The queen is so fierce

Chapter 192 Take it all away, I am enough

Chapter 192 Take it all away, I am enough

There was thick smoke at the end of the yellow sky, and a few black-feathered crows with scarlet pupils stood on the trunk full of dead branches.

They stared unblinkingly at the uninvited guests on the wide road below, and there was no lack of eerie blood red in their eyes.

Arranged in a long dragon, the Terran monks walked up the broad avenue.

During this period, except for the elders of various sects who would occasionally warn some matters, the rest of the disciples would not dare to speak in this cold ghost realm if they were not big-hearted, but just buried their heads all the way to the east.

As early as half an hour ago, the disciples of various sects who successfully crossed the Lingqiao had already assembled.

Whether it is the first time or the disciples who have experienced it many times, they are more or less a little uneasy in their hearts, but they still embark on the road to the Tiangong ruins.

There is almost no distinction between day and night in the ghost realm. The sky seems to be always dark and yellow. It seems to have light, but it seems to have no light. Even the world is ambiguous.

Under the rational operation of today, it is still possible to have such a spectacle that goes against common sense. For a monk who has just entered the hut, it can be regarded as an amazing experience.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were in the middle of the entire team. Considering the sensitivity of their identities, they also gave full play to the characteristics of 'mysterious people'.

Anyone who came to talk would only answer with 'um', 'good', and 'yes'. At the beginning, some monks came to talk because of Xu Shoujing's great performance in Lingqiao.

Over time, everyone also knew that this fellow daoist with 'extraordinary skills and deep affection' did not have the intention of forming a good relationship, so they also wisely stopped putting hot faces and cold butts.

As for Su Huanqing...because she still has a 'weak' persona in the eyes of others, so she has been supported by Xu Shoujing all the way from the start of the road to now. Anyone who sees it will feel that the couple is very close and envious of others. .

No, some disciples were envious when they saw this, and sighed with emotion: "The relationship is really good."

There are also many cultivators who are just lemons, sour for no reason: "If you are not in good health, what kind of ghost land are you coming to... Thinking of the chance, you must be crazy."

But all in all, it's pretty harmonious along the way.

I don't know how long I have walked like this, and now I can't see the outline of the other side of Tiannanzhou when I look back.

The roars of unknown beasts on both sides increased sharply, and the long and wide road ahead plunged into a rugged and steep valley.

It was at this moment that Su Huanqing suddenly leaned on Xu Shoujing's shoulder and reminded softly:

"It's almost time for Senluo Valley."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, and did not answer immediately. He secretly mobilized a trace of spiritual power from the sea of ​​​​spirits to gather in his eyes, and turned on his spiritual vision to check.

After confirming that none of the vulgar sect disciples were peeking at them, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered:

"You seem to have mentioned this name in Hongxi Mansion... What the hell is Senluo Valley?"

It's almost like asking: Do you know how the world came to be?

Su Huanqing was speechless for a while, then shook his head and said:
"It has been nearly [-] years since the ghost realm was discovered, so far no one has understood how the terrain here is formed, and no one has been able to speculate the true body of the ghosts and monsters living here.

Tiannanzhou's knowledge of the ghost realm, except that there is a ruins of Tiangong that has been abandoned since ancient times, there are almost no clues about the rest. "

Having said this, Su Huanqing paused for a while, Liu Ye frowned slightly, and said coldly:

"I'm not asking you to explore this. I'm reminding you that when you arrive at Senluo Valley, you basically enter the habitat of ghosts and demons. At that time, various sects will definitely be more wary of ghosts and demons, but it is very likely that they will When you need to use magic..."

Xu Shoujing suddenly realized.

He understood, Su Huanqing was reminding himself that he would leave after a while.

If there is a real fight, you can make two symbolic moves, don't accidentally expose your true body.

Thinking about it carefully, it is true, although most people only hear stories about Xu Shoujing's shocking deeds in Donghuang City, and have not even seen it with their own eyes.

But Xu Shoujing's moves were too recognizable, especially the spiritual trail that scattered in the air like a brush sprinkled with ink... and the terrifying body that could overturn the headless giant with just one kick.

If this is used in front of so many people, it is basically no different from shouting 'All look at me, I'll announce something' on the spot.

No wonder Su Huanqing wanted to remind him that according to Xu Shoujing's pushy temperament, in case he couldn't help but run to the people to manifest himself.
...then the next time they face evil, it is not the siege of ghosts and demons, but the siege of Tianyuan Sect.

However, Xu Shoujing himself had no psychological pressure on this. After listening to Su Huanqing's words, he just smiled mysteriously:
"Don't worry, I have my own plans. No matter what technique I use, I will never reveal that I am Xu Shoujing."

Su Huanqing looked up at him, her beautiful eyes full of disbelief.


Xu Shoujing thought to himself, is my credibility so low?

He coughed awkwardly, and said to the guest: "It's you, don't take action for a while. When you use the extreme cold ice, it is estimated that you will be exposed faster than me. The monks here have seen your 'Bingyu Fairy' method. , definitely not less than me."

Su Huanqing narrowed her eyes slightly, and glanced to the side:
"I know."

"...Your reaction, shouldn't it mean 'I know, but I still have to do it'?"

"You think too much."

"Hey, aren't you thinking: When you have to, instead of exposing my existence, why don't you expose yourself and buy me time to escape?"

"No, you think too much."


Just as the two were arguing in a low voice, the long line of cultivators from Tiannanzhou had stepped into the forbidden area of ​​Senluo Valley.

Although the dry plants next to the broad avenue are relatively tasteless, they can still be used as a street scene, and the scenery will not remain unchanged and look very monotonous.

But as soon as you enter the Senluo Valley, even the symbolic plants do not exist, only the bare dark red rocks and the howls of ghosts and wolves wandering from the depths of the canyon.

There is no sun in the ghost realm, and the deep Senluo Valley is even darker.

Elder Wen Han, who was leading the team in front of the Tianyuan Sect, frowned slightly, raised his hand to stop the disciples in the rear, pondered a little, and ordered:



The two disciples in yellow-patterned cloud robes immediately came out. The two were sturdy in one hand holding the sword and the other hand making a seal. After a while, two subtle rays of light poked forward.

In an instant, the dark tunnel of Senluo Valley was illuminated by a burst of light.

After seeing the scene in front of them, the disciples who had just listened to the order and stopped in their tracks gasped.

Dark shadows... dark shadows... still dark shadows, pitch-black shadows form a tide, with countless red pupils.

A large number of black lumps with ambiguous shapes are scattered all over the Senluo Valley.

They seemed to be awakened by the uninvited human race, opened a pair of blood pupils, and could smell the anger to the bones from a distance of dozens of meters.

Instead, Xu Shoujing might say: Excuse me, go to sleep.

Of course, it is impossible for Elder Wen Han to do this. It is not the first time for him to lead a team to the ghost realm. Although the number of ghosts is indeed a little more than usual, it is not too unexpected.

Elder Wen Han turned around slightly and found that the disciples who had just arrived behind him were stunned. He frowned and said coldly:
"Qiu Jun, how did you teach you when you were in the sect?"

Qiu Jun, whose name was called, suddenly woke up, and quickly ran to the front row, and began to instruct all the disciples to cast spells regularly.

"All, two, three! Shoot!"

boom boom-

One after another colorful spells swept across, and the dark clumps seemed to be real shadows, and they dissipated after encountering those strong lights of spiritual power.

The first batch of disciples had almost exhausted their spiritual energy, so they stepped back to rest for a while, and then the second batch of disciples stepped forward.

During this period, if a disciple of a sect is drained, it will automatically be blocked to the next sect, and so on.

After a round of battles, the monks in Tiannanzhou quickly entered the depths of Senluo Valley.

I have to say that this method is really simple and rude, and there is almost no possibility of overturning.

Ghosts and demons are a collection of resentment, and their strong resentment is the reason for their ferocity.

... But no matter how fierce you are, you can't stand the thousands of people who don't talk about martial arts, and a lot of AOEs take turns throwing them in the face.



The ghosts and demons screamed again and again, obviously they were just guarding their own boundaries, and inexplicably came a group of white orangutans, and they started killing if they disagreed.
It didn't take long for a smell of rotting corpse and gunpowder smoke to fill the Senluo Valley.

"Be quick in action, and when the spiritual power is empty, you will retreat by yourself. Our elders have many restrictions in the ghost realm, and it is inconvenient to take action... Forcing a shot will attract more ghosts, so it is all up to you, don't do it. Take it slow!"

Several elders stood beside the queue and commanded loudly, and the disciples carried out the orders of the elders of each sect in an orderly manner.

It was about to be his turn soon, and Xu Shoujing was a little numb.

...Why didn't he think that there is such an operation?

Beware of ghosts, beware of ghosts...

This alerts a loneliness.

Isn't this straight up flat?
Su Huanqing on the side saw Xu Shoujing's speechless expression, a trace of doubt flashed in his clear eyes, and asked aloud:

"what happened?"

Xu Shoujing's mouth twitched, and he sighed:

"It's nothing, it just doesn't feel like what I imagined."

Hmm... I thought it would be a big melee, and everyone depends on their ability... Who knew this was coming to form a group to fight the book.

"What are you doing over there, it's your turn now."

At this moment, a rough-hearted cultivator who was temporarily acting as an elder came over, his expression indifferent and his tone very impolite.

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, only then did he realize that the latest round of disciples had neatly thrown the final move, exhausted his spiritual power, and then ran all the way back to the back row for supplies.

Seeing that there was another round of disciple rotation, Xu Shoujing roughly looked at the number of people and estimated that there would be at most two more rounds for himself.

Xu Shoujing suddenly felt a little troubled, but he himself had the problem of resolving the recognition of the moves... But Su Huanqing couldn't.

Once the extreme cold spiritual power is used, it is basically equivalent to telling everyone 'I am the Ice Jade Fairy'.

If there was a big melee, Xu Shoujing could still cast spells instead of Su Huanqing, but this kind of taking turns... It's really hard to make excuses.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" Seeing Xu Shoujing standing still, the rude cultivator stared at him with a displeased expression.

The other monks around also noticed the movement here, and cast their eyes curiously, and immediately someone spotted Xu Shoujing's figure:

"Hey, isn't he the one who ran on the Lingqiao?"

"...Really, his movement skills are so good, I'm really curious about what kind of magic he can use."

The cultivators who were watching the fun and didn't think it was a big deal talked a lot. Xu Shoujing knew there was no way to drag it on, so he thought for a while, raised his hand to protect Su Huanqing behind him, and immediately took a step forward:
"Brother Dao, my wife has an old disease and cannot use a wide range of techniques for the time being. I wonder if I can skip her temporarily and let others do it for me?"

This is very reasonable. The monks who witnessed Xu Shoujing's 'seeking medicine for his wife' at Lingqiao also stood up one after another:

"This fellow Daoist is true. His Dao Companion did relapse not long ago. Let me wait and replace her."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect someone to speak for him, and turned his head to look...

Wearing a Taoist robe dressed as a liar, with a white face and free and easy eyebrows, he is obviously full of books, but he always gives people a sense of 'this product is not reliable'.

Isn't this Zuo Lingxuan...

Xu Shoujing lowered his hood subconsciously and said in a low voice:

"Thank you for your understanding."

Zuo Lingxuan glanced back at his junior and junior brothers, and said:
"You saved my junior brother's life on the Lingqiao, so I have to thank my fellow Daoist."

After a few chats, the matter is almost settled, and the rest is to transfer and rotate the disciples, go up and throw a few big moves, and then you can go back to the back row to catch fish...

However, at this moment, the rough man cultivator who was temporarily acting as an elder glared at him and snorted coldly:

"You said that she has an old disease? The other sect disciples are exhausted, can you let her skip it? Who gave you the power?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the rough man folded his arms, with a look of 'don't try to get away with it'.

Zuo Lingxuan's expression froze, and a question mark appeared on Xu Shoujing's head, and the look in the rough man's eyes became very strange.

Where did this stick come from...

Zuo Lingxuan stood up to repay Xu Shoujing's favor, but he was inexplicably denied it. Naturally, he was very upset and said with a frown:
"Brother Dao, you can't say it like this. Many people have seen the story of this friend's wife's illness... The convenience of being with others is also convenient for themselves. Anyway, there is no loss in combat power."

The rough man sneered again and again: "You said that there is no loss without loss? If this woman is just pretending to be sick, trying to hide her strength, and then exerting all her strength when the ruins of the Tiangong are used, wouldn't everyone be overshadowed?"

As soon as this statement came out, even the monks who joined in the fun couldn't stand it anymore.

There really is no end to conspiracy theories, this is simply finding fault.

Xu Shoujing naturally saw that this rough man was coming for him, and it was because of this that he couldn't figure it out—

Don't be provocative, I've never seen this person... Why are you staring at me?

Soon, the rough man's next words basically exposed his motives:

"I'll leave it here today, this dog man and woman must be pretending. Where in the world is there so much love that lasts to the death? The mothers of Laozi claimed to love me for a lifetime, but they didn't run away with the sect's heirs in the end. ? These two people are hiding their true faces, and there must be some shameful deeds!"

"..." Xu Shoujing.

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone suddenly realized... This is a green hat brother with a lemon.

I've been green, so I can't stand other people's couples and love each other?Do you even want to find fault with this?

It's too twisted...

Zuo Lingxuan was originally annoyed, but when he heard the rough man's words, his anger disappeared a lot, and his eyes became sympathetic:
"Uh... Brother Daoist, I understand how you feel..."

"Your girls also ran away?" The rough man suddenly stared.

"I've never been to a Taoist companion..." Zuo Lingxuan was choked so hard, he resisted the urge to turn his face, and said solemnly: "I mean, I understand your resentment, but people are good, so you won't be... …”

Before Zuo Lingxuan could finish speaking, the rough man interrupted with a look of disdain:
"I haven't even been a Taoist, you can understand Laozi's ass!"

So, Zuo Lingxuan took a deep breath and began to stroke his sleeves.

It's not that the buddy has a bad temper, but everyone wants to be beaten.

The rough man turned a blind eye to this, and seemed to be impatient with the sight of the surrounding. He walked over Zuo Lingxuan and came straight to Su Huanqing.

"You can tell if you are sick or not at a glance!"

Having said that, the rough man rudely went to take off Su Huanqing's hood.

Su Huanqing's clear eyes were slightly cold. With her temperament, it was naturally impossible for such a person to touch her. She subconsciously exerted a trace of extreme cold spiritual power, trying to freeze the rough man.


Just when the rough man was about to touch Su Huanqing's hood, his raised wrist seemed to freeze in mid-air.

Xu Shoujing, like a ghost, appeared beside Su Huanqing unconsciously.

The big white hand that stretched out from under the black cloak seemed to have turned into a pair of iron pliers, tightly clasping the rough man's wrist.

squeak... squeak...

The sound of broken bones clearly reached the ears of every cultivator present, and everyone couldn't help but tremble in their hearts... This brother, it's really ruthless.

"Hey...what the hell are you doing?"

The rough man grimaced in pain for a while, and hurriedly wanted to pull out his hand, but no matter how hard he tried, he felt that his hand seemed to be pressed under a mountain of immense power and remained motionless.

"Husband..." Su Huanqing hesitated, then stepped forward and pulled La Xu Shoujing's cuff.

She was afraid that Xu Shoujing would directly kill the rude person in a fit of anger, and cause unnecessary trouble and expose the identities of the two.

Su Huanqing didn't want to implicate Xu Shoujing because of his own reasons, so they could only run away quickly, and they couldn't even get to the ruins of the Tiangong.

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Xu Shoujing's tone was calm, and he tilted his head to signal Su Huanqing to step back, but the strength in his hands increased a bit.

"Ahhhh..." The rough man screamed again and again, his back was wet with sweat, his phalanges were white, and his legs kept kicking on the ground, but no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't leave Xu Shoujing, the devil.

Seeing this scene, Su Huanqing had no choice but to sigh and give up the thought of dissuasion.

Su Huanqing knew in his heart that at this stage, with Xu Shoujing's character, he would not be able to listen to other people's words no matter what.

In Su Huanqing's impression, Xu Shoujing has always been a wife-protecting madman who said 'it doesn't matter if you touch me, but if you touch someone next to me, be careful that I pull you into self-destruction'.

This is indeed the case. Before the rough man delusionally took action against Su Huanqing, Xu Shoujing actually sympathized with him.

I was greened at a young age, I suspect that life is normal, and I want to take revenge on the society... It's not incomprehensible.

But if you still want to move your hands and feet, it will offend Xu Shoujing's inverse scale.

Xu is that there is too much movement here, and the elders who are gathered to discuss matters cast their gazes here:
"What's the matter with you? The front row has been vacant for a long time, so why don't you fill it up!"

The rough man heard this voice, as if he had found a savior, and hurriedly called for help:

"Long...Elder, help me..."


Before he could finish his words, Xu Shoujing overturned his entire body and plunged his head into the ground.

After doing all this, Xu Shoujing clapped the dust on his hands and stood back to his original position as if he had nothing to do.


When Elder Nishang heard the news, he saw his disciples with their feet in the sky, and a few unknown monks next to them kept pulling out like radishes.

"This...what's the matter?" he asked involuntarily.

A disciple stepped forward with embarrassment, took a peek at Xu Shoujing who was standing still, and explained what happened just now in a low voice.

Elder Nishang was helpless and annoyed after hearing this. He walked to Xu Shoujing's side like a gust of wind and sighed impatiently:
" you! What Zang Shuo did is wrong...but you have to take the overall situation into consideration. When you go back to Tiannanzhou, you can ask the old man to give you an explanation. Why do you have to do this?"

Xu Shoujing was still asking Su Huanqing to help him pat the dust off his back, when an old man suddenly appeared in front of him and said that a lot of things were missing, and he was a little impatient.He waved his hand:

"Your disciple's brain is sick, he has nothing to do and has to find fault, and what is the lack of combat power..."

Elder Nishang was at a loss for words, and said with hatred that iron is not steel:

"Zang Shuo does have some problems with his mind... This old man is not someone who can't lose face, so I'll make up for it...

But our sect's tactics against ghosts and monsters are built around Zang Shuo. You made him like this. There was no vacancy in the first place, and now there are vacancies... How do you ask this old man to explain to other sects? "

Xu Shoujing saw that this old man was reasonable, and he did not continue to show that disrespectful appearance, thought for a while, and said with a light smile:

"Well, it's simple."

"Do you have a plan?" Old Nishang asked suspiciously.

Xu Shoujing rolled up the cuff of the black robe on his left hand, a flash of red light flashed from his fingertips, and the red lotus tattoo, which was as bright as fire, spiraled around his arm like a red snake.

Seeing this scene, Su Huanqing's eyes were slightly startled, as if thinking of something.

Xu Shoujing rubbed his wrist, strode towards the front row, and said casually:

"Remove everyone from your sect, I am enough."

Seeing this, Su Huanqing raised her hand to rest her forehead and sighed helplessly.

She knew that Xu Shoujing was going to make the same mistake of liking the appearance of saints in front of others again.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: Return to the original intention, the long-lost 6K.In this chapter, I tried to speed up the rhythm of the writing, and wanted to return to the previous state, but I felt that the balance was not well grasped... I still need some time to adjust.

(End of this chapter)

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