The queen is so fierce

Chapter 183 Xu Wanyi

Chapter 183 Xu Wanyi

Xu Shoujing sighed, and glanced at the path where Ranxi left from the corner of his eye, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he asked casually:

"Senior Ji, but what do you want to tell me to discuss with me?"

Ji Ding saw that Xu Shoujing was unwilling to gossip, so he put away his smile, considered it for a while, and said cautiously:
"Xu Xiaoyou, did the girl surnamed Chu ever wake up?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to expect to hear Aunt Chu's name from Ji Ding's mouth. His expression was a little unclear, but he nodded and said:

"I just woke up this morning. Thank you Senior Ji for your concern. Aunt Chu is fine."

"That's good."

Ji Ding nodded, skipped a moment, not only thought of something, but suddenly increased his tone:
"Since Miss Chu is all right, Xiaoyou Xu, listen to my advice and leave Tiannanzhou as soon as possible."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a while, a little confused:
"Why is this?"

Ji Ding said solemnly: "During this period of time, Xu Xiaoyou has not stepped out of the gate, so he may not know anything about what is happening in the outside world. In fact, your current situation is very dangerous."

"I would like to hear the details." Xu Shoujing also became serious and sat up silently.

"This matter, we still have to start with Immortal Tuyu." Ji Ding pondered for a moment and sighed: "I understand Immortal Tuyu as a person, and he seems to be acting like an immortal. Pai, in fact, it is extremely dark behind the scenes, and you will pay for it. On that day, if you trampled on his face like this, Immortal Tuyu would never let go of his grievances easily."

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing pondered for a while, and realized that it was not the first time he had heard of this.

When he was in the Immortal King Ruins, Zuo Lingxuan once told him.

Although the Tianyuan Sect has a good reputation, they are actually a group of hypocritical hypocrites. They are humble and polite on the surface, but they will give you a knife from time to time even if they can't see it, and they are very small.

According to this, the Tianyuan Sect's reputation is so bad, it is entirely because of what kind of disciples there are suzerains?

After thinking over and over again, Xu Shoujing almost understood what Ji Ding meant, and hesitated:

"Senior is trying to say... Immortal Venerable Tu Yu might attack me?"

"That's right." Ji Ding nodded, paused for a moment, and then continued: "Although he didn't take action the first time because of your mysterious background that day. But from what I know about him, as long as you leave Donghuang Mountain In the surrounding area, Immortal Tu Yu may send someone to deal with you in the wilderness at any time."


This sounds weird.

Xu Shoujing lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then asked: "If you say that, if Immortal Tuyu wants to kill me so much, isn't it safe even if I leave Tiannanzhou?"

Ji Ding shook his head: "No. Although Immortal Tu Yu wants to kill you, he will not do it himself anyway. First, because he once made an agreement with you in Donghuang City. Second, because you are behind your back. The background that is linked to the Changhe Su Clan. The your influence in the entire Jiuzhou now."

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, why didn't he know that he had influence in the entire Jiuzhou?
It's just that it evolved from a 'Little Cultivator of the Canghai Realm' to a 'Little Cultivator of the Dragon Gate Realm'. It's more rewarding than a group of animals that can't afford to move their ancestors out of the mountains.

Seeing Xu Shoujing's puzzled face, Ji Ding clenched his fist and coughed lightly. He was quite helpless to say that the cultivators from Jiuzhou collectively angered the cultivators in Tiannanzhou for not doing anything. ' things said again.

After listening to the ins and outs of the incident, Xu Shoujing felt a little dazed and said in a daze:
"So... In fact, Immortal Tuyu doesn't have time to take care of me now? Tianyuanzong is already overwhelmed?"

It means so, but from Xu Shoujing's mouth, there is always a strange feeling of "Can I go sideways?"

Ji Ding sighed again and said earnestly:
"Xu Xiaoyou, although Tianyuan Sect can't take care of himself, it is only temporary after all, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu is not a fool, he will handle these matters after all, and it will undoubtedly be much more difficult if you want to leave at that time.

Listen to my advice, since Miss Chu has recovered, you should leave Tiannanzhou overnight before the storm subsides.In this way, even if Immortal Tu Yu wanted to settle accounts after the fact, most of them would not be found. "

leave?This is indeed a good choice.

With Xu Shoujing's current strength, even if the pure soul ice coffin is filled, it is estimated that he will not be able to survive a move under Immortal Tu Yu.

No matter what, Immortal Tuyu is a real power in the Moonlight Realm, and it is not at all the same level as Huangfu Yan's pseudo-powerful use of demon souls to force his realm.

Whether it is for the safety of Aunt Chu and the others, or for their own lives, leaving Tiannanzhou temporarily is undoubtedly a safe option.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing also made a plan in his heart, and immediately clenched his fists to Ji Ding seriously:
"Thank you senior for reminding me, I will leave Tiannanzhou immediately when the matter at hand is over."

"That's good."

Seeing that Xu Shoujing didn't lose his temper, Ji Ding nodded approvingly, and after a few casual greetings, he planned to leave.

Xu Shoujing got up to see each other and accompanied Ji Ding to the gate of the courtyard.

Looking at Ji Ding's leaving back, Xu Shoujing hesitated and asked aloud:

"Senior, you and I don't know each other, why do you help me like this?"

Ji Ding paused and was silent for a long time, then turned to look at Xu Shoujing, as if recalling, and whispered:
"In the early years, when I was wandering all over Jiuzhou, I met a woman."

"?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, I asked why you helped me like this, where did your answer go...

Ji Ding didn't care about the change in Xu Shoujing's expression, and said to himself:

"She wears a white dress all day, and her strength is terrifying... Not to mention Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, even the demon god who recovered from the temple is probably not enough compared to her."

Speaking of this, Ji Ding's eyebrows frowned slightly, shaking his head secretly:
"However, this is very strange. Her strength has clearly reached a terrifying level, but there is no fluctuation of spiritual power in her body... It is not like the cultivation base is too high to forcibly cover up the realm, on the contrary... It is like A mortal."


It was as if the movie was stuck in rewind. After hearing Ji Ding's words, Xu Shoujing suddenly felt dizzy.

He hurriedly supported the big tree beside him to stabilize his body, and then a hazy gray and white picture played in his mind.

A blood moon hangs in the starless night sky, and the dense jungle that cannot see the edge is plunged into a sea of ​​fire.

In line of sight, a beautiful woman in a white dress knelt down by the river, slowly holding herself up, with tears streaking on her face that was as beautiful as a fairy, and her voice was choked up saying something.

The words were intermittent, and at every key point, they would become blurred due to some kind of inexplicable force hindering them, but in general, they could roughly understand the meaning.

As if it had been discussed in advance, the choking sound of the beautiful woman in the white dress in her mind overlapped with Ji Ding's sighing words in reality——

"The immortal race is destroyed, and the immortals are merged; the dragon race is extinguished, the auspicious beast is extinguished; the demon race is extinguished, and the Tao is impermanent."

Xu Shoujing recovered from the syncope, and while in a trance, subconsciously asked:
"This is……?"

Ji Ding pondered for a moment, then said solemnly:

"This is the history that has been deliberately erased or concealed since the days of Tianzhu."

Ji Ding paused and added:
"However, there is more to this metaphor."


Ji Ding considered it carefully, and said solemnly:

"This is also what that woman once said. There are only two metaphors left in the future: the calamity of the demon, the resentment of the common people; the rebellion of Jiuzhou, the killing of the heavens."

After listening to Ji Ding's words, Xu Shoujing couldn't recover for a long time.

The last two metaphors had never been heard in his vague dream.

The demon robbery is very well understood. So far, two places in Jiuzhou have been damaged due to the demon robbery. One is Dali in Yuliang Continent, and the other is Donghuang Mountain in Tiannan Continent.

If the demon robbery wants to expand to the level of 'common grievances', there is no doubt that there is only the possibility of 'human monster war'.

Coincidentally, Ji Dan, the master of the strange realm who could trigger the fuse of the battle between the monsters, was released by Huangfu Yan half a month ago.

Although Jidan has not acted for the time being, just looking at the posture he wants to make the demon clan rise, I am afraid that the tranquility of Jiuzhou will not last long.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that in addition to hating himself, the 'God Punished Remnant', his number one enemy should be the long-extinct Immortal Race.

So...Jidan hasn't acted for half a month, does it mean that the immortals are still alive, fighting their wits and courage in the air?

After all, he is a realm master from the ancient era, so he shouldn't be so stupid, right?

Xu Shoujing is hard to say.

Now that the metaphor of the previous paragraph has already happened, as for the last paragraph of 'Jiuzhou Reverse, Heaven's Way Killing'.

In the past, Xu Shoujing may feel inexplicable and unclear.

But since the Changhe Su Clan had a conversation with the mysterious Doomsday leader Void, the answer seems to be ready to come out.

The sect master of the end... and even the 'transcendence of heaven' pursued by the whole sect of the end of the world, is it to be achieved through the method of 'reversing the nine continents'?

But what does this have to do with so many things ahead?
Xu Shoujing is still thinking about whether or not there is.

Ji Ding was silent for a while, then said:

"I used to think that a cultivator is the one who cultivates his own cause and effect, without any constraints, and the affairs of the world have nothing to do with me... There is no unselfish person in the world... No matter who it is, even if it is the power of the Xuan Ye realm, in pursuit of the Great Dao In the end, it was selfish after all."

Speaking of this, Ji Ding's tone became a little emotional:
"I, Ji Ding, have never admired anyone else in my life. The woman in the white dress is an exception. Before I met her, I never thought that someone really values ​​the world above everything else.

It can be said that I was influenced by her.Now that the demon god is born, I don’t know when the war between human and demon will break out…”

Ji Ding tilted his head to look at Xu Shoujing and said solemnly:
"Xu Xiaoyou, I value your potential very much. I believe that in the near future, you will definitely be the leader in the battle against demons. Out of selfishness and consideration for the human race, I cannot let you die here."

Xu Shoujing nodded dazedly in response. When sending Ji Ding away, he finally asked:
"That woman... does the senior know her name?"

Ji Ding was stunned, frowned and hesitated, but still replied:

"I don't have much contact with her. I only know that she has the same surname as Xu Xiaoyou, and seems to be called... Xu Wanyi."
The golden sun shines on the small courtyard where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Xu Shoujing was pushing a wheelchair made of spirit sandalwood and walked slowly forward. Chu Shuwan, who was sitting in a lady's posture, was lounging on the backrest, her red lips slightly opened from time to time, and she asked Jing'er to feed herself a fruit.

"Jing'er, so you plan to leave Tiannanzhou?"

After listening to Xu Shoujing finish the conversation with Ji Ding, Chu Shuwan asked casually.

Xu Shoujing nodded: "Well...but not now, I have to wait until I finish going to Tiangong."

For Aunt Chu, who was about to fall in love with her, he had no intention of concealing it. When the other party asked about it, he couldn't think about it, so he revealed the whole conversation with Ji Ding.

Having said that, Xu Shoujing chose to omit the woman named Xu Wanyi in order to avoid being misunderstood by Aunt Chu.

" decide." Chu Shuwan didn't seem to care much. She stretched her waist greatly as if to show off her bulging clothes.

Seeing that Xu Shoujing's eyes were about to pop out, Chu Shuwan glanced at him angrily, and pouted:
"Be restrained, it's outside. And I'm not healed yet, do you dare to mess around? don't hurt auntie anymore?"


Xu Shoujing reluctantly took his eyes back from the mysterious territory of the 'ditch and canyon', and said depressedly:

"Then you should be more restrained, don't you know that I am very tempting?"

"Yo? Do you still blame me for saying that?"

Chu Shuwan sneered, and then not only thought of something, but her smile gradually became charming.

Xu Shoujing shivered smartly, feeling that something terrible was about to happen, and said in a trembling voice:
"Aunt do you want..."

"What kind of bad thoughts can Auntie have, are you right, Jing'er?"

Chu Shuwan held up the full placket with one hand, and lifted the other hand slightly, and slowly put her slender jade fingers into the sandalwood mouth, rubbing it back and forth.

Seeing Chu Shuwan's blurred almond eyes and her charming expression, Xu Shoujing only felt dry mouth, but now he couldn't do anything because of Aunt Chu's injury.

"Aunt Chu... Where did you learn all this..." Xu Shoujing turned around with a bitter face, bowed his waist and said.

Where did you study?
This must mention the book "How the Big Woman Beats the Husband".

A few days ago, when she had nothing to do, Chu Shuwan took it and flipped through it again, only to find that the book had three parts, and she was only reading the first "Temptation".

It seems that there are "Knocks" and "Palace Fights" in the back, which are much better than Qiu Xuanji's "How to Gain Active Status in the Harem".

Seeing that the results were good, Chu Shuwan immediately pulled her index finger from her red lips and snorted proudly:
"Are you afraid?"

"Oh, I'm afraid... Aunt Chu, if you're not in good health, don't mess with me..."

Xu Shoujing sighed deeply and continued to push Chu Shuwan for a walk.

I don't know how many times I begged before, but Aunt Chu was reluctant to open her mouth.Now that I'm suddenly caught off guard like this... it's really hard to beat.

The two walked in silence for a while, Chu Shuwan rested her head on Xu Shoujing's chest, and suddenly said without any reason:
"Jing'er, my aunt wants to confess something to you."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and said casually:
"You have something to order."

As soon as the words were spoken, Xu Shoujing regretted it.

Chu Shuwan didn't care about this, she just thought it was Jing'er who was making fun of herself again.

She took a deep breath, as if she was mentally prepared, and said:

"Jing'er, actually..."

What Chu Shuwan said was nothing more than that she wanted to build a new Longyumen, including the fact that Jiang Rongyue was allowed to participate in the competition later, and those actions that seemed to be of unknown meaning were actually all to hide from him.

Xu Shoujing was surprised when he heard it: "Is that all?"

"Well." Chu Shuwan pursed her red lips, and her tone was a little melancholy: "In the end, the Zongmen Great Competition was also destroyed, and Longyumen's reputation still failed to get out."

Longyumen's reputation has not gone out?
Xu Shoujing laughed secretly in his heart, shaking his head again and again where Chu Shuwan couldn't see it.

To say that the most mysterious sect in Jiuzhou now must belong to Longyumen.

After the confrontation with Immortal Tuyu, and the intentional fermentation of the monks in Tiannanzhou, Longyumen has been rumored to be an 'ancient and mysterious hidden world', 'the strong are like clouds, Xuanyang is everywhere, and the moon is full of moon'. Such as dogs' outrageous existence.

Seeing that Chu Shuwan was lost after a long time, Xu Shoujing told her about it.

After Chu Shuwan heard this, her face was full of question marks. Why didn't she do anything, and Longyumen became inexplicably popular.

Xu Shoujing bent down slightly, wrapped Chu Shuwan's swan neck from the back, leaned against her ear, and said softly:

"However, although Longyumen's reputation has gone out, it is estimated that there is no way to recruit new members for the time being. After all, there are not many of us at all now."

Chu Shuwan let out a 'tsk' and said dully:
"Obviously it was I who planned to help you, but in the end you were helping me... Jing'er, isn't my aunt particularly useless?"

Your apprentice also asked this question.

Xu Shoujing remembered the night when Jiang Rongyue lay in his arms and cried, "I can't help you with anything", he sighed lightly, and said sternly:

"Aunt Chu, you really don't have to think about this. Can you help me...Will it cause me trouble? Really, don't think about it."

Chu Shuwan turned her head and looked at Xu Shoujing suspiciously, as if she didn't understand what he wanted to express.

Xu Shoujing paused for a while, then looked back at Chu Shuwan's watery apricot eyes full of affection, and said softly:
"As long as you are still by my side, it will be the greatest help to me."


Chu Shuwan called Xu Shoujing's name tenderly, stared at those peach blossom eyes for two seconds, then suddenly raised her body and kissed him on the face.


Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and then blushed a little when he rarely saw it. After this unexpected kiss, he realized it later... The words just now were quite numb.

Well, it's time to practice your face, otherwise how can you come up with the 'super double' of 'big co-sleeping' in the future?
Xu Shoujing rubbed the kissed part of his face, turned his eyes to one side, and changed the subject bluntly:
"Well, in the future, I'll help you fight the reputation of Longyumen. Aunt Chu, you can feel at ease as the wife of the sect master."

"Are you the suzerain?" Chu Shuwan raised her brows.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, then tentatively asked, "Am I Madam?"

"Pfft..." Chu Shuwan laughed softly.

The two smiled at each other and said nothing.


Just when Xu Shoujing and Chu Shuwan were in love with each other in the courtyard, a huge flying boat was breaking through the layers of clouds and flying towards them.

Jiang Rongyue had just returned from shopping at the street market, when she saw the huge floating boat in the distance, Xingmu suddenly froze, and then said happily:
"Huanqing brought Sister Fuyao and the others back... I have to hurry and tell Xiaojing."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: The state is not good...I want to write some daily reading, but the writing is a bit messy.

(End of this chapter)

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