The queen is so fierce

Chapter 199 Holding my sister in my arms, double the damage

Chapter 199 Holding my sister in my arms, double the damage


The sturdy black tentacles soared into the air, with a bit of coldness, and shot at Xu Shoujing and the two who were ready to go with their long swords.

Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing looked at each other tacitly, without saying much, but they understood each other's thoughts.

blah blah-

Su Huanqing held Xueluo Wenyue in his right hand and pointed at the sword in his left hand, while chanting cumbersome and obscure ancient words, the slender feet under the veil skirt flowed like ghostly phantoms.

In the blink of an eye, Su Huanqing had already run out nearly twenty feet!

Seeing this scene in the back, Xu Shoujing couldn't help but sigh:
This is the serious "Shuiyunyou".

The footsteps are invisible and there is no trace of traces. At any time, you can swing the sword as smooth as Dove.

And what about your own?
That's not called Shuiyunyou, that's called smashing in the sea. I wish I could run out of the ground and shake the mountains with every step, for fear that others would not notice me.

Xu Shoujing withdrew his gaze, his expression gradually became serious, and a series of ancient words of unknown meaning were recited in his heart, and he slowly closed his eyes.

Almost at the same time, there seemed to be a sound of chains rubbing in the empty air.



The giant beast noticed the blue shadow rushing in front of him, and its red pupils circulated, sending out an elephant chirping towards the starry sky.

Then four or five huge tentacles were pulled from the Kuroshio at the same time, like heavy spears magnified countless times, and they slammed into Su Huanqing.

At this time, Su Huanqing had already prepared the spell, and the figure that was rushing forward suddenly stopped, the sword finger of his left hand was slightly raised, and he pointed forward——

clack clack-

The bombardment of the four or five huge tentacles suddenly dropped, as if something was pulling behind them, and every time they moved forward, they struggled.

Taking a closer look, the surface of the five tentacles was covered with a layer of dark blue ice crystals, and the cold air that was cold to the body and mind kept coming out.

This layer of ice firmly locked the tentacles' movements, causing the tentacles to appear as if they were shackled. Those 'clicking' sounds were exactly the sound of the shattered ice layer when the giant beast tried to break free.

The spirit of extreme cold is the coldest aura in the world. According to legend, the aura of extreme cold in the heyday of the ancient great power can freeze even the endless spiritual power in the body of the great power of Xuan Yejing.

It's a pity that although the extreme cold aura is extremely domineering, Su Huanqing's realm at this time is only the dragon gate realm, and it is still too difficult to limit the ancient beasts with only one technique.

Click - click - click.

In less than a moment, the cracks in the ice layer on the tentacles of the giant beast spread like a spider web, and the crystal layers that were indistinguishable to the naked eye slowly fell off.

From a distance, it looks like countless small bright spots are flying in the air, and the scene is spectacular.


Finally, after the giant beast roared like an elephant.

With a 'bang' sound, the ice layer was completely shattered, and it fell into the rolling black tide without a trace.

The giant beast broke free from the ice, and the resentment in his heart can be imagined.

This time, it almost shot with hatred, and the power it got from nowhere was able to drive such a huge threaded shell.

'Boom', hit the stubble of the stone bridge.

The vibration of the stone bridge rolled up the surrounding Kuroshio, and the bridge deck began to crack at a speed visible to the naked eye from the impact point of the threaded shell.

The spiritual power above the Kuroshio is in disorder, and there is no way to control the sword. At the moment, the stone bridge is the only remaining foothold for the two, and no matter what, the giant beast cannot be destroyed.

Su Huanqing knew this very well. When she saw the giant beast colliding with the stone bridge, she immediately recited the old saying again, made a seal with one hand and then turned her palm into a palm, and applied a blue spiritual power to Xueluo Wenyue's sword.

While doing this, Su Huanqing moved Shui Yunyou with all his strength, as if 'gliding on water', holding his sword to the nearest tentacle of the giant beast.


The extreme cold sword energy was like a crescent moon, and the middle section slashed across the surface of the tentacles.

Undoubtedly, the sword hit without error, but it was strange that there was not even the slightest sword wound on it.

This is not because the outer shell of the tentacle is too hard. If you want to describe it, it is as if Xueluo Wenyue is an invisible thing, and the sword swung through the tentacle!
that's the truth.


The giant beast let out a howl, and several thick tentacles fluttered in the air.

Only the tentacle that Xueluo Wenyue 'greeted inside' seemed to have lost consciousness, resting heavily on the stone bridge, motionless.

The answer is actually obvious, the tentacles are frozen.

But instead of being frozen on the outside like just now, the nerves, blood, tissues, and even the endless and endless spiritual power in the tentacles of the giant beast were frozen together.

The spirit of extreme cold is the coldest spirit of the five elements in the world. Even if Su Huanqing's realm has been reduced to a certain extent, he can't bear to pour it directly into his blood vessels!

It's no wonder that an ancient beast as strong as a giant beast can't move in front of a small dragon gate - a tentacle.

Su Huanqing's ability to achieve this step is not completely without cost.

In order to cross the surface of the giant beast that no element can penetrate, she used the most spiritual power and the greatest amplitude to activate Xueluo Wenyue's inherent supernatural power - Luoxue Wuhen.

This also led to the fact that after using this trick, Su Huanqing's dantian's spiritual sea had only the amount left to force herself to move.

"Moo! Moo! Moo!"

The crimson eyes of the giant beast dripped blood several times, and it raised its thick tentacles again, smashing at Su Huanqing like a mosquito.

Su Huanqing's reaction was a little slower because of the overdraft of spiritual power. Without using Shui Yunyou, it was too late to escape.

Seeing that the tentacles were about to be smashed, she quickly slanted her swords to one side with both hands, facing the tentacles head on while trying to release the huge impact.

It's a pity that Su Huanqing's sword practice focused on dexterity, rather than the wide opening and closing like Xu Shoujing who was known for his lethality.

If there is no additional attribute damage such as extreme cold aura, Su Huanqing's own strength alone cannot be compared with the fierce beast that has lived for tens of thousands of years.

As expected, at the moment when the tentacle touched Xueluo Wenyue, although Su Huanqing still relied on her superb skills to release her strength, her body was still pushed back by the tentacle's strength uncontrollably.

stab, stab-

The embroidered shoes under Su Huanqing's feet rubbed against the stone bridge deck, leaving two black marks, and the silver-white sword body even shot out sparks of red on the outside and yellow on the inside under the guidance of the tentacles.


Suddenly, Su Huanqing groaned, his back hit the railing on the edge of the stone bridge, and his right foot was bruised because of the unexpected impact.

Su Huanqing frowned, and the two plain hands that supported Xue Yue Wenyue were trembling with difficulty.

Because of the loss of strength in her right foot, half of her body was about to be squeezed out of the stone bridge, and she was about to fall into the black tide.

At the critical moment, a touch of white light came along with the sound.


The dim vision suddenly ushered in the starry sky, and the huge tentacle was lifted into the air.

The trajectory of spiritual power swaying like ink drew a full moon in mid-air.

Su Huan was stunned for a moment. Before she could react, she felt that her waist was being surrounded, and then her whole body leaned back into a tough embrace.

"It's hard for you to procrastinate, and then take a good rest."

A gentle voice sounded in his ears, Su Huanqing lay on Xu Shoujing's shoulder, his eyes sank slightly, but he saw the dozen or so looming crystal blue chains tied to him.

Looking in the direction of the chains, you can see that the end of the chains is a sealed illusory ice coffin hovering in mid-air.

Seemingly aware of her sight, the illusory chain and the ice coffin disappeared, leaving Xu Shoujing alone with traces of being bound by the chain.

Su Huanqing knew very well the true origins of the ice coffin and those chains.

A month ago, during the turmoil in Donghuang City, the reason why Xu Shoujing was able to survive in a desperate situation was because of this unknown secret method obtained from 'Ranxi', which temporarily improved his cultivation.

At the same time, Su Huanqing also knew that the side effects of this secret technique were far more serious than what he looked like now.

Xu Shoujing used this move, which almost represented his will to break through the siege.

Even if they break through the siege of giant beasts and other small monsters, Xu Shoujing will lose the ability to move for a long time after that, and when they encounter a beast like a giant tentacle monster, the two will also have no way to escape.

Su Huanqing knew this very well, and naturally he would not cause trouble for Xu Shoujing.

She immediately put her arms around Xu Shoujing's neck, and crossed her legs to stabilize her waist in order to stabilize her body.

"Be careful." Looking at Xu Shoujing's profile, Su Huanqing hesitated, then reminded again.

Xu Shoujing's eyes were slightly stunned, and he suddenly nodded as if he was laughing:
"We'll go back alive together."

In fact, if possible, Xu Shoujing really didn't want to use the soul-purifying ice coffin.

However, the spiritual power in his spiritual sea, including the two fusion spirit beads, was fed to Zuo Lingxuan's Tianyan Pavilion secret technique.

Before using the soul-purifying ice coffin, his physical condition was slightly better than when Dong Huang was under the restraint.

Xu Shoujing really couldn't think of any other way to get out of trouble if he didn't have to forcibly improve his realm and give it a go.

Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing put on a very serious expression and said solemnly:

"Hold tight."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Shoujing hugged Su Huanqing's waist, and his whole body turned into an afterimage, like ammunition blasting out of a cannon, and the route slammed into the face of the giant beast.

The giant beast didn't seem to have expected that the little human race would dare to bump into its face, but the reaction was a beat slower.

Afterwards, several tentacles flexibly closed inwards, accurately intercepting Xu Shoujing's only path forward.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shoujing's pace increased instead of decreasing, holding Huafang Yanqian's right hand, turned his wrist, and then clasped the hilt of the sword with his backhand, and pressed the sword body to his arm.


Between the electric light and flint, the painting Fang Yanqian and the pitch-black tentacles rubbed violently!

Countless sparks swayed into the air, and the temperature of the pale white sword of the painting boat rose steadily. As it glided all the way, a palm-wide crack was left on the hard surface of the pitch-black tentacles!
"Moo moo!!"

The giant beast screamed miserably, and Xu was not expecting that the human race in front of him could actually cause substantial damage to himself.

Xu Shoujing took advantage of the victory to pursue the attack, and did not stop for even a moment. He leaped onto the tentacles of the giant beast, and his body sprinted upward like an anti-gravity.

"I'm going to let go, hold on tighter." Xu Shoujing reminded.

Saying that, he got rid of the black blood clinging to the painting Fang Yanqian.

Su Huanqing replied aloud, but her movements were quite agile and very obedient. The body that hugged Xu Shoujing's neck was even harder not to mention, and the grip was even tighter.

"Moo!! Moo! Moo...moo?"

Xiang Ming echoed endlessly, roaring to the end, but it revealed a touch of doubt.

What about people?

The tentacles that the giant beast kept waving towards the sky stagnated for a while, and the flat head looked left and right, and found that the human race who was still running around on its tentacles could not be found anywhere at this time.


The giant beast tilted his head, his red eyes filled with puzzlement.

Then it lost half of its sight.


Everything came so suddenly, the giant beast only faintly saw a phantom appearing in front of him, and he didn't have time to react.

The next moment, a sting deep into the marrow robs it of its light.

I saw Xu Shoujing dodge with a single effort, holding Huafang Yanqian's shoulders with both hands, and thrusting them into the beast's right eye.

It wasn't over yet. After the strike was successful, Xu Shoujing didn't pause for half a minute. A red light suddenly lit up between his five fingers, as if the raging fire that could burn everything was thrown into the beast's eyes along the sword.


The giant beast screamed in the sky, and a nail was suddenly blown up in the eye, which was still hot, and it would be uncomfortable for anyone to change it.

It struggled painfully in the Kuroshio, its huge body causing waves, and the threaded shell hit the stone bridge again, but this time no one was going to care about it.

"It's not over yet."

Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth and reminded Su Huanqing in his arms not to relax, then took a deep breath, the dark red spiritual power on his body changed, and turned into the indigo purple spiritual power with the sound of 'crackling'.


Xu Shoujing stepped on the beast's eye sockets with his feet, his palms pressed against the hilt of the sword, and with the blessing of the Nine Tribulations Prison Body, he suddenly pressed down——


The purple lightning was like an arm-thick electric mang, followed by the flames, filling the eyes of the behemoth.

This time, the giant beast couldn't bear it any longer, and it began to tilt with its threaded shell.

The black tide is rolling below, and it is not a joke to really fall.

Xu Shoujing held the hilt of the sword tightly, trying to stabilize his body, and he did not forget to remind:
"Don't let go! Huanqing!"

The giant beast threw it for a long time without throwing off the needle stuck in its eyeball, but the stone bridge next to it sank a lot because of its wanton impact.

"Moo-! Moo-!!"

Painful roars sounded one after another, and just when Xu Shoujing was about to lose the centrifugal force, the giant beast finally made the move he had been waiting for for a long time:

The giant beast struggled irregularly in the black tide, and the waves that the tentacles slapped on the surface of the water turned into a little rain.

After about a quarter of an hour, the giant beast came to the other end of the Broken Bridge while rolling around.

Xu Shoujing was waiting at this time, he did not hesitate, his big hand clasped Su Huanqing's waist, the other hand clenched the painting Fang Yanqian, and drew his sword.

With a 'whoosh' sound, Xu Shoujing's body drew a perfect parabola in the air, and then landed on the stone bridge deck.

Casually put the painting boat smoke back into the scabbard, Xu Shoujing removed Su Huanqing's thigh from his body, and put his arm through the bend of her leg, and changed it to a princess hug.

Su Huanqing slapped her foot, and her spiritual power still did not respond, and she did not twist at the moment. She let Xu Shoujing play with his position, and even reached out to wrap his arms around his neck.

The roars of the giant beasts were incessant, and the rest of the small tentacle monsters also rushed over.

Xu Shoujing didn't stop there, he hugged Su Huanqing and ran along the stone bridge, towards the cliff in the center of the Kuroshio...
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This event will end in about five to six chapters, and this volume will be finished within twenty chapters, which is a bit too long. It's time to open the next volume... There are two plots, which one should Aunt Yu and Master write about? Take it slow and compare, otherwise it's too fast...

(End of this chapter)

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