The queen is so fierce

Chapter 194 Tiangong Ruins

Chapter 194 Tiangong Ruins
"Did you see it just now?"

Elder Wen Han looked cautiously at the direction where Xu Shoujing was leaving, and whispered to another elder of Tianyuan Sect beside him.

"I see." Elder Yong Yan nodded, squinted and pondered for a moment, then said, "Our guess may be wrong, he should not be Xu Shoujing."

The black-robed youth at the end of the line of sight gradually disappeared, Elder Wen Han sighed and said helplessly:

"Yeah, I originally saw the movement he made at Lingqiao... With the kind of physique that no one else has, I am almost certain that he is Xu Shoujing... Now it seems that the conclusion is still Too hasty, Xu Shoujing should not be able to do this kind of fire technique."

No wonder Elder Wenham would say so.

Thinking back, what did Xu Shoujing do in the Eastern Imperial City?

One kick overturned the headless giant, and one sword sealed the throat to demonize the Holy Son... You have to add another 'fire magic spell' to him.

All good things are occupied by one person, so why not let others live?

Elder Yongyan strongly agreed, and after thinking for a while, he frowned and said:
"If that's the case, could it be that Xu Shoujing didn't come at all? Isn't our battle in vain?"

Elder Wen Han pondered for a moment, then shook his head:
"Perhaps, it's normal not to come. I waited for the Tianyuan Sect to send so many disciples here, and I didn't deliberately cover up the news. It's impossible for Xu Shoujing to not hear the wind.

If he knew that we had set a trap, he still ran over regardless, that would make people wonder if he had a problem with his brain. "

As soon as the words fell, Elder Wen Han's expression froze, and his heart was a little uncertain.

Thinking about it carefully, Xu Shoujing is a fierce character who dares to volley in front of ten thousand people and confront Immortal Tu Yu.

This kind of person... you can hardly say that he has no problems with his mind.

After thinking about it for a long time and still unable to come to a conclusion, Elder Wen Han slightly shook his head and sighed:
"Look again, maybe Xu Shoujing is still hiding somewhere in the queue, but he hasn't shown up yet."
somewhere in the queue.

"Big are too fierce!"

While Xu Shoujing was on his way, he was playing with Su Huanqing's small hand, and a call suddenly came from behind him.

Turning his head to look, Zuo Lingxuan was pulled over helplessly by his younger brother Wei Sang, followed by a few disciples of Tianyan Pavilion.

With outsiders in front of him, Su Huanqing couldn't continue to pretend to be an ostrich, and immediately pulled Su Shoujing's hands back from Xu Shoujing's big hands and walked forward without saying a word.

Xu Shoujing laughed awkwardly, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hood, and said in a low voice:
"The trick of carving insects is overrated."

"..." Zuo Lingxuan.

Why is this rude character so familiar?
Wei Sang almost jumped up with excitement. Hearing Xu Shoujing's modest reply, he danced and said:

"It's not too much! Big are the second person besides Big Brother Xu who makes me feel so powerful! Not to mention the peers, I guess my parents and elders can't even match your toes. ...whoops!"

Before Wei Sang could finish speaking, a big hand fell from the sky and slammed it on his forehead unceremoniously:


Wei Sang covered his head in pain, and turned his head subconsciously, wanting to say "Who hit me?", but a gloomy old face came into his eyes.

"Long...Elder..." Wei Sang's just-rising momentum suddenly faded.

Elder Xiuran glared at him with a cold face. After drinking Wei Sang back, he coughed dryly, then faced Xu Shoujing and said kindly:
"Old man, Xiuran, is the leader of these children this time. Little friend, I heard that you saved my disciple's life at Lingqiao.

I am really ashamed. I have been busy discussing matters about the Heavenly Palace with other sects just now. I am not able to thank you face to face. Please forgive me. "

Xu Shoujing blinked. He just followed the trend and didn't think there was anything to thank for this trivial matter, so he quickly waved his hand:

"Senior doesn't have to be like this, Lu Jian is unfair... It is the duty of my cultivator to draw a knife to help. No one will stand by and watch."

"Hey, little friend, that's a bad word."

Elder Xiuran was very good at pulling at first glance. Seeing Xu Shoujing's refusal, he immediately put on a 'how can this be' look, and said solemnly:

"It is said to be a monk's duty, but since the development of the Immortal Dao, who does not give priority to his own Dao? Today's friends may turn their faces and deny them due to a certain opportunity tomorrow.

In the eyes of some extreme cultivators, there is little difference between helping fellow Daoists and supporting enemies, especially under the current situation... Every cultivator can be said to be a competitor in the Heavenly Palace. "

Speaking of which, Elder Xiuran paused, and bowed his hands to Xu Shoujing in awe:
"Because of this, the little friend has a deep sense of righteousness, which makes the old man admire it... Dare to ask the little friend who is the master?"


After Elder Xiuran's remarks, he gave Xu Shoujing, a guy who was quite good at talking guns, stunned for a while.

At the end, he didn't calm down for a long time, until he heard the last sentence "Dare to ask the little friend who is the master", Xu Shoujing came back to his senses resentfully, and was speechless for a while.

Spare such a big circle, I spent a long time trying to verify my true body.

Have you considered bringing your talents to the cross talk stage?

Xu Shoujing sighed helplessly, and answered politely:
"I'm here to make a grudge, this time is mainly to go out to the mountains to practice. The master has instructed that unless the reputation of the younger generation spreads far and wide in Jiuzhou, he must not reveal the teacher's sect... So I can't tell the seniors, please forgive me."

Elder Xiuran frowned and pondered for a while, but did not continue to struggle with this matter, sighed:

"Since it is the order of the master, it should be so, the old man is abrupt."

"Where is it, the senior wants to ask the truth about human nature, but the junior is not perfect..."

"Little friend's words are bad..."

Su Huanqing walked not far in front of Xu Shoujing. Hearing that the old man behind him was flattering endlessly, the cold face covered by the hood became more and more impatient.

She raised her plain hand, clenched her fist and coughed lightly:

Xu Shoujing's expression froze slightly. Although he didn't know what his daughter-in-law was looking for, he knew in his heart that he couldn't continue chatting with the hundred-year-old old man.

"Senior, my wife is not feeling well, the junior is going to take care of it, sorry for your inconvenience."

Elder Xiuran did not force it either, he waved his hand with a smile:
"As it should be."

Seeing Xu Shoujing handing his farewell, Elder Xiuran restrained his smile.

He glanced at the Tian Yan Pavilion disciple who was beside him, and sighed helplessly:
"Look at other people's disciples."
As soon as he walked to Su Huanqing's side, Xu Shoujing grabbed her little hand rudely and asked casually:

"Huan Qing, are you looking for me?"

Su Huanqing frowned lightly, because she didn't want Xu Shoujing to be too proud, she wanted to struggle away immediately.

However, Xu Shoujing's face is not ordinary. Su Huanqing's movements are so large that he is about to give him a sword. This guy abruptly pretended that nothing happened, and continued to squeeze his little hand.

After a while, Su Huanqing gave up the struggle, looked straight ahead with clear eyes, and said helplessly:


Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and then he realized that the sound of spell bombing that had been ringing continuously since entering Senluo Valley seemed to have subsided a lot from the beginning.

He followed Su Huanqing's line of sight, and at the end of the dim canyon, a gap filled with dim yellow light appeared.

Looking through both sides of the gap, you can see a lot of lush trees in the sky standing abruptly in front of them.

Xu Shoujing was a little stunned for a while, and at the same time, a group of doubts arose in his heart.

In the ghost land, where roosters don't lay eggs and hens don't croak, the only plants that can be seen are the dead tree trunks that perfunctoryly stationed on both sides of the broad road when they just crossed the Lingqiao.

If there is one word to describe the ghost realm, there is no doubt that it must be - death.

However, in this ghost realm, which is almost synonymous with the word 'death', there is actually such an area, which is normal like the outside world.

Too normal in abnormal places, and it makes people feel gloomy.

"That is the Eternal Forest." Su Huanqing paused and explained: "When the sages of the immortals in Tiannanzhou surveyed the ghost realm, they found that only that forest allowed the existence of living creatures, and no matter how many years passed, it has not changed. …”

"So, Tuxian Pavilion was named Eternal Forest?" Xu Shoujing interrupted at the right time.

"Not only that, the entire Tiangong ruins are below the Eternal Forest."

Su Huanqing shook his head and continued:
"Some immortal giants have guessed that it is probably because there is a magic weapon handed down from ancient times in the ruins of the Tiangong. The magic weapon resists the death breath of the ghost realm, so that this forest can not be violated, and finally formed the eternal Sen."

This guess is quite reasonable, but I don't know if 'that magic weapon' is the moonfall fairy soul that Shaoya needs.

During the popular science period between Su Huanqing and Xu Shoujing, the entire army of monks in Tiannanzhou gradually transitioned from the dim and dull Senluo Valley to the eternal forest full of life.

Shaded by willows, the path bends.The beasts are chirping, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Coming out of the Senluo Valley in the underworld, and then inhaling a piece of green forest air, this huge gap made many cultivators who had just arrived almost burst into tears.

Looking at the chipmunk holding a chestnut madly gnawing on the branch plug, even Xu Shoujing felt a sense of 'release', as if the spiritual string that had been suppressed for a while was finally relieved.

The elders of several sects naturally noticed that many disciples were lax, and they immediately urged:

"Don't be slack, it's almost the entrance to the Tiangong, don't make mistakes at this time."

But apparently, not many people listened to him.



Several striped beasts stepped on the branches on the ground, leaned forward and stuck their heads out of the bushes, trying to see who the uninvited guests would dare to disturb their peaceful lives.

And then...they saw thousands of white monkeys walking along the forest path, and every now and then, someone casually used a little trick, knocking down a bird or two from the sky to decompress.

"..." Striped beast.

slip away.

Finally, after the cultivator army of Tiannanzhou continued to walk for nearly half an hour, the narrow forest path ushered in an open area like a plain.

"Hey...this is..."

Some of the monks gasped.

"This is... Tiangong?"

Some people tactically leaned back on the spot to express their shock.

It was a magnificent temple with tens of thousands of steps, and it was more than fifty feet wide. The two gates at the top seemed to be specially designed for giants. Ordinary people may only be the size of powder in front of it.

It's just a pity that most of the temple and the surrounding buildings are buried deep underground, and even the two giant gates are in a state of 'laying down' because of the inclination of the whole temple.

There are broken pillars and boulders with weathered surfaces everywhere on both sides, and some of the reliefs and patterns carved on the walls are filled with wind and sand, and the original appearance is almost invisible.

It is hard to imagine, if it was ten thousand years ago, when this temple was intact, what kind of shocking picture would it be?
Xu Shoujing sighed again and again in his heart. My family is really rich. This place has a lot more style than mansions and palaces.

The elders led by the various sects did not say that they have been in the battlefield, but they have seen a lot of things in the world. Even those who have not been here, in order to maintain their image in front of the disciples, they did not show too shocked expressions.

When we get here, the rest of the way depends on the disciples of each sect. Because of the prohibition on the Tiangong ruins, those whose cultivation base is above the Nirvana realm cannot enter.

At the moment, the elders also began to instruct their own disciples to pay attention.

What 'don't worry after entering, pay attention to the surroundings', or teach the disciples to protect their own safety, 'If you have a big chance, don't make a noise, come back and talk again... In the ruins, there will inevitably be people who have evil intentions'.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing came by themselves. They didn't have the elder's nanny-like instructions, and they couldn't get in on their own. They were really bored at the moment and started to circle around the temple.

"Qingqing, haven't you been here once? What is it like inside?" Xu Shoujing raised his hand and stroked the relief on the surface of the next broken column, as if he asked unintentionally.

Hearing the shocking name of 'Qingqing', Su Huanqing pursed her thin lips, obviously a little unhappy in her heart, but she still answered very calmly:

"...It's hard to explain, you'll find out later."

Xu Shoujing smiled and didn't care. The purpose of his visit to the Tiangong ruins this time was very clear. No matter what, he wanted to get the Moonfall Immortal Soul, and other opportunities were not important.

Hmm...but if you have time, it's not impossible to take it.

How to say this is also a disguised return to shake the mother's house, right?
Take a little dowry... and it's quite reasonable.

About a stick of incense has passed... Xu Shoujing didn't know where the old men came from so many words, and the elders of each sect finally gave them the precautions.

Thousands of monks lined up neatly in front of the sloping stairs, and walked mightily towards the two huge stone gates leading to the underground of the temple.

Xu Shoujing was at the back of the entire team. This time, he didn't need to take the initiative at all. Su Huanqing subconsciously held his arm on the way.

Aware of Xu Shoujing's strange gaze, Su Huanqing suddenly woke up, and suddenly, with a magic formula, she unexpectedly changed into his shape, and she was used to this kind of intimate thing...

It seems that thick skin is still somewhat useful.

"I'm afraid you'll get lost." Su Huanqing kept calm, but her ears were slightly red.

Well, this excuse is even weaker than saying 'something at home' to the teacher when asking for leave.

Xu Shoujing laughed secretly in his heart, but he didn't pierce this layer of film, and he closed it when he saw it:
"Then many thanks to the heroine."

Su Huanqing couldn't help herself in embarrassment, because he didn't dare to meet Xu Shoujing's eyes, so he could only pretend he didn't notice and looked straight ahead.


At the moment of passing through the gate of the temple, Xu Shoujing clearly felt that something was missing from his body.

This kind of feeling is hard to describe. It is as if there is something less innate in the Tiangong than the outside world, so when you enter the temple, you will feel a kind of incomplete and uncomfortable.

Xu Shoujing glanced left and right, and the rest of the people didn't seem to have such symptoms.

Did not notice?Or... just me?
Thousands of years of old ruins, and they have been silent for so many years, and the dust of the ancient tomb is blowing.

The cultivator who had been here was also skilled, and immediately lit the crystal lamp to illuminate the surroundings, and said in his mouth:
"Don't use magic lighting casually! There are many beasts sensitive to spiritual power living under the Tiangong..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt a horror behind him.

Several junior brothers widened their eyes and pointed tremblingly behind him.

"Guru", the cultivator swallowed and turned his neck stiffly——

What caught his eye was a huge golden pupil that was five times longer than his body! ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

PS: I feel that every author should have this kind of time. They plan well in the outline and feel that they must write in this way.

But when I actually wanted to write it like this... I felt that it was too cruel to this character, and I couldn't bear it.

However, as a result, the author will still be ruthless, and for the sake of the completion of the work, he will send that character to a point of no return.

I sincerely advise the authors: please treat the characters in your pen with kindness, and even if you want to die, let him die in the right place, and die in careful planning.

(I feel something in my heart, just say a few words, don't care)
(End of this chapter)

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