The queen is so fierce

Chapter 184 Open the back door of the Heavenly Palace

Chapter 184 Open the back door of the Heavenly Palace

In fact, even if Ji Ding did not come to remind him today, Xu Shoujing planned to temporarily leave Tiannanzhou in a short period of time.

Ji Ding's kind reminder only made Xu Shoujing less hesitant.

The sect competition has come to an end. Although there is no 'comparison' at all, in general, the original purpose has been achieved.

Xu Shoujing will come to participate in this sect competition, and the reason is that he wants to get a place to enter the Tiangong, and he looks for the 'Spirit Emperor Jade' that can heal Zhao Fuyao from the Tiangong.

Of course, in addition to the 'Falling Moon Immortal Soul' in the Linghuang Jade, there are also answers about the era of Tianzhu that are preserved at the bottom of Gu Yao's Immortal Palace.

After basking in the sun for a while, Xu Shoujing pushed Aunt Chu, who was sleepy, back to the wing, carefully carried her to the bed, covered the quilt, and left the room quietly.

Just as he walked to the yard with his forefoot, Xu Shoujing saw that there was no one around, and then glanced at the almost brand-new fence in front of him, and suddenly felt a little itchy.

He didn't waste time, and flipped over the floor with his toes.


Speaking of which, since he was able to control the sword, Xu Shoujing has had fewer and fewer opportunities to climb over the wall, which made him a madman who climbed the wall.

Overcoming the wall is not an act, but an attitude towards life.

Leaving the small courtyard borrowed from Ji Ding, Xu Shoujing went to the only magnificent five-story building in the town - Tuxian Pavilion.

Compared with the Tuxian Pavilion in the East Imperial City, the Tuxian Pavilion stationed in this town is more than one grade worse in appearance.

The Tuxian Pavilion in the East Imperial City is a one-piece structure. On the left is the hall for information on meeting guests. Except for a whole row of counters and more than [-] waitresses that you can see as soon as you enter the door, the rest are some for monks to take their seats. sofa and coffee table.

When Xu Shoujing went there for the first time, he made a visual inspection. The size of the entire parlor was three times larger than when Notre Dame de Paris was not burned down. It was as empty as it was built for a giant.

Not to mention the cultivator department store on the right after passing through the Thousand Window Corridor. There is a dazzling array of medicinal pills and instruments, which is almost like Wangfujing, which is very outrageous.

It may also be because the facilities of the Tuxian Pavilion in Donghuang City are so luxurious that in a small town near Donghuang Mountain...that is, the Tuxian Pavilion in front of Xu Shoujing, it looks a bit barren.

It is said that there are not many people coming to this Tuxian Pavilion at all, and the waitress at the counter can crawl for a whole day without moving, boring and quickly growing grass.

However, it is such a Tuxian Pavilion, and now there are people coming and going, a lot of monks from different sects come in and out, and occasionally you can see the shadows of a few waitresses busying themselves.

It is said to have become what it is now, because the Eastern Imperial City is basically in ruins.

For reconstruction and disaster relief, Tuxian Pavilion and the major sects have used this small town as a temporary stronghold.

This also led to the fact that the Tuxian Pavilion, which was originally of a normal size, was now under pressure that it should not have been under.

Xu Shoujing waited on the spot for a while, seeing that the fluctuation of the crowd had subsided a little, and then squeezed into the gate of Tuxian Pavilion with his sword in his arms.

... There are too many main people, and they are afraid of being touched.

In order to avoid being taken advantage of by the female hooligans, Xu Shoujing covered his face against the wall the whole time, and managed to squeeze into the corner of the stairs.

After going upstairs, Xu Shoujing didn't pause, walked directly to the end of the corridor, glanced at the gold-plated door engraved with wonderful lines, and pushed the door in without hesitation.

There were only bookcases and a simple bed in the room. A middle-aged man with dark circles leaned on a chair and stared at the documents in his hand with bloodshot eyes, as if he didn't notice Xu Shoujing's presence at all.

Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while, and it seemed that he had been forced to work overtime again.

He sighed, raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

dong dong dong-


Hearing the knock on the door, Gu Xun suddenly raised his head. After seeing that it was Xu Shoujing, he was slightly taken aback and said subconsciously:

"Xu Xiaoyou?"

Such a big incident just happened not long ago. As the pavilion owner of the East Emperor City's Tuxian Pavilion branch, these days are not easy.

Let's not talk about a series of problems such as 'the promotion failed to be relegated', 'not enough materials to pay for yourself' and other issues. From time to time, I have to deal with those sinister sects who want to make a fortune from the chaos.

It stands to reason that in this extraordinary period, Gu Xunguang is too busy to work overtime, where is there time to receive guests?

In theory, this is true, but who made Xu Shoujing an exception?

According to what was later learned from the disciples and elders of the sect, it was Xu Jianxian, who had just entered the Dragon Gate realm, who played a key role in the entire Eastern Imperial City incident.

Coupled with his mysterious sect background, the marriage object is the eldest princess of the Changhe Su family... All these factors have become the reason why Tuxian Pavilion must treat him as a friend.

Although part of it was Gu Xun himself who wanted to show affection to Xu Shoujing.

After all, under the destruction of Huangfu Yan, the original Donghuang City was almost impossible to recover. Thanks to Xu Shoujing's efforts to turn the tide, Gu Xun had the opportunity to remedy it now.

Thinking of this, Gu Xun breathed a sigh of relief, turned to smile, and said again:
"Xu Xiaoyou, what's the point of coming to see this old man?"

Xu Shoujing clenched his fist and coughed lightly, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice:
"Gu Pavilion Master, thank you for your care during this time, Aunt Chu... My Taoist Companion has woken up. I plan to leave in the near future."

Gu Xunwei was stunned for a moment, but also very refreshing:
"It's good to wake up. The matter of the yard is the request of Elder Ji, and Xu Xiaoyou doesn't have to worry about it. It's just..."

Gu Xun said for a while, hesitated for a while, but still asked:
"Xu Xiaoyou, what's the matter? Leave in such a hurry? No more rest days?"

Xu Shoujing shook his head: "No need, after so many things happened, it's time for me to complete the task given by the sect."

Whether it was intentional or not, Xu Shoujing deliberately accentuated the words 'Zongmen mission'.

Sure enough, Gu Pain immediately sat up straight after listening, and his eyes became a lot more serious.

Xu Shoujing's sect...isn't that the Dragon Yumen that even Tianyuan Sect is afraid of?

Good guy, still came with a mission.

Gu Xun thought about it for a while, and seemed to have a clear understanding, and said:
"Xu Xiaoyou, is there anything I need to help you with?"

Xu Shoujing thought to himself: This old man is really good.

He took a deep breath, brewed his emotions for a while, frowned slightly, and pretended to be 'dare and dare', his expression seemed to be entangled, and finally turned into a sigh:
"Actually, my teacher ordered me to go to the ruins of the Tiangong to get something, and this is why I participated in the sect competition.

But... you also know that with so many things happening now, the Zongmen Grand Competition has not been held, and the places to go to the Tiangong have not been decided..."

If Gu Xun realized something, he heard it, Xu Shoujing came to find him to open the back door, can he let him go to the ruins of the Tiangong.'s not necessary.

Gu Xun waved his hand with a smile, and said very simply:
"No problem, then Xu Xiaoyou, wait, I'll have someone do it right away."


Xu Shoujing blinked, why is it different from what I thought.

It was because he was afraid that Tuxian Pavilion would not allow himself to make a special case, so he used his trumped-up identity to 'emotionally' persuade him.

After all... other people's sects are busy 'rebuilding the disaster area' and 'fighting against the demon clan', you go and pluck the fruits of victory by yourself, what is this?
But now it seems... the other party doesn't seem to take it seriously?
Gu Xun seemed to see through Xu Shoujing's meaning, smiled and said:
"Xu Xiaoyou, don't you think that the old man promised too simply, and you are confused?"

Xu Shoujing was seen through his mind in person, and nodded embarrassedly.

Gu Xun just shook his head and laughed dumbly:

"Xu Xiaoyou, these days, you don't go out of the gate, and you don't go to the second gate. Besides, you are not from Tiannan Continent, so it is normal to not know."

"What does the pavilion master mean?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

Gu Xun pondered for a moment and explained:
"Actually, the existence of Tiangong ruins is not as important as you think. At least in Tiannanzhou."

Seeing Xu Shoujing want to ask a question, Gu Xun raised his hand to stop him, "This old man is not saying that the ruins of the Heavenly Palace have no value, it's just that no sect can fully exploit its value at this stage."

Xu Shoujing looked puzzled: "Why is this?"

"Because of its prohibition." Gu Xun pondered. "The Zongmen Grand Competition will restrict the participation of the realm from here. As early as when they found the ruins of the Tiangong, everyone found that there was a very cumbersome prohibition above it. It will only be loosened once every five years, and it is not below the Nirvana realm. Not allowed inside."

Xu Shoujing nodded slowly. When he was at Denglonggang, he heard Su He, who goes by the pseudonym He Su, say it.

Gu Xun paused, then continued: "The problem is here, including Immortal Tu Yu, several great masters have tried to break the restriction, but in the end they did not dare to go further.

The powerful means of setting this restriction in ancient times were too subtle. As long as you try to break it forcibly, the restriction will turn into a self-destructing formation, and the entire ruins may become a pile of ruins. "

"..." Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while, this style of not letting others rob the grave... should have nothing to do with Shao Yao.

"Because of these reasons, the exploration of the ruins of the Tiangong has been standing still for so many years."

Gu Xun sighed, put the document in his hand on the table, picked up another token, and said slowly:

"There are a large number of unheard-of ancient beasts in the ruins of the Tiangong, and every fork in the road may be a deadly magic trap. Although the leaders of various sects are screened out every time, I want to rely on the Dragon Gate Realm to conquer the Tiangong safely and without incident. , is still too difficult.

In addition, there is a time limit, and every time you may not go far, you have to go back again.Over time, the major sects have no way to profit from this... The fact that the sects go to the Tiangong after the big competition has gradually become a routine existence. "

After explaining the reasons for everything, Inspector Gu breathed a sigh of relief, changed his dullness, and chuckled:

"To sum up, Xu Xiaoyou, if you want to go to the Tiangong, it's really not inconvenient, I'll have someone go through the formalities for you.

However, it should be noted that the opening period of the Tiangong ban is only one month after the Zongmen Grand Competition.Counting the time, there should be only about ten days left. If Xu Xiaoyou is sure to go, it is better to go as soon as possible. "

"Many thanks to the pavilion master." Xu Shoujing clenched his fists in a salute.

"That's all." Gu Xun waved his hand, thought for a moment, and added: "If Xu Xiaoyou wants to go, it's better to find some people. It's too dangerous to enter the Heavenly Palace alone."

"I will think about it."
Walking out of the crowded Tuxian Pavilion, Xu Shoujing slowly returned to the small courtyard where he temporarily lived while thinking about the ruins of the Tiangong.

But as soon as he entered the door, the originally empty courtyard and when he left must have changed into a different scene.

Su Huanqing didn't know when she had come back. She was wearing a light blue skirt and leaned against the trunk of a big tree without saying a word, holding a snow-like silver sword in her arms.

Zhao Fuyao sat on the round stool of the pavilion drinking tea, the white dress was spotless, as if a fairy had fallen into the world, his expression was indifferent and his eyes were calm.

Nangong Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, was holding a little Zilong with a bubbling nose, swaying her little Yingying feet under her skirt, and humming an unknown tune, as if she didn't notice Xu Shoujing's return at all.

In addition to them, there was another person Xu Shoujing unexpectedly followed.

Xu Shoujing greeted Su Huanqing and others with his eyes, then walked to the boy who was squatting on the ground and teasing the big white cat, and asked in surprise:

"How did you come?"

Su Ling was startled and jumped up. After seeing that it was Xu Shoujing, he patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief. He said with lingering fears:

"Brother-in-law, why are you walking silently..."

Xu Shoujing didn't have time to play tricks with him, so he sighed softly:

"you have not answer my question yet."

"Oh...oh." Su Ling seemed to suddenly remember something, slammed the palm of his hand, and then quickly patted the Qiongyu Pavilion, took out a beautifully styled belt from it, and handed it to Xu Shoujing.

The texture of the entire belt is very soft, and it can be kneaded into a ball with one hand, but the appearance is full of Eden's high-tech hardness.

The whole body has the color of white jade, and the straight lines on both sides extend all the way to the center, embellished with an amber crystal that looks expensive.

Xu Shoujing stared at the belt for a few seconds, then said in a daze:
"This is……"

"Qiongyu belt, I heard that your old one is broken, brother-in-law, why don't I send you a new one? Let me tell you, this thing is expensive and has no market, and it was obtained from the uncle. of……"

Su Ling grinned and glanced at Su Huanqing in the distance. After confirming that she was not looking in her direction, she coughed twice and said in a low voice:
"Actually, Sister Huanqing asked me to give it to you, but she wouldn't let me say... Brother-in-law, you can't sell me."


Xu Shoujing blinked, Su Huanqing gave it to me?
He turned his head to look at Su Huanqing, who was leaning against the big tree with a cold face. The other party closed his eyes and snorted as if nothing had happened.

Xu Shoujing couldn't figure out what Su Huanqing was thinking, but it was all delivered to the door. It happened that he also lacked a storage tool, so he followed the friendship and reached out to take it.

"Then... please help me thank Huan Qing."

"Hey, we're out, who are we?"

Su Ling nudged Xu Shoujing with his elbow, and when he saw that he had put the belt on his knees, he clapped his hands and praised "it's really suitable".

After a slight pause, Su Ling suddenly picked up a playful expression and said solemnly:
"Brother-in-law, let's talk about the business. In fact, this time I came here, because the uncle meant."

What does Su Jin mean?
Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, a little confused, thought for a while, and asked from his origin:
"Does Venerable Su have anything to say to me?"

Su Ling nodded and said solemnly:

"Uncle, I hope you can either leave Tiannanzhou immediately, or go back to Sudu with me now, and don't go to the ruins of Tiangong alone."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
PS: Calvin card is terrible, I don’t know what to write, and I ran out of leave slips... I can only go to the next event, which is a bit stiff...

(End of this chapter)

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