The queen is so fierce

Chapter 197 Still exposed!

Chapter 197 Still exposed!
What to do in case of fire?
Different people have different opinions on this issue.

If it is a pure-blooded Fire Master, generally in this case, he will not consider the means of defeating the enemy at all, but will dig into his pockets to see if he has bought insurance.

Even if it is really a loss, it cannot be considered a complete loss, at least there is room for recovery.

If it's the evil way of shouting "what a mage who can't melee combat" every day, when you meet a monster with fire, you can't wait to be like seeing a naked sister, wielding a big sword and slamming people in the face.

Is Xu Shoujing evil?
Obviously yes.

Not a single drop of his body belonged to him, and his spells were all supported by the harem.

Lei Fa belonged to Jiang Rongyue, Huo Fa belonged to Qiu Xuanji, the only patented 'Heavenly Punishment' was a product of the bloodline, and they did not enjoy the seven-day return and replacement service for no reason.

According to Xu Shoujing's previous temperament, so many people looked at him, and said that they can't go down with a squib, and force the finish to end smoothly, that is called professional ethics.

However, he is now not the 'genius sword fairy Xu Shoujing', but the 'fire law boy Xu Chou'.

At this time, he took out the immortal sword from his crotch, smiled, and announced to everyone, "You have all been deceived by me, in fact, I am Xu Shoujing."

...Then when you go out to the Tiangong, you can probably hear the Tianyuanzong elder smiling: "You are the one who caught him."

Xu Shoujing felt that he was wronged. He obviously had other ways to fight this disgusting tentacle monster, so he didn't even give him a chance to try it...

Well, even if I tried it, I probably won't be able to beat it.

Even though he complained a lot, Xu Shoujing immediately put away his stance after he failed in one hit, and kept backing away.

A tactical retreat is always the best option.

So, in just a few short breaths, the high-spirited, dashing black cloak boy walked in front of everyone like a passer-by.

"..." The monks.

The only thing that could possibly fight the enemy is gone, so who else can deal with this tentacle monster?
escape?Can't escape.

Can't beat... can't beat it.

For a time, all the cultivators were in trouble, froze in place not knowing what to do.

At this time, we should actually hold our ground, but when there are many people, it is inevitable that there will be a few big smarts.

Several sects have been desperately running on the way to and from this time, hoping to rely on their own legs to win a miracle.

However, things backfired. With such a big tentacle monster, it is impossible to miss the opportunity to play tentacles.


The tentacle monster's roar like a giant elephant roared into a thousand layers of waves, and the huge tentacles stretched out from behind, catching up with the back of the madly fleeing figure in the blink of an eye.

"Hey! Help! Help!"

The disciple was caught in the air, and while panicking, he quickly pulled out the sword from his waist, trying to cut through the huge sticky tentacles.

It's a pity that the straight sword, which was indestructible in the past, hit the thick tentacles with only tiny sparks, and then it shattered into two pieces with a click, just like the 'Village Sword'.

The only sharp weapon was broken, and it was even more impossible to break free from the tentacles of the evil god with only his hands.

As the tentacles were rotated and locked, the disciple's signs of struggle became less and less, his face gradually turned blue, and it became very difficult to say a word:
"Help... help..."


The falling blade of silver light burst into a dazzling light in mid-air, and the outline of the half-moon looked like a pop across the sky, slamming straight on the swaying plump tentacle.

Of course... the tentacles didn't break.

Despite this, although it was very subtle, this sudden blow managed to stop the tentacle for a moment.

That is, in this short moment, the disciple who was entangled in tentacles grabbed a precious opportunity to escape!

Under the operation of the powerful survival instinct, the disciple roared to the sky, the bones of his fingers were white and buckled on the edge of the tentacles, and he forcibly broke himself out, and fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

Before he could struggle to get up, Zuo Lingxuan called to him in the distance:
"Run now!"

With that said, another silver-light falling blade flew out, preventing the tentacles that wanted to sneak attack.

The disciple was stunned for a moment, not daring to stay for half a minute, and ran to the direction of the large army with the other disciples.

After confirming that several people were safe, Zuo Lingxuan waved a few swords to cover again, and he also retracted his sword and stepped back, away from this place of right and wrong.

On the way, Zuo Lingxuan glanced at the monks who were constantly fleeing under countless tentacles, and sighed softly, thinking:
If it was Xu Gongzi, this level should be easy to solve, right?
Good guy, I didn't know that I thought this guy took the heroine's script.

boom -

Qiang Qiang——

The rich smoke of gunpowder and the brilliance of magic explosions rose in all directions, and everyone had no chance to breathe at all, and all their energy had been exhausted just by corresponding to these tentacles.

As for the fierce beast at the front...they didn't dare to go there at all, and they were thankful that they didn't destroy their few remaining footholds.

In, can't go in, can't go back, can't go back.

Everyone can't help but think, was he out of his mind back then?Why did you come here to listen to what Qiu Jun said?
Zuo Lingxuan thought so too, but he was more pragmatic. Rather than regret his past choices, he might as well think about how to get through the current difficulties.

"Does it work?"

"let it go."

"Hehe, I'm just talking, anyway, I'm waiting to die if I'm idle here..."

After Zuo Lingxuan had rescued the man, he was busy rushing towards his sect when he suddenly saw two figures in black cloaks surrounding the edge of the stone bridge, as if they were discussing something.

Take a closer look, isn't this the guy playing with fire and his wife?

It was indeed very encouraging that 'Xu Chou' stood up just now, and it evoked a glimmer of hope for the people who were almost in despair.

But no one thought that the thunder was so loud that even a wave could not be turned up.

Now everyone is busy protecting themselves, but no one cares about where the 'Xu Chou' is.

But Zuo Lingxuan seems to be an exception. After he saw 'Xu Chou', his eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned over:
"Master Xu."

Seeing that the person coming was Zuo Lingxuan, Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly startled, and he immediately coughed dryly and changed his voice lamely:

"What are you doing?"

Zuo Lingxuan considered for a moment, then said solemnly:

"Now I have fallen into a situation where there is no way to escape. If we continue like this, it may only be a dead end."

The words stopped here, Zuo Lingxuan looked around to confirm that no one cared about them, and then said cautiously:

"However, my Tianyan Pavilion has a secret technique, which may be able to open up a chance of life."

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then looked at Su Huanqing next to him, and said solemnly:
"what do you mean?"

"This secret technique is very harsh, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed with just a few of us, so I want to ask Xu Gongzi for help." Zuo Lingxuan said.

"No problem." Xu Shoujing agreed without hesitation.

He originally planned to force a breakthrough with Su Huanqing and the two of them. With his own sword skills, he removed obstacles and Huanqing's ice technique. Although everything is unknown under the Kuroshio, it is not impossible to create an ice road.

Rather, only Su Huanqing, who was taught the extreme cold ice spirit by Ling Fuyu, could freeze a small part of the Kuroshio.

It is feasible, of course, but the danger is definitely more than that on the stone bridge, and it is completely a desperate choice.

But it's different now. Tianyan Pavilion is an old-fashioned sect after all, and maybe it's a little bit worse than it is in terms of combat power.

But when it comes to grotesque spells, the entire Tiannan Continent cannot find a sect comparable to Tianyan Pavilion.

Since Zuo Lingxuan said there is a way, he might as well try it.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing followed Zuo Lingxuan to the front, and Wei Sang and other Tianyan Pavilion disciples had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Zuo Lingxuan rushing back with two men in black cloaks behind him, the disciples of Tianyan Pavilion knew that the deal was done, and immediately walked up to them:


In the presence of junior and junior high school, Zuo Lingxuan has always put away his liar's temperament, as if he has changed his personality and is as stable and mature.

He raised his hand to signal that the juniors and juniors need not be more polite, and after a moment of indifference, he opened the mouth and said:

"Have you notified the other sects?"

Junior Brother Weisang reported truthfully: "I have already said it, including Tianyuan Sect, they will come right away."

"Okay." Zuo Lingxuan nodded, hesitated, turned his head and said: "Xu Gongzi, the spiritual power required by the secret technique is very large, and you may need the cooperation of your other sects later."

Xu Shoujing didn't have any opinion on this, anyway, it was enough to use only the Spirit Orb of Literate.

It should be said that we can only use the Fire Spirit Orb obtained from Qiu Xuanji's 'double cultivation', but anyone who dares to use the power of heaven's punishment...

That secret technique doesn't need to be put away, just pack up, wash, wash, sleep, what's the use of putting more?It won't be eliminated yet.

Unless Xu Shoujing was directly crushed from the realm, the power of Heaven's Punishment would be an eternal killer.

Elites are elites after all, and the panic that started again is just because they didn't come out to show a clear path.

Now that Tianyan Pavilion clearly has a solution, they seem to have found the backbone, and immediately assembled together.

It didn't take long for the cultivator, who had been scattered just now, to stand in front of the tentacle monster's body as before.

The tentacle monster seemed to feel something, the red eyes that had been silent for a long time opened again, and the huge four tentacles approached the monks.

"Ready! Let go!"

Junior Brother Kuisang and the disciples of the various sects have been waiting for a long time. After seeing the tentacles stretched out, they immediately cast spell bombing.

The result was almost the same as Xu Shoujing's time. All the spells seemed to be plunged into an endless abyss the moment they touched the tentacles, and not even a hair was left.

However, as a tactic of stalling time, it is enough.

Wei Sang and the others were just feinting, their purpose was to hold back the tentacle monster, so that he would not disturb Zuo Lingxuan and the others to use the Tianyan Pavilion secret technique.

When the feint group released themselves, Xu Shoujing, Zuo Lingxuan, Weiya, Qiu Jun and other leaders of various sects formed a circle, each kneeling on the ground.

As for Su Huanqing... It is true that there are qualifications, but her current character is still a 'little wife with old injuries', and it is impossible for her to transmit spiritual power.

"It's now!" Zuo Lingxuan finished reading the old saying, his sword fingers stopped in the air.

In an instant, a lavender mysterious talisman appeared in the air, sucking everyone's spiritual power into it.

The rest followed Zuo Lingxuan's example and guided and conveyed their spiritual power by pointing them into swords.

Xu Shoujing also hurriedly activated the crimson fusion spirit bead on the Linghai Sea, and called out the relatively unfamiliar red spirit energy.

For a time, red, yellow, blue, purple, green... a variety of spiritual power ribbons swayed into the rune.

It was fine at the beginning, it was nothing more than conveying spiritual power. Who hasn't done this before?

But as time passed, including Weiya, a trace of depression appeared on everyone's face.

They clearly felt that they were no longer providing spiritual power, but that their spiritual power was being sucked and taken away by that rune.

When delivering spiritual power, because it is their own body, almost all cultivators instinctively control the delivery amount within the acceptable range of the body, so as not to cause the body to fail.

It's different to be forcibly sucked away, that is to simply ignore 21, forcefully strip the spiritual power from the body, and it is impossible for anyone to be comfortable.

Forget it, the key is that this rune is like a bottomless pit, it seems that it cannot be filled.

It didn't take long for the hottest-tempered Weiya to protest:

"Zuo Lingxuan, what kind of secret breaking technique are you doing, is there any end to it?"

"It's not over yet! Hold on!" Zuo Lingxuan gritted his teeth.

Among all the people, the only one who seems to be right may be Xu Shoujing alone.

The Fire Melting Spirit Orb is equivalent to the 'Second Spirit Sea' in his body. Even if this one is drained, it will not have much impact on itself.

Unfortunately, Xu Shoujing still underestimated the greed of the rune of Tianyan Pavilion.

During his slow transmission of spiritual power, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Another indigo-purple fusion spirit orb floating on the black spirit sea flickered slightly, and the lightning spirit power obtained from the depths of Jiang Rongyue's delicate body was entangled with the red spirit power like a rolling river, flowing to the secret rune.

Seeing that another completely different kind of spiritual power suddenly appeared in Xu Shoujing's body, everyone was stunned and sighed... What kind of monster is this, there are actually two kinds of spiritual power.

Zuo Lingxuan frowned in surprise.

He always felt... this purple spiritual power was a little familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...

But Zuo Lingxuan couldn't remember where he had seen it, it was too long ago.

Just as he lowered his head and pondered, someone in the crowd exclaimed:

Zuo Lingxuan looked at the sound, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that there was an even more bizarre spiritual power among the red and purple spiritual powers wrapped around the black cloaked boy.

It was like holding a huge brush dipped in ink and swaying it towards the sky. The rich and somewhat ominous ink ribbon was leisurely sent to the secret rune.

Ink spiritual power!

It is not the light and elegant ink of the water of the five elements, but the most ominous darkness that seems to repel all things in the world!

Who in the entire Tiannanzhou, or even the entire Jiuzhou, possesses such spiritual power?

At least until today, in their cognition, there is only one person.

"You are Xu Shoujing!" Zuo Lingxuan's eyes widened and he muttered.

With that said, everything seems to make sense.

Because he is Xu Shoujing, he can burn Senluo Valley by himself!

Because he is Xu Shoujing, he can see Lingqiao as nothing, and travel through the period easily!

"...How come I haven't seen him for a month, and this guy has so many skills?" Zuo Lingxuan sighed inwardly.

Unlike Zuo Lingxuan's complicated inner activities, although his identity was exposed, Xu Shoujing didn't even have time to deal with the murderous gaze from Weiya.

Because, his divine punishment power has been pulled into the rune completely uncontrollably.

If the two really come into contact, I am afraid that the secret technique that took so much effort to come up with will be destroyed in one fell swoop!
Ask for a monthly pass (double at the end of the month), ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

Well, the pace of this chapter is much better than the previous one, but it's still short...

 Thanks for the two ten thousand rewards of the Enchanted Fireworks Rain... well, I owe six chapters and still haven't paid it back.

(End of this chapter)

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