The queen is so fierce

Chapter 198 Live and Die Together!

Chapter 198 Live and Die Together!

Xu Shoujing didn't know what the real body of this rune was, and he didn't want to know.

But what is the power of his own punishment, he knows too well... well, in fact, he is not clear about this.

However, although it is not clear, Xu Shoujing has long been aware of its utility after having been associated with the power of divine punishment for so many years.

Just like what I said before, if you dare to let the power of punishment come into contact with the runes released by Zuo Lingxuan, then the secret technique that consumes the spiritual power of the leaders of various sects will definitely be destroyed.

At that time, it would undoubtedly be a fantasy to escape from the pitch-black tentacle monster in front of him.

"You are Xu Shoujing!"

Zuo Lingxuan's shocked voice came from his ears, and then other people nearby became commotion.

Xu Shoujing didn't even have to look up, that fiery gaze with a bit of hatred must be Wei Ya's fault.

The secretary rune can even pull Xu Shoujing's spirit overseas and two Rong Lingzhu, not to mention the rest, they have been squeezed out a long time ago, even Wei Ya is no exception.

Weiya has very little spiritual power left in her body. Originally, she should have collapsed on the ground like everyone else, silently watching Xu Shoujing and the secret rune pulling.

However, after discovering that 'Xu Chou' turned out to be Xu Shoujing, Wei Ya did not know where the perseverance came from, but she stood up tremblingly from the ground, and the slender Su still held a long sword in her hand.

"Senior Sister Weiya?" Qiu Jun noticed something was wrong with Weiya, but he couldn't stand up to stop it now.

"Xu Shoujing... I'm going to kill you..." Weiya bit her red lips lightly, to the point where she was about to drip blood, and the long sword in her hand dragged on the floor with a "clanging" sound.

If it weren't for Xu Shoujing's inability to separate at this time, he would have taken Weiya's head apart to see what kind of paste it was.

Although the secret runes are basically maintained by Zuo Lingxuan alone, this does not mean that others can leave their posts without permission.

Once Weiya leaves her position, there will undoubtedly be a vacancy in the secret rune, and then everyone will be finished!
"I don't have time to take care of you right now..." Xu Shoujing frowned, feeling very bored.

Even now he is temporarily unable to deal with other things for the sake of the secret rune. This Wei Ya really doesn't care about the situation at all, and has no intention of taking the overall situation into consideration.

Seeing that Weiya really wanted to ignore the sword and rush over to chop him, Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth and quickly formed a seal with one hand, while pulling the leaked power of divine punishment back, he shouted in a hurry:


There is no excessive explanation, and no specific instructions.

As if he had a good heart, he seemed to have expected Xu Shoujing to call him. Before he could speak, Su Huan had already pulled out Xueluo Wenyue from his waist and came to Weiya in a flash.

"do not move."

The cold tone was like a sharp silver blade, mercilessly pierced into Weiya's ear.

The surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, most of the moisture in the air condensed into small ice crystals, and the body felt dry.

Weiya only felt cold at the neck, and her slow body completely froze, not daring to move.

She lowered her head mechanically, looked at Xueluo Wenyue sandwiched between her neck, gritted her teeth and said:
"Sure enough, you bitch..."

Su Huanqing never cared about being scolded by others, but the person in front of him had scolded him a lot, so he would inevitably be curious, so he asked inappropriately:

"I don't seem to have messed with you."

"Didn't you provoke me?"

Wei Ya seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world, and smiled coldly:

"Su Huanqing, it's all because of you!"

"Me?" Su Huanqing tilted his head.

Weiya even forgot that there was a sword on her neck, turned her head, stared at Su Huanqing's eyes, and sneered slowly:

"In the sect competition five years ago, I should have been the most eye-catching person, because you won me by any means, and you also promoted the name of 'Fairy Bingyu', which caused everyone after that. They say you and Senior Brother Huangfu are a match made in heaven!"


With Su Huanqing's emotional intelligence, he just didn't understand what was worth Wei Ya's hatred.

She blinked, pondered a little, and said calmly:
"First choice, you lost to me because your skills are not as good as others. I don't know when I was unscrupulous. Secondly, the rumors about me and Huangfuyan were just their wishful thinking. I have nothing to do with Huangfuyan."

Su Huanqing was fine if she didn't say it, but she had to say it in a very calm tone, which sounded a little contemptuous.

Sure enough, Weiya blew up on the spot, glaring angrily and said:
"It's your attitude that makes me uncomfortable! You always look like you're arrogant, as if no one likes you!

No unscrupulous?You have never participated in the sect competition before, but I have participated countless times!My moves have been thoroughly researched by you, but I don't know anything about you! "

"I haven't studied your moves." Su Huanqing replied calmly.

Wei Ya was instantly furious: "Even my trump card 'Golden Leaf South China' knows the solution, and you said that you haven't studied it!"

Su Huanqing glanced at her strangely, and said:

"Why take such a flawed combat skill as a trump card? Does it still make sense to be a trump card?"

"..." Weiya.


Xu Shoujing was seriously stripping away his power of divine punishment, but when he overheard the conversation between the two, he burst out laughing.

I don't know if Xu Shoujing's laughter infected others, and even the disciples of other sects did not stop:

Wei Ya's face was flushed when she heard it, and steam was faintly emerging from her head.She said angrily:
"What are you laughing at! Laugh again and I'll kill you!"

So the few sect disciples quickly covered their mouths.

But I don't know how to get it, maybe it's the princess of Tianyuanzong who was invincible in the past, and her posture at this time is too funny.

They clearly covered their mouths, thinking 'I can't laugh', but a lot of laughter leaked from between their fingers.

Well, they all seem to be professionally trained, no matter how funny it is...they will laugh.

"You!" Weiya stomped her feet in anger.

It's a pity that with her current situation where she can't take care of herself, she really can't grow a third hand to cut down this group of people.

After the Zongmen Grand Competition was finished, Su Huanqing hesitated, feeling that he also needed to talk about the second half of the 'Huangfuyan', so he said:

"As I said before, I have nothing to do with Huangfu Yan, nor will I have any relationship. If you insist on comparing, in my eyes, Huangfu Yan is not even a finger as Xu Shoujing."

Having said this, Su Huanqing paused slightly, and Liu Yemei frowned slightly:

"What's more, now that Huangfu Yan is dead, he is still a traitor to the human race. He did something wrong to the human race. Is it worth your revenge for him?"

"Vengeance?" Surprisingly, Weiya sneered, with a look of disdain: "In the beginning, I did mean to take revenge for my brother, but now it has nothing to do with my brother, I want to kill Xu Shoujing myself."

After hearing this, Su Huanqing became even more puzzled and asked, "Why is this?"

This time, Wei Ya was silent. After a while, she turned her head and snorted coldly:

"Anyway, my dad won't let him go, even if you kill me now."

Will Su Huanqing kill Weiya?
At least not now, because Wei Ya's spiritual power is still associated with the secret rune, and she still maintains the lives of everyone present.


The spiritual power trajectory that was like a brush drawing in the air rose into the sky, Xu Shoujing took all the divine punishment spiritual power back into his body, clutching his chest and gasping for breath.

This kind of high-intensity, high-precision control of spiritual power operation consumes no less energy than non-stop 'double cultivation' until dizzy.

Xu Shoujing felt how he felt at the moment, just like when he and Qiu Xuanji 'traveling through the ice and snow day and day', he couldn't lift himself up.

The only difference might be that at that time, Qiu Xuanji helped him to recuperate, and he would soon recover, but now there are no similar people around him.

Fortunately, the hard work paid off. The secret magic rune suspended in mid-air was finally charged, and a dazzling purple light spread towards everyone.

Seeing Xu Shoujing collapsed to the ground, Su Huanqing hurriedly threw Weiya aside, got up and hurried over with her sword.

She stretched out her hand to support Xu Shoujing's arm, her clear eyes revealed concern:

"How about it?"

Xu Shoujing waved his hands out of breath: "It's okay, the spiritual power is just drained, just rest for a while."

When the words fell, Xu Shoujing tilted his head to look at Zuo Lingxuan, and motioned him to hurry up with his eyes.

Zuo Lingxuan looked at him, nodded knowingly, and immediately shouted:

"Kui Sang! Come back quickly, don't delay!"


In fact, Kui Sang and the others couldn't drag it on anymore. That tentacle monster was still too out of line. At first, it was able to slow down its movements with strike-type techniques. Later, it might be used to it, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't hurt or itch.

After all the monks were assembled, Zuo Lingxuan held the rune in one hand, and pointed the other hand into a sword, reaching the sky!

A jamming sound similar to a current microphone exploded out of thin air.

The secret magic rune showed a dazzling light, and then a huge rune magic circle unfolded in place.

The rune formation is getting bigger and bigger, and the purple light projected by each rune is like star dust, swaying in the air.

All the monks have been bathed in the purple light for a while, this feeling is very strange, Xu Shoujing even felt a little... familiar.

Xu Shoujing carefully recalled where this sense of familiarity came from, and was stunned halfway through thinking.

Yes, it is transmission.

When going to the ruins of the Immortal King, the gate of the void by the Jingyue Lake felt very similar to this secretary's magic circle.

But it's just a 'image', Xu Shoujing could feel it, the Void Gate of the Immortal King Ruins was more than double the level of Tianyan Pavilion's secret technique.

This is a kind of 'Tao' gap. From the root, the secret technique of Tianyan Pavilion is far less delicate than the teleportation of the Void Gate.

After working on it for a long time, the so-called Tianyan Pavilion secret technique... is the Dafa of collective escape?
But also, no one would comprehend the mysterious space-based avenues like teleportation spells.

In Xu Shoujing's impression, only the leader of the Zhanyan Sect was the only one who majored in space magic.

In other words, you can usually find a space-based spell, which is a rare cultural relic.

Like this kind of spell that can be transferred by multiple people, can't you provide it well?It's okay to say it's a secret technique.


Just when Xu Shoujing sighed, 'Give me a teleportation technique to enter the bridal chamber at the speed of light anytime', the accident happened suddenly.

Under the bath of purple light, the rest of the monks covered their bodies with a layer of bright white brilliance, and their bodies gradually became illusory, as if they might disappear at any time.

But Xu Shoujing's body did not have this luster.

Or rather, all the bright white brilliance is isolated.

I don't know since when, a translucent black shield was automatically formed around Xu Shoujing. Whether it was purple star sand or white light, they were all separated from the shield without exception and could not enter half a minute.

"What's going on?" Xu Shoujing frowned.

He could clearly feel that his body... Perhaps it should be said that it was his bloodline of Heaven Punishment, which was repelling the invasion of the secret technique of Tianyan Pavilion.

It's like... encountering a natural enemy.

Xu Shoujing had never had this feeling before. In the past, his own bloodline of punishment was repelled by all things in time, and this was the first time he had actively repelled something like this.

But that doesn't really matter... The problem is that this exclusion is an 'automatic saver' that is out of his will.

You can reject it...but how would I go without the Tianyan Pavilion secret technique?
Xu Shoujing was stunned, and hurriedly urged the little bit of spiritual power that he had finally recovered, trying to break the black shield on his body.

Unfortunately, the moment his spiritual power came into contact with the black shield, it fell into the sea like raindrops, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and even the black shield was slightly strengthened.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

I'm afraid you don't want me to die...


The white light in the secretary's circle intensified, and all the cultivators began to disappear one by one. Only Xu Shoujinglei stood still and was not affected at all.

Su Huanqing noticed that Xu Shoujing's state was not right, she just glanced at it, without thinking, she immediately raised her foot and walked outside the secret magic circle.

How could Xu Shoujing not know her plans?Hastily reached out to stop:

"Huan Qing, don't, you go first..."

Su Huanqing glanced at him calmly, stepped out of the secretary's circle without hesitation, and the white light covering her body also dissipated.

"—" Xu Shoujing's hand in mid-air froze.

There is no doubt that Su Huanqing is expressing her determination to advance and retreat together with Xu Shoujing.

Live and die together, live and die together!
Everyone can easily say this to you, but how many actually do it?
Even couples who have been in love for a long time may be separated from each other when disaster is imminent, not to mention that the two are now only 'sister and sister' relationship.

Doesn't Su Huanqing know the result left behind?
She must know.

Even though the chances of surviving were slim, she stayed on without hesitation.

It is difficult for you to explain this kind of emotion with 'sister and brother'.


The last strong light soared into the sky, illuminating the entire starry sky and the stone bridge.

The secret magic circle is like a sky full of stars, turned into particles of light and scattered in the wind.

The surrounding light dimmed again, and only a man and a woman were left on the stone bridge staring at each other.

Xu Shoujing didn't know what to say, and he was both moved and angry.

Moved because Su Huanqing would stay with him; angry because Su Huanqing would stay with him.

"Is it worth it?" Xu Shoujing said dryly after a long time.

This time, Su Huanqing didn't make any excuses for himself. "Because you are the junior brother" and "because you want to save the master" were all thrown aside.

She looked straight at Xu Shoujing's peach blossom eyes and nodded without hesitation:


Perhaps because of the strong light just now, the Kuroshio, which was always calm and calm, actually set off monstrous waves.

Countless fat and sticky tentacles stretched out from the water, and a large group of tentacle monsters a little smaller came out of their heads and swam in the direction of the bright light just now.

"Moo moo!!"

Until just now, it only attacked the giant tentacle monsters that were close to people. At this moment, I don't know what stimulated it. It opened the flat abyss and began to eat the stubble of the stone bridge.


Xu Shoujing pulled out the painting boat and dragged it lightly behind him, walked slowly to Su Huanqing's side, and said helplessly:
"Alas, if we can survive, I must slap you in the back, it's so disobedient."

Su Huanqing glanced at him, then raised Xueluo Wenyue, and said coldly:

"Don't even think about it."
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
The last few minutes of the double monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass~
 Thank you for another ten thousand reward (covering his face), the boss is too aggressive, and he owes seven chapters and has not paid it back.

(End of this chapter)

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