The queen is so fierce

Chapter 190 A Conspiracy Against Xu Shoujing

Chapter 190 A Conspiracy Against Xu Shoujing

Noon has come.

The turbid and pitch-black floodwaters continued to wash over the cliffs of the canyons on both sides, and there seemed to be countless black shadows moving on the continent of Ghost Domain, which was a little higher than Tiannan Continent.

They seemed to feel something in their hearts, and the pair of red animal pupils opened, as if they had agreed in advance, revealing a little bit of bloodthirsty fierce light.

The scorching Gao Yang, who had not shown up all morning, finally showed its brilliance to the monks who had just assembled at this time.

I saw a bright golden brilliance shot from the sky on the other side directly on the edge of the cliffs of Tiannanzhou, and the rolling black tide seemed to feel it, and it became more and more turbulent.

A nearly translucent golden bridge appeared silently in the air, and those Kuroshio waters seemed to be afraid of its existence. Although they were separated by nearly a hundred feet, they still neatly followed the lines of the golden bridge and separated the waves toward both sides.

The human race became nervous as a whole after decorating the place, but after a while, the golden bridge was connected to the main road of Tiannanzhou, and the shape of the bridge body gradually became stable, no longer so ethereal.

In front of Tianyuan Sect, which is in front of many sects, after seeing this scene, Elder Wen Han, one of the captains, frowned, lowered his voice, and said to a disciple next to him:
"Have you ever seen someone similar to Xu Shoujing appear?"

The disciple who was asked about was stunned for a moment, and immediately bowed his head in a salute:

"Elder Qi, I have never seen Xu Shoujing so far."

Elder Wen Han was silent for a while after hearing the words, and after deliberating for a while, he said solemnly:
"The sect master has an order. If you see a shadow similar to Xu Shoujing, you must 'invite' him back to the sect as a guest. Whether it is before entering the Tiangong ruins or after entering the Tiangong ruins, pay attention. Your main task this time. It’s not just about exploring the Heavenly Palace, don’t make a distinction between primary and secondary.”


The disciple did not dare to neglect, and after bowing his hands again, he took two steps back, and immediately mixed into the disciples of Tianyuan Sect, and conveyed the elder's instructions to the senior brothers who also had 'additional tasks'.

As early as when he sent people to the Tiangong ruins this time, although Immortal Tu Yu was too busy dealing with various famous families in Jiuzhou, he still took the time to study the Shenjing Putian that he 'begged' from Xu Shoujing. Fan.

It doesn't matter if you don't study it, a study is simply a shock.

There are not a few peerless immortal artifacts that Immortal Tu Yu believes he has seen, and the Tianyuan Sect also collects many divine weapons handed down from ancient times.

However, he had never heard of an immortal weapon that could even instantly eliminate the spiritual power of the Circular Moon Realm, like the gods punishing the heavens.

At first glance, there are many restrictions, and it is simply a weapon that destroys its combat power when you get it.

But for a first-timer, this is simply an impossible means of assassination.

Especially when the cultivator who doesn't seem to show the mountain but not the water takes it in his hand, approaches you unknowingly, and shoots a shot before he can react...

Immortal Venerable Tu Yu didn't dare to think about it. Even if it was him, even if he could react because of the synaesthesia of his consciousness, he would inevitably suffer a big loss.

In addition to being shocked by the supernatural powers of God's Pure Punishment and no immortal knowledge, Immortal Tu Yu also had a doubt in his heart.

Such an immortal weapon that even his dignified Xianyuejing ancestor was shocked by it, which sect would be willing to let his disciples take them out?And has it gone into someone else's hands?
Ask yourself, if this immortal artifact belongs to your own sect, even if it will be lent to the sect senior brother to use, it will never allow it to remain in the hands of others, even for a moment longer.

Thinking about this, Immortal Venerable Tu Yu found something wrong.

It has been nearly a month since he made an agreement with Xu Shoujing. If he loses such an immortal weapon, if he is someone else, even if he will be severely punished by the sect, he should fly back to the sect to seek help from the elders.

However, for the past month, there has been no news of Xu Shoujing's visit around the Tianyuan Sect, and there has been no movement.

Counting the time, even if the so-called 'Longyumen' is in Nanmingzhou, which is the farthest from Tiannanzhou, when the flying boat is fully powered, it is enough to run back and forth.

That being the case, why didn't Xu Shoujing ask his elders to ask for a fairy weapon?
Immortal Tu Yu felt that there were only two possibilities.

Either, the so-called 'Longyumen' does not exist at all, but Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing made up a pretext to deceive him; or, Longyumen has no role to play and dare not confront him directly Tianyuanzong challenged.

No matter what kind of possibility, Xu Shoujing has a high possibility of not returning to the division.

Anyone can think of this, that Xu Shoujing would go out of his way to participate in another intercontinental immortal festival, just to make a name for himself?
Who would do such a thankless thing?

Xu Shoujing's participation in the Zongmen Grand Competition in the Eastern Imperial City could only be to snatch a spot to explore the ruins of the Tiangong.

Now that the Zongmen Grand Competition has failed, the possibility that Xu Shoujing will appear in Hongxi Mansion again is naturally very high.

This time, there are more than fifty disciples dispatched by the Tianyuan Sect, and even two elders of the Chongxiao Realm to escort them. This is not at all the scale of personnel dispatched just to explore a ruin.

Thinking about it carefully, it would be more reasonable to send these disciples to catch a guy who is "desperately strong even though he is in the Dragon Gate Realm".

There are only two instructions given by Immortal Tu Yu: If Xu Shoujing appears in front of everyone's eyes, because of his ambiguous relationship with the Changhe Su Clan, don't hurt him and 'invite' him back.

But if Xu Shoujing appeared in a dark place, such as in the ruins of the Tiangong...or in a place with few people.

——Then let him die in the six realms and not enter the reincarnation.

In fact, if it is only Changhe Su Clan, it is not a big threat to Tianyuan Sect.

In the final analysis, compared to Su Du and the Sanhe Great Array surrounding Su Du, it was Su Jin himself who made Immortal Venerable Tu Yu more afraid.

In the early years, before Tianyuanzong had reached the top of Tiannanzhou, Su Jin's reputation in the entire Jiuzhou had spread all over the streets.

Stepping into the realm of the crescent moon at a young age, and without anyone to guide and guide the way, practice alone until the waning crescent period.

Although it's a bit overblown, it is said that Su Jin also has a preliminary understanding of the 'self domain' that Xuan Yang can only cultivate.

Looking around, the only person in the entire Tiannan Continent that can make Immortal Venerable Tu Yu jealous is Su Jin alone.

Although he retired from the Xiandao platform early due to injury, Immortal Tu Yu still did not dare to arbitrarily attack Changhe Su Clan's idea.

Before, he supported Huangfu Yan to go to Sudu to marry, and it was precisely because the Changhe Su family did have a background.

It can be said that without Su Jin, with the style of Tuyu Immortal Venerable, it would be impossible to allow such a profound hidden sect to develop slowly under his own eyes.

Under the accumulation of various reasons, due to Changhe Su Clan, or Su Jin himself, Immortal Tu Yu did not want to attack Xu Shoujing so clearly for the time being.

Closer to home, after the illusory shape of the Golden Spirit Bridge gradually took shape, Elder Wen Han and another Elder Chengye who also led the team looked at each other, and immediately ordered the disciples behind him:
"It's getting late, let's go."

As soon as the voice fell, including Tianyuan Sect, the disciples of each sect branched out and came to the edge of the cliff.

As in previous years, they each took out a rope-style magic weapon, and the two of them were a unit, built near the Lingqiao.

It is a well-known fact that Lingqiao cannot stand on it without abandoning distractions.

But no one can guarantee that under the condition of the rolling black tide corroding consciousness, every disciple can always keep the six faculties pure.

Especially those young frivolous, high-spirited young disciples who have basically never seen the big world.

Under the corrosion of the Kuroshio, the way of the heart will inevitably be a little less firm, and then the demons will be rampant, and they will fall off the spiritual bridge.

With the experience of previous years, after the negotiation of the major sects, each time a part of the disciples are sent to the edge of the cliff.

If you see someone about to fall, the corresponding disciple immediately pulls him back to the shore with a rope magic weapon, so as not to fall off the Kuroshio and lose his soul.

As the saying goes, wealth is at risk.However, the times have been advancing, and such large-scale collective exploration, basically, there will not be too many casualties at present.

The first to climb the bridge is naturally the disciples of Tianyuan Sect. They are all carefully selected elites in the sect. After stepping on the Lingqiao, they are like walking on the ground, and their faces do not change, but there are already disciples in half a column of incense. The other side sent a signal.

The rest of the sects followed immediately, and for a while, the small Lingqiao was immediately drowned by the moving heads.

Seeing that it was about to be their turn, the leaders of Tianyan Pavilion, Old Xiuran, turned around and instructed:

"Hurry up and go there too, I'll wait for the elders to wait for you to pass and then I'll arrive... Remember that if anyone can't hold the Kuroshio to corrode their will, the people next to them remember to help, the disciples who can be connected with the rope magic weapon are limited after all, it is inevitable that there will be when it's too late."

Zuo Lingxuan is usually casual, but he is now the leader of the team after all, and now he is very serious and salutes:
"Follow the orders of the elders."

When the words fell, he greeted the bald-headed Taoist priest, the younger brother Wei Sang and other Tianyan Pavilion disciples, and followed the previous sect and set foot on the Lingqiao.

Not far away, two monks wearing black cloaks who had been observing in secret saw them, and they quickly set off, following Tianyan Pavilion onto the Lingqiao.

If it was in previous years, the identity of the sect should be tested before going to Lingqiao, so as to prevent the sect from being fished in troubled waters that were not decided by the sect.

However, this year's Zongmen Grand Competition was not held successfully at all, so this link was naturally missing, and instead, the number of Zongmen far exceeded the number of previous years.

For a while, the disciples who were on the cliff were a little too busy.

"Ah... ah... don't come here!"

Above the Lingqiao, a cultivator's eyes were empty, and there was black energy surging on his body. He didn't know what he saw. After a cry, the whole person's feet were empty, and the whole person crossed the Lingqiao and moved towards the chest below. The Kuroshio fell.

The disciple who was on the edge of the cliff saw it, and quickly drove the rope magic weapon. A crystal blue chain flew out like a cannonball, hitting the fallen disciple in mid-air, and then immediately cast a spell to pull it to the shore.

...Scenarios like this happen every few minutes. If it was the elites of the Immortal Dao who were carefully selected through the Zongmen Great Competition in previous years, there would not be so many mentally unstable people participating.

But there is no standard this year, in other words, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods dare to come and get a piece of the pie.

There are many cats and dogs without self-awareness, but the disciples are still distributed according to the scale of the past years. Under the imbalance of the number, it is natural to be a little busy.

"I'm not a monk... I'm not a monk! I'm a Taoist! I was born bald! Don't blame me!"

The people in Tianyan Pavilion walked well, and the bald Taoist priest suddenly let out a wailing.

Wei Sang, Zuo Lingxuan and the others were stunned for a moment, and when they turned around, they saw the bald-headed Taoist priest covering his shiny braised egg, and muttered dully:

"I'm not a monk...I'm not a monk..."

"..." Everyone.

This demon is a bit strange, I have never seen it before.

In the eyes of the disciples of Tianyan Pavilion, the bald-headed Taoist has always been a mature, steady, honest and wise image.

But he never thought that the fear hidden in his heart... turned out to be this thing.

The contrast was a little too big, and everyone was a little stunned for a while, but they didn't respond to the words that Elder Xiuran reminded them to take care of before coming to leave.


It sounded like the sound of an old-fashioned TV being stuck, and the bald-headed Taoist priest's feet were vain for a while. In an instant, the whole figure seemed to have lost his footing, and his body crossed the spiritual bridge and began to fall down.

"Great monk!" Junior brother Wei Sang exclaimed, subconsciously calling out his usual nickname, but he didn't know that this was rubbing salt on the wound.

Zuo Lingxuan suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly wanted to pull him, but unfortunately his response was still a beat.

The hand that the bald Taoist should be holding is no longer his.

Just as the bald-headed Taoist priest was about to fall, a big hand that was as white as a woman, but with obvious calluses due to sword training, suddenly stretched out from a black robe and firmly clasped the bald-headed Taoist priest's wrist. .

The bald-headed Taoist priest hung his feet in the air, his consciousness awakened from the hallucinations and inner demons, and before he had time to return to his senses, he felt a force that seemed like a heavy mountain from his wrist, and the whole person was thrown towards the sky.


The bald-headed Taoist priest was thrown into the sky and turned over in a full circle.The disciple on the shore finally freed his hand and hurriedly manipulated a magic weapon rope to shoot at him.

It was not until the bald Taoist priest was brought back to the shore that everyone in Tianyan Pavilion was able to recover.

Zuo Lingxuan, as a senior brother, saved his junior and junior brother, so he should express his gratitude.

He stepped forward, looked at the two weirdos in black cloaks, and said:

"Thank you for your help."

"No...cough cough."

The man in the cloak just wanted to say "No thanks", but halfway through, he seemed to have reacted to something, and immediately lowered his voice and said in a voice as if he had caught a cold:

"Hands up."

After saying that, as if he deliberately wanted to keep a distance, he pulled the other cloaked man beside him and walked past the Tianyan Pavilion group.

Zuo Lingxuan frowned as he watched the two leave.

Why do I always feel like I've seen it somewhere... is it an illusion?
"That man reacted so fast just now, I didn't even see how he did it." The simple junior brother Huisang praised.

Zuo Lingxuan absentmindedly said "um", and after thinking for a long time to no avail, he did not delve further, and led the disciples of Tianyan Pavilion to move on.


"It's very dangerous... It shouldn't be seen."

Xu Shoujing glanced back, and after making sure he couldn't see the figures of Tian Yange and his party, he patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to follow behind Tian Yan Pavilion, so that he could take care of something. After all, Zuo Lingxuan was one of his few acquaintances in Tian Nan Continent.

Unexpectedly, I just saved a monk in a Taoist uniform and almost revealed his identity.

The Tianyuan Sect was still staring at him. Xu Shoujing didn't dare to disclose his identity at this moment, so he could only drag Su Huanqing and leave quickly.

Now that the danger of exposure is lifted, Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, not only thinking of something, but sighing with emotion:
"This Kuroshio water is really weird... I just walked on the Lingqiao for a while, and inexplicably replayed the picture of Aunt Chu blocking the knife for me hundreds of times. It's too bad.

But I'm fine, I can handle it.Huan Qing, how are you? "

Saying that, Xu Shoujing tilted his head and glanced at Su Huanqing.

Before going to the bridge, Xu Shoujing was worried that he would not be able to withstand the erosion of the Kuroshio water. After all, he had an experience of being devoured by a demon in the East Imperial City.

On the other hand, Su Huanqing should be fine. In Xu Shoujing's impression, Su Huanqing has always been a woman who will always remain rational...

Seeing that Su Huanqing didn't respond, Xu Shoujing raised his hand and shook her shoulder.


Su Huanqing still ignored him.

Xu Shoujing was suddenly impatient, he lifted up Su Huanqing's cape and looked at it, and found that her eyes were empty at the moment, and her thin lips were murmured like a dream:

"Su are dead or has nothing to do with me..."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

You used to comfort me before, why are you still being recruited now?
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

(End of this chapter)

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