The queen is so fierce

Chapter 185 Su Ling's Purpose

Chapter 185 Su Ling's Purpose

"Uncle, I hope you can either leave Tiannanzhou immediately, or go back to Sudu with me now, and don't go to the ruins of Tiangong alone."

After listening to Su Ling's serious words, Xu Shoujing was a little confused for a while, pondered for a while, and asked with a frown:

"But what's wrong with Tiangong?"

"'s not." Su Ling shook his head.

Xu Shoujing thought for a while, and then asked: "Then... Tianyuan Sect has begun to make small moves? Finally, Immortal Tuyu couldn't help but send someone to kill me?"

"Although there is no definite news about this, it is basically inseparable... However, it is not for this reason that the uncle asked you to go back now."

"What's that for?"

Su Ling glanced at Su Huanqing in the distance, her expression became a little guilty, and she waved to Xu Shoujing secretly.

A question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head. After noticing Su Ling's gaze, although he didn't know why, he still took a few steps closer with Su Huanqing behind his back, and then whispered:

"Related to Huan Qing?"

Su Ling nodded and said in his ear:

"Brother-in-law, in fact, it's all your fault."

"Blame me?" Xu Shoujing glanced at him inexplicably, how could he have something to do with him.

Su Ling sighed and said roguely:

"It's such a big thing, don't talk about uncle, the whole Changhe Su Clan will know about it the next day."

Xu Shoujing had a question mark on his face and had no clue about what Su Ling said.

He was about to open his mouth to ask another question, but his mind seemed to be penetrated by a bolt of lightning, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, and his expression changed immediately:
"You're not talking about my marriage to Huan Qing, are you?"

"Yeah, what else can I say..."

Su Ling scratched his head and answered as a matter of course.When he saw Xu Shoujing petrifying in situ, he sighed helplessly:

"My uncle, eldest brother... Everyone in the Su family knows that the marriage is fake, but the Changhe Su clan and even the Su Du have all taken it seriously.

Now if you don't follow me back, the uncle doesn't know how to end it... There are too many people asking, brother-in-law, you don't even know. "

Speaking of which, Su Ling seemed to think of something again. After a pause, she asked curiously, "By the way, when will you marry Sister Huanqing?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a long time before he recovered. Hearing Su Ling's last question, he subconsciously wanted to answer "I'm friends with her".

But the words had already reached his lips, and he stopped when he was about to blurt out.

It's true that Huan Qing is a friend, but... is it just a friend?

All I can say is, not necessarily.

Xu Shoujing believed that he was not sitting in his arms and swaying under the willow, especially after he was reincarnated in this Jiuzhou, which was dominated by classical beauties, but any woman who had practiced could still see through her appearance.

Even so, it is estimated that there are few women who are so beautiful and hard to find like Su Huanqing and Jiang Rongyue.

I believe that as long as it is a man, or in other words, as long as the eyes are not blind, it is impossible to completely ignore Su Huanqing's beauty.

It is also for this reason that Xu Shoujing always thought that his feelings for Su Huanqing were more of a yearning for beautiful things... To put it bluntly, it was a matter of anger.

You want to really develop something... Maybe it's because this girl talks about 'you want to cultivate with my master' every day.

He couldn't imagine the picture of Su Huanqing shrinking in his arms one day in the future.

How should I put it... If she was cultivating her feelings with Huan Qing, she was lying in her arms with sweat on her face, and the first sentence she said was:

"When did you become like us with Master?"

It's so weird... It's like conspiring with a male thief and a female prostitute to pull the 'good family' into the water, which is indescribable.

It is also because of some of these reasons. So far, Xu Shoujing has not clearly expressed what he meant to Su Huanqing.

But just now, when Xu Shoujing wanted to answer Su Ling's question, the picture that appeared in his mind was the bits and pieces of how the two had gotten along during this period of time.

When he was in the Changhe Su Clan, he began to think about his cultivation since he learned that he had arrived, and even got out the Qi Refinement Tower that he never borrowed.

The Zongmen Grand Competition could not be held, and everyone was trapped in the temple space.Facing the uncertain prospect of life and death, Su Huanqing followed him without hesitation without any hesitation.

Later, under the heavy pressure of Immortal Tu Yu, Su Huanqing did not hesitate to destroy his own reputation, but also stood by Xu Shoujing's side at that time.

Until just now, if it wasn't for Su Ling's 'betrayal' of his cousin, Xu Shoujing didn't know that Su Huanqing had already helped him prepare the storage instruments in places he couldn't see.

Different from Jiang Rongyue's "Love should be shouted out with your mouth", Su Huanqing is a very light-tempered person. She doesn't like to talk, she likes to express her intentions with actions.

It is precisely because of the lack of talking that when talking to Su Huanqing, she always chokes him off guard. That straightforward style without emotional intelligence is not at all like what a girl in her 20s should behave.

Su Huanqing is always in places that you can't see, silently doing things that you agree with in your heart. Her contribution is very hidden, hidden to the point where you don't even know anything if it's not a coincidence.

But at the moment you notice it, you can't help but feel warm because of her dedication.

Love in the heart - this is the truest portrayal of Xu Shoujing's heart at present.


Xu Shoujing stood there, smiling inexplicably tenderly, his eyes seemed to be insane, and he didn't know where he was looking.

A big question mark appeared on Su Ling's head. He stretched out his hand and waved in front of Xu Shoujing's eyes. When he found that there was still no response, he couldn't help saying in astonishment:

"Brother-in-law, are you stupid? You haven't married my cousin yet..."

Xu Shoujing suddenly came back to his senses, reached out and waved away the question mark on Su Ling's head, and then said awkwardly:

"Uh... Let's talk about it, the overall situation is still undecided, the demon clan may start a war at any time, and the Tianyuan Sect is also eyeing it. At this time, this marriage is not appropriate."

"That's true." Su Ling nodded with understanding.

Xu Shoujing smiled perfunctorily, but it wasn't the reason.

To be honest, after Xu Shoujing realized his feelings for Su Huanqing just now, he could not wait to marry her.

...Of course, Aunt Chu, Yaoyao, Xuanji, and Sister Rongyue will definitely be indispensable at the wedding.

However, the current stage is only on Xu Shoujing's understanding that he likes Su Huanqing.

In other words, it's just a single arrow.

What Su Huanqing meant... Xu Shoujing still didn't quite understand.

One thing to say, it's not that Xu Shoujing didn't want to attack with a straight ball, so he came up and thumped Su Huanqing against the wall and asked her how she felt about herself.

... The main reason is that the girl's brain circuit is a little strange. If Xu Shoujing really dared to do this at this time, Su Huan Qing Bao's first sentence could make people choked to death:

"You want me?"


Then, when Xu Shoujing was silent, she would definitely shake her head solemnly, and then add the second sentence:

"No, you and Master are a pair."

Look, don't care how silently she paid in front of her, and what touching things she did in places she couldn't see.

But as long as Xu Shoujing is confident on the front, Su Huanqing will definitely answer as above.

How do you let people hit the ball?

Xu Shoujing considered this matter over and over again, but still felt that he should take it slowly. Anyway, he was not in a hurry.

Where is the first time they met the 'progress bar' and took the high-speed rail... Shao Yao, Yao Yao, that is a special situation, special treatment.

This is not a double standard.

Xu Shoujing is a serious person, how can a serious person have double standards?

With his thoughts on the right track, Xu Shoujing coughed lightly, and continued with the topic at the beginning:

"Do I have to go back now? In fact, I just want to go to the Tiangong to get something, can I go to the Changhe Su Clan after I finish it?"

Su Ling was quite good at talking in front of him, but now he is stubborn for some reason, and shook his head as if he could not refuse:

"No, the uncle gave me a death order, and I will pull you back no matter what... Or, you can just go to other continents to hide, anyway, don't hang around outside all the time."

Having said this, Su Ling sighed deeply and said earnestly:
"Brother-in-law, it's not very good to say that, but the Changhe Su Clan is not always one-sided. Although the old uncle can usually hold them down, when it comes to a family matter, even the uncle can't do it. "

"A big family event?" Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and seemed to hear something unusual in Su Ling's words.

"Uh, it's okay... Actually, it's something, but it's not a big deal... The main thing is that it's really a thing."

Su Ling's eyes dodged for a while, and she talked nonsense for a while, and seemed to give up struggling, and said helplessly:

"Brother-in-law, don't be angry when you say this... Actually, when the Holy Son of Tianyuan Sect, that is, Huangfu Yan, came to the door, some elders in the clan still agreed more with the marriage between Changhe Su and Tianyuan Sect. .

It's hard to say it, but the Tianyuan Sect is currently the number one sect in Tiannan Continent, and it is obviously more beneficial to have no marriage with them.

But you also know that the uncle paid more attention to the personal wishes of his cousin, so he directly 'banged' the people from the Tianyuan Sect... The scale of the spell was extremely exaggerated, and Huangfu Yan flew far away. "


Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while. He had heard about it when he was in Sudu, but he didn't expect that 'bang' was actually a real bang, not some kind of decoration.

"That's not the point." Su Ling noticed that the topic was a little off, and quickly waved his hand, and continued: "How much doubts are people from the outside world about your brother-in-law's identity, even Su is no exception.

Although we heard Sister Huanqing talk about Longyumen, we knew that it was not some kind of hidden sect.But other people don't know, the old stubborn people in the clan are waiting for you to go back, I guess they are planning to explore your bottom line. "

Now Xu Shoujing understood why Su Ling wanted to let him go back. He nodded as if suddenly realized, paused, and asked again:
"Then I mean to leave quickly..."

Su Ling spread out his hands: "What else can you mean, those old stubborn old people just don't believe in the details of Longyumen, maybe they will fix some problems to make things difficult for you.

The uncle means, if you are sure, go back with me, if you are not sure, slip away first. When I go back to resume my life, I will mention that you have already left, and I did not catch up.

Afterwards, when the uncle has discussed about the same within the clan, you will come back, and soon you will get married with your cousin. "

Is Su Jin actually so kind?
Xu Shoujing couldn't accept it for a while. He always wondered if this daughter slave had dug a hole for himself, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have any reason to do so.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Shoujing couldn't come to a conclusion. He glanced at the side and found that Su Huanqing, who was sleeping against the tree just now, had already been pulled into the room by Jiang Rongyue, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"What did Huanqing say?" Xu Shoujing asked.

Su Ling touched the back of his head with a strange expression:

"This... I'm not easy to talk about. Sister Huanqing doesn't know what happened recently... Although she didn't pay much attention to the uncle before, this time back, she didn't even have a conversation with the uncle during the whole process, which made the uncle think. There's no way to tell her about it."

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, but he understood why Su Huanqing would react like this.

Mostly because Su Jin's 'life is not long' thing is still tangled.

In the final analysis, she will probably follow her to escape this matter. It is strange that she is willing to talk to Su Jin now.

Xu Shoujing weighed it carefully, looked up at Su Ling, and suddenly said angrily:

"So, Su Jin gave you the task of telling Huanqing about it. When you came to me, you wanted me to help you explain to Huanqing?"

"Hey, look at what you said, how can this be called helping me." Su Lingyi said honestly. "This is obviously for the future happiness of you and your cousin... So brother-in-law, what are you going to do? Go back with me, or leave first?"

Xu Shoujing was about to answer when Yu Guangzhong suddenly saw Zhao Fuyao standing in the pavilion, and walked towards the backyard without saying a word.

Although it was very subtle, Xu Shoujing still saw her frown slightly, as if she was forcibly enduring something.

"Brother-in-law?" Su Ling reminded her.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and replied absentmindedly:

"Let me reconsider."

After saying that, he walked towards the pavilion on his own.

"Hey...Brother-in-law, I will go back tomorrow at the latest, as soon as possible."

Su Ling looked at the back of Xu Shoujing's departure, and called out quickly, while the other party waved his hand behind his back, indicating that he heard it.


As soon as his forefoot arrived at the pavilion, Xu Shoujing saw that a certain bird was going to follow Zhao Fuyao's back.

"Wait." Xu Shoujing raised his hand to stop her without hesitation.

Nangong Xiaoxiao froze for a while, she put the little Zilong in her arms on the ground, glanced at the black-robed boy who was a head taller than her, and said with a stern face:

"Is there a problem?"

Xu Shoujing looked down at Xiao Zilong who was leaving with small steps, sighed softly, and said in a low voice:


"Don't be so affectionate."

Xu Shoujing was not lightly scolded, and his face was speechless:
"...I haven't messed with you recently."

Nangong Xiaoxiao let out a cold snort, folded her arms and held up her majestic placket, and turned her head to look aside:
"You didn't mess with me, don't say you mess with me, you don't even have time to talk to me, it's an extravagant hope to meet."

As he spoke, he was very deliberately nudging his lips, completely writing 'Come and coax me' on his face.

Xu Shoujing blinked, why is this reaction a little wrong...

Why didn't he remember that he opened the branch line of Nangong Xiaoxiao?There is no progress in the relationship, how can I become arrogant...

Is it possible that it is somewhere, this is a self-guided strategy?

After thinking about it again and again, Xu Shoujing seemed to have figured out something, and suddenly changed his soft voice and said angrily:
"Stop acting, it was you who told me to be fine before, so why don't I just ignore you?"

"—" Nangong Xiaoxiao's face stiffened, and then she showed a 'broken, exposed' expression.

"Don't be perfunctory, is there something wrong with Shaoyao?" Xu Shoujing immediately asked after seeing this.
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PS: The number of words published is 4200+, the actual number of words is 4400+, and I gave you two points for prostitution.

(End of this chapter)

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