The queen is so fierce

Chapter 193 Red Lotus Skyfire Xu Shoujing Edition

Chapter 193 Red Lotus Skyfire Xu Shoujing Edition
In a large library surrounded by bookshelves, a middle-aged man sat in front of the desk, carefully flipping through the ancient books in his hands by the dim light of a crystal lamp that fell on the ceiling.

There are mountains of books piled up on the desk, each of which is equivalent to the weight of a dictionary; the two sides of the table are too lazy to even arrange them neatly, and they are simply stacked together like discarded items.

The middle-aged man was wearing a blue water-colored robe, his face was tough, and his body was tall and straight, but his face, which still could see the past romance, was covered with stubble before he knew it.

It is not difficult to see that he seems to have stayed in the library for a while without going out.

On the low table at the entrance, every day a maid will come to change the meals prepared with great care, such as 'braised five-flavored pig' and 'fire-roasted nine-color deer'.

But without exception, the food that was placed there on the first day was placed on the low table at the door as brand new on the second day, and there was no sign of touching it at all.

The little maid could only sigh every time, and after finishing her job step by step, she turned around and left.

In this regard, Su Jin is naturally unaware, he has been investigating one thing.

"Heaven punishes, and the way of heaven wants to punish all beings. The combination of the three realms is common sense... No, it's not this."

Throwing a book behind him again, Su Jin sighed, took a sip from the cold tea cup, and his brain fell into deep thought.

For so many years, Su Jin has been tracking the traces of the Dao Yanjiao. In the past few years, he finally found a clue, but he did not expect the other party to commit suicide at the expense of dragging him into the realm of the dying.

After Su Jin was forced to return to Tiannan Continent, although he took over the position of the patriarch of the Changhe Su Clan, he did not give up his pursuit of the End Yan Sect.

The hatred for killing his wife is undeniable. Su Jin's efforts for the rest of his life were all to make himself kneel before his wife's tombstone with the face, and now let him give up, easier said than done?
The reason why he was silent for a long time was just because the investigation into the final teaching had really reached a bottleneck.

The Eternal Religion is a mysterious organization that spans through the ages, from the era of Tianzhu... or even longer ago to the present day.

Its scale, heritage, and sphere of influence are far beyond what any sect in the world can compare to.

Comparing the Zongmen with the Zongyan Religion is equivalent to putting the organization of the folk idlers together with the imperial court, which cannot be compared at all.

The believers of the Endless Religion have infiltrated every corner of Jiuzhou, silently and unavoidably.

This is also the reason why, so far, Su Jin has not been able to find even a stronghold of the End Yanjiao.

If there is a clear organizational stronghold, you can follow the trail, and if you don't torture one by one, you can always find the source.

But the reality is that there is no stronghold in the teaching of the end.

All the cultists disappeared, and even the cultivator who dragged Su Jin to death was only caught after he wasted effort that was infinitely close to finding a needle in a haystack.

Now even the only clue has been cut off. In the absence of a specific location, all the believers are consciously avoiding him, and they can't find the needle.

——Originally, Su Jin thought so.

Now things seem to be turning around.

And the character at the center of the storm was naturally Su Jin's cheap son-in-law, Xu Shoujing, who ran to the door a while ago.

Before Xu Shoujing left Sudu, he and Su Jin actually talked a lot.

Not only about Su Huanqing, but also about Xu Shoujing's encounter with Su He, who goes by the pseudonym 'He Su' before going to Sudu, and the so-called Immortal King Ruins.

Su He... Su Jin has never heard of it.

The main reason is that it didn't take long for him to take over the position of the patriarch of the Changhe Su Clan, and he had been circling other continents before, and it was really difficult to recognize everyone at once, if he didn't pay attention.

However, the remains of the Immortal King have a saying.

Su Jin grew up in Tiannan Continent. He was born and raised in Tiannan. When he was a teenager, he often went to the foreign trade city like Denglonggang to make friends all over the world.

He had never heard of Jingyue Lake, and he didn't even know that there was an immortal king's ruins there.

Su Jin didn't quite believe Xu Shoujing's words at the time, but Xu Shoujing later expressed his opinion.

——The immortal king ruins are not necessarily located on Tiannanzhou. It is likely that they were transferred from Tiannanzhou to the immortal king ruins through some kind of teleportation formation.

This statement is a lot more reasonable, and combined with Su He's joining the End Yan Sect, and the encounter between everyone and the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect at the Immortal King Ruins.

Su Jin seemed to be penetrated by lightning, and it was transparent all of a sudden.

However, at that time Xu Shoujing had to go to the East Imperial City to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition, and Su Jin was just a guess, and he didn't say much until it was confirmed.

In order to find a more powerful explanation, since Xu Shoujing and others left, Su Jin has been bored in Changhe Su Clan's big library, looking up ancient books over and over again.

dong dong dong-

There was a knock on the sandalwood door of the big library, and the person who heard the knock on the door seemed a little guilty.

Su Jin didn't take his eyes off the ancient book in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"Come in."


Pushing the door open in response, it was a sneaky shadow.

The shadow tiptoed about fifteen feet, and finally stopped in front of the desk without saying a word.

Su Jin noticed that the light in his sight was covered, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he slowly raised his head, but was stunned:
"Ling'er? Why did you run to the library? Xu Shoujing and Qinger, didn't they come back?"

With that said, Su Jin also looked behind Su Ling.

Su Ling looked embarrassed, laughed dryly, and said awkwardly:
"That... cousin and eldest brother Xu didn't come back."

"Didn't come back?" Su Jinwei was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, then nodded slowly: "It's better if you don't come back, it's better to go out for a while, than staying in Tiannan Continent."

"—" Su Ling's pale face was flushed with suffocation, and she just didn't dare to answer.

Seeing his reaction, a question mark appeared on Su Jin's head, and while he was puzzled, he asked:

"What's the matter? Is there anything else you didn't say?"

With that said, Su Jin brought the white porcelain teacup to his mouth, intending to take a sip.

Su Ling took a deep breath and thought to himself that if he died sooner or later, he would die, and gritted his teeth:

"Actually... Big Brother Xu went to the ghost realm."

Su Jin's hand holding the white porcelain teacup froze in the air.

Seeing this, Su Ling cautiously added:
"Big Brother Xu originally went by himself... But then my cousin forced me to ask questions, so I said..."


The white porcelain teacup slammed heavily on the table, and the tea juice inside was choppy.

Su Ling's whole body trembled, and his heart seemed to skip a beat.

"Qing'er also followed?" Su Jin asked in a deep voice.

"Guru..." Su Ling's Adam's apple wriggled, and nodded with great difficulty.

In an instant, the air in the entire room seemed to be a lot colder.

Su Ling was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all. Seeing that Su Jin was silent, he hesitated for a long time, then cautiously probed:
"Uncle... I'm really forced. You know my cousin's temperament. I really can't stop you from breaking the casserole and asking to the end..."

It’s okay not to mention it. Su Jin suddenly became angry when he said that, he pointed at Su Ling impatiently, and said:

"Tell me about you! What did I tell you before I left? Either let them leave Tiannanzhou quickly and come back when the limelight passes, or bring them back to Sudu, it's always safe here.

Now all the monks in Tiannanzhou are in the ghost realm, and there must be a lot of people who go to Tianyuanzong. You also let Xu Shoujing and Qinger go to the Tiangong. Isn't this a sheep entering the tiger's mouth? "

Su Ling was scolded bloody, and explained with an aggrieved face:
"It's not my fault... Those two people didn't know who they learned from, they didn't listen to others at all, and I didn't give me a chance to explain it... They all asked themselves what they wanted to ask and left, and I too No idea……"

Su Jin was speechless for a while, but he knew that according to Su Huanqing's character, Su Ling would not be able to persuade him to come back no matter what.

After thinking for a while, Su Jin let out a long sigh and said helplessly:

"I hope Xu Shoujing can pay attention to hiding his identity. He should also understand that what he does is not only related to his own safety, but also Qing'er's."

Su Ling blinked, realizing that the tribulation was successful, and immediately put on another face, patted his chest, and vowed:

"Uncle, Brother Xu, I know that although he usually likes to be in the limelight, he can still prioritize things at critical moments.

This time, with so many sects present, Tianyuan sect was eyeing him, and I believe he would definitely not be in the limelight and put himself and his cousin in a dangerous situation. "
Ghost domain.

"Remove everyone from your sect, I am enough."

There was an uproar in the dark and deep Senluo Valley, and from the front of the cultivator army came the brilliance of various techniques from time to time.

Coupled with the explosion of falling gravel and gunpowder smoke, it was like being in a battlefield, buzzing in the ears and abnormal noise.

However, in such an environment where you can't hear a normal speech without raising your voice, the voice of the black cloak boy still clearly entered the ears of Nishang Laodao.

Looking at the black cloaked boy exuding the word 'confidence' in front of him, he fell into contemplation.

Did the old man hear it wrong?

This little friend seems to ask me to remove all the sect disciples, and then... he comes on by himself?
Nishang Laodao shook his head, secretly thinking that he was still old, and he couldn't even understand the words.

This little friend should not mean this, but the old man misunderstood.

Out of respect for facts and a rigorous attitude when facing problems, Nishang Laodao laughed and asked:
"Little friend, I understand what you mean. You want to come to my sect temporarily to fill Zang Shuo's vacancy, right?"

Xu Shoujing glanced at him inexplicably and shook his head:

"No, I asked you to remove all the people from your sect. I am enough by myself."


Nishang Laodao rejected Xu Shoujing's proposal without hesitation, and said with an angry face:
"Which sect is the turn, how to deal with ghosts and demons... The distribution of the balance of combat power is all negotiated by each sect in advance, how can you allow you to arbitrarily come around?

If it is because of you that there will be a gap in the follow-up battle against ghosts and demons, how do you ask my old man to explain to other sects! "

Xu Shoujing shrugged and said rascally:

"But can't you explain it now? That... is Zang Shuo? Isn't he the core of your sect, can you still fight ghosts and demons according to the original plan without him?"

Nishang Lao Daowei was stunned for a moment, and then became even more angry:
"Who do you think it's all to blame? It's not all because of you..."

Before he could finish his words, Xu Shoujing had ignored the advice of Nishang Laodao, walked to the front line on his own, and waved his hands behind his back from a distance:
"Rest assured, I never do anything I'm not sure about...should."


The disciples on the front line were meticulously standing guard when they suddenly saw a young man wearing a black cloak and covering himself up.

A disciple hurriedly stepped forward to block, and said sharply:

"Fellow Daoist, now it's our sect's turn..."

"I know."

Xu Shoujing interrupted him impatiently, and immediately rubbed the wrist of his left hand, revealing an arm wrapped around a red lotus tattoo.

The disciple was stunned for a moment. He couldn't understand what Xu Shoujing meant, and said in surprise:
"Fellow are..."

Xu Shoujing is also very direct, briefly summarizing:

"Your eldest brother was buried by me, and your parents are not willing to ask me for an explanation... So I will fill the vacancy of your eldest brother... Well, you can go, and the rest is enough to leave me alone. already."

"..." The disciple.

There are too many flaws, I don't know where to spit it out.

Just when the disciple thought he had met a fool, the old Nishang Daoist who had been stunned for a long time finally left everything behind and chased after him:

"Stop him for me! Don't let him mess around!"

The disciple suddenly returned to his senses, and subconsciously wanted to stop Xu Shoujing as the elder said, but it was too late.


The crisp finger snaps echoed like the sound of empty valleys.

"You stand... stop..." Nishang Laodao slowed down, his jaw gradually dislocated, and the whole person froze in place.

The moisture in the air evaporated into white vapor at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Very abruptly, a crimson circle cut across the entire Senluo Valley, and the lines of the red lotus bloomed in the center, ready to go.

At this moment, all the sect disciples who were busy fighting against ghosts and demons stopped their movements, and all looked at the head of the fire source inexplicably.

... Whose spell is this big?

Nishang Laodao couldn't return to his senses for a long time. He looked at the huge red lotus formation and said tremblingly:

"You... you are, Nirvana?"


Another snap of fingers.

"No." Xu Shoujing shook his head and replied casually, "I'm just a little monk in the Dragon Gate realm."

The voice fell, and the red lotus formation that cut off the entire Senluo Valley suddenly solidified, and the still gathering Feihong spiritual power turned into a monstrous fire, and burst forth impatiently along the tunnel of Senluo Valley.


The fire raged into the sky, like locusts passing through the border, and all the black ghosts and demons were completely burnt with no dust left.

The monks who had been fishing for a long time panicked and panicked on the spot:
"What's the situation? Which elder has gone into battle privately?!"

"What happened?!"


There was a lot of discussion around, and the elder Nishang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and could no longer treat Xu Shoujing with the same attitude as before...

Nishang Old Daoist is still very self-aware, this scale of magic... He can't do it in Nirvana realm now, not to mention Dragon Gate realm.

"Who are you?" Seeing Xu Shoujing turn and leave, Nishang Laodao finally asked a question.

Xu Shoujing did not look back, but waved his hands behind his back:
"Xu Qiu."

Walking in the rivers and lakes, who doesn't have a few vests?

"So, do you want to use this method to clear your suspicion of being Xu Shoujing?"

When Xu Shoujing returned to his original position, before he could stand firm, he heard Su Huanqing ask himself.

Xu Shoujing shrugged and said helplessly:

"Otherwise? You really think how much I want to be in the limelight. Everyone knows that 'Xu Shoujing's swordsmanship is unparalleled and his physique is domineering'.

Then I'll just use Xuanji's Rong Lingzhu and play a trick to confuse the works, right? "


Seeing that Su Huanqing was silent for a while, Xu Shoujing not only thought of something, he smiled, and put his face close:
"Do you think that I only went to appear before people to vent my anger?"

Su Huanqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she immediately turned her eyes to look at the gravel on the side of the road:
"I do not have."

Xu Shoujing grabbed her hand unceremoniously, and after the other party struggled for a while, he said in his ear:

"Don't worry, [-]% of it is to vent your anger."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

The state is extremely poor...every word is forced out. It's a big difference from yesterday. I really want to ask for leave, but I don't have a leave request, so I can only write it hard, which is very unsatisfactory. Adjustment.

(End of this chapter)

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