The queen is so fierce

Chapter 182 Aunt Chu Woke Up

Chapter 182 Aunt Chu Woke Up
Dark night.

The morning glow has just turned white in the sky, and the spirit chickens in the yard can't wait to raise their heads and slightly part their beaks toward the sky——

"Cuck... cluck!"

The dimly lit room was very quiet, and two distinct breathing sounds came and went evenly.

The woman on the bed frowned slightly, as if she was brought back to consciousness by the sound of a machine gun from outside the house.

She turned her body slightly and slowly opened a pair of almond eyes with a bit of confusion.

Chu Shuwan had a long dream, so long that at the end, she even forgot the beginning of the dream.

In that dream, Qiu Xuanji did not send an invitation letter to Dali Tianxia, ​​and she did not fight Fa Jinger to go to Zimo City because of hesitation in her heart.

If Jing'er hadn't gone to Zimo City, she would never have rescued Zhao Fuyao, and she would never have met Su Huanqing, who was looking for an elixir for her master, and even went deep into the Meteorite Dragon Abyss to help Qiu Xuanji... All kinds of things would not have happened. .

There are not so many grievances and hatreds, and there is no need to be forced to take up the responsibilities that did not belong to him. The end Yanjiao may still act in secret, but that is not something Jinger needs to worry about.

Until the end of the dream, Chu Shuwan, her apprentice, and Xu Shoujing all lived a plain but warm life.

This is the scene that Chu Shuwan longed for most in her heart.

But when Chu Shuwan woke up from her dream, she stared blankly at the ceiling, and realized that what happened just now was just a dream... She was naturally relieved.

Chu Shuwan considers herself to be a very jealous woman. She doesn't think she has completely accepted so many hooves to carve up Jing'er.

So what would make her feel at ease?

Chu Shuwan thought to herself that the answer might not need to be found at all.

She slowly turned her head and looked at Xu Shoujing, who was sleeping on the edge of the bed, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Perhaps... only then will Jing'er feel happy.


Xu Shoujing also had a long dream.

But he had nothing to be sad about. He just dreamed that when he was sleeping with Aunt Chu and Qiu Xuanji again, he was suddenly knocked down by Sister Rong Yue the next morning.

After a while, under the attack of 'all come, how can it come in vain', Xu Shoujing successfully increased the 'maximum number' of the co-occupants. could this be a dream?Why is this a dream?

With a familiar fragrance lingering in his nostrils, Xu Shoujing woke up rather depressed.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Xu Shoujing saw Aunt Chu, who was supposed to be in a coma, leaning on the head of the bed and looking at him with an unprecedented gentle gaze.

"Aunt Chu..."

Xu Shoujing stared at her in a daze, because he had just woken up from a dream, and his brain was still a little drowsy and fell into a blank 'swish'.

He almost trembled and rushed over, without thinking, he took the familiar woman in front of him into his arms, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Aunt Chu, you finally woke up..."

Nearly half a month has passed since the incident in the Eastern Imperial City.

In the past half month, Xu Shoujing has never been so anxious.

Although many fairy doctors have been diagnosed and given the doctor's advice that there is no serious problem, the elixir prescribed is mainly to 'reinforce the foundation's vitality' and 'supplement qi and blood'.

But Xu Shoujing's concern is chaos. As long as he can't see Chu Shuwan wake up for a day, he will not be able to be at peace with the boulder hanging high in his heart.

To sum up, with the blessing of various factors, now that Chu Shuwan really woke up just as those fairy doctors said, why did you make Xu Shoujing not get excited?

"Aunt Chu... Aunt Chu..."

Xu Shoujing tightened his arms, buried his head in Chu Shuwan's hair, sniffed the familiar smell, and wanted to rub her into his arms.


Chu Shuwan frowned slightly, but she was still recovering from her serious injury. She felt at a loss physically for Xu Shoujing's exertion.

Xu Shoujing quickly realized this problem, he quickly let go of his hand, as if he was treating a rare treasure, and carefully left half of his body.

Seeing this, Chu Shuwan couldn't help but burst into a smile, and then laughed and scolded:
"Is the old lady so hypocritical? Just hug me if you want..."

At the end of her words, her eyes turned red, and her voice choked up.

Chu Shuwan is in the Nirvana realm, but she has specialized in the formation method since she was a child. If she leaves the formation, even if Su Huanqing and Jiang Rongyue, who are also in the Dragon Gate realm, join forces, it will be enough for her to eat a pot.

Not to mention, Huangfu Yan possessed by a demon soul, but even the elders as strong as Ji Ding couldn't even hurt their existence in the slightest.

Hmm... Although part of the reason is because Huangfu Yan cheated to find a shield, he really has no martial virtue...

When she saw the blood spear coming silently in front of Xu Shoujing, Chu Shuwan didn't have time to use the formation method to resist.

After making this decision, why is Chu Shuwan not afraid of death?

But she was even more afraid that because of her momentary hesitation, Jinger, whom she loved most in her life, would die face to face.

So far, it seems that both of them are at peace with each other, but it can be regarded as a happy ending.

But who could have foreseen all this before things developed to this point?

"I thought I would never see you again..."

When she regained her senses, Chu Shuwan, like a little girl, blurted out these delicate words that were completely inconsistent with her identity and personality.

I can't help myself in the depths of my love, as if the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time have been stimulated at this moment.

Xu Shoujing couldn't help holding up Chu Shuwan's cheek, looking directly at the pair of water rhyme apricot eyes that became more and more hazy, and slowly leaned down...

Chu Shuwan bit her red lips lightly, and she reached out and pushed against his chest as if she wanted to refuse, but she didn't look away at all, and murmured:

Xu Shoujing seemed to have a good heart, and immediately understood that Chu Shuwan had just woken up and hadn't washed up yet, so she had some grudges in her heart.

"It's okay, Jinger doesn't care..."

Saying that, he slowly lowered his head again.

Hearing Jing'er's words, Chu Shuwan stared at him with blurred eyes. The little hand that was supposed to be a symbolic push clambered up and hooked Xu Shoujing's neck in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, the four lips pressed together.

Chu Shuwan gradually closed her eyes.



"Xiaojing, are you awake? Calculate the time, Huanqing should have brought Sister Fuyao and the others from Changhe Su Clan. Do you want to have a meal, my sister will take care of you for a while..."

Jiang Rongyue sighed and pushed the door in.

After seeing the scene on the bed, she was stunned for a moment. She quickly covered her mouth with her little hands, her breathing stagnated for a while, but her eyes were filled with unstoppable joy.

I saw that Chu Shuwan, like a little woman, huddled in Xu Shoujing's arms obediently, with her head resting on his shoulder, as if she was sleeping but not sleeping, as if awake but not awake, whispering about the past in her mouth.

Xu Shoujing was lying on the head of the bed with a sleepy look on his face, and he listened to what Chu Shuwan said, not listening, and responding with "en", "yes" and "yes" from time to time.

It is impossible to say that Xu Shoujing is not tired after taking care of him for a long time, but he does not dare to relax his nerves.

It wasn't until Chu Shuwan finally woke up that Xu Shoujing's inner tight string slowly loosened, and the tiredness that was left behind also swept up her body in one breath.

As an apprentice raised by Chu Shuwan since childhood, Jiang Rongyue was no less worried than Xu Shoujing.

Just seeing Xiaojing's haggard appearance, as a sister, she can't show it well, she pretends to be strong.

Seeing her master wake up at this time, Jiang Rongyue was naturally filled with joy, and subconsciously wanted to call out.

The word "teacher" had already been uttered, but she suddenly stopped.

Jiang Rongyue glanced at each other again, snuggling together, like a master and a younger brother who could never finish talking.

After a while, Jiang Rongyue sighed softly, quietly walked to the door, and backed out.

Let them stay a while longer...

As soon as Jiang Rongyue entered and exited, the two on the bed could not say that they were unaware, they could only say that they were completely unreasonable.

Those meaningless topics were thrown one after another, but the two were still tireless and kept talking.

"Jing'er, if you want to marry one first, Auntie and Qiu Xuanji, who will you marry first?"

"Uh, together..."

"Don't say marrying together."

It is impossible for only a few sects who like to show their faces to know that such a big thing happened in Donghuang Mountain.

While Xu Shoujing was still beside the unconscious Chu Shuwan, the news that Donghuang Mountain released the peerless evildoer spread like wildfire.

At first, everyone didn't take this seriously, and they shouted about the major crisis of the human race every year. As a result, which year didn't they just find an excuse to give birth?

In this world, except for a certain weird mortal continent, cultivating immortals is too popular, and cats and dogs can step on a round of spiritual stone formations on the Immortal Mountain.

No one wants to give birth to a child and leave this mess with no successor?

In one word, whoever loves to give birth will give birth.

Originally, the resources for cultivating immortals were limited. If you have a child to snatch it, it is not impossible for everyone to have no children.

Just when everyone thought with disdain that this was a 'major event' made up by which sect wanted to expand the number of disciples.

One person stood up.

To be precise, he is a well-known Chongxiao realm powerhouse.

The law enforcement elder of Biyun Immortal Palace, Ji Ding.

The background of this person is really not small. He is a veteran of the Biyun Immortal Palace. When he was young, he also made a name for himself in various places in Jiuzhou.

If it weren't for the inexplicable rise of the Tianyuan Sect and Ji Ding's bottleneck, it is estimated that the name of this era should be called 'Biyun', not 'Tianyuan'.

As for Ji Ding, the legendary immortal, many young monks grew up listening to his stories, and they naturally accepted his speech in full.

At the same time, this also means that the rumor that Tiannanzhou released the peerless evildoer is likely to be true.

Now the sects in all parts of Jiuzhou could not sit still, and they began to criticize Tiannanzhou, opening their mouths:

What do you eat?That kind of monster was actually released!Suspecting that the human race has been stable for too long, is it deliberately looking for excitement?

The Tiannanzhou cultivator was speechless. After all, this is a fact, and he dared not retaliate with a guilty conscience.

Once or twice is fine, but as the number of times increases, the Tiannanzhou cultivator can't sit still.

Having a good temper doesn't mean that you can keep scolding you.

They started looking for ways to fight back.

Everyone needs to throw the blame. When the rest of the intercontinental monks are crazy about Tiannanzhou monks, the Tiannanzhou monks also carry forward this tradition.

——They threw the pot to Tianyuan Sect.

They don't know who released the peerless demon god from ancient times.

But they know who Huangfu Yan's disciple is.

On that day, the scene where Xu Shoujing stepped on Huangfu Yan's head in front of everyone's eyes was too shocking. While everyone was shocked, they didn't have time to think deeply about the relationship between Huangfu Yan and the demon god.

But now, the rest of the intercontinental cultivators have begun to criticize them, and after careful review, they have come back to what happened to Huangfu Yan.

Huangfuyan's last act of rebellion, if you say that he was fascinated by his mind, it still makes sense.

But at the time of the sect competition, and the one who happened to be fascinated by your mind was the holy son of your Tianyuan sect... Isn't it too coincidental?
The flow suddenly changed.

The original 'demon god released from Tiannanzhou' has become a 'demon god released by the direct disciple of a certain sect's sect master'.

When a general concept becomes concrete, instead of reducing their anger, it will directly turn their emotions into sharp blades.

Since then, the target of people's condemnation has changed from Tiannan Continent to Tianyuan Sect.

How many days Xu Shoujing stayed by Chu Shuwan's bed, how many days Tianyuan Sect suffered.

There is no way, after all, although Tianyuan Sect is the boss of Tiannanzhou, he can't kill everyone and silence them, right?Just struggling to cope.

On top of this, because of Xu Shoujing's 'disregarding power', 'for the sake of the righteousness of the human race', and his 'unknown background'.

Under the blessing of various factors, all the cultivators who attacked Tianyuan Sect, without exception, had spoken for 'Xu Jianxian'.

Immortal Tu Yu's behavior of asking Xu Shoujing for a 'traitor of the human race' was taken for granted as an image of 'delusional shielding his disciples' and 'pressing people with power'.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Xu Shoujing has not been to a few Intercontinental since he was born, from this moment on, he is really popular.

It's just...suddenly.


She stayed warm with Chu Shuwan until noon, under the repeated persuasion of Aunt Chu and Jiang Rongyue.

Xu Shoujing handed over the duty of care to Sister Rong Yue, while he came to the pavilion in the yard after a long absence, intending to eat a meal carefully prepared by his sister.

Four dishes and one soup, white-tailed fish, five-colored beef, oysters in abalone sauce...everything. It seems that Jiang Rongyue intends to make up for Xu Shoujing.

Looking at the ducks bickering with roosters in the pond, Xu Shoujing picked up the oysters and was about to put them in his mouth...


There was a sound of hurried footsteps.

Xu Shoujing followed the source of the voice, and 'Ranxi' in an apricot-white summer dress walked outside the pavilion.

She glanced at Xu Shoujing, stretched out her thumb and pointed back with a slightly impatient tone:

"Someone is looking for you outside."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly:

"Don't call me senior, who is your senior? This emperor has never been punished by God on the back."


Xu Shoujing sighed lightly and said helplessly: "Then... Senior, when will Ranxi 'wake up', can you always tell me?"

The woman who called herself 'the emperor' was silent for a while, her eyes softened a little, and she whispered:
"She sacrificed too much soul power in order to save you. To be honest, the emperor doesn't know when she will wake up."

Xu Shoujing was stunned when he heard the words, Meifeng frowned unconsciously:

"Then what should I do? Senior, is there anything I can do?"

The woman glanced at Xu Shoujing and said disdainfully:

"Just rely on you as a little monk in the Dragon Gate realm? Save it, if it wasn't for the soul power of this dead girl who couldn't stand the consumption, believe it or not, the emperor can send you into the six realms of reincarnation now?"


Xu Shoujing was quite speechless. He was called the 'Little Cultivator of the Canghai Realm' when he was in the Canghai Realm, and now he is also called the 'Little Cultivator of the Longmen Realm' in the Longmen Realm.

Co-authoring is inseparable from 'small', right?

Seeing is believing, do you understand?If you haven't seen it, you can say it's small, so many years have been lived in vain.

"Anyway." The woman withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "Wait until Ranxi wakes up, the emperor let her go, but it has nothing to do with you. After that, you have nothing to do with it, and the emperor will take her away."

After speaking, without waiting for Xu Shoujing to respond, the woman left without looking back.

Xu Shoujing rolled his eyes and didn't take it seriously.

This is the same as a daughter marrying a man. As long as the woman is firm in her heart, can the parents be stubborn enough to hold back their children?

It's not that you are married, so what are you worried about?

While complaining in his heart, Xu Shoujing picked up the garlic oysters again, wanting to suck in his mouth...

"Cough, Xiaoyou Xu, long time no see."

Ji Ding, wearing a formal robe, came to the pavilion silently.

"The little girl just reported for a long time, but I didn't see you coming out. I came in without authorization and asked Xiaoyou Xu not to care."

As he said that, Ji Ding glanced around and said, as if he had nothing to say:

"How, is it still comfortable to live in this yard? This is what this seat asked for from the Tuxian Pavilion."

I just want to eat raw oysters, who will provoke who...

Xu Shoujing put down the oyster hanging by his mouth, his face was helpless:
"Well, it's fine."

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PS: The big event ends with two chapters and writes a few chapters daily.

(End of this chapter)

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