The queen is so fierce

Chapter 195 Going Underground

Chapter 195 Going Underground
The moment he saw the golden vertical pupil, the cultivator instinctively wanted to step back because of the fear in his heart.

But he also knew in his heart that it was much more dangerous to act arrogantly when he didn't know the details of the enemy than to simply leave it in place.

Thinking of this, the cultivator's Adam's apple squirmed "guru", slowly lifted the crystal lamp, and illuminated the scene with the golden vertical pupil upwards with the brilliance of the afterglow...

A huge flying dragon!

Its skin is as uneven as volcanic rock, its broken wings are spread out as if it can cover up the stars in the night, its crocodile-like tail is curled up, and its entire body is lying in front of the stone gate.

In previous years, there have been many beasts encountered in the ruins of the Tiangong, but it was the first time to open the door to kill like this.

"Come back soon..."

When the cultivator was too frightened to walk, someone in the rear force told him to withdraw quickly while the dragon was still not hostile.

Xu Shoujing naturally heard the movement, but he didn't have anything like a crystal lantern on his body, so he could only turn on his spiritual vision to check in the darkness.

The moment he saw the huge black dragon, although it was very inappropriate, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back his rant.

...Didn't you say that the dragons are all extinct?
How come there?Since he entered Tiannan Continent, this has all met the second rule.

"No." Xu Shoujing suddenly shook his head and denied it to himself.

Jiuxiao and his clansmen are Oriental Dragons, while Xiao Honglian and the one in front of them are obviously Western Dragons.

"Maybe...beliefs are different?" he said uncertainly.

Seeing such a tense scene, Xu Shoujing was still talking to himself, Su Huanqing glanced at him suspiciously, and frowned:
"what are you saying?"

"It's nothing."


It is obviously unrealistic to wake people to sleep without letting them lose their temper.

Before the cultivator took a few steps back, the giant dragon climbed up from the ground tremblingly according to the dragon's claws, as if the huge mouth of the abyss opened slightly, and called out a roar:

The whole ground shook as if the earth was shaking, and the fine gravel particles were sprinkled under the feet, and the harsh roar forced all the monks to cover their ears.

As the eldest brother of Xiandao in Tiannanzhou, Tianyuanzong has the responsibility of commanding the overall situation even if there is no elder present.

It is impossible to run now, and there is only one choice left, to fight.

If the leader of Tianyuan Sect was still the same Huangfu Yan in previous years, most of the instructions he issued at this time were to cover up some of the personnel, and the rest should be evacuated quickly.

In such a place where the line of sight is unclear and the space is rugged, the crusade is likely to be a beast that has survived since ancient times. No matter how you look at it, it is an act of seeking death.

However, Huangfu Yan has already sent it this year, and the current leader is Weiya, the little princess of Tianyuan Sect.

Weiya is cautious and arrogant, unless it is ordered by Immortal Tu Yu, she really has never obeyed anyone.

Now that the power is in her hands, she wants Weiya not to die... that's really overthinking it.

In the chaos, Qiu Jun quickly found Weiya and said anxiously:

"Senior sister, let's get out of here and have a long-term plan, this dragon can't go further if it's blocked here..."

Weiya glanced at him and snorted coldly:
"Evacuate what? Go and set up Fen Grievance Cloud, a mere golden-eyed demon dragon, how can it be this lady's opponent?"

Qiu Jun's face froze, I'll be obedient... This aunt really has no point in her heart.

The Fen Grievance Cloud Formation is a big formation that specializes in killing beasts across levels...but you have to pick your target.

Does this thing look like a normal beast?

You're not going to kill me...

Qiu Jun's aggrieved face turned red. He actually had a trace of nostalgia for the time when Huangfu Yan was still alive, at least there were not so many brainless orders at that time.

Now that the eldest lady has spoken, there is nothing she can do if she doesn't want to.

The difference is that he died in the hands of the sect or the mouth of the golden-eyed dragon...

As soon as Qiu Jun gritted his teeth, now that he had made up his mind, he no longer hesitated, and immediately greeted the disciples who were still thinking about running away to come back to set up a formation.

The other sects ran well, and suddenly found that the big brother Tianyuanzong was no longer running. They thought that Tianyuanzong had some way to fight the enemy, and ran back.

The cultivator, who was almost running to Shimen, saw this scene, and thought that things had turned for the better. 'The mentality is also re-engaged back into the darkness.

Xu Shoujing stood on the spot, watching the group of people jumping back and forth repeatedly, very speechless:

"Brainless following the trend harms people."

"What?" Su Huanqing tilted her head and asked.

"It's nothing." After Xu Shoujing answered briefly, he thought for a while and decided to stand still and see what the Tianyuan Sect would do.

Although Tianyuanzong has a bad reputation, the gold content of Big Brother is real.

Once ordered to set up the formation, more than fifty disciples quickly stood in their respective positions according to the drill, and within a few quarters of an hour, the formation of Fen Grievance Cloud Qi formation was completed.


The giant golden-eyed demon dragon stepped on the stone pillar lying on the ground with one claws, and with its broken wings spread out, it walked into the range of Fen Qiyun without hesitation.

"Let it go!" Weiya snorted coldly.

"Let it go!" Qiu Jun repeated a sentence.


All the disciples of Tianyuan Sect put their hands together at the same time, and the cloud-white light fell on the top of the magic circle like a dream.

Whoosh whoosh—

I saw dozens of thick silver-white chains flying out of the void in all directions.

They are like a series of flexible pythons, following the gaps in the scales of the golden-eyed demon dragon all the way up, and quickly wrapped it into a tortoise shell.

"Howl-!!! Howl-!!!"

The golden-eyed demon dragon raised its head high and let out a painful roar. Under the constant tightening of the silver chain, the hard leather watch actually slightly cracked.


The thick green blood rushing out like a concoction, the skin of the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon began to emit white gas, and the corroded "zizizi" sound also sounded in the space.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned, and he said in surprise: "Okay, I didn't expect that the array of Tianyuanzong really has something..."

As soon as the words fell, the golden vertical pupil of the golden-eyed Demon Dragon showed a violent look, and a claw slapped on the surface of Fen Qiyun's formation.

The huge impact overturned several disciples who were close by, and Fen Grievance Cloud formed and flickered.

With a "click", the golden-eyed dragon flapped its wings and broke free.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

This is not my poisoned milk, don't come to me...

When Qiu Jun saw the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon break free from Fen Grievance Cloud, he was relieved and immediately turned around and shouted:
"Senior sister, you can't fight anymore, hurry up and withdraw, it's not too late!"

A trace of unwillingness flashed in Weiya's eyes. Although she was reluctant, she was not unable to distinguish the seriousness of the matter.

After a little tangled, she sighed, raised her hand and ordered:


It's a pity that Weiya's words have not had time to finish, and the golden-eyed magic dragon seems to have a feeling, flapping its wings and flying to the front of the way.

With a 'bang' sound, the golden-eyed demon dragon fell to the ground, blocking the huge stone gate.

"..." Weiya.

"..." Qiu Jun.

"..." The monks.

The scene fell into a dead silence for a while, only the roar of the golden-eyed dragon and its approaching footsteps were roaring.

Xu Shoujing blinked, and while his face was full of shock, he did not forget to exclaim:
"This awareness is okay, but I actually know that the door is blocked."

Su Huanqing glanced at him speechlessly, and said angrily:

"Don't be poor, just run away."

Saying that, Xianxianyu pulled Xu Shoujing's neckline with her hand and dragged it in the direction of going deep into the underground of the Tiangong.

The cultivators were so angry that they wanted to scold their mothers. They thought that the Tianyuan Sect was so brave to face the enemy, and that the victory was in their hands. What means or cards did they have to overcome the enemy and win...

Who knew you were really missing?
Originally, it was enough to just run, and I had to kill to make people angry.

Well now, I can't run if I want to.

If the situation is not too critical, even if the Tianyuan Sect has a large number of people, all the monks present have to fight with them.

It's so fucking rude!

There is a saying that the first important course in Xiandao is Yujian.

——Because running to save one's life is much more important than killing the enemy.

Obviously, the sect elites in Nanzhou basically didn't skip classes these days, at least they didn't miss this crucial first class.

The Golden Eyed Demon Dragon flies very fast, and I don't know if there is something like 'Blessing of the Wind' on its wings.

In just a few breaths, he caught up with the slow-flying cultivator from Shimen.

However, whenever the golden-eyed dragon catches up with a cultivator, it opens its mouth and prepares to inhale the storm.

After a panicked shout, those cultivators stomped on the sword's edge, and one leaned over to accelerate, shooting the golden-eyed demon dragon with a mouthful of tail gas.

"..." Golden Eyed Demon Dragon.

This kind of picture happens every few minutes, and it can only be said that people's survival instinct is really incredible.

Originally, over the years, I had to carefully survey the road, and I was rolling and crawling bit by bit.

Under the pursuit of this golden-eyed demon dragon, the cultivators unexpectedly surpassed the progress of the past years without knowing it.

This can be considered a different kind of blessing in disguise.

"Look over there."

On the way to the flight, Qiu Jun's eyes lit up and suddenly pointed in a certain direction and shouted loudly.

Everyone looked in the direction he indicated and found that it was a backlog of ruins formed after a building collapsed.

The walls on both sides are folded inward, and the rock pillars are inclined and hooked on the halfway, forming a regular triangular gap.

It's hard to see from the depths, but there should be nothing wrong with bordering the underground wall.

"Go there, the dragon can't get in!" Qiu Jun expressed his meaning to the crowd.

Indeed, although everyone's running ability is top-notch, the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon may not catch up in a while.

How does the human race's spiritual power consumption and physical strength compare with the ancient beasts that are as strong as the sea?

Continue to fly like this, sooner or later someone will fall down because of lack of physical strength, and it is only a matter of time before they become the belly of the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon.

Entering that small space can obviously temporarily solve the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon, but it will also cause another problem:
"What if there are still beasts inside? Wouldn't it be impossible to advance or retreat?"

Hearing someone questioning, Qiu Jun was annoyed and cursed loudly:
"Seeking wealth and wealth at risk! Continuing like this is also a dead end, it is better to go down and seek a way of life!"

Seeing that everyone was unmoved, and under the pressure of death, Qiu Jun didn't bother to know them in general, and sneered:
"If you don't go to me, if there is any chance, I can just swallow it all by myself!"

When the words fell, Qiu Jun ignored the crowd, drove his feet forward and lowered the sword's edge, flying towards the ruins below.

To follow, or not to follow?

The cultivators of Tiannan Continent, who had been one-hearted until now, were now divided due to the pursuit of the demon dragon.

A cultivator who still reserves a certain amount of spare power, or is quite confident in his sword-wielding skills, feels that it is very inappropriate to follow Qiu Jun.

The ruins below are very suspicious at first glance. If there is another fierce beast inside, maybe it will be sandwiched with cheese on both sides of the golden-eyed magic dragon, then it will really die.

Instead of leaving the chance of survival to luck, it is better to continue flying deep, and rest in a safer place.

Maybe after a while, the Golden Eyed Demon Dragon will stop chasing, so they can just turn back the same way.

The remaining ones who were willing to follow Qiu Jun's adventures were mostly disciples who didn't have enough stamina and rushed up twice to drain themselves.

With their few spiritual powers to fly down, it won't take long at all, and they can prepare to wash and wait for the belly.

Oh, it's the belly of the golden-eyed dragon.

"What should we do?" Su Huanqing gently tugged at Xu Shoujing's cuff and asked softly.

Xu Shoujing didn't answer immediately, he looked at the ruins with a chaotic surface and was a little lost.

I always feel... where has this kind of design been seen before?

Seeing Xu Shoujing ignoring herself in a daze, Su Huanqing frowned slightly. There were a lot of people around, so she got closer:


Xu Shoujing suddenly recovered, took a deep breath, and said sternly:

"Let's go to the ruins."

Su Huan was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise:
"I thought that you would confidently choose to continue with the sword."

"It has nothing to do with self-confidence." Xu Shoujing shook his head, his peach blossom eyes became a little cautious. "This ruin... may be the place I'm looking for."

The Golden Eyed Demon Dragon is still chasing after him, and it is impossible for everyone to hover in mid-air for a meeting.

After simply dividing into two groups, everyone flew in two different directions according to their own decisions.

The Golden Eyed Demon Dragon arrived late and saw that the human race was divided into two groups. It stopped in place for a moment, and chased after the group of monks who were still fleeing in the sky.

Qiu Jun was still nervous to death, but when he saw the golden-eyed demon dragon abandoned them and flew away, he immediately laughed and said:
"Hey, it seems that we have to thank them later. If they hadn't lured the dragon for us, we wouldn't have gotten out of trouble so easily."

After all, the underground ruins were too dim, and it was impossible to see clearly until they flew to mid-air. After actually descending to the ruins, everyone discovered that a considerable part of the building wreckage here was covered with a layer of black. water flow.

The black-colored water is familiar to everyone present.

Even if they didn't want to, they had already deeply experienced the horror of the Kuroshio on the Spirit Bridge.

"I didn't expect to come here, and there is still a Kuroshio..." Qiu Jun said with lingering fears.

Wei Ya had been autistic for quite a while because of her own order mistakes. At this moment, hearing Qiu Jun's words, she subconsciously replied:

"The Kuroshio is originally under the abyss, and the ruins of the Tiangong are located below the entire Eternal Forest, which makes sense."

Qiu Junwei was stunned for a moment, and when he thought about it, it was indeed the case, and nodded:

"Then Senior Sister, are we still going inside?"

The 'boss' started talking again, and naturally it was not his turn to interrupt.

Weiya took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Go, why not go? It's already here, how can you let go of the chance?"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing in the rear was speechless for a while, this eldest lady really hasn't improved at all.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, he had planned to go deep into the ruins to see.

No matter how you look at it, this ruin and the relic of the original seal shake are from the same 'designer'.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
My head hurts, I got up late, and the update was rushed, sorry.

Everyone help catch and catch bugs, my head hurts too much, I will get up tomorrow to change...

(End of this chapter)

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