The queen is so fierce

Chapter 189 Crossing the Spirit Bridge

Chapter 189 Crossing the Spirit Bridge

The lingering rain slapped on the rotten bricks, and the raindrops flowing in the cracks converged along the downhill, forming large and small puddles on the streets of Hongxi Mansion.

There is not a single cloud in the sky, but it is a piece of fog, neither like the sunset nor the morning glow, which smudges half of the sky.

Such a strange apocalypse-like scene may have never been heard in other places, but in Hongxi Mansion, it is a spectacle that can be seen every four years.

Click, click, click.

The small water puddle was trampled on by countless pairs of boots, blue, red, blue, purple... The monks dressed in different styles walked out of the inn where they stayed, as if they had agreed in advance, and set off towards the east of Hongxi Mansion.

As the eldest brother of Tiannan Continent, the Tianyuan Sect also gave full play to the 'big' characteristics of its first sect.

Other sects brought at most twenty or so, while the Tianyuan Sect brought more than fifty people.

Early in the morning, despite the drizzle, a group of monks dressed in yellow cloud robes gathered in the east square of the Hongxi Mansion. The red-clothed girl at the head and the two senior leaders carefully counted the number of people.

A few Taoist monks who happened to pass by met, and one of the tender-faced disciples pouted:

"Cut, Tianyuanzong likes to do this kind of scene, making it seem like no one is there..."

The bald-headed Taoist priest next to him hurriedly put his index finger to his mouth and pressed his throat:
"Shh, be careful, there are two Chongxiaojing elders leading the team, you are not afraid of death."

The tender-faced disciple raised his brows, his face full of dissatisfaction:
"No matter how powerful the Tianyuan Sect is, I didn't steal or rob them, and I didn't provoke them. The world is so big, can they possibly control everyone's mouth? Senior brother, you are too cowardly."

The tender-faced disciple looked resolute and raised his chin high. He was completely a young man who was not afraid of tigers.

"What does this have to do with counseling? I'm telling you to pay attention to your words and deeds. Going out is no better than being in the sect. You have to consider everything."

"It sounds nice, isn't it still cowardly?"

"You. Ugh..."

The bald-headed Taoist priest sighed and was very speechless to this junior brother, but after staying in the sect for a long time, he knew that he had such a virtue, and he would not listen to any persuasion, and his heart suddenly felt nothing.

After thinking about it again and again, the bald Taoist decided to use the 'superior' to press him, then turned to look at the elders and senior brothers who were leading the team, and said with a wry smile:
"Elder Xiuran, Senior Brother Zuo... You can take care of Wei Sang, I can't do anything about him."

The old Taoist with a childish face and his back turned his back, waved his hand, and said indifferently:

"Young man, if you don't let him hit the south wall once, how could he possibly reflect? How does the sect usually teach you, the way of heaven, and everything pays attention to the word 'predestined', just let it take its course."

The bald-headed Taoist glanced at him inexplicably, and said faintly:
"Since the elder thinks that everything depends on fate, why do you have to go to drink and get drunk when the elder Wuya raises the monthly payment?"


The old Taoist blushed, so angry that his beard was blowing out, he turned his head and stared:
"Is that the old man who wants to buy a drink? Wei Wuya, that little guy, didn't he just raise his monthly payment a little bit? What's wrong with his own Fallen Peak? I don't know how to renovate it, and I run the old man's peak every day to show off... "

In the middle of the conversation, Elder Xiuran's voice became smaller and smaller. He suddenly remembered that the righteous master of the 'Yusheng Pavilion' was blocking the side, so he coughed lightly and pretended that nothing happened:

"Ling Xuan, I'm not speaking ill of Yusheng Peak, it's mainly because your master is too irritating..."

Zuo Lingxuan laughed dryly, thinking to himself: But you have already finished speaking.

Although it sounds unpleasant, Zuo Lingxuan, who is Tianyanzong's first poor peak senior brother, knows very well that most of it is the truth.

Is Yusheng Peak poor?Of course he was poor, otherwise Zuo Lingxuan would not have run errands to buy rouge for the female disciples of the sect every three to five, or set up a stall at the foot of the mountain to tell fortunes, just to earn some extra money to make ends meet.

However, the fact that the peak is born is poor... does not mean that the peak owner is poor.

Zuo Lingxuan has never seen his master with less spirit beads since he worshipped the Fallen Life Peak, and he would go to play pot-throwing and playing chess with other elders every three or five minutes.

Either they made a lot of money, or they lost everything.

In his own master, Zuo Lingxuan realized what it means to be 'heaven and hell'.

Having said that, while Wei Wuya is not very responsible... he is also a little responsible.

For example, after taking the half-dead Zuo Lingxuan out of the Eastern Imperial City, although Wei Wuya kept saying the most disgusting words, he did not save a single star in the treatment, using the most expensive elixir. He didn't even hesitate to ask for pills from the elders of various mortal enemies.

To sum up, Zuo Lingxuan felt that his 'stingy' master was really good, at least there was nothing wrong with him.

However, there is one thing to say, Wei Wuya is really good when he is good, but he is not stingy when he is bad.

No, not long after Zuo Lingxuan recovered from his serious injury, he was sent by Wei Wuya and asked him to lead the team to the Tiangong ruins.

The old tool people belong to yes.

Zuo Lingxuan was used to this, his mentality was as stable as an old dog, and he didn't feel anything wrong at all.

At this time, when he heard that Elder Xiuran harmed his master, his heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to let Elder Xiuran talk about 'a spiritual pearl'.

After all, Zuo Lingxuan himself is usually due to his status as an apprentice, and some words are too dead to say. Compared with this, Elder Xiuran has no such scruples.

damage!Lose me to death!
With this thought in mind, Zuo Lingxuan took the initiative to change the subject:

"Elder Xiuran, in fact, I think Wei Sang is doing fine right now, but it's us. Although our cultivation base has become more and more diligent, our state of mind has been going backwards... It's so hard to keep the heart of a child."

For a 20-year-old person, feeling 50-year-old, coupled with Zuo Lingxuan's pretended vicissitudes of life, if he didn't know his usual personality, he would really be deceived.

Seeing Zuo Lingxuan's pretentious expression, Elder Xiuran's mouth twitched and he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

After hearing this, Wei Sang's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:
"I know that Senior Brother Zuo can understand me. It's not a shame that he fought side by side with Xu Jianxian. With such a heart, Junior Brother is ashamed!"

Zuo Lingxuan hadn't had time to recover his thoughts from his acting, and he froze when he heard Wei Sang's unreasonable little brother's speech.

at the same time--

"Cough cough cough..."

People came and went, not far behind the Tianyan Pavilion group, two people in large black cloaks suddenly stopped.

To be precise, one of them overheard Wei Sang's speech, and then the whole person was choked and kept coughing.

The other one was obviously a woman by her figure, she just helplessly reached out and patted her companion's back, trying to help him slow down.

Although there are a lot of pedestrians passing by, and the noisy voices are one after another, but after all, the distance is not too far, and several people in Tianyan Pavilion can still hear it clearly.

Wei Sang turned his head and looked at the two men in black cloaks in surprise.

The latter noticed Wei Sang's line of sight, and the coughing stopped abruptly. The two seemed to have an unintentional conversation and walked to the other side.

Wei Sang inexplicably withdrew his gaze, pondered for a moment, and continued to admire:

"Brother Zuo, Xu Jianxian is really handsome... Ten thousand people are in the air, facing the oppression of Immortal Tu Yu, he has no intention of giving in at all, and stomped on the head of a human traitor! I want to be like him in the future. The sword fairy..."

Wei Sang unabashedly expressed his admiration for Xu Jianxian, and halfway through, his eyes were full of sparkling little stars.

Zuo Lingxuan scratched his head, his expression a little embarrassed.

Although he was not present at the time, Xu Shoujing's deeds became famous, and even if he didn't pay attention, it would naturally come to his ears.

From the day he met Xu Shoujing, Zuo Lingxuan knew that he was brave...but he never expected him to be so brave!
That is Immortal Venerable Tu Yu, Sect Master of Tianyuan Sect... For so long, is there anyone else besides Xu Shoujing who dares to ignore that Immortal Venerable?

Zuo Lingxuan originally thought that Xu Shoujing was powerful, but now he has a kind of admiration for him who "knows he can't do it".

In addition... it is the sense of shame that the younger junior brother has inexplicably compared him to Xu Shoujing.

After all, although Zuo Lingxuan acted with Xu Shoujing for a while... but most of the time he was cannon fodder.

You can just blow him, don't bring me... I want face.

Zuo Lingxuan thought about these messy things in his heart, looking at Wei Sang's envious look, he didn't know how to speak.

Cultivating immortals is based on human feelings... How long can a pure heart like Kui Sang be maintained?


The east gate of Hongxi Mansion.

Morning passes, dawn arrives.

There was no sun's rays above the sky, and the golden sky was shrouded in gray fog.

It was about time for the unstable magnetic field of the ghost realm. Most of the disciples of the sects had already assembled, and the monks who did not come to Qi also came out one after another from the east gate.

It didn't take long for the cliff to the east of Hongxi Mansion to be filled with people.

Two figures in black cloaks stood in an inconspicuous corner, one of them sighed and said with emotion:
"I didn't expect that I was really popular, and even had fans."

The other woman was leaning against his shoulders. Hearing the words, she was a little puzzled and said:
"Why fans?"

"Uh...probably understood as a supporter, or an admirer?"

Xu Shoujing said with some uncertainty. He recalled the bad impressions of those fanatical fans on the Internet in his previous life, and his scalp was numb:
"But this kind of person is terrible. Once it is established, its influence is no less than that of a religion with a long history."

Su Huanqing nodded as if enlightened, as if he had remembered something again, and said:
"Zuo Lingxuan is still alive."

"Yes." Xu Shoujing also nodded, Wei Shi paused, and said awkwardly: "Actually, I really thought he was dead..."

But it must be said that after the calamity of the Eastern Imperial City, those disciples who came to support them have been involved in the search and rescue operation.

Xu Shoujing also paid special attention to the progress, and found the corpses that were supposed to be found. Some were eaten by monsters with only half of them left, some 'left a hand', and some 'joint overlord'.

Although the process was difficult, after stumbling and stumbling, the death list was verified with the cooperation of the various sects.

Among them, Xu Shoujing did not see Zuo Lingxuan's name.

At first, he thought that Zuo Lingxuan's body was swallowed whole by a passing monster, but now it seems that when he was running away, someone ran to the temple and rescued him.

"It's good to be alive." Xu Shoujing didn't go too deep on this topic, there are more important things to think about right now.

While recalling the reminder that Yu Yuanzhou gave him yesterday, he thought for a while and asked:

"Do you know what the 'demon spirit' Senior Yu said?"

Su Huanqing tucked the hem of the cloak into the crook of his legs and sat beside Xu Shoujing with his knees tucked, Wei Shi shook his head:

"Never heard of it. I have only been to the ruins of the Tiangong once, but because of the lack of time, I only stayed at the door for a while, and went back before I had time to go deep.

Before reaching the ruins of the Tiangong, in addition to crossing the Lingqiao, we also have to pass through the two areas of Senluo Valley and Eternal Forest. "

Xu Shoujing was at a loss when he heard it. After thinking for a long time, he asked in a low voice:

"Sen...Senluo Valley? Eternal...Forest?"

Why does the name sound like an online game.

Su Huanqing read his thoughts from Xu Shoujing's eyes, his expression did not change, he shook his head and said:

"It's not what I thought, it was named by the Tuxian Pavilion."

She pondered for a moment, then said:
"This is not the point, listen to me. Because of the Kuroshio water, it is impossible to control the sword over the canyon, so you can only cross the ghost bridge to the opposite ghost realm.

The Lingqiao itself has no entity. It is similar to a spell that will be automatically activated when certain conditions are met. It will only appear when the magnetic field of the ghost domain is unstable. "

Xu Shoujing nodded thoughtfully, and thought to himself: What is the purpose of the ancient sages who erected the spiritual bridge?It doesn't feel like the power of the heavenly palace or the spiritual realm and the strange realm.

"Next is the key point, you should pay attention."

Su Huanqing raised his hand and tapped Xu Shoujing lightly, calling him back from his distraction, like a stern female teacher, and said sternly:
"The Lingqiao appears when the magnetic field of the ghost domain is unstable, but if you want to get over it, you can't just walk up directly."

"What do you mean?" Xu Shoujing was slightly taken aback.

Su Huanqing tilted her head and glanced at the abyss that was split between Ghost Domain and Tiannan Continent, and explained in a low voice:
"When you step on the Lingqiao, you must abandon your distracting thoughts. Once a demon is born in your state of mind, the Lingqiao will refuse to carry you.

...I heard that the first person to set foot on the Lingqiao fell into the black tide because of the evil spirit, and there is no news. "

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing suddenly felt a little lingering fear, he really had no concept of 'inner demon' before.

It may also be because of the limited knowledge he has received, he has always felt that the inner demon is a mysterious and mysterious 'concept'.

It was not until he experienced the feeling of being devoured by inner demons in Donghuangcheng that Xu Shoujing deeply understood that the inner demons described in the previous life novels were not the same thing as the actual inner demons.

The inner demon has no entity and no specific concept. If you have to say it, it is the darkest side of a person's heart.

If the six faculties cannot be kept pure, or if the mind is allowed to degenerate spontaneously, when the dark side expands, even the monk himself will not notice that he has been completely controlled by the inner demon.

Mortals also have inner demons, but because the monks want to study the 'soul', the inner demons are infinitely magnified.

Of course, this thing varies from person to person, and to put it bluntly, it is still a matter of understanding.

In the past, when the demons were not wiped out, what they did in the eyes of the human race was only things that would be done if they were 'inner demons'.

But in fact, people are cultivating well, and their cultivation has not been affected at all.

Su Huanqing seemed to see Xu Shoujing's concern, and gently placed her jade hand on the back of his hand and said softly:

"Don't worry, although you can't use your sword on the Kuroshio water, the major sects will send some disciples here to use rope magic tools to respond. Now there is basically no such thing as falling into the Kuroshio water."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

Is that what I'm worried about?I'm worried that I can't make it through...

Xu Shoujing looked melancholy on the surface, but the hand underneath turned quietly, secretly holding Su Huanqing's small hand in the palm of his hand.

"..." Su Huanqing.

Seeing the beautiful woman staring at him indifferently, Xu Shoujing seemed to be unaware, as if nothing had happened:
"Wait, let's go behind Tianyan Pavilion, Zuo Lingxuan and the others are far away from the Tianyuan Sect."

"..." Su Huanqing didn't answer. She tried hard to pull out her hand, but the thing in front of her was getting more and more insane. When her hand was about to leave, she simply came over and hugged her waist.

Su Huanqing sighed as if giving up, stopped struggling, and turned his eyes to the side:
"as long as you are happy."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

Finally a pun.

(End of this chapter)

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