The queen is so fierce

Chapter 186 1 Everything is for Shaking

Chapter 186 Everything is for Shaking

The high sun sank to the west, the cold wind suddenly rose, and the orange-gold sunset glowed red half of the clouds in the sky.

Incense was lit in the wing room, and the dusty woman in a white fairy skirt sat on the couch, three thousand blue silk hanging down, her breath was short and rapid, her already pale cheeks, at this moment, revealed a morbid pallor.

After a while, fine perspiration began to break out on her forehead, Zhu Dan's red lips were slightly pursed, and her brows were tightly wrinkled, as if she was suppressing great pain.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and after a few traces of light from the outside sprinkled on the floor, a handsome black-robed youth walked into the room.

Zhao Fuyao raised his hand almost subconsciously to wipe off the beads of sweat, and his body also shrank slightly into the bed.

Seeing this, Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly:

"I've heard Xiaoxiao say it."

When the words fell, Zhao Fuyao's body trembled obviously.

Xu Shoujing felt extremely distressed, and hurriedly stepped forward, holding Zhao Fuyao's shoulder involuntarily, straightening her to face him, and said impatiently:

"Even if you don't cultivate with me, your body is getting worse every day...why didn't you tell me?"

It's not just this time, it's the same every time.

Thinking about it carefully, it took almost a year for Xu Shoujing to meet Zhao Fuyao inadvertently from the ruins that cut off the Five Elements.

Over the past year, Zhao Fuyao has never spoken too much, whether it was the things she was carrying or the karma she had endured.

Even Xu Shoujing overheard the news that Zhao Fuyao might be an enemy with his unknown dragon slayer ancestor.

It can be said that if Nangong Xiaoxiao and Su Jin hadn't been a novice in the history of Jiuzhou for him, Xu Shoujing would have been ignorant of the events before the Tianzhu era.

However, perhaps because Zhao Fuyao entered his body more often, Xu Shoujing could somewhat guess what she was thinking.

Zhao Fuyao never said half a word.But Xu Shoujing could clearly feel that it wasn't that she didn't want to tell herself, but 'what if she said it? '

It seemed that Zhao Fuyao didn't intend to interfere with any of her choices from the very beginning, even if the ending wasn't what she wanted.

Looking at Zhao Fuyao's eyes drooping slightly, he just didn't want to look at him.

Xu Shoujing sighed again, sat down against her, then thought for a while, and said softly:

"Before, I always felt that you didn't tell me anything because I was too weak, and even if I said it, I couldn't help you, so I would try my best to improve my strength... But my awareness not enough."

Xu Shi's words caught Zhao Fuyao's attention. She pursed her red lips, raised her head slightly, and glanced at Xu Shoujing's profile from the corner of her eye.

Xu Shoujing was unaware of this, with a bit of reminiscence in his eyes, and smiled bitterly to himself:
"It wasn't until a few days ago, when I was facing Jidan's level of power, that I realized that the efforts I had made before were simply not enough to support me in accomplishing any of my ideals."

As he spoke, he tilted his head to look at Zhao Fuyao, and his tone was somewhat self-deprecating:
"I'm too naive. I used to dream of saving the people from a high place. In fact, I'm not even strong enough to protect myself, let alone... help you."

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, those phoenix eyes that looked at the world, rippled slightly.She whispered:
"You've done a good enough job. Compared with your fellow monks, your practice..."

"Not enough at all."

Xu Shoujing interrupted Zhao Fuyao's words and said seriously:
"If it goes on as it is now, even after a hundred years, a thousand years... or even ten thousand years, I may not be able to reach the level of combat power of Jidan.

What Donghuangli said is right, to live from the dead, to stand up after being broken... These are the best medicines, at least for me right now. "

Zhao Fuyao frowned slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he kept all those words back in his heart and didn't say a word.

Xu Shoujing sat next to Zhao Fuyao, naturally it was impossible not to see this scene, he glanced at Yaoyao helplessly, shook his head and said:
"Look, you clearly have something in your heart that you want to tell me, but you just get bored again."

Zhao Fuyao's phoenix eyes were slightly startled, his eyes turned to the other side, and he just said:
"I can't interfere with your choice."

It's like this again... It's like this every time, what can't I say?
For a while, Xu Shoujing had nothing to do, the two of them were relatively silent, and the room was silent.

After a long time, Xu Shoujing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up:

"Actually, I really appreciate you."

Zhao Fuyao turned his head to look at him, his eyes slightly inexplicable.

After a pause, Xu Shoujing continued:
"You know, in fact, what I am most afraid of is not that one day I will die under the conspiracy of the sect of the end of the world, nor is it that the grievances and grievances of the ancestors of the Tianzhu era are settled on me... I was troubled by things that had nothing to do with me ten thousand years ago.”

He tilted his head and met Zhao Fuyao's eyes with serious eyes:
"In the past 17 years, what I was most afraid of was that I would not be able to step into the fairyland in my life. I watched Aunt Chu and Sister Rongyue still look beautiful, but I was getting old unconsciously.

I'm really afraid of this, I'm afraid that I'm a person whose life is a mess, and I've become an inspirational person who wakes up early every day and sleeps in the dark, either practicing martial arts or soaking in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion. …”

Zhao Fuyao had never heard of the use of the word 'volume', but it was inconceivable that she could naturally understand its meaning.

But what made Zhao Fuyao even more incredible was Xu Shoujing's mood swings.

This is the first time Xu Shoujing has revealed his heartfelt feelings so sincerely since the two met.

"So, do you know how happy I was when I heard that 'I am the only one in the world who can bring you into the fairy gate'? It's like I have been terminally ill for 17 years and I am about to give up...but you gave me Brings hope."

The words paused here, Xu Shoujing chuckled lightly, and there was a touch of tenderness in his eyes.He raised his hand and touched Zhao Fuyao's cheek, and said softly:

"So don't say 'I can't interfere with your choice'. Zhao Fuyao, I solemnly tell you that your choice is mine."

"..." Zhao Fuyao just stared blankly at Xu Shoujing.

She never thought that she, who was used to seeing the world's emotions and desires, would actually feel heart palpitations because of what she said.

Xu Shoujing felt that Zhao Fuyao was his savior, but why didn't Zhao Fuyao feel that Xu Shoujing was her savior?
Since he was betrayed by his most trusted subordinate in the past, Zhao Fuyao couldn't remember how long he was locked up in that darkness.

Those people knew that she could not be killed by normal means, so they spent so much effort to create a temple that cut off the five elements, in order to use the time to make Zhao Fuyao die as a mortal.

But their understanding of Zhao Fuyao was only superficial.

In this world, in other words... no one in the entire Jiuzhou could kill Zhao Fuyao in any way, even if she was only a mortal.

What Zhao Fuyao had brought to Zhao Fuyao was the shrine where the five elements were cut off, but the darkness and loneliness that lasted for countless years.

There is no spiritual power in the body, and naturally there is no spiritual vision or bigu.

There is no difference between opening her eyes and closing her eyes. Whenever she wakes up from a deep slumber, she will always be greeted only by the dark night and the infinite torture on the body.

This kind of feeling is different from retreating. Retreat practice will lock all one's mind and attention on the operation of the exercise. Because the concentration is too concentrated, the monk can't feel the movement of the outside world.

For those great powers who have been in retreat for thousands of years, only a moment has passed in their body sense.

But Zhao Fuyao, who was imprisoned in the Temple of the Extermination of the Five Elements, was completely different.

It was a fear of not knowing the passage of time, of being forever in the dark.

You can feel that time is moving minute by minute, but you don't know the exact time, your body can't move, your vision is dark, as if... that is death, life is better than death.

Therefore, no one can understand that when Xu Shoujing rescued her from those shackles, Zhao Fuyao's calm appearance was filled with waves in his heart.

Zhao Fuyao was willing to give everything he had, even if he sacrificed himself for the future that Xu Shoujing chose, he would have no regrets.

This was the most real thought in Zhao Fuyao's heart until just now.

But just now, when Xu Shoujing said 'your choice is my choice', the buckle in Zhao Fuyao's heart was still unable to withstand his violent impact and loosened slightly.


The moonlight is long, white as frost.

Zhao Fuyao leaned on Xu Shoujing's shoulder and closed his eyes, as if he had nothing to say, and said softly:
"Let me tell you a story."

"Hmm." Xu Shoujing put the quilt over the two of them and put on a 'listening' posture.

After some silence for a while, Zhao Fuyao said slowly:

"A long time ago, there was a self-righteous female emperor."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

This is too straightforward, 'I have a friend' Zhao Fuyao limited edition?
"She grew up listening to her master's words since she was a child, and from the moment she became the emperor of heaven, she took the entire heavenly palace as her responsibility and carried it on her shoulders."

Perhaps these words had been stuck in his heart for too long, and as soon as the gate of Zhao Fuyao's words was opened, they were gushing out like a flood.

"She has done a lot of things for the stability of Tiangong... Whether it's good or bad, as long as it's for Tiangong, she has no hesitation."

Hearing this, if Xu Shoujing realized something, this is probably what Su Jin once said about the extreme imbalance of resources in the 'Three Ancient Realms'.

According to this, if there is no causal relationship, Jidan may not start a war against Tiangong.

Zhao Fuyao paused for a while, then moved her hips to shrink into Xu Shoujing's arms, as if to find a touch of warmth, she said quietly:

"The Goddess of Heaven has done a lot of detrimental things. She has made enemies on all sides and is physically and mentally exhausted. On the contrary, the Heavenly Palace has grown more and more grand, until at a certain point, all the races in the world can no longer exist on a par with the immortal race.

The goddess thought to herself, maybe that's fine. People who are not my race will have different hearts. Different races are not one heart, and their positions are different. There is no need to care about each other...

She persuaded herself like this, and then she was more indifferent to the creatures in the world, and she didn't care about the cruelty of the means.

The goddess thought that she was doing this for the good of the immortals, and that everything she did was for the heavenly palace... But she did not expect that, before she knew it, the subordinates who had been trusted by the goddess the most... but betrayed her. "

In the quiet room, only Zhao Fuyao's breathing was surging. Xu Shoujing felt pity and hugged her tender body quietly.

Zhao Fuyao shook his head, responded with an "I'm fine" look, and continued:
"They have followed the Queen Mother for many years, and they are most aware of her weaknesses, and the Queen Mother herself did not notice the dissent from her subordinates at all.

Until she was locked in the temple they had prepared with all her heart, the Goddess of Heaven was still unwilling to believe that it was true.She didn't understand, she had done so much for the Heavenly Palace, why did she end up like that in the end? "

Zhao Fuyao paused, his tone unusually calm:

"At the moment when the gate of the temple was about to be closed, the Goddess Goddess asked the doubts in her heart, and her former subordinate replied like this:

Your Majesty, don't you think your right to speak is a little too big?Now there is no master in the strange realm, no immortal in the spiritual realm, and you are above the heavenly palace.Any of your choices, I have no right to remonstrate, all the souls in the world are determined by you to live and die... Don't you think, this is too scary? "

"Bullshit!" Xu Shoujing couldn't help but curse. "Obviously, I was blinded by power, and I had to find a strong and awe-inspiring excuse.

If you want me to say, you don't have anything wrong at all... that female Heavenly Emperor.If you have to step on and find a mistake, you will mistakenly believe in those immortal races with human faces and animal hearts, and they have worked for them for so many years in vain. "

Zhao Fuyao was lying in Xu Shoujing's arms, as if he had expected him to be so excited, he just shook his head and said:
"What he said was right, the female emperor lived a very self-contained life. She thought that she was making choices for the immortals for the sake of the heavenly palace.

But in fact, the people of the immortal race may have their own ideas, but because of the goddess, they were forced to embark on another path.

... Now that I think about it, everything the female goddess did was just complete self-satisfaction, and it didn't make any sense at all. "

On a certain level, Zhao Fuyao was reluctant to interfere with Xu Shoujing's choice, probably because deep down, she was afraid of repeating the same mistakes.

Xu Shoujing didn't think so. This time he knew about Zhao Fuyao's past. The troubles in his heart were completely resolved, and the goal was much clearer.

"I've decided." Xu Shoujing looked at Zhao Fuyao seriously.

"What?" Zhao Fuyao tilted his head in confusion.

Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and said solemnly:

"I don't care about everything else now, I'm going to Gu Yaoxian Palace, I want to cure you, and then cultivate with you to improve your strength... Sweeping the end of the teaching, punching the old man in Tiangong, kicking and cumming Dan Yaozhong."

"..." Zhao Fuyao.

How did this guy say this without changing his face?
Zhao Fuyao leaned in Xu Shoujing's arms and gently closed his eyes, his expression seemed to be relieved, and the stagnation between his brows dissipated inadvertently.

After a long time, Tan's mouth opened slightly.

"Listen to you."

In fact, since Zhao Fuyao was willing to tell Xu Shoujing about the past, she had already thought about it.

Xu Shoujing said that her choice is her own choice.

For Zhao Fuyao, what Xu Shoujing wanted to do was what she wanted to do.

So...isn't it good?



The next day.

The night was fading, it was still early, and the sun had not had time to show off her muscles. Su Ling was already ready to go, leaning against the wall at the door and yawning.

Not long after, a black-robed boy who was also neatly dressed came out of the yard.

Su Ling was still drowsy and did not wake up. When he saw the back of the black-robed boy, he trembled all over, and immediately regained his energy. He hurriedly stepped forward to say hello:
"Brother-in-law? Why did you get up so early..."

Xu Shoujing glanced at him, then shook the painting boat Yanqian in his hand:

"If something happens, go out."

Su Lingwei was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said:
"Where are you going? I'm going to leave soon... Brother-in-law, are you really planning to slip away?"

Xu Shoujing shook his head.

Su Ling thought for a while, and then asked, "Uh... Then go back to Sudu with me?"

Xu Shoujing still shook his head.

Now Su Ling couldn't figure it out, and just as he was about to ask carefully, Xu Shoujing in front of him had cast a spell to levitate the sword.

"I'm going to Tiangong." Xu Shoujing replied casually.

He glanced at Su Ling, his eyes revealed a hint of threat, and he pouted towards the courtyard:
"When my Aunt Chu and the others get up, you can say that I have gone to Sudu ahead of time, and I will come back after I finish my business, and let them stay here well."

After all, there are a lot of sects, and no other place is safer than here.

"Yes, yes... But what happened to you all of a sudden... I didn't see you going to the Heavenly Palace in such a hurry yesterday..." Su Ling asked suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing didn't speak any more, lightly raised his toes and stepped on the flying sword, which instantly turned into a dazzling light and disappeared into the clouds.

Needless to say, it's all about shaking! ——
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PS: This chapter makes up for Shaoyao's character... Well, it's too pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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