The queen is so fierce

Chapter 188 Heroes, don't have to be the great heroes

Chapter 188 Heroes, don't have to be the great heroes

Su Huanqing pulled him out of Tuxian Pavilion all the way, Xu Shoujing had not had time to stand firm, the former had already thrown him away and walked down the street on his own.

Xu Shoujing stood there for a while, aware of the strange sight around him, he smiled awkwardly, and also set off to chase after Su Huanqing's back.

The two were speechless one after the other, and unknowingly walked into the crowd of people in the market.

Xu Shoujing kept silent, mainly thinking about how to explain to Su Huanqing why he sneaked out.

He knew that Su Huanqing was a sensible person who was almost stubborn and stubborn in strange places, which could be seen from the fact that she always said "you go to sleep, my master".

But now the two have reached the crowded area, and if they continue to maintain such a silent walking pattern, they are easily dispersed by the crowd.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing couldn't care less about making excuses for himself, so he bit the bullet and quickened his pace, side by side with Su Huanqing, and chuckled lightly:

"Huan Qing, why are you here?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him blankly, her clear eyes couldn't see emotional fluctuations, but everyone knew that she was definitely angry.

"Su Ling can deceive others, but you can't deceive me, and you can't go to the Changhe Su Clan alone."

Xu Shoujing scratched his head, but he was a little bit of an afterthought.

When I went out, I hurried on the road and didn't think too much, but now I think about it, the reason of 'going to Changhe Su Clan to deal with things ahead of time'.

She might be able to deceive Sister Rong Yue, but for Su Huanqing, who was familiar with Su Ling, it was basically the same as admitting that she was doing something else.

"Actually, I said that on purpose because I was afraid that you would follow." Xu Shoujing sighed and said helplessly, "I didn't expect you to follow..."

This was just a very casual rant, but Su Huanqing stopped abruptly after hearing it.

She stared at Xu Shoujing unblinkingly until the other party began to feel empty, and slowly said:

"You don't want them to have an accident, do they want you to have an accident?"

In all honesty, Xu Shoujing felt that he would not be willing to watch Aunt Chu in danger.

But rather than worrying them, what Xu Shoujing was more afraid of was the repeat of the scene where Aunt Chu in the East Imperial City blocked the sword for him.

That's something to avoid anyway.

Xu Shoujing knew that he was right, but he spread his hands bluntly:

"People are always selfish and want things to work the way they want, and I'm no exception."

Su Huanqing was suddenly choked, she chased after her silently, naturally she wanted to ask the teacher for guilt.

But she didn't expect Xu Shoujing herself to be so straightforward, which made her a little overwhelmed.

Seeing Su Huanqing's silence, Xu Shoujing no longer continued to struggle with this issue.

After all... it's all coming, it's impossible to rush back, right?

Xu Shoujing looked around and found an open-air noodle restaurant not far away.

It was a small open stall with five tables in total. There was only one cook in the kitchen sweating profusely in front of the boiler, and only one guy outside was busy cleaning the table.

There were also very few guests. Except for a few idlers who ate melon seeds, there was only the old man in Jinfu who occupied a table on the innermost side.

Xu Shoujing hesitated, pulled Su Huanqing over, found a chair at random and sat down, and said to the man:
"Two bowls of mung bean noodles."

"Okay, the two guest officers wait a moment." The man neatly wiped the table top with a white cloth, shouting and backing away.

Su Huan frowned slightly and said in an unnatural tone:
"I will not eat."

"I didn't let you eat, I eat both bowls." Xu Shoujing said with a smile.


Su Huanqing's heart was blocked for a while, she sighed lightly, her hands rested on her cheeks, as if she was doing nothing, her eyes stayed on the streets and alleys.

When I first came to Hongxi Mansion, apart from ordinary officers and soldiers, I could hardly find a traveler with weapons.

But at this moment, I don't know what kind of evil I have committed. Immortal disciples in various costumes passed by, all holding exquisite swords in their hands.

The frequency of its passing is even higher than that of the vendors selling snacks.

Before the mung bean noodles came up, Xu Shoujing made up his mind to take this opportunity to explore Su Huanqing's lowness.

He considered it for a while, and asked in a deep voice:

"...Why did you follow me? You can guess that I am coming to the Tiangong Ruins, so you should be able to see that... I don't want any of you to follow me, right?"

Su Huanqing closed her eyes and said in a calm tone:

"You are still my junior brother in name, and I can't let you get involved in danger everywhere."


Xu Shoujing thought to himself, this woman is really tight, and there are reasons for this.

He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then asked:
"Just because of this? Not the slightest bit of any other reason...for example, your own reasons."

After he was sure that he liked Su Huanqing, Xu Shoujing didn't want to play 'pull' any more painless, almost 'zero damage' skills.

He is looking for a chance to go up.

However, it is obvious that Su Huanqing will not give him this opportunity for the time being.

After listening to Xu Shoujing's question, Su Huanqing tilted her head to look at Xu Shoujing for a few seconds, then pursed her lips and said:

"I have my own reasons."

Xu Shoujing listened attentively, for fear of missing the following.

who knew...

Su Huanqing turned slightly to the side and looked at the clouds in the sky. Naturally, she said in a low voice:
"If you die, I can't follow you. If I can't follow you, I can only return to the Changhe Su Clan."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Every time this girl makes excuses, it's ridiculous, but it makes people powerless to refute.

At this point in the conversation, Su Huanqing could see that no matter how slow he was, Xu Shoujing wanted to ask him what he thought of him.

But Su Huanqing has long since been in a mess because of the accumulation of various things. She has not been able to figure it out yet. How should she answer Xu Shoujing?

When he guessed where Xu Shoujing might be, Su Huanqing didn't think much about it, and the first reaction was that Yu Jian chased in his direction.

Su Huanqing didn't even dare to think about this kind of irrational behavior before, but she did it now, and she didn't feel anything wrong in her heart.

It can be said that she has never been so anxious as she is now.

If you can't see a person, you will feel annoyed, even if you close your eyes, you will be his figure; you will feel at ease when you are by his side, but you will never be able to speak the words in your heart bluntly.

It's not hard to guess what this feeling is, but Su Huanqing doesn't want to lift its veil yet.

Only this question, no matter how many times I ask it in my mind, I am afraid that I will not get an answer.

Putting away his disturbed thoughts, Su Huanqing glanced at the two bowls of mung bean noodles that the man brought to the table, and changed the subject bluntly:
"I remember you used to...want to be a dragon slayer."

Xu Shoujing's expression was dazed for a while, a big question mark appeared on his head, and he didn't understand why he would ask such a question now.

Su Huanqing lowered her eyes and thought for a long time before saying:

"I remember when you asked me, 'If I said that I practiced for the sake of the world, would it be too fake?' At that time, you hadn't stepped into practice, and you didn't ask for this answer for a long time. Now you have Longmen Realm, do you still think so now?"

Xu Shoujing put down his chopsticks and pondered a little:

"I figured this out a long time ago."

Su Huanqing stared at Xu Shoujing, her curved eyelashes trembling slightly.

Xu Shoujing said solemnly: "I look forward to Dragon Slayer, because she is a real hero. On this basis, I don't want to be her, because in order to complete the 'xia' character At the same time, she sacrificed a lot, and I don't think I can do that."

Su Huanqing's original intention was to change the subject, but casually speaking, he didn't expect to get such a serious answer from Xu Shoujing, and at this time he also sat up subconsciously.

She carefully considered Xu Shoujing's words and said:

"So, have you changed your mind?"

... So, this is not a change of wishes, how can it be so easy to change.

Xu Shoujing felt speechless, heaved a sigh of relief, and sighed:

"That's not true. It can't be said that I have changed my morals, nor that I have given up my original intention... How can I explain it, my current situation is a bit similar to 'seeing it open'."

Seeing Su Huanqing's puzzled expression, Xu Shoujing spread out his hands in a rotten look:

"Why do you think so much? Just like everyone has different opinions on 'Tao', 'Xia' must not have only one explanation... My Xia, never lies in sacrificing anything.

When I see the injustice and draw a sword to help me, I am a chivalrous person, and I do what I do with pleasure and revenge... I have a lot of responsibilities, but I am not in a hurry. The scenery along the way can become the sharpening stone of my sword. "

When the words came out, Xu Shoujing twitched the corner of his mouth, always feeling that what he said was the exact opposite of what he did.

At least after passing through the East Imperial City, he didn't plan to take it slow at all in terms of the progress of his cultivation, not to mention eager for success.

Xu Shoujing coughed lightly to hide his guilty conscience:

"Having said that, I really don't like those people who talk about 'what is the life and death of the people with me'."

Su Huanqing moved another bowl of mung bean noodles in front of him without putting down his chopsticks, but said in surprise:
"I thought that with your character, you would agree with that kind of magic thought."

"How could it be." Xu Shoujing waved his hand, with a slightly amused expression: "I don't know whether the way of magic is or not, but I know that most people who think this way are very middle-aged...cough, very naive.

If one day Jiuzhou is really destroyed, I will take Aunt Chu and you all to escape this disaster.But there are only a few of us left in the world.

Your hometown, Sudu has since disappeared; Longyumen, where I was born and raised, is no longer uninhabited; Xuanji's half-life hard work, Dali, was also destroyed.

There are other people who are more or less involved in the relationship died, and the whole world is only desolate... We are indeed still alive, but do you think that Jiuzhou like this has any meaning? "

At first, Xu Shoujing didn't think about this.

On the night of the confrontation with the leader of the final Yan, Xu Shoujing once cried like a child in Jiang Rongyue's arms because of this incident.

In retrospect, it was quite soft... No, it was quite ashamed.


A bowl of mung bean noodles to eat, sweep away the tiredness from flying in the early morning to the present.

Xu Shoujing stretched his waist greatly, looked at Su Huanqing, who was facing a small mouth, and laughed dumbly:

"In short, I'm not great enough to save the common people regardless of the life and death of the people around me, but I'm also not a middle-aged [-]-year-old who is 'what to do with me'. I am who I am, and I have never fought only for what I believe in. , the rest... not important!"

Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly startled, and she asked in confusion, "What is the second disease?"

"Uh..." Xu Shoujing thought about it for a while, and said unsurely, "You can understand that you are naive and immature, thinking about the handsome crowd all day long."

If Su Huanqing realized something, he stared at Xu Shoujing for a long time, and nodded with certainty:
"You are indeed."

"..." Xu Shoujing.
Just when Xu Shoujing borrowed a donkey to go down the hill, while Su Huanqing had not finished eating the noodles, he sat next to her and rubbed his little hands and hugged his little waist.

From the depths of the small noodle restaurant, a full-fledged voice suddenly came out.

"it is good!"

Xu Shoujing shivered smartly, and turned his head when he heard the sound, only to see an old man in an expensive brocade suit striding forward.

The old man was wearing an ancient red brocade robe with a golden edge, with wide cuffs and embroidered dragon patterns on both sides.

His temples were pale, and his beard stretched from his chin to his chest, and he looked very old; but the old man's body was very tall and straight, and his waist was stretched very straight, not like the old man's style at all.

"Okay! Well said!" The old man in Jinfu walked over to Xu Shoujing with a look of emotion, and sat down unceremoniously.

He stared at Xu Shoujing with a dazed face for a while, and sighed:
"Human Race... No, it's a great blessing to have such a monk in this world. Little friend, your understanding of 'chivalry' just now is quite a refined theory even in this world."

Xu Shoujing didn't expect that his words would still be heard, and inexplicably received such a high evaluation, scratching his cheeks awkwardly:
"Sir, you are..."

"Oh, seeing as I'm old, I forgot to introduce myself." The old man in Jinfu cleared his throat and said with a smile, "The old man's surname is Yu, Yu Yuanzhou."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously thought of a certain astringent aunt who had been away for nearly two years, but Tianya Yu was in Yun Aozhou, so he might have thought too much.

"Xu Shoujing is here..." Xu Shoujing bowed his hands to Yu Yuanzhou symbolically, and then introduced Su Huanqing to him shamelessly: "This is my Taoist companion, Su Huanqing."

Su Huanqing frowned, glared at Xu Shoujing slightly displeased, and changed her tune again:
"Old gentleman, the little girl Su Huanqing is from the Changhe Su Clan and is his senior sister."

Being demolished in person, Xu Shoujing didn't feel that he was being pulled over. Anyway, the mountains are high and the road is far away, so the water can flow slowly, and he is not in a hurry to attack at this time.

Yu Yuanzhou couldn't understand what they were playing, so he thought:
"Xu Xiaoyou came to Hongxi Mansion to go to the ruins of Tiangong?"

Xu Shoujing nodded, he stared at Yu Yuanzhou for a few times, and said in surprise:

"Is it the same, old gentleman?"

"..." Yu Yuanzhou.

This is a stupid question. The Tiangong ruins only allow cultivators below the Nirvana realm to enter. Do you think his predecessor is full of style, like the Dragon Gate realm?

If it was someone else, Yu Yuanzhou had already left, but he just listened to Xu Shoujing's words, maybe the filter was a little heavy, but he felt that it was a kind of straightforwardness that faced his heart.

Tsk tsk, self strategy is really scary.

"Of course, the old man will not be involved in that kind of battle between the juniors." Yu Yuanzhou shook his head and pondered: "Meeting is fate, Xiaoyou Xu, your words just now moved the old man very much... But the old man is about to leave Tiannan, There is nothing else on my body, I can only give you a piece of advice."

"Just say it, old man."

Yu Yuanzhou tilted his head and looked at the magnificent cliff that stood directly opposite the Hongxi Mansion, and said solemnly:
"The most terrifying thing in the ghost realm is not the mutated ghosts, but... the demon spirits."
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(End of this chapter)

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