The queen is so fierce

Chapter 201 Huang Liang 1 Dream

Chapter 201


The drizzle of light rain fell from the gray sky, leaving wet traces on the tarmac full of traffic.

The faint light filtered through the window and sprinkled on the floor in front of the hospital bed.

The door of the ward opened, and the busy footsteps of medical staff in white clothes sounded one after another, looking very busy.

Xu Shoujing's consciousness gradually regained consciousness. Before opening his eyes, his brows furrowed.

The air is filled with the smell of a lot of disinfectant, and the natural cotton smell after ultraviolet rays have killed and looked at mold microorganisms.

These smells rushed into the nasal cavity in one breath without rehearsal, making Xu Shoujing, who was able to wake up from the darkness, unable to understand the current situation for a while.

He opened his eyes hard, but found that the eyelids were very heavy, and the action of opening his eyes had already made his body a little tired.

Xu Shoujing didn't even have time to think about the reasons for this situation. The moment he opened his eyes, two strong white lights that seemed to pierce his eyes filled his entire field of vision.

Helpless, he had no choice but to narrow his eyes again, and waited until his eyeballs adapted to the light before he dared to slowly relax his eyelids.

The first thing that catches my eye is the unfamiliar ceiling, the white-gray face is divided into grids by black grooves.

Several white light tubes were arranged on both sides, and the central air conditioner 'buzzed' and kept spitting out air from the vents.

"This is... a hospital?"

Xu Shoujing took a few seconds to understand the current situation. He looked at the ceiling and asked the doubts buried in his heart:

"Didn't I just play games at home? Why did I come to the hospital..."
The patient who was hit by the big truck woke up!
Knowing this news, Xu Shoujing's attending physician ran to the ward for a while to check the patient's condition.

You know, when Xu Shoujing was sent to the hospital, he was almost given a vegetative verdict.

Unexpectedly, in less than a few months, he actually woke up by himself relying on the hanging needle to continue his life.

There is no other explanation other than the patient's own 'amazing willpower'.

"How do you feel about your body?" The middle-aged man with a white stubble beard sat beside the bed and asked in a kind voice.

Xu Shoujing leaned on the back of the rocker, and when he heard the doctor's words, he felt it carefully, and then shook his head:

"No special feeling."

The white-bearded grandpa was shocked and took a deep breath:
"You were hit by a truck. When you first entered the hospital, your left and right hands were dislocated, your right calf was smashed, and your brain was severely injured..."

Xu Shoujing glanced at his new right hand, and scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Maybe... I have stronger resilience?"

Medical miracles belong to yes.

In other words, they were all hit by a big truck, so why don't you just send me to another world?

What are you doing for me to stay in this worthless world...

While Xu Shoujing was wandering around the world, he was complaining in his heart, and the white-bearded grandfather asked another question:
"During the coma, what did you see?"

Xu Shoujing was stunned for a moment, then replied subconsciously:
"I didn't see anything, it's like I fell asleep and ran to the hospital for no reason... No, I really think I was..."

Suddenly, Xu Shoujing covered his forehead with one hand, his pupils trembling violently, a lot of information seemed to flow through his mind, and several familiar and unfamiliar figures appeared.

It's a pity that those pictures are too blurry and fragmented, and even the faces of those people are covered with a layer of shadow.

Whenever Xu Shoujing wanted to recall those faces, his brain would have a sharp pain like a steel needle piercing the bone.

"How is it?" the white-bearded grandpa asked in a tight voice.

"'s okay, just a little headache."

Xu Shoujing waved his hand with a smile on his face, and raised his head quickly, only to find that there was a hoard of liquid in his eye sockets, his vision was covered by countless blurred halos, and he couldn't see it clearly.

Xu Shoujing didn't understand what happened to him for the first time, but instinctively raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.


Tears the size of soybeans smashed onto the white sheets, leaving behind a wet trail of tears.

I cried?
Xu Shoujing touched his cheek with trembling fingers, completely clueless as to the reason for the tears.

But those tears, like the opening of a dam, can never stop once they start.

Why...why am I crying?

The joy of survival?And the pain of paying a lot of medical bills?Or……

"If you can't remember, don't think about it for the time being and relax your nerves." The words of the white-bearded grandfather's reminder sounded in his ears.

Xu Shoujing didn't hear about it, but just held the front of the hospital gown tightly, as if he wanted to use this method to drive away the sense of loss and grief from the bottom of his heart.

"I seem to have forgotten something."


After about half a month of observation in the hospital, Xu Shoujing ushered in the day when he was discharged from the hospital after paying the evil medical expenses through the universal medical insurance.

Walking out of the hospital's door, Xu Shoujing took a deep breath and moved his stiff neck again, and couldn't help but sigh:

"When I woke up, the smog was still so heavy."

Xu Shoujing has always lived alone. In order to facilitate travel, the rented house is right next to the subway. Although it is far from the hospital, it will not take long to transfer to the subway a few times.

However, now he is facing a very serious problem.

No money to take the subway.

Don't get me wrong, Xu Shoujing is not about to live on the street without a penny.

On the contrary, Xu Shoujing is like a hamster when it comes to saving money. In addition to buying physical PS disks, expenses such as meals are kept to a minimum. Over time, it can be regarded as a small vault.

But... Maybe it was because he was used to virtual payment, Xu Shoujing had forgotten that he hadn't brought cash with him for a long time.

The mobile phone disappeared on the day of the accident. Now let alone the subway, he can't sweep the shared bicycle.

"Forget it, let's walk back..."

Xu Shoujing sighed and began to look for signs on the street, at least to know which road he was on first.

From the street in front of the hospital to a wide road, there is a row of blue tin walls on the street with a bunch of propaganda signs, such as:

"Step into the subway era and share green feelings."

Xu Shoujing pricked up his ears and listened to the incessant construction noise of "zizi dong dong", and immediately pouted:
"It's so green."

However, the subway under construction has brought back Xu Shoujing's long-sleep memory.

"Go to the left... I remember it seems to be, Jingnan Road?"

Xu Shoujing was muttering to himself, and he was stunned for a moment when he spoke, and he couldn't help frowning.

"Why say like? Don't I take this road every day? Why... tsk."


Xu Shoujing leaned against the blue iron sheet and covered his forehead a little impatiently.


It's this feeling again.

Every time I wanted to recall something, something inexplicable and incomprehensible ran out to block it, and then my brain seemed to be taken out of time, and there was a tingling pain.

Xu Shoujing didn't dare to have an attack on the street. He quickly shook his head to stop thinking, took a breath, and hurried home along the road he remembered.

Wanderingly walked to the pedestrian street in the downtown area, Xu Shoujing was trying his best to resist the stinging pain of the needle in his mind, but things didn't go as he intended.

The more Xu Shoujing wanted not to think about it, his brain seemed to be against him, constantly instilling those fragmentary pictures that had no impression at all.

Fortunately, the pedestrian traffic at night was still quite large, and there was a group of people who came to have a meal on a crazy Thursday to distract Xu Shoujing.

In a queue that wasn't too long, there was a conversation like this that caught Xu Shoujing's attention:

"Hey, have you heard that there seems to be a very beautiful girl in ancient costume in the back square, holding a sword." A boy wearing a headscarf looked at his phone and said.

"...Isn't it weird to wear ancient clothes these days? Isn't it just an internet celebrity who wants to attract attention, and I don't like a lot of cool clothes in the comic exhibition." Another person replied disdainfully.

The hooded boy glanced at him, "Who told you this, ancient costumes are nothing, the key is that she is holding a real sword! The kind that has been edged!"

The companions in the same group still didn't care: "It's just a gimmick, dare to take a real sword, are you not afraid of being invited to drink tea?"

The hooded boy said quietly: "That's the problem... A police car really came to arrest her."


Xu Shoujing's headache was inexhaustible, and everyone was about to collapse. He overheard the topic of the two brothers next to him talking, and he couldn't help laughing for a while.

Are there still such stupid internet celebrities these days?

Want to be famous and want to go crazy, go to the street to show off the control knives?
Xu Shoujing shook his head with a smile, and regarded these words as a chatter after a meal.

The entire pedestrian street is not too long, and most of the content is in the department store in the middle. It took Xu Shoujing less than 10 minutes to pass it smoothly.

However, at this moment, a plot that is usually only seen in the movie scene suddenly occurs.

"Thief! There are thieves!"

This high-decibel scream that was about to pierce the eardrum was clearly conveyed to Xu Shoujing's ears.

He turned his head when he heard the sound, and happened to see across the street, a female white-collar worker who seemed to have just got off work, shouting hysterically.

At the same time, a man whose clothes were torn to pieces ran in his direction with a big belly.

The fat man in broken clothes walked across the road at a fast pace, he didn't dare to look back at all, for fear of being caught, he knocked down several passersby in a row.

Xu Shoujing just froze in place for a while, then the man ran in front of him. Seeing the posture, he didn't intend to avoid it at all. He raised his hand and pushed himself.

In fact, in terms of tonnage alone, Xu Shoujing and him are not heavyweight players, so there is no need to think about the result.

Xu Shoujing is not low, with a height of just over 1.8 meters.

But that man is a full 1.8 meters seven, plus the body that develops horizontally, if he hits Xu Shoujing without any buffer...

Not to mention that it will break when touched, at least it is unavoidable to fall to the ground.

However, the development of things completely exceeded the imagination of those who were watching the lively nearby.

Just when Fatty Shabby was about to bump into Xu Shoujing, although the latter's expression was still unresponsive, his body naturally made a series of astonishing movements.

At the critical moment, Xu Shoujing's upper body suddenly leaned back, avoiding the pusher of Fatty Shabby Clothes accurately and accurately in a half-dangling manner.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Shoujing did not know where he borrowed the force, and the body that was about to lie on the ground bounced back like a spring.

His hand seemed to be ready for a long time, and then the inertia of turning around quickly clasped the arm of the shaggy fat man, and twisted it...


The crisp sound of bone dislocation resounded in everyone's ears.


The fat man in broken clothes burst into tears from the pain, his feet lost strength for a while, and he threw himself on the ground under the imbalance.

Xu Shoujing chased after the victory, turned his palms into fists, aimed at his forehead, and punched out—

The fist wind "huhu" exploded, like a ghost, across the sky in the blink of an eye, but stopped abruptly in front of the back of the shaggy fat man's head.

Xu Shoujing maintained the posture of throwing a fist to make up for the knife, and looked at his fist with dazed eyes:
"What did I just...want to do?"

I want to kill him?

In this rule of law society?
No... No, before that, why did I react like this?
I didn't learn kung fu either...

Xu Shoujing retracted his fist tremblingly, as if to escape something, he wrapped his palm tightly, and his consciousness fell into a haze.

The fat man in broken clothes who was struggling and moaning on the ground, who didn't know who was taking the lead in applauding, the female white-collar worker who was belatedly bowed and thanked, and the crowd who came to sigh and express their desire to take a group photo...

To Xu Shoujing, these pictures suddenly turned into a 'world in a photo frame', and everything was unreal.

"I can't stay here any longer."

For some reason, Xu Shoujing's heart came up with such a word of unknown meaning.

Here, where does it mean?

Pedestrian Street... or this world?
Where can he go if he leaves this world?

Xu Shoujing couldn't find the answer. The more he doubted and thought about it, the violent and deep sense of loss deep in his chest made him extremely sad.

Xu Shoujing is afraid of this feeling. Now he just wants to go back to his rental house, turn on the long-lost PS5, and immerse himself in the world of the game, so that he can escape the headache and heartache.

Therefore, Xu Shoujing declined the invitation of the female white-collar workers to have dinner, even though her eyes seemed affectionate; she also declined Le Ziren's request for a group photo, even though it might make him an internet celebrity, and he would no longer worry about eating and drinking in the future.

Xu Shoujing returned to his home in a daze, without even changing his clothes, kicked off his shoes as soon as he entered the door, and immediately ran to the TV and turned on the PS5 switch.

He grabbed the cold handle and slumped on the sofa, staring intently at the logo that popped up on the TV. Everything was so familiar and reassuring.

Xu Shoujing is an orphan and hates socializing with others. His life today depends on his perseverance and perseverance after graduation.

He has never been in love, it is better to say that he has a natural distrust of all women in this world.

Perhaps it was because he received a lot of online garbage. Xu Shoujing couldn't imagine whether he would collapse on the spot if 'green came to him' one day.

So... Xu Shoujing chose to be rotten.

What girlfriend?What to marry?

I was already in prison when I was alive, and I found a woman to bother me, so I really "don't want to escape the cage".

...But it seems to be different now. From the moment he woke up in the hospital, there seemed to be a voice in Xu Shoujing's heart that had been bewitching him:
Boy, you should fall in love.

Otherwise, how can I explain it? Why do I always have a bunch of pictures of myself making love and doing things with different women in my head?

Moreover, those women are in better shape than the other, and they are all ancient costumes full of astringency.

"I won't!" Xu Shoujing gritted his teeth and grabbed the handle, sternly rejecting the non-existent voice in his heart.

Unless you can find ten women who are loyal, over thirty, and have very different styles to be my harem, I won't talk about it!

Well, he thought this condition was difficult to achieve.

In this way, Xu Shoujing played games for several days in order to fight against the voice in his heart.

until this morning.



The doorbell woke Xu Shoujing from his sleep. He put on a pair of clothes, one went to the entrance, and muttered to himself:

"Did the courier arrive? I just placed the order yesterday. No matter how fast Goudong is, it won't fly..."


Xu Shoujing yawned and opened the security door with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

But he had just opened the door, and the drowsiness that had been shattered all night last night was completely dispelled.

A woman is standing outside the door.

To be precise, it is a beautiful and outrageous woman in ancient costume.

Xu Shoujing frowned slightly, making no secret of his rejection of the opposite sex, and said impatiently:
"Please find another home."

With that said, the security door is about to be closed.


The unsheathed hilt got stuck in the crack of the door, preventing Xu Shoujing's move.

Xu Shoujing was suddenly a little anxious, and said in a bad mood:

"It's not eldest sister, who are you? Do you want to make a short video and find someone else? I've been swiping for a night without hurting Valkyrie, and I'm almost sleepy."

The woman in ancient costume was slightly startled, standing in place at a loss.

After a while, she seemed to feel that she should answer the first question first, and hesitated:
"My name is Su Huanqing."

She raised her head and looked directly at Xu Shoujing's disgusted eyes, and pursed her lips slightly:
"It's your way... Senior Sister."

I don't know why, although the woman in ancient costume maintained a cold and expressionless appearance from beginning to end.

But Xu Shoujing still felt that when she said these words, she seemed a little... wronged? ——
Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation ticket;
Hmm... let you see my city.

(End of this chapter)

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