earned a mysterious immortal martial arts that could withstand a blow from the peak of the Crescent Moon Realm.

No matter which way you look at it, Tianyuanzong will never lose.

Su Huanqing frowned and shook her head:

"Xu Shoujing's sect is very far away, and like my Changhe Su clan, there has always been a sect rule of 'don't stain the world, don't disturb disputes'. This time there are many things in Tiannan Continent, if the elders know about it, they must be There is a heavy penalty. Immortal Venerable Tu Yu's proposal is inappropriate."

Immortal Tu Yu waved his hand nonchalantly: "It's okay, the deity can wait slowly. Besides, although Xu Xiaoyou is involved in the dispute, after all, there is a reason for the incident. If the elders of the sect criticize him, maybe the deity can still say a few words for him."

A lot of age, and the seniority is still so high, this old man is really shameless.

Su Huanqing wanted to say something, but Xu Shoujing raised his hand to stop her.

Seeing Su Huanqing's suspicious look at him, Xu Shoujing sighed, then shook his head with a chuckle:

"Enough is enough, Huan Qing, thank you."

Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly startled, as if he understood something from Xu Shoujing's eyes.

She pursed her thin lips and glanced aside:

Xu Shoujing stepped forward slowly, reaching out and pulling Shenjing Putian out of the ground.

He looked at this heavy gun that had been with him since he set foot on the cultivation path, and sighed apologetically:

I'm going to be separated from you for a while...sorry.


A black light burst out, slicing across the sky in an instant, with unabated momentum, approaching Immortal Venerable Tu Yu above the sky.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing was doing such a thing at the end, Immortal Tu Yu was not annoyed, and he opened the void and put the dark heavy gun in it.

Xu Shoujing raised his head and looked at Immortal Venerable Tu Yu standing in the sky, his peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly, but there was no trace of warmth in his eyes, and he clenched his fists and sank:
"Thank you for your kindness, senior, God's pure punishment... The junior will come to the door to retrieve it sooner or later, and please don't forget it, senior."

"Then the deity is in Tianyuan Sect, waiting for your presence."

Immortal Tu Yu gave Xu Shoujing a deep look, then waved his hand, turned around and said to the Tianyuan Sect disciple behind him:

The words fell, and the Tianyuan Sect disciple left with a mighty Yujian with a bit of confusion and doubt.

Wei Ya glanced at Xu Shoujing again before leaving, and then she pursed her mouth for some reason, and followed Yu Jian away.

Donghuang Mountain is located in the middle of Tiannan Continent, and Tianyuan Sect is just west of Donghuang Mountain. Compared with other sects who came from various strange places, they have more time and more people.

As soon as the Tianyuan Sect left, the stunning scene that originally seemed to be '[-] Sword Immortals in the Air' was suddenly taken away, making it seem a bit empty.

Although people have left, what happened just now still remains in everyone's minds, and they can't return to their senses for a long time.

Su Huanqing looked at Xu Shoujing's back and was silent for a long time:


Just as he spoke, the black-robed sword immortal seemed to feel something, and immediately turned around and smiled at her:
"Thank you for saying that just now, Huan Qing."

Su Huanqing's eyes drooped slightly, she knew that Xu Shoujing was referring to the 'fake marriage contract'.

If there is no marriage with the Changhe Su Clan, I am afraid that it will take a lot of work to make Immortal Tu Yu retreat, and it will be a question whether he can walk alive today.

It is precisely because of the relationship of the Changhe Su Clan that Immortal Tu Yu let go of Xu Shoujing so easily.

In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that Su Huanqing became Xu Shoujing's savior.

Just promise Xu Shoujing a 'thank you', there is no problem, it should be so.

But for some reason... Su Huanqing's chest was a little tight, she didn't like Xu Shoujing saying thank you.

That would give her the illusion that Xu Shoujing regarded himself as an outsider.

If Jiang Rongyue was in her position, what would Xu Shoujing say?

"As expected of my sister Rong Yue... You can think of such a move..."

Naturally, Su Huanqing murmured these words quite in Xu Shoujing's style.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, it seemed that Su Huanqing seemed to be muttering something, but the conversation of those sect disciples was too loud, and the specific content was not heard.

"Huh? What did you just say?" he asked.

"It's nothing." Su Huanqing suddenly recovered, and then immediately returned to the indifferent expression of 'Fairy Bingyu'.

She glanced at Xu Shoujing beside her, and took the lead to walk to Jiang Rongyue, who was busy and busy, and said:

"Master Chu's injury has stabilized, but he still needs to recuperate. Go to a nearby inn."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, "That's right, then look at Aunt Chu, I'll go now."
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(End of this chapter)

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