The queen is so fierce

Chapter 200 The Church Under the Starry Sky

Chapter 200 The Church Under the Starry Sky
The turbulent sound of the rolling black tide was left behind, and the two human races entered the Duya Mountain together, and followed the cliffside path to the cathedral on the top of the mountain.

At the center of the Kuroshio, the giant beast is still 'xiangming', its voice is sad and sincere, pitiful and terrifying.

In fact, it's not difficult to feel the same way. It's impossible for anyone who is blinded in one eye to be unaffected by the perpetrator.

The same is true for the giant beast, but unfortunately it is 'big and weak', and it is unrealistic to catch up.

So, in a fit of rage, the giant beast began to lift up the other little tentacle monsters that were surrounding him and throw the ball to vent his anger.

Under this starry sky, the Kuroshio Waterfalls in all directions submerged a lot of buildings, only the huge cliff in the center is still intact.

Including the stone bridge that has been destroyed by giant beasts, from the ruins above all the way down to the starry sky, as if this terrain is telling visitors:
Keep going, don't stop.

It is hard to imagine that this place is actually a ruin that has existed for tens of thousands of years.

There is only one narrow path on the entire cliff, and the path turns around the cliff like a spiral staircase.

Finally, after the starry sky fell three stars, on the last steep slope on the top of the cliff, two figures could be faintly seen sticking together slowly upward.

The cold-faced woman in a light blue gauze skirt bent slightly, her long black shiny hair fell to her forehead, her vision was slightly hidden, but unfortunately she didn't have time to take care of it.

Because on the woman's slender and tall body, there was a black-robed youth who seemed to be unable to move after being drunk.

These two are Su Huanqing and Xu Shoujing.

Some students may be confused here:
When going up the mountain, Princess Xu Shoujing was still holding Su Huanqing. Why did they all reach the top of the mountain, and it was changed to Su Huanqing carrying Xu Shoujing on her back?

Tsk tsk, when I saw this child's shoes, I didn't listen to the lecture carefully. It is recommended to go out in the corridor and face the wall, watch a small movie for two hours to make up the class, and then come back.

The reason for Xu Shoujing's inability to act does not need to be explained at all.

The last time he was in the Eastern Imperial City, Xu Shoujing used such a life-threatening means of breaking through on the spot to barely offset the side effects of the soul-purifying ice coffin. This time, he was not so lucky.

The on-the-spot breakthrough sounded very powerful, but it was based on the fact that Dong Huangli had placed a ban in advance, and Xu Shoujing himself had already been in the late Yuqing period, so his cultivation base had already laid a solid foundation.

The reasons for these coincidences are superimposed layer by layer, and only Xu Shoujing's amazing deeds of breakthrough in front of ten thousand people.

Now, you want Xu Shoujing to make a breakthrough on the spot shortly after entering the Dragon Gate Realm... It's simply whimsical.

Since there is no way to counteract the side effects, the side effects of the soul-purifying ice coffin can only be tolerated by oneself.

While still halfway up the mountain, Xu Shoujing suddenly collapsed.

That feeling is hard to describe, or rather, he doesn't feel that there is any consciousness at all.

Those nihilistic ice locks wrapped around the body slowly loosened, but at the same time, Xu Shoujing felt as if all his energy had been taken away in an instant, and he completely lost control over his body.

Fortunately, Su Huanqing has recovered a lot of spiritual power, and it is not a problem to want to carry Xu Shoujing behind his back.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Xu Shoujing could not avoid smelling the fragrance of Su Huanqing's hair. He was so cheeky that he blushed a little:

"Sorry, I made you carry it all the way."

Su Huanqing looked straight ahead, and didn't seem to care just from the tone of voice:

"It's okay, you hug me too."

Xu Shoujing was speechless for a while, as if he had remembered something appalling, his expression was the same as eating ten pounds of lemons.

In fact, when he just collapsed due to the side effect of the soul-purifying ice coffin, before he had time to say a word, he saw Su Huanqing walking forward agilely, looking like he wanted to hug him.

Note that this 'hug' is not another 'hug'.

This 'hug hug' refers to the same style that Xu Shoujing used to hug Su Huanqing before.

That is, the princess hug.

Xu Shoujing was dumbfounded at the time.

To be honest, he thought about letting Su Huanqing support him, and he also thought about letting her carry it on his back.

Only giving myself a 1.8-meter big man and princess to hug this is never thought of.

Thinking about this, Xu Shoujing's back felt a chill. If he hadn't firmly opposed it just now, he might have been hugged by Su Huanqing to the princess.

The picture is too beautiful to watch.

...Why is this girl's brain circuit so strange every day?
Thinking of this, Xu Shoujing suddenly woke up, and the gaze staring at the back of Su Huanqing's head became more and more shocked.

"Could it be...she took me as a burn?" Xu Shoujing began to doubt his life.

Well, it seems that this kid is also very ill, I don't know, I thought the soul-purifying ice coffin had locked his brain too.

"Look ahead." Su Huanqing suddenly stopped.

Xu Shoujing recovered from the middle of the whirlpool of wild thoughts, raised his head and looked at the portrait that Su Huanqing indicated.

At the end of the line of sight, a huge building outline appeared, and it could be faintly seen that it was an abandoned church whose scale could not have been larger than a gladiatorial arena.

Xu Shoujing restrained his expression, pondered for a few seconds, and said sternly:

"Let's go and have a look."

"it is good."

Su Huanqing agreed very simply. The original purpose of the two was that church, and it was impossible to go back now, so they had to go to that church to see if there was a way out.

It is said that it is a church, but it is not to say that it is completely Western-style architecture.

In fact, except for the design of the roof, which is more like Xu Shoujing's previous Western church, the rest of the bricks and tiles look like a Chinese-style dilapidated house.

Taking a closer look, Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing were stunned at the same time, this was really a 'ruined house'.

The wall of the cathedral near the Kuroshio cliff is covered with lush moss, and the stone bricks above do not show many signs of weathering.

It's hard to see where it's too deep, but at least the door is covered in sand inside and out. Except for the dilapidated and dilapidated place, nothing else can be seen.

Xu Shoujing had originally pinned his hopes on this church, but now that he found out that the cathedral was just an empty shell with a superficial appearance, he felt a little panic in his heart.

Su Huanqing and Xu Shoujing are now 'stickers' in another sense. They are quite sensitive to the heartbeat of the young man behind them, and naturally they are aware of his hesitation at the moment.

Su Huanqing stood at the door and hesitated, and asked quietly:

"Go in?"

Xu Shoujing was silent for a moment, sighed slightly, and nodded:

"Come in, definitely come in."

The main reason is that there is no other way out.

Moreover, what if the 'facade' is just a little dilapidated, and there is something else inside?
Xu Shoujing still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

However, his expectations were ultimately in vain.

The scene in the cathedral can only be described with the words 'unexpected',
Outside, there are still some bricks and tiles to make up the roof, and the inside becomes the open air at all.

That's not all, it's a huge church, with nothing but yellow sand and dust in it, and it's almost impossible to see the original appearance.

There are broken pillars and broken stone bricks everywhere, and there are some reliefs and murals carved on the walls.

It's a pity that it has been washed for too long, and I can't see any useful information except that I want to express the prosperity of the heavenly palace.

Xu Shoujing lay on Su Huanqing's back and sighed faintly.

This time he was really suspicious of life.

After a long time, a large group of people are fighting to the death with the giant beast on the stone bridge... Just to see an ancient cultural relics exhibition?

It was just unearthed, and it was not repaired manually by the scientific expedition team at all.

"Send." Xu Shoujing looked up at the sky.

"What?" Su Huan looked back at him in confusion, and asked in confusion, "What are you sending?"

"...I'm done. There's really nowhere to go now."

Xu Shoujing sighed in the sky, knowing that he might as well just open the soul-purifying ice coffin and rush out. He blamed this cathedral for being too deceptive.

Okay now, the stone bridge can't be destroyed anymore, and the influence of the Kuroshio can't control the sword, how should I go back?

You can't drop the giant beast, insert the other eye, and let it swim back with Huan Qing with him, right?
Xu Shoujing's head was getting bigger, and he wanted to rub his hair irritably, but now he couldn't lift his hands at all. This feeling of being unable to use strength made him even more anxious.

The originally spectacular and beautiful starry sky scenery now only makes people feel annoying.

There is nothing here, and such a special starry sky is still being created. Who is it to fool?

A star fell for a while, but I didn't see where you fell?


Suddenly, Xu Shoujing's expression froze, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. A burst of pupils shook, and his eyes were full of astonishment as he looked at the endless starry sky.

Yeah, where did those fallen stars go?

This is not outer space, not even on the ground.

If those stars were not illusions, where did they fall?

If it is an illusion, does the falling of the stars represent any special meaning?
At this moment, Xu Shoujing seemed to have grasped something in his heart, and hurriedly urged:
"Huan Qing, put me on the ground, I'm going to lie down."

Su Huanqing frowned slightly. Although he didn't understand what Xu Shoujing wanted to do, he obediently removed him from his back, and gently placed him on the ground according to the client's request.

Xu Shoujing didn't even have time to talk to Su Huanqing. After lying on the ground, he stared intently at the operation of the starry sky.

A star crossed the sky, two stars outlined lines in the night sky, and three stars showed their ambitions and dispersed.

Xu Shoujing stared at the starry sky and said:
"Huan Qing, now you take your sword and draw the formation on the ground as I said."

"it is good."

Without any hesitation, Su Huanqing neatly pulled out the sword from his waist and walked to a corner of the cathedral. The tip of the sword pointed diagonally at the loess, waiting for Xu Shoujing to speak.

When the second round of Starfall was over, Xu Shoujing pondered:

"Southeast to southwest, sword three, two steps."

clap clap-

The silver-white brilliance flashed across, and Su Huanqing casually drew a sword mark on the loess, which was the same as what Xu Shoujing said.

Xu Shoujing was lying on the ground at this time, and from his perspective, he could not see Su Huanqing's movements at all.

But he still chose to give Su Huanqing 100% trust, just like when she stayed for himself without hesitation.

"Go north, turn east, then turn southwest, Jianyi, five steps."


"Turn southeast to west, sword two, three steps, turn north."

Cha Cha-

In this way, every time Xu Shoujing gave an instruction, Su Huanqing made an exact step.

Finally, after spending about a stick of incense, a seemingly messy but orderly formation appeared on the loess of the open-air church.

Xu Shoujing's Adam's apple wriggled and waited without saying a word. This was his and Su Huanqing's last hope.

If even this suggested formation is useless... then you can really only consider 'Didi Fighting the Beast'.


In the silent space, there seemed to be a sound of gear dislocation.

The next moment, the formation formed by the two of them was synchronized with the trajectory of the stars, and a dazzling white light bloomed towards the endless starry sky.


The ground under the open-air church seemed to be in the wrong position and began to vibrate irregularly.

Su Huanqing's beautiful eyes narrowed, she took her sword and jumped in one go, and came to Xu Shoujing's side in the blink of an eye.

Because it was too late to carry him on his back, in desperation, he could only pick up Xu Shoujing's leg in the way of a princess hug.


There's no escape, right?


The sound of gear dislocation sounded again, and at the same time, the ground under the two of them sank significantly.

Su Huan Qingheng hugged Xu Shoujing, her cold side face could not see the mood swings, but she asked with a frown:
"What's going on here?"

"I don't know, but it's better than waiting for nothing to happen."

Xu Shoujing replied with some embarrassment.

In fact, he was a little macho in his heart, otherwise he would not have preferred to escape from death every time, instead of letting Aunt Chu and Sister Rong Yue face the slightest danger.

In Xu Shoujing's stereotype, a man should stand up for the woman he loves.

So being held by Princess Su Huanqing... For Xu Shoujing, it's quite a social death.

The only thing he can move now is his hands. It's uncomfortable to hang them all the time, but if he lifts them up... he can't put his arms around Su Huanqing's neck like a little woman, right?
Su Huanqing was also too lazy to care about this color embryo.
"Look at that line!"

Hearing this, Xu Shoujing looked up reluctantly, and there really was a line of glittering handwriting in the air.

"Those who want to see the Moon Immortal must enter the cycle of reincarnation to purify their hearts. Those who are obsessed with fantasy and do not return will have no survivors."

That line of words came and went quickly. Xu Shoujing had just finished reading it, and it turned into crystal blue dust particles that dispersed with the wind.

Now that things have gotten to this point, it seems pretty clear what's going to happen next.

Including the non-stop "clicking" gears just now, this church is an elevator after a long time.

Xu Shoujing breathed a sigh of relief. It would be nice to have an elevator. Judging from this posture, he should have gone down.

Didn't Yao Yao say to himself 'if you want to know what happened back then, go to the bottom'?

While getting the Moonfall Immortal Soul, you can also learn the truth of the past, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone...


Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up.

Xu Shoujing was already studying what he liked to do after rescuing Shaoyao, but the loess under his and Su Huanqing's feet was suddenly blown away.

In its place was a disintegrating ground and an endless pitch-black abyss.

"..." Xu Shoujing.

No, this doesn't count as a flag. As for hitting me in the face so diligently?
There was a large piece of empty space below, and Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing's fate could be imagined when they couldn't control their swords.



Xu Shoujing and Su Huanqing didn't even have a chance to struggle, they fell straight into the bottomless black hole like birds with broken wings.

After the figures of the two disappeared, a gust of wind blew again in the open-air church, and the loess buried the entire abyss, as if nothing had happened.
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a reward;

Have you pushed books to me... Recently, there have been a lot of trolls, and I'm a bit out of my mind.

I don't think about anything right now, I just want to finish the story of this book in a safe and steady way, the rest is not important, don't mess with me really...

(End of this chapter)

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