The queen is so fierce

Chapter 191 Almost Exposed

Chapter 191 Almost Exposed
"Su Jin... I have never regarded you as a father."

"Okay, okay, if you haven't done it, you haven't done it."

"I don't hate you...don't hate you at all..."

"Mmmm, don't hate it, don't hate it."



On the golden spiritual bridge where people come and go, a large group of disciples are tensing the strings of their nerves, for fear that they will be charmed by the erosion of the Kuroshio water.

However, among the elite disciples of the various sects, there are two people who are especially...weird.

Others are meticulously stepping, as if every step has to be considered hundreds of times.

These two, however, seemed to be chasing after a flood of beasts.

If it weren't for the inability to use the sword, I believe they would have taken off directly on the ground.

Needless to say, the two were Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing.

After discovering that Su Huanqing had a hint of being overwhelmed by a demon, Xu Shoujing immediately began to think about what to do.

Just like throwing the Taoist monk just now, throw it into the sky and let the disciples on the shore respond... This is not impossible.

The crux of the problem is that it is very likely that Su Huanqing's identity will be exposed to the disciples on the shore.

After the East Imperial City incident, Su Huanqing was basically bound to him.

When talking about 'Bingyu Fairy', monks who like to eat melons usually say 'sacred and unreachable' and 'cold and dare not approach'.

However, their rhetoric has changed since it was revealed that they were married to a 'mysterious ancient sect, a high disciple of Longyumen'.

'The goddess was arched by the tall, rich and handsome', 'the beauty of a man and a woman is a match made in heaven', 'there is no excuse for being sour'.

... This seems to have formed a mindset. As long as Su Huanqing shows up, then Longyumen Xu Jianxian, who is the object of his marriage contract, will definitely not be wrong nearby.

It can be said that if Su Huanqing is taken back by the disciples on the shore, Xu Shoujing will probably face the encirclement and suppression of nearly [-] people from the Tianyuan Sect... The most important thing is that there are two elders from the Chongxiao Realm.

Before killing a Jiuxiao, I almost lost half my life, so I still use the shake to 'simulate the extreme night' situation for myself.

Now, two levels of Chongxiao Realm, which are far beyond Jiuxiao's level, pop up directly. This... What does this make people do?
No matter from which point of view, if Xu Shoujing wants to enter the Heavenly Palace smoothly and obtain the 'Moonfall Immortal Soul', he must not reveal his identity now.

Having said that, Xu Shoujing couldn't just watch Su Huanqing fall into the black tide.

After much deliberation, Xu Shoujing decided to block a bug.

Isn't your spiritual bridge unable to carry people who are mentally unstable?

Then I won't let you carry it, can't I hold it?

So, in the sight of the major sects, such a scene appeared.

A fast-paced young man wearing a black cloak, carrying another black-robed man who was also wearing a black cloak, but was obviously a woman, galloped across the huge spiritual bridge filled with people.

This scene is so bizarre that almost every time he passes by a disciple, his concentration will be instantly distracted.

Daoxing is a little shallower, and even the inner demon found a gap to take advantage of the emptiness on the spot, and screams followed one after another... The workload of receiving disciples on the shore suddenly increased sharply.

When he was about to run to the middle of the Lingqiao, Xu Shoujing's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the contact point between the shoes and the Lingqiao began to feel obviously sticky.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, thinking that this bug is really not that good, and now it seems that the 'server' wants to give the two of them to BAN directly.

In fact, Xu Shoujing considered things that many smart people have done in previous years.

However, they succeeded for a short while at the beginning, which was almost the time when Xu Shoujing caught the bald monk.

In the future, if you want to rely on manpower to 'walk with you', you will both be rejected by Lingqiao within a few steps.

Xu Shoujing can walk such a long way now, entirely because Su Huanqing has not been completely invaded by the inner demon, but his heart has been shaken by the blessing of multiple environments.

Looking at it now, this kind of 'Schrödinger's erosion' has almost reached its limit. If Su Huanqing can't be awakened immediately, or the two of them rush to the other side, it's only a matter of time before they both fall into the black tide.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing no longer hesitated, he breathed a little, and then his body was illusory, and his toes seemed to tap on the river, and ripples appeared.

Water clouds.

Among the many ancient books of the Changhe Su Clan, the footwork is the most suitable for sword cultivation. Those who use this footwork will seem not to stand on the ground, but to dance on the river. Every step is like a dream, hazy.

Well, when he first met Su Jin, he still wanted to use this footwork as a bait to trick Xu Shoujing, who goes by the pseudonym 'Xu Que', as his apprentice, but was interrupted by Su Huanqing halfway through.

As early as in Sudu, Su Huanqing promised to teach Xu Shoujing this footwork, but he never had the chance.

Until the Donghuangcheng incident came to an end, when Xu Shoujing was taking care of Aunt Chu, he couldn't bear the desire to increase his strength, so he asked Su Huanqing to learn this set of footwork.

Shui Yunyou itself is just footwork, there is no threshold for cultivation, and it is not so difficult to cultivate compared to the Nine Tribulations Severe Prison.

Unexpectedly, I just crossed a bridge now, and I was forced to hand over the 'Shuiyunyou's first time'.

Whoosh whoosh—

A shadow with a little blue light shuttled through the crowd, but after a while, it had already arrived at the location of the front row of disciples.


At this moment, as if stepping into the quagmire with one foot, Xu Shoujing only felt that half of his foot was caught in the spiritual bridge.

"Father-in-law... the shit you did in your early years made me miserable."

Xu Shoujing was speechless for a moment, and immediately stopped Shui Yunyou's display, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Due to the Kuroshio water, there was no way to use spiritual power on the spiritual bridge. At present, Xu Shoujing could only rely on his physical fitness to display the combat skills. Apart from Shui Yunyou, there was only the Nine Tribulations Prison Body left.

Xu Shoujing hugged Su Huanqing tightly, roughly measured the distance to the opposite bank, and then suddenly pulled his sinking feet out of the 'Lingqiao quagmire' and stepped forward.


The huge spiritual bridge seemed to be pressed under the body by a mountain of thousands of miles, the bridge deck shook for a while, and the Kuroshio water below felt more and more turbulent.

"What happened?"

"Why is Lingqiao shaking... what's the situation?"

The sect disciple, who was about to go ashore, panicked for a while, and walked all the way with tense nerves. Suddenly, he was shocked. Those who didn't know it thought the bridge was about to collapse.

At this time, on the other side of the ghost domain, including the 50 disciples of Tianyuanzong, there were almost 500 people gathered.

While checking the number of people, they surveyed the surrounding terrain. Before they could catch their breath, they quickly turned their heads to look after hearing the vibration from the Lingqiao behind them—

I saw two men in black cloaks rise up into the sky, soaring into the sky from the back of the Lingqiao, without thinking pause, they flew and landed on the shore of the ghost realm.

As soon as they landed, one of the black cloaked men rushed into the monk's base camp with the black robe in his arms, and his tone was anxious:
"My wife's old injury has recurred. I don't know which Taoist friend has the 'Snow Soul Turning Spirit Grass'. If you have any excess, I would like to spend a lot of money to buy it."

As soon as these words came out, the monks who were still stunned just now suddenly realized.

No wonder this person made such a big noise, it turns out that the old injury has relapsed...

As a result, the melon-eating cultivator who did not have the ability to "turn the spirit of the snow to the spirit grass" began to praise again and again: with such amazing skills, and with such deep affection...

Come on, serve lemons!

As for the disciple who really brought the 'Snow Soul to Spirit Grass', he began to consider whether to be a favored person or not.

Xueshu Zhuanlingcao is generally used to treat internal injuries in the spiritual sea, and its effect is more reflected in the word 'tonic'.

This thing is precious and precious, but it is not to the point where it is impossible to meet. Just pay attention to the time-limited shelves of Tuxian Pavilion or Tianyu Trading Company.

Just when everyone was still thinking about whether to give this mysterious person with extraordinary skills a favor, a young girl with long red hair came out of the crowd of Tianyuan Sect disciples.

She took arrogant steps and stopped in front of Xu Shoujing, with a scrutiny on her expression:

"Xueshen Zhuanlingcao, I have it, but give me a reason to help you."

Looking at Weiya, whose head was half lower than himself, Xu Shoujing lowered his hood secretly and said in a low voice:
"I was ordered by the sect to come to the Tiangong ruins. At present, there are only some spiritual beads that can be used as a reward. I wonder what the fairy needs to do next?"

Weiya stared at Xu Shoujing's lips under the black robe, and after a long while, her eyes narrowed slightly:
"I'll help you, can't you just see me like this?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a while, he knew that it was Weiya who wanted to take off his hood and show his true face.

To be honest, when he thought of the excuse of 'recurrence of his wife's secret injury' temporarily, Xu Shoujing also guessed that it was impossible to convince everyone with just this level of reason.

But at that time, the situation was urgent, and if you were a little careless, you would fall into the Kuroshio. However, if you were silent after appearing in front of people without saying a word, it would be more noticeable. In this case, it is better to just find a reason. It's easy to get fooled.

Xu Shoujing thought so... But he didn't expect that the first person who came up to suspect was Wei Ya.

In the face of this senior princess patient, Xu Shoujing really had a headache and didn't know how to deal with the premise that he could not teach her directly.

No way... so many sects are watching.

"Have I seen you somewhere?" Seeing Xu Shoujing's silence, Wei Ya seemed to be more certain of her conjecture.

Now it's impossible not to answer... Xu Shoujing sighed lightly, just about to talk about the drama casually.

Su Huanqing in her arms suddenly raised her slender hand and gently placed it on Xu Shoujing's face, speaking like a mosquito:

"Husband... Forget it, we can't afford to offend Tianyuan Sect."

Weak, pitiful, and even a little helpless, the little woman's sense of impoverishment is vividly reflected.

One thing to say, Xu Shoujing was shocked by Su Huanqing's sudden acting skills.

Thinking back in Sudu, Xu Shoujing had also seen Su Jin and Su Ling's 'Sichuan Opera Face Change' several times. Could it be that the old Su family still has a legacy of acting?
Here Xu Shoujing was shocked, while Weiya was completely shaken.

At first, she really took the two men in black robes in front of her as Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing, and wanted to use Xu Shoujing's own reasons to force him to show his true face.

But now seeing the woman's weak reaction... Why doesn't she look like Su Huanqing at all?
Not only in Wei Ya's memory, but even in the inherent impression of the entire Tiannanzhou cultivator, Su Huanqing is a cold, lonely existence, like a fairy from the dust, which is also the origin of her title of 'Bingyu Fairy'. .

Take a look at this little woman in front of me... What's the point of being 'cold and lonely'?
Originally, Weiya had already dismantled the two with the mentality of solid evidence. At this time, seeing Su Huanqing's strange reaction, she was a little uncertain.

Seeing that there were more and more disciples watching around, the disciples from Lingqiao gathered around.

Although Wei Ya is willful, she also knows not to make others feel that 'Tianyuan Sect is bullying others'.

She hesitated, caressed the Qiongyu ring lightly, took out an immortal grass that looked like Banlangen, and handed it over with disgust:

"Take it, you don't need to give the Lingzhu, it's worthless."

The voice fell, and Weiya left without looking back.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief. In order to avoid the sight of those curious babies, he hugged Su Huanqing, who had woken up but was still pretending to be weak, and ran under a big tree.

She let Su Huanqing lean on her body, and took out the jar of grinding medicine from the amber belt, and meticulously ground the Xue Soul Zhuanling Grass into fine powder.

The two were silent for a while, except for the 'dong dong' sound of the grinding jar, playing rhythmically.

The monks who looked around were originally here to join in the fun, but they felt bored when the storm ended, so they returned to the gathering place of their sect.

The monks who were watching left. I don't know how long it took. Su Huanqing stared at the back of Xu Shoujing who was grinding medicine for himself. He bit his thin lips and whispered apologetically:

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, but the movements in his hands did not stop, and he chuckled lightly:

"What is there to be sorry for, who hasn't ordered a special situation yet..."

When the words came out, Xu Shoujing sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that Su Jin's incident would take root so deeply in Huanqing's state of mind. If this goes on, it might really become a serious obstacle to her cultivation.

"It seems that we need to find an opportunity to untie the knot in Huan Qing's heart." Xu Shoujing thought to himself, completely forgetting Su Jin's advice not to let him speak.

A son-in-law who can't sell his father-in-law is a good son-in-law?

After grinding the Xue Soul Zhuan Ling Cao into a fine powder, Xu Shoujing picked it up with a leaf and gently handed it to Su Huanqing's mouth:

"No, I didn't put any other ingredients, but I heard from Aunt Chu that it should be fine to eat it directly. It's a supplement anyway."

Su Huanqing frowned lightly and shook his head: "I don't really have a secret injury."

"Let's pretend, you've already said all the words, will you be exposed if you don't eat?" Xu Shoujing chuckled, his hand still beside her mouth and he didn't leave.

Hearing this, Su Huanqing was not good at what to say, she opened her lips lightly, and inhaled the powder of the Snow Soul Turning Spirit Grass into her mouth.

Seeing that Su Huanqing was so obedient, Xu Shoujing heaved a sigh of relief, put in some effort to put away the medicine jar, and sat down beside her.

There are still not a few sect disciples on the Lingqiao, and it is unknown when they will all arrive.

Xu Shi had nothing to do, Xu Shoujing pondered for a moment, then joked:
"Your husband's name was very smooth just now. Did you want to call it that way?"

Su Huanqing glanced at him, and said in a flat tone: "The situation is urgent, I won't take action against Master's man."

"..." Xu Shoujing.

It's been so long, why are you still thinking about that shit?

Xu Shoujing was speechless for a moment, he sank his body on the ground with both hands, and then yawned:

"We'll be on our way when everyone is ready. There should be nothing to do now, so you can rest for a while."


Su Huanqing glanced sideways at Xu Shoujing, who was dozing off. After hesitating for a moment, his head shifted slightly and leaned against his shoulder.



"Senior sister, how is it? Is that Xu Shoujing?"

As soon as he returned to the place where the Tianyuan Sect was stationed, Qiu Jun gave full play to the precise etiquette of his first dog-legged son, and ran up to offer condolences.

Weiya glanced at the guy and snorted coldly: "I don't know, but all the actions after that must be done with those two people. Once a behavior similar to Xu Shoujing is revealed... I would rather kill it by mistake than let it go. "

Qiu Jun blinked, his tone a little hesitant: "It's not good to kill by mistake... Senior Sister, our Tianyuan Sect always convinces people with 'virtue'."

Weiya didn't speak either, just looked at him coldly.

"..." Qiu Jun took a deep breath, scolded himself for being too talkative, and immediately put on a loyal and sincere expression: "Senior sister is right, and junior brother will follow suit."

Weiya retracted her eyes, ignored Qiu Jun, and strode into her tent.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: In these chapters, I mainly want to write some very detailed interactions between Jinger and Huanqing to show the changes in their relationship.

However, I went back and took a look at the previous article, and found that the writing has become a bit procrastinated recently... Thanks also has a certain relationship with the state of mind.

I thought about it carefully. Maybe it's because I don't have full attendance now. The code words are purely powered by love. Compared with before...
Anyway, let me adjust...

(End of this chapter)

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